Papers by Gianni Pantaleo

Multimedia Tools and Applications
Tourism management plays an important role in the context of Smart Cities. In this work, we have ... more Tourism management plays an important role in the context of Smart Cities. In this work, we have used thermal cameras for the development of an Object Detection solution in pedestrian areas. The solution can classify people, bikes, strollers, and count people in Real-Time by using telephoto and wide-angle thermal cameras, in hot squares where there is a relevant number of people passing by. This work has improved FASTER-R-CNN and YOLOv5 architectures with new data sets and fine-tuning approaches to enhance mean average precision and flexibility whether compared to state of the art solutions. Both top-down and bottom-up training adaptation approaches have been assessed in order to demonstrate that the proposed bottom-up approach can provide better results. Results have overcome the state-of-the-art in terms of mean Average Precision in counting (i) for relevant number of people in the scene (removing the limitation of previous state-of-the-art solutions that were set to provide good ...
2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP)
2022 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP)

2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP)
Smart cities are distributed heterogeneous systems of systems connected to each other via a varie... more Smart cities are distributed heterogeneous systems of systems connected to each other via a variety of heterogeneous data streams involving multiple stakeholders and organizations. This complexity is reflected also in the data that have to be managed to provide a concrete and useful real time service to the citizens. The data ingestion phase is critical for the whole services, since it has to preserve the information, connect the new data with old data and establish right connections with city entities. This paper describes data ingestion and inspection in the Snap4City open source scalable Smart aNalytic APplication builder, with a specific focus on how heterogeneous data is represented, how its quality is inspected, and how to develop ingestion procedures in an efficient manner. The Snap4City ingestion processes are based on a semantic and unified data ingestion model, capable of aggregating different types of data. A performance comparison of different data ingestion modalities is presented.

2020 International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) and IEEE Congress on Cybermatics (Cybermatics), 2020
The push towards Industry 4.0 is constraining the industries to work in integrated supply chains.... more The push towards Industry 4.0 is constraining the industries to work in integrated supply chains. This implies to be open to the integration their production plants with other plants, and to provide access to their data and processes. In most cases, this also means to give access at data and flows to their customers and to perform some synchronizations and permit supervision, and may to create integrated control rooms, synoptics and dashboards. This activity is also facilitated by the introduction of IoT solutions with IoT Devices, IoT Brokers, etc., which have a completely different approach with respect to DCS and SCADA solutions usually adopted in the industry for controlling their local productions. In this paper, Snap4Industry with its IoT development environment and framework for implementing the Control and Supervision of Multiple Supply Chains in the view of Industry 4.0 as a service are presented. In particular, the paper describes the motivations/requirements and the actions performed to extend IoT Snap4City 100% open source platform to comply with Industry 4.0 requirements. The main additions for creating Snap4Industry solution have been on: (i) industry protocols, (ii) custom widgets and synoptics Dashboards, (iii) new MicroServices for Node-RED for enabling the usage of synoptics as event driven devices, (iv) automatized process for producing synoptics templates according to GDPR. The research has been founded into SODA R&D RT project.

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022
Fashion retail has a large and ever-increasing popularity and relevance, allowing customers to bu... more Fashion retail has a large and ever-increasing popularity and relevance, allowing customers to buy anytime finding the best offers and providing satisfactory experiences in the shops. Consequently, Customer Relationship Management solutions have been enhanced by means of several technologies to better understand the behaviour and requirements of customers, engaging and influencing them to improve their shopping experience, as well as increasing the retailers’ profitability. Current solutions on marketing provide a too general approach, pushing and suggesting on most cases, the popular or most purchased items, losing the focus on the customer centricity and personality. In this paper, a recommendation system for fashion retail shops is proposed, based on a multi clustering approach of items and users’ profiles in online and on physical stores. The proposed solution relies on mining techniques, allowing to predict the purchase behaviour of newly acquired customers, thus solving the co...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), 2020
A smart city dashboard is an application that is capable of retrieving historical and real-time d... more A smart city dashboard is an application that is capable of retrieving historical and real-time data from different sources and visualizing data through different graphical and interactive techniques, and also to act on data storage and IOT devices. To ensure interoperability with various IoT protocols and devices, we have developed Snap4City Dashboard Builder, one-of-a-kind tool that is then used to create multiple smart city dashboards. This paper briefly discusses the tool we developed and presents a thorough evaluation of the tool, followed by description of ten dashboards created using the builder and summary of our extensive assessment of these dashboards. The evaluation indicates that our dashboard builder is powerful and the dashboards are very helpful for city officials.

2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI), 2019
In recent years, the number of Internet of Things and Internet of Everything (IOT/IOE) paradigms ... more In recent years, the number of Internet of Things and Internet of Everything (IOT/IOE) paradigms has increased significantly. The large number of devices contributed to generate a huge amount of data (Big Data) inserted in Smart City solutions, which are experiencing an explosion of complexity, also due to the increment of protocols, formats and providers. In this perspective it becomes essential to create a data indexing infrastructure that can optimize the performance of the system itself, for creating the so called data shadowing on IOT and other data on cloud. Therefore, it is fundamental to study paradigms to manage the indexing and visual analytics a great variety of data including IOT/IOE. One of the important aspects to be addressed for managing data in the smart city context are: the uniform model, the performance and scalability, response times in research, and the possibilities of performing visual analytic such as data flow analysis and drill down. All these needs imply the creation of a Smart Solution capable of managing and analysing heterogeneous kinds of data, providing a multitude of final applications based on the type of user who requires a certain service. To this end, in this paper, a unified model for IOT/IOE and data ingestion is presented. In addition, two possible architectural solutions have been implemented and compared in terms of performance, resource consumption, reliability and visual analytic tools for data flow. The solutions proposed for data indexing and shadowing have been tested in the context of Snap4City pilot Helsinki and Antwerp for smart city of EC project Select4Cities.

of the presentation (<100 words) The presentation will expose experience and results regarding... more of the presentation (<100 words) The presentation will expose experience and results regarding the integrated solutions around Km4City model, tools and roadmap. According to READY4SmartCities EC project, Km4City is the most complete open ontology for smart cities, The solution is supported by a set of tools for massive and parallel data harvesting (from static to real time data), quality improvement, reconciliation, reasoning, making decision, API, to pose queries services with visual tools. Km4City models and tools are adopted in Sii-Mobility SmartCity MIUR project, RESOLUTE H2020; and it is in place in the Florence and Tuscany Area. Extended abstract of the presentation (at most 2 pages in 11pt A4 format) Despite the huge work performed by Public Administrations (PAs) on producing and publishing open data they are not typically semantically interoperable each other and neither with the many private data available in the city. Open data coming from PAs contains information about...
2018 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI), 2018
2021 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/IOP/SCI), 2021
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2012
Despite the presence of many systems for developing and managing structured taxonomies and/or SKO... more Despite the presence of many systems for developing and managing structured taxonomies and/or SKOS models for a given domain for which small documents set are accessible, the production and maintenance of these domain knowledge bases is still a very expensive and time consuming process. This paper proposes a solution for assisting expert users in the development and management of knowledge base, including SKOS and ontologies modeling structures and relationships. The proposed solution accelerates the knowledge production by crawling and exploiting different kinds of sources (in multiple languages and with several inconsistencies among them). The proposed tool supports the experts in defining relationships among the most recurrent concepts, reducing the time to SKOS production and allowing assisted production. The validity of the produced knowledge base has been assessed by using SPARQL query interface and a precision and recall model. The results have demonstrated better performance...

Applied Sciences, 2022
In recent years, smart cities have been significantly developed and have greatly expanded their p... more In recent years, smart cities have been significantly developed and have greatly expanded their potential. In fact, novel advancements to the Internet of things (IoT) have paved the way for new possibilities, representing a set of key enabling technologies for smart cities and allowing the production and automation of innovative services and advanced applications for the different city stakeholders. This paper presents a review of the research literature on IoT-enabled smart cities, with the aim of highlighting the main trends and open challenges of adopting IoT technologies for the development of sustainable and efficient smart cities. This work first provides a survey on the key technologies proposed in the literature for the implementation of IoT frameworks, and then a review of the main smart city approaches and frameworks, based on classification into eight domains, which extends the traditional six domain classification that is typically adopted in most of the related works.

Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, 2020
In the development of smart cities, there is a great emphasis on setting up so-called Smart City ... more In the development of smart cities, there is a great emphasis on setting up so-called Smart City Control Rooms, SCCR. This paper presents Snap4City as a big data smart city platform to support the city decision makers by means of SCCR dashboards and tools reporting in real time the status of several of a city’s aspects. The solution has been adopted in European cities such as Antwerp, Florence, Lonato del Garda, Pisa, Santiago, etc., and it is capable of covering extended geographical areas around the cities themselves: Belgium, Finland, Tuscany, Sardinia, etc. In this paper, a major use case is analyzed describing the workflow followed, the methodologies adopted and the SCCR as the starting point to reproduce the same results in other smart cities, industries, research centers, etc. A Living Lab working modality is promoted and organized to enhance the collaboration among municipalities and public administration, stakeholders, research centers and the citizens themselves. The Snap4...

Counting the number of people is something many security application focus on, when dealing with ... more Counting the number of people is something many security application focus on, when dealing with controlling accesses in restricted areas, as it occurs with banks, airports, railway stations and governmental offices. This paper presents an automated solution for detecting the presence of more than one person into interlocked doors adopted in many accesses. In most cases, interlocked doors are small areas where other pieces of information and sensors are placed in order to detect the presence of guns, explosive, etc. The general goals and the required environmental condition, allowed us to implement a detection system at lower costs and complexity, with respect to other existing techniques. The system consists of a fixed array of microwave transceiver modules, whose received signals are processed to collect information related to a sort of volume occupied in the interlocked door cabin. The proposed solution has been statistically validated by using statistical analysis. The whole sol...

Bike-sharing systems are present in many cities as a valid alternative to fuel-based public trans... more Bike-sharing systems are present in many cities as a valid alternative to fuel-based public transports since they are eco-friendly, prevent traffic congestions, reduce the probability of social contacts. On the other hand, bike-sharing present some problems such as the irregular distribution of bikes on the stations/racks/areas (still very used for e-bikes) and for the final users the difficulty of knowing in advance their status with a certain degree of confidence, whether there will be available bikes at a specific bike-station at a certain time of the day, or a free slot for leaving the rented bike. Therefore, providing predictions can be useful for improving the quality of e-bike services. This paper presents a technique to predict the number of available bikes and free bike slots in bike-sharing stations (the best solution for e-bikes). To this end, a set of features and predictive models have been developed and compared to identify the best prediction model for long-term predi...
Papers by Gianni Pantaleo