In railway applications, the estimation of wear at the wheel-rail interface is an important field of study, mainly correlated to the planning of maintenance interventions, vehicle stability and the possibility of carrying out specific... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The accurate estimation of the axle loads and the correct detection of overloads and imbalances, represent a primary concern for railways management companies, since they are strictly related to traffic safety and maintenance planning of... more
The modelling and the reduction of wear due to wheel-rail interaction is a fundamental aspect in the railway field, mainly correlated to running stability and safety, maintenance interventions and costs. In this work the authors present... more
This paper mainly focuses on the development of efficient three-dimensional (3D) models of TPJBs, able to in parallel simulate both the rotor dynamics behaviour and lubricant supply plant. The proposed modelling approach tries to obtain a... more
In the case of rotating machinery, for a long time most of studies has focused on a single form of vibration, hence flexural and torsional vibrations were usually studied in a separate way. Current design trends for rotating equipment... more
The modelling and the reduction of wear due to wheel-rail contact represents a crucial issue in railway applications, mainly correlated to safety, maintenance interventions and definition of strategies aimed at wheel profile optimization.... more
In railway applications, the wear estimation at the wheel-rail contact is an important field of study, mainly correlated to the planning of maintenance interventions, vehicle stability and the possibility to carry out specific strategies... more
The estimation of the axle loads of running railway vehicles in motion is an important topic in the management of railway networks, basically for purposes of safety and maintenance interventions on the track. To this aim, through a... more
The paper deals with the experimental characterization of different 280 mm diameter tilting pad journal bearings for turbomachines using a dedicated test rig. The test articles were a 5-pad Direct Lube Rocker Pivot bearing, a 5-pad... more
The development of an efficient Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) system, with the aim of estimating the axle loads of railway vehicles in motion, is quite interesting from both an industrial and academic point of view. Such systems, with which the... more
Tilting pad journal bearings (TPJBs) are crucial elements in turbomachinery applications providing stiffness and damping characteristics that determine rotor system dynamic behavior. Hence, a correct design and an accurate dynamic... more
An accurate dynamic estimation of the axle loads of running railway vehicles and an estimation of the position of the vehicle center of mass are fundamental and represent an important topic in the railway safety and traffic management.... more
The accurate estimation of the axle loads and the correct detection of overloads and imbalances, represent a primary concern for railways management companies, since they are strictly related to traffic safety and maintenance planning of... more
The accurate three-dimensional (3D) modelling of the dynamical phenomena characterizing rotating machines plays a fundamental role in rotordynamics and turbomachinery to ensure system stability, to obtain safe operating conditions and to... more
In railway applications, the wear estimation at the wheel-rail contact is an important field of study, mainly correlated to the planning of maintenance interventions, vehicle stability and the possibility to carry out specific strategies... more
topic of coupled lateral-torsional vibration in rotors is due to its general topology. Multi-rotor linking elements (such as couplings) modelled with different levels of detail may be used and non-standard elements may be also adopted for... more
The reduction of wear due to wheel–rail interaction is a fundamental aspect in the railway field, mainly correlated to safety, maintenance interventions and costs. In this work, the authors present an innovative wheel profile optimisation... more