Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence)
Department of civil and environmental engineering
The PRACT Project (Predicting Road ACcidents-a Transferable methodology across Europe) is an ongoing project aimed at developing a European accident prediction model structure that could, with proper calibration, be applied to different... more
Every year in Italy, there are about 20,000 road accidents involving pedestrians, with a significant number of injuries and deaths. Out of these, about 30% occur at pedestrian crossings, where pedestrians should be protected the most.... more
One of the criteria adopted by the Word Bank with the aim of defining the economic level of a country is represented by the condition of the road pavements. To ensure adequate road pavement quality, road authorities should be continuously... more
A significant percentage of road fatalities and injuries occur in the nonmotorway rural road network. One of the main causes of accidents on these roads is represented by overtaking, as, by its nature, it involves a risk of a head-on... more
The PRACT Project (Predicting Road ACcidents a Transferable methodology across Europe) is an ongoing project aimed at developing a European accident prediction model structure that could, with proper calibration, be applied to different... more
Too often the identification of critical road sites is made by “accident-based” methods that consider the occurred accidents’ number. Nevertheless, such a procedure may encounter some difficulties when an agency does not have reliable and... more
The present study is aimed at verifying the possibility of reusing municipal and industrial reclaimed wastewaters for the irrigation of container-grown ornamental shrubs, paying attention to the refinery treatment. The research has been... more
Results of an experiment aimed at assessing the possibility of reusing reclaimed wastewater for nursery ornamental plants are presented. Tests were carried out in Pistoia (Italy). A pilot plant for tertiary treatment (filtration and... more
A reliable calibration of the parameter k i was possible when data relative to the experiment conducted in the pilot plants for no less than 60 d and in conditions of complete solid retention was utilized. (G. Munz). 1 Tel.: þ39 055... more
Soluble COD Hydrolysis Carbon footprint Energy footprint Wastewater treatment a b s t r a c t Most wastewater treatment plants monitor routinely carbonaceous and nitrogenous load parameters in influent and effluent streams, and often in... more
In this paper a finite element methodology for the static and dynamic non-linear analysis of historical masonry structures is described and applied to a case study. A basilica-type masonry church is analysed in order to assess its... more
The paper analyses the static behaviour and the seismic vulnerability of the Basilica of Santa Maria all'Impruneta near Florence (Italy). The static structural behaviour and the dynamic properties of the church have been evaluated using... more