Books by Matteo Galletti

Human beings have always wanted to become more just and more altruistic, and hoped that future ge... more Human beings have always wanted to become more just and more altruistic, and hoped that future generations would be morally better than the last. In the past, education, teaching, self-discipline, reading, knowledge, and moral exemplars were the main ways to achieve this. But these methods are sometimes ineffective and take a long time to work, especially in the global context where the survival of the human species is threatened by environmental disasters, pandemics, and terrorism. Some writers claim that to deal with these tremendous challenges, we need to find better ways to make people more moral. Genetics, neuroscience, and pharmacology might allow us to alter human biology to make people more generous, compassionate, and empathic. But the moral bio-enhancement project raises many questions: which human traits or dispositions should we change? Should we change emotions or reason? Does moral bio-enhancement allow for freedom? What kindof freedom does it threaten? Are we already practicing forms of moral bio-enhancement without realizing it?
This book tries to answer these questions, providing a map of the debate about moral enhancement.

Humana.mente, 2024
The entire issue can be free downloaded at: more The entire issue can be free downloaded at:
From the birth of Louise Brown (1978) to today, biotechnology and the expansion of individual freedom and rights have brought about profound changes in the human reproduction scenario, altering the boundary between chance and choice, and questioning the moral relevance of the natural/artificial conceptual pair. The increasing research into “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) is transforming the very way of conceiving reproduction both in medical and philosophical terms: ART refers to all sorts of technique/technologies that are employed to facilitate and assist the conception of a child without sexual intercourse being involved. It includes technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Other techniques and practices, such as surrogacy, ectogenesis and artificial wombs, may also imply ART.

Intento di questo libro è contribuire a chiarire il senso di alcune domande: cos’è il paternalism... more Intento di questo libro è contribuire a chiarire il senso di alcune domande: cos’è il paternalismo? Cosa c’è di moralmente discutibile in esso? Esistono situazioni in cui possiamo ritenere accettabile che istituzioni o altre persone si comportino in modo paternalistico verso altri soggetti? Tradizionalmente, il paternalismo è criticato dal punto di vista morale perché impedisce alle persone di scegliere e agire liberamente. L’idea centrale che sarà qui sostenuta è che norme, atteggiamenti, comportamenti paternalistici sono in generale sbagliati poiché impediscono alle persone di esercitare la responsabilità verso se stesse. La relazione medico-paziente e gli interventi di salute pubblica sono due ambiti in cui misurare il significato e le conseguenze del paternalismo, soprattutto alla luce di rinnovate riflessioni e di nuove conoscenze empiriche che hanno ridisegnato la rappresentazione del rapporto tra l’individuo e le scelte che compie. Le prospettive filosofiche relazionali, il riconoscimento della dipendenza dai contesti, la presa d’atto dei limiti della cognizione e della volontà impongono di ripensare sia la costruzione del paternalismo, sia la definizione dell’anti-paternalismo. The purpose of this book is to help clarify the meaning of some questions: What is paternalism? What is morally dubious about it? Are there situations in which we can consider it acceptable for institutions or other people to behave paternalistically towards others? Traditionally, paternalism has been criticised from a moral point of view because it prevents people from choosing and acting freely. The central idea here is that paternalistic norms, attitudes and behaviours are generally wrong because they prevent people from taking responsibility for themselves. The doctor-patient relationship and public health interventions are two areas in which the meaning and consequences of paternalism can be measured: relational approaches to ethics and new empirical evidence are helping to reshape the account of individual and collective decision making. Relational philosophical perspectives, the recognition of contextual dependency, and the acknowledgement of cognitive and volitional limitations require a rethinking of both the construction of paternalism and the definition of anti-paternalism.
a cura di M. Galletti e S. Zipoli Caiani, 2024
L’intelligenza è una prerogativa esclusiva dell’essere umano? Le macchine possono essere soggette... more L’intelligenza è una prerogativa esclusiva dell’essere umano? Le macchine possono essere soggette a responsabilità? La risposta a queste domande è oggi di cruciale importanza per affrontare le sempre più pervasive sfide etiche e teoriche poste dallo sviluppo tecnologico. Il volume è una guida pensata per la formazione degli studenti dei corsi di area umanistica e intende offrire una panoramica del dibattito dedicato all’intelligenza artificiale e al mutamento del rapporto umano-macchina alla luce delle innovative tecniche di machine learning e progettazione robotica. Oltre a questioni fondazionali, sono affrontati con sguardo critico i presupposti cognitivi e le implicazioni morali dello sviluppo di forme di intelligenza alternative a quella umana.
Da sempre gli esseri umani hanno utilizzato diversi metodi per diventare moralmente più buoni, pi... more Da sempre gli esseri umani hanno utilizzato diversi metodi per diventare moralmente più buoni, più giusti e più altruisti, come hanno insegnato Socrate, Gesù e Gandhi: l'educazione, l'insegnamento, l'autodisciplina, le letture edificanti, la conoscenza. Metodi talvolta efficaci, talvolta insufficienti, soprattutto in un contesto globale in cui la stessa specie umana è minacciata di essere spazzata via da disastri ambientali, pandemie, uso di armi di distruzione di massa.

Il Mulino, 2020
Secondo una prospettiva al tempo stesso etico-filosofica e socio-giuridica, e senza tralasciare l... more Secondo una prospettiva al tempo stesso etico-filosofica e socio-giuridica, e senza tralasciare la spiegazione scientifica, il volume affronta le potenzialità e le criticità bioetiche che contraddistinguono l'accesso alle biotecnologie e la loro applicazione. Gli scenari della biomedicina cambiano così velocemente che le conclusioni bioetiche vanno ripensate a partire dai nuovi dilemmi morali. La questione che si pone non è più se sia moralmente accettabile interferire con i processi naturali, ma se abbiamo il diritto di impiegare le nuove tecnologie che permettono di correggere il genoma per ridisegnare le caratteristiche delle generazioni future, degli animali non umani e dell'ambiente. / From an ethical-philosophical, socio-legal and scientific persective, the book addresses the bioethical issues characterizing biotechnology and its application. Biomedical scenarios change so quickly that bioethical conclusions need to be rethought starting from new moral dilemmas. The question is no longer whether it is morally acceptable to interfere with natural processes, but whether we are entitled to use new technologies to correct genome, biologically redesigning future generations, non-human animals and the environment.

IF Press, 2018
Behavioral economy showed the limits of our capacity for judgment and choice: we delude ourselves... more Behavioral economy showed the limits of our capacity for judgment and choice: we delude ourselves into thinking to be rational, but we’re lazy and inefficient. If our rationality is limited and we are doomed to make counterproductive decisions in the most important areas of life (health, work, retirement, financial investments), we need to revise the political tools to govern citizens. Without interfering with the freedom of choice of individuals, public officials and private subjects can design environments (architectures of choice) exploiting people’s cognitive and volitional defects to "push them gently" towards choices that promote their own interests more effectively. This is the core of the nudge theory and "libertarian paternalism", a theory supported by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. Libertarian paternalists aspire to hold together democracy, liberalism and active promotion of well-being and to ensure individual autonomy as an essential condition of democratic life, with a minimum claim to regulate individual behavior top-down. Focusing on the conceptual and normative coherence of the paternalistic nudge, this book wants to reconstruct the critical literature on libertarian paternalism by analyzing it, on the one hand, as a instance of methodological naturalism, and on the other, as a regulation technique whose ethical, meta-ethical, juridical, and political requirements are to be compared with the J.S. Mill’s liberalism, the J. Bentham’s utilitarianism and M- Foucault’s thinking on neo-liberalism.

ETS, 2018
Quali sono le condizioni per potersi considerare reciprocamente responsabili per le azioni che co... more Quali sono le condizioni per potersi considerare reciprocamente responsabili per le azioni che compiamo? In cosa consiste e quale funzione assolve il biasimo morale? Possiamo ritenerci moralmente responsabili per azioni che dipendono dalle influenze della situazione? Crescere in circostanze sfortunate può costituire una ragione per sospendere i nostri atteggiamenti di biasimo?
Questi sono alcuni degli interrogativi che hanno caratterizzato il dibattito contemporaneo sulla responsabilità morale. Partendo dalle riflessioni sulla responsabilità proposte da P.S. Strawson, il libro percorre alcuni momenti della filosofia morale contemporanea di lingua inglese, cercando di ricostruire le pratiche della responsabilità morale tra due sponde: la descrizione che possiamo fornire degli agenti morali come agenti naturali e le aspettative normative che generano pretese reciproche riguardo al comportamento moralmente rispettoso.
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2014
The contributions collected in this volume provide a detailed discussion of some fundamental iss... more The contributions collected in this volume provide a detailed discussion of some fundamental issues which form the field of research called “moral psychology”. The common thread that ideally brings together the essays concerns the definition and delimitation of the “moral mind”, understood as a set of cognitive and affective capabilities, attitudes, psychological mechanisms that have practical relevance when we reflect on how to act or evaluate the actions of others. The subtitle (“People, Reason, Virtue”) wants to bring into focus the vertices of an ideal triangulation within which lies the practical space of what characterizes and feeds the moral life of human beings.

FrancoAngeli, 2013
The results of genetic research promise to increasingly contribute to understand the biological b... more The results of genetic research promise to increasingly contribute to understand the biological basis of individual uniqueness and of many diseases, with the prospect of having great clinical and health benefits. The enormous potential opened up by genetics brings with it ethical, economical, and social challenges that we should be ready to deal with.
The volume presents three opinions prepared by the Joint Group of the Italian National Bioethics Committee and the Italian National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences: they are devoted, respectively, to genetic testing for susceptibility and personalized medicine; informed consent in the collection of biological samples for research purposes; and the relationship between genetic testing and insurance. The three documents focus on the state of the art and on the key moral, social, and legal issues raised by the frontiers of science; they are followed by three commentary papers that further broaden the range of questions and deepen the salient points from a bioethical point of view.
Firenze University Press, 2004
Essays by young Italian scholars about: The concept of body in Barbara Duden's thought; Lévinas o... more Essays by young Italian scholars about: The concept of body in Barbara Duden's thought; Lévinas on justice and care ethics; Multiculturalism, equality, and respect in healthcare issues; Epistemology of alternative medicine; Law and assisted reproduction in Italy; Genetics and obligations to future generations; Ethical issues in population genomics; Habermas on eugenics and cloning.
Firenze University Press, 2005
Philosophy has always questioned such notions as "person", "value," "quality" of life, "suffering... more Philosophy has always questioned such notions as "person", "value," "quality" of life, "suffering", "life", "death". In recent decades, the medical employment of life-prolonging technologies has risen several questions about the philosophical and ordinary meaning and use of those concepts. This book focuses on some aspects of the debate on the moral permissibility of voluntary euthanasia, through a critical discussion of the main philosophical concepts used in bioethics.

Carocci, 2011
The idea of an unchanging human nature has always had a special place in Western philosophical th... more The idea of an unchanging human nature has always had a special place in Western philosophical thought. Far from being uncontested, this idea has received criticism from different traditions of thought, which have seen it even as an obstacle to the understanding of ourselves. Now it appears in the shape of a renewed naturalism and the opposing forces are the same as in the past. This volume shows some lines of the current debate about human nature: the revival of Herodotus and Protagoras's humanistic relativism and tolerance; Darwinian ethics; the critical relationship between neo-Aristotelian and neo-Kantian moral theories and the results of empirical science; the assumption about the existence of a “moral mind” based on an innate moral grammar; the multicultural political debate which considers the idea of human nature as a product and a tool of Western hegemony; and, finally, the reflection on sex and gender in the theory of difference and on the idea of "living" nature in the contemporary biopolitics
Firenze University Press, 2008
The clinical condition of a permanent vegetative state raised several debates on how to treat pat... more The clinical condition of a permanent vegetative state raised several debates on how to treat patients who has irreversibly lost consciousness because of brain lesions. Media gave extensive reports of now famous cases such as those of Karen Quinlan, Anthony Bland, Terry Schiavo, and Eluana Englaro. Individual stories and sensible moral and legal dilemmas hide behind those names. This volume presents essays by scholars from various disciplines - philosophy, religion, law - and it would be a contribution to the debate, in order to clarify which tools can protect the rights and dignity of patients in “boundary” clinical conditions.
Aracne, 2011
A collection of essays devoted to examine ethical and legal implications of biobanking and geneti... more A collection of essays devoted to examine ethical and legal implications of biobanking and genetic testing.
Papers by Matteo Galletti
Humana.mente, 2024
In this paper, I address the philosophical consistency of the term “three-parent babies,” which i... more In this paper, I address the philosophical consistency of the term “three-parent babies,” which is often used to describe children born through mitochondrial replacement therapy. I will argue that two primary arguments, based respec-tively on identity and causality, fail to exclude egg donors as candidates as mor-al parents due to their essential contribution to the child’s existence (moral parenthood encompasses a set of rights and responsibilities that are not direct-ly regulated by a legal system). Finally, I shall show how the potential extension of parental status to donors is conceivable, relying on the concept of “invest-ment” in the procreative dynamic, and a conventional and institutional concep-tion of parenthood.
Philosophical Inquiries, 2024
Is there any moral difference between internal moral enhancements, which directly affect the biol... more Is there any moral difference between internal moral enhancements, which directly affect the biological nature of human beings, and external moral enhancements, which nudge choices and behavior without changing human biology? If Neil Levy's Ethical Parity Principle is applied, the answer should be no. Recently, John Danaher has argued that the Ethical Parity Principle is invalid and that there are ethical and political reasons for a prioritization of internal over external moral enhancements. Although Danaher's argument presents some interesting insights, it needs to be corrected with finer-grained distinctions of the types of moral enhancements.
La prima sezione, dedicata a Corpo vita e diritti, raccoglie contributi che forniscono un quadro ... more La prima sezione, dedicata a Corpo vita e diritti, raccoglie contributi che forniscono un quadro generale delle diverse tematiche oggetto di indagine nella bioetica, quale disciplina che si occupa dei problemi morali e giuridici emergenti nell'ambito delle scienze biologiche e mediche, e dei problemi sociali che sorgono nel contesto politico-sanitario e nel contesto terapeutico ed assistenziale. La seconda sezione del volume \ue8 dedicata a Nascita, riproduzione e interventi genetici. La terza sezione del volume, infine, \ue8 dedicata alla Bioetica di fine vita, e comprende contributi dedicati al dibattito attuale sul diritto di morire con dignit\ue0 e di manifestare anticipatamente la propria volont\ue0 nelle scelte di fine vita
Books by Matteo Galletti
This book tries to answer these questions, providing a map of the debate about moral enhancement.
From the birth of Louise Brown (1978) to today, biotechnology and the expansion of individual freedom and rights have brought about profound changes in the human reproduction scenario, altering the boundary between chance and choice, and questioning the moral relevance of the natural/artificial conceptual pair. The increasing research into “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) is transforming the very way of conceiving reproduction both in medical and philosophical terms: ART refers to all sorts of technique/technologies that are employed to facilitate and assist the conception of a child without sexual intercourse being involved. It includes technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Other techniques and practices, such as surrogacy, ectogenesis and artificial wombs, may also imply ART.
Questi sono alcuni degli interrogativi che hanno caratterizzato il dibattito contemporaneo sulla responsabilità morale. Partendo dalle riflessioni sulla responsabilità proposte da P.S. Strawson, il libro percorre alcuni momenti della filosofia morale contemporanea di lingua inglese, cercando di ricostruire le pratiche della responsabilità morale tra due sponde: la descrizione che possiamo fornire degli agenti morali come agenti naturali e le aspettative normative che generano pretese reciproche riguardo al comportamento moralmente rispettoso.
The volume presents three opinions prepared by the Joint Group of the Italian National Bioethics Committee and the Italian National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences: they are devoted, respectively, to genetic testing for susceptibility and personalized medicine; informed consent in the collection of biological samples for research purposes; and the relationship between genetic testing and insurance. The three documents focus on the state of the art and on the key moral, social, and legal issues raised by the frontiers of science; they are followed by three commentary papers that further broaden the range of questions and deepen the salient points from a bioethical point of view.
Papers by Matteo Galletti
This book tries to answer these questions, providing a map of the debate about moral enhancement.
From the birth of Louise Brown (1978) to today, biotechnology and the expansion of individual freedom and rights have brought about profound changes in the human reproduction scenario, altering the boundary between chance and choice, and questioning the moral relevance of the natural/artificial conceptual pair. The increasing research into “Assisted Reproductive Technology” (ART) is transforming the very way of conceiving reproduction both in medical and philosophical terms: ART refers to all sorts of technique/technologies that are employed to facilitate and assist the conception of a child without sexual intercourse being involved. It includes technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Other techniques and practices, such as surrogacy, ectogenesis and artificial wombs, may also imply ART.
Questi sono alcuni degli interrogativi che hanno caratterizzato il dibattito contemporaneo sulla responsabilità morale. Partendo dalle riflessioni sulla responsabilità proposte da P.S. Strawson, il libro percorre alcuni momenti della filosofia morale contemporanea di lingua inglese, cercando di ricostruire le pratiche della responsabilità morale tra due sponde: la descrizione che possiamo fornire degli agenti morali come agenti naturali e le aspettative normative che generano pretese reciproche riguardo al comportamento moralmente rispettoso.
The volume presents three opinions prepared by the Joint Group of the Italian National Bioethics Committee and the Italian National Committee for Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences: they are devoted, respectively, to genetic testing for susceptibility and personalized medicine; informed consent in the collection of biological samples for research purposes; and the relationship between genetic testing and insurance. The three documents focus on the state of the art and on the key moral, social, and legal issues raised by the frontiers of science; they are followed by three commentary papers that further broaden the range of questions and deepen the salient points from a bioethical point of view.
Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine
University of Zurich
November 28, 2018
Presented at 31st EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PHILOSOPHY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE (Belgrade, 16-19 August, 2017), "Emerging Technologies in Healthcare"
According to the UN, world life expectancy has dramatically increased in recent years: “Globally, life expectancy at birth has risen from 65 years for men and 69 years for women in 2000-2005 to 69 years for men and 73 years for women in 2010-2015” (source: The large disparities across countries rise important ethical and political issues in terms of equal access to and distribution of healthcare services.
Data are relevant under another aspect. In rich countries the improvement of life prospects intersects the biotechnological innovations in healthcare and, especially, in the care of the elderly. In the (near) future “care robots” could be diffusely employed in assisting human caregivers in institutional and private settings and this scenario raises a lot of questions relating to its costs. Could the introduction of this kind of technology be financially sustainable for public healthcare services? Could it generate inequalities between citizens who can afford it and citizens who can’t?
In this paper I don’t deal with such urgent political issues, but I focus on ethical questions related to the impact of care robot on human relationships and ethical values traditionally defended by philosophical ethical theories.
“Robo-ethics” is a fairly novel specialization in the field of applied ethics. In a 2017 survey paper, Vandemeulebroucke, Dierckx de Casterlé, and Gastmans present a useful map of prominent ethical approaches to care robots. In particular, in their discussion they point out that care ethics turns out to be the most fruitful approach to investigate human-robot relationships in care contexts.
In this paper I argue for a mixed approach, articulated on two levels: On a more general level, arguments like those set forth by Robert Sparrow could serve to deal with dystopian “futures,” as in the fully automated aged care facility he describes. In the intermediate steps between current reality and “extreme dystopian scenarios” we can adopt a care ethics approach with the aim of assessing case by case which transformations of care relationships the introduction of robots brings about.
Abstract. In the future robots are likely to be increasingly used in elderly care. The progressive substitution of human beings with machines in these activities pushes us to think about the transformations of care and the moral implications of these changes. Starting from the analysis offered by philosophers like Robert Sparrow and Marck Cockelbergh, this paper tackles this topic trying to understand whether robots will be able to shape trusting and rich relations with humans.
Today emotions are a critical topic in several branches of contemporary philosophical debate. Emotions are supposed to play a crucial role in our life, with an impact on our interactions with the environment, on our choices, and values. Despite virtually all philosophers agree on their relevance, emotions are understood in a broad variety of philosophical perspectives. The core idea of the special issue is to show how different theoretical frameworks on emotions influence the philosophical analysis of a specific emotion. The purpose of this project is to collect relevant studies, facilitating interaction between different perspectives, via the focus on single emotions.
Powerpoint presentation - Tilting 2019, Tilburg, data justice panel.