This paper refers to the relationship between the fashion system and digital transformation, focu... more This paper refers to the relationship between the fashion system and digital transformation, focusing on fashion streetwear and the Metaverse’s digital worlds. The analysis goes briefly tracing the main stages of the evolution of the digital worlds in recent years, highlighting the points of contact and the contaminations with the material world, which are outlining new connections and unprecedented developments. The image and language of fashion clothing, generally material, maintain its strong communicative value even in the digital world, through the figure of the avatar. The Metaverse is able to create new opportunities for fashion and suggesting future developments that have a strong impact on the lives of young people, increasingly blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 31, 2021
First responder prototype uniform design and first aid device for kids D5.2 133 The ERM interface... more First responder prototype uniform design and first aid device for kids D5.2 133 The ERM interfaces are both physical, electronic and communication. The physical interfaces concern the mechanical interface between components of the device and the environment. The physical interfaces include the ERM device-Smartphone, ERM sensors-skin, Electrode-Finger and Wrist-ERM device. Electronic interfaces concern the electronic connection and communication between the electronic components. The electronic interfaces include the Controller-Accelerometer, Controller-Bluetooth, Controller-ECG, Controller-NIBP, Controller-PPG and Controller-Temperature. Communication interfaces concern the software only communication interface between different components with electronic interface. The communication interfaces include the Controller-Smartphone and Smartphone-SnR data-lake.
Due to climate change and the development of high-risk industrial technologies, European countrie... more Due to climate change and the development of high-risk industrial technologies, European countries are facing a high magnitude and frequency of natural or industrial disasters. Therefore, challenges experienced by staff and state and private structures working in the field of R&D are constantly diversifying.<br> The main objective of this task is to gather information on existing technologies used in SAR operations relevant to the location of entrapped victims; the identification of limitations and gaps, as well as of future needs. Benchmarking of available commercial products will also be included.<br> The need for equipment to ensure the protection of First Responders against the possible effects of a disaster and the use of technologies that significantly increase the probability of survival of the victims in the search-rescue process have been addressed in chapter 3.<br> Information was collected from 82 questionnaires completed by users (civil protection autho...
Today it is not easy to imagine what would be the future of user experience (UX) design in the wo... more Today it is not easy to imagine what would be the future of user experience (UX) design in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Referring to the sector of autonomous vehicles the paper aims to explore the changes that will be brought by artificial intelligence to the innovative sector of the self-driving car. According to these transformation car interiors and passengers experiences will become very different from the actual one. The aim of the research is, starting from different kind of passengers needs (Human Centered Design approach) individuating essential factors to design autonomous cars interiors and in particular to design innovative interfaces for a better communication with the passengers and a high level of living experience for different kind of users.
This paper refers to the study of the processes related to the application of design to emergenci... more This paper refers to the study of the processes related to the application of design to emergencies caused by disasters, starting from a reflection on the transformation of our society driven by the technological and digital revolution. The main purpose is not only the consideration of the evernew possibilities of using design in this field, but is mainly an exploration of its intrinsic ability to adapt, to find different solutions based on the variables that distinguish the various crises. The investigated areas are related to a Digital Support System platform for the operation of first responders during the emergency phases. In particular, this paper focuses on the role of design in a disaster scenario by considering a case study from a European H2020 Research. The emergency scenario is a very complex one, and design could contribute by becoming an interpreter of knowledge from different disciplines, implementing a synthesis that is essential for the purposes of the project.
Questo numero di diid apre uno spazio di riflessione sull'attuale rapporto tra Design e Scienza v... more Questo numero di diid apre uno spazio di riflessione sull'attuale rapporto tra Design e Scienza volendo osservare se il Design, uscendo dai propri ambiti consolidati, tenda o meno a snaturarsi e a perdere le proprie capacità disciplinari o se, piuttosto, tenda ad acquisirne di nuove investendo nel dialogo con la Scienza non più le sole competenze tecnologiche, ma anche quelle germinanti che derivano dal rapporto con le Biologie, la Chimica, la Medicina, ecc. Il dialogo aperto tra Design e Scienza, sembra prefigurare una nuova sfera della conoscenza che, accanto a quella propria della cultura umanistica e della cultura scientifica, offre oggi interessanti spazi di azione e interazione: veri e propri laboratori sperimentali, vedono i camici bianchi degli scienziati in contatto con le "tute" da lavoro dei designer. Così gli scienziati scoprono la capacità di envisioning del design e, dal canto loro, i designer, mutano il loro approccio facendosi "homo faber" e manipolatori non solo della materia, ma anche degli organismi viventi.
The current pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 has highlighted that collaboration between di... more The current pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 has highlighted that collaboration between different sectors can represent a winning way for emergency management. However, even today, the design is often considered an “aesthetic” element and not a strong strategic instrument able to bring innovation to different sectors. This paper, therefore, proposes to highlight how design can be a strategic medium during such situations. The research aims to identify and strategic design solutions to improve first responders’ comfort and well-being during the emergency of COVID 19, referring in particular to the medical personnel employed on the frontline during the pandemic. The research investigated the aspects related to the specific scenario of the COVID19 pandemic emergency through different interviews and questionnaires with health workers and a co-working activity with design students. The co-working activity with design students aimed to individuate new technologies and innovative ma...
This paper refers to the relationship between the fashion system and digital transformation, focu... more This paper refers to the relationship between the fashion system and digital transformation, focusing on fashion streetwear and the Metaverse’s digital worlds. The analysis goes briefly tracing the main stages of the evolution of the digital worlds in recent years, highlighting the points of contact and the contaminations with the material world, which are outlining new connections and unprecedented developments. The image and language of fashion clothing, generally material, maintain its strong communicative value even in the digital world, through the figure of the avatar. The Metaverse is able to create new opportunities for fashion and suggesting future developments that have a strong impact on the lives of young people, increasingly blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 31, 2021
First responder prototype uniform design and first aid device for kids D5.2 133 The ERM interface... more First responder prototype uniform design and first aid device for kids D5.2 133 The ERM interfaces are both physical, electronic and communication. The physical interfaces concern the mechanical interface between components of the device and the environment. The physical interfaces include the ERM device-Smartphone, ERM sensors-skin, Electrode-Finger and Wrist-ERM device. Electronic interfaces concern the electronic connection and communication between the electronic components. The electronic interfaces include the Controller-Accelerometer, Controller-Bluetooth, Controller-ECG, Controller-NIBP, Controller-PPG and Controller-Temperature. Communication interfaces concern the software only communication interface between different components with electronic interface. The communication interfaces include the Controller-Smartphone and Smartphone-SnR data-lake.
Due to climate change and the development of high-risk industrial technologies, European countrie... more Due to climate change and the development of high-risk industrial technologies, European countries are facing a high magnitude and frequency of natural or industrial disasters. Therefore, challenges experienced by staff and state and private structures working in the field of R&D are constantly diversifying.<br> The main objective of this task is to gather information on existing technologies used in SAR operations relevant to the location of entrapped victims; the identification of limitations and gaps, as well as of future needs. Benchmarking of available commercial products will also be included.<br> The need for equipment to ensure the protection of First Responders against the possible effects of a disaster and the use of technologies that significantly increase the probability of survival of the victims in the search-rescue process have been addressed in chapter 3.<br> Information was collected from 82 questionnaires completed by users (civil protection autho...
Today it is not easy to imagine what would be the future of user experience (UX) design in the wo... more Today it is not easy to imagine what would be the future of user experience (UX) design in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Referring to the sector of autonomous vehicles the paper aims to explore the changes that will be brought by artificial intelligence to the innovative sector of the self-driving car. According to these transformation car interiors and passengers experiences will become very different from the actual one. The aim of the research is, starting from different kind of passengers needs (Human Centered Design approach) individuating essential factors to design autonomous cars interiors and in particular to design innovative interfaces for a better communication with the passengers and a high level of living experience for different kind of users.
This paper refers to the study of the processes related to the application of design to emergenci... more This paper refers to the study of the processes related to the application of design to emergencies caused by disasters, starting from a reflection on the transformation of our society driven by the technological and digital revolution. The main purpose is not only the consideration of the evernew possibilities of using design in this field, but is mainly an exploration of its intrinsic ability to adapt, to find different solutions based on the variables that distinguish the various crises. The investigated areas are related to a Digital Support System platform for the operation of first responders during the emergency phases. In particular, this paper focuses on the role of design in a disaster scenario by considering a case study from a European H2020 Research. The emergency scenario is a very complex one, and design could contribute by becoming an interpreter of knowledge from different disciplines, implementing a synthesis that is essential for the purposes of the project.
Questo numero di diid apre uno spazio di riflessione sull'attuale rapporto tra Design e Scienza v... more Questo numero di diid apre uno spazio di riflessione sull'attuale rapporto tra Design e Scienza volendo osservare se il Design, uscendo dai propri ambiti consolidati, tenda o meno a snaturarsi e a perdere le proprie capacità disciplinari o se, piuttosto, tenda ad acquisirne di nuove investendo nel dialogo con la Scienza non più le sole competenze tecnologiche, ma anche quelle germinanti che derivano dal rapporto con le Biologie, la Chimica, la Medicina, ecc. Il dialogo aperto tra Design e Scienza, sembra prefigurare una nuova sfera della conoscenza che, accanto a quella propria della cultura umanistica e della cultura scientifica, offre oggi interessanti spazi di azione e interazione: veri e propri laboratori sperimentali, vedono i camici bianchi degli scienziati in contatto con le "tute" da lavoro dei designer. Così gli scienziati scoprono la capacità di envisioning del design e, dal canto loro, i designer, mutano il loro approccio facendosi "homo faber" e manipolatori non solo della materia, ma anche degli organismi viventi.
The current pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 has highlighted that collaboration between di... more The current pandemic situation caused by SARS-Cov-2 has highlighted that collaboration between different sectors can represent a winning way for emergency management. However, even today, the design is often considered an “aesthetic” element and not a strong strategic instrument able to bring innovation to different sectors. This paper, therefore, proposes to highlight how design can be a strategic medium during such situations. The research aims to identify and strategic design solutions to improve first responders’ comfort and well-being during the emergency of COVID 19, referring in particular to the medical personnel employed on the frontline during the pandemic. The research investigated the aspects related to the specific scenario of the COVID19 pandemic emergency through different interviews and questionnaires with health workers and a co-working activity with design students. The co-working activity with design students aimed to individuate new technologies and innovative ma...