Papers by Piero Mastroberardino
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Apr 21, 2023

Corporate governance and research & development studies, 2019
The family firm management literature underrates corporate governance issues both because in fami... more The family firm management literature underrates corporate governance issues both because in family firms the entrepreneur/owner tends to concentrate in his hands almost all the decision power and because the concept of family business is associated with that of small business. On the other hand, the ‘family’ character over firm governance have been traditionally analysed in terms of institutional overlap (family versus business) that causes processes of instability, conflicts, divisions and crisis, both inside the family and between owners and managers. Our paper, after an extremely literature recap, aims at proposing a different point of view on the corporate governance dynamics in family business and a different path to understand the change processes into this organizations adopting a Situationist View of the Organizations (SVO) that is focused on the continuous work of two processes: action and institutionalization, that build, break and rebuild social reality. Under this point of view some topics – institutional processes, coalitional games and power dynamics – suggest different considerations about the processes of governance and power. The concept of actor (or strategic actor) is of particular relevance. It refers to an individual (human actor) or, more often, a coalition of individuals able to act strategically for the protection of their specific interests. The concept of strategic actor goes far beyond the organizational boundaries, as often a coalition is composed by both internal and external members.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Apr 21, 2023
Handbook of Research on Applying Emerging Technologies Across Multiple Disciplines
This work analyzes the processes of innovation and change in economic-managerial studies, startin... more This work analyzes the processes of innovation and change in economic-managerial studies, starting from the prevailing literature on the subject and subsequently providing an alternative interpretation key. The chapter focuses on the role that institutions have in organizational change and innovation and on isomorphic processes. If in management studies, on the topic of innovation and change, the processes of horizontal isomorphism are more analyzed, which lead organizations to imitate the behaviors of other organizations, considered as models, in this chapter the reflection is centered on vertical isomorphic processes, which are the result of regulatory and coercive pressures.

Referred Electronic Conference Proceeding, Oct 28, 2013
Il Convegno si propone di trattare il tema della produzione manifatturiera e delle sue dinamiche ... more Il Convegno si propone di trattare il tema della produzione manifatturiera e delle sue dinamiche evolutive in un Paese a sviluppo non recente come l'Italia. Nei Paesi di prima industrializzazione l'attività economica si è negli anni gradualmente spostata nella direzione delle attività terziarie. Anche la riflessione scientifica, un tempo ampiamente dedicata alla produzione manifatturiera, è andata via via privilegiando lo studio dei servizi. Tuttavia la crisi attuale, con gli evocati rischi di desertificazione industriale e gli intensi processi di innovazione tecnologica, con il loro forte impatto sul lavoro, stanno ravvivando l'interesse per la fabbrica e per l'economia reale. Il dibattito sta così riaprendosi per cercare di comprendere le nuove prospettive industriali che la globalizzazione impone alle economie mature, per le quali è ormai esclusa la possibilità di un rilancio fondato su prodotti di massa facilmente replicabili in luoghi a minor costo del lavoro e dell'energia. Rilevanti sono invece le potenzialità dell'intelligenza innovativa che viene messa in campo dalle imprese nella produzione sia di beni che di servizi, perché è il valore aggiunto della conoscenza generativa che fa valere un differenziale difficilmente trasferibile e riproducibile. In questa prospettiva, il XXVI Convegno annuale di Sinergie si prefigge di stimolare la riflessione e il dibattito sulle dinamiche evolutive della produzione manifatturiera, riflettendo sulla capacità di generazione di valore e di lavoro nella neo-industria che si sta delineando in Italia e negli altri Paesi maturi nel contesto della distribuzione internazionale del lavoro.

Sustainability, 2022
The development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, along with the emergence of wikis, blog... more The development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, along with the emergence of wikis, blogs, online communities, and social networks, has rapidly transformed e-commerce. This phenomenon is commonly known as social commerce, an evolution of e-commerce characterized by a strong customer orientation. The aim of this paper is to understand the support of social commerce for e-commerce. We conducted an exploratory analysis of the Italian wine market via in-depth interviews with experts in the wine business: three wine producers and three companies running an online wine business. The interviews were recorded with the consent of the interviewees and transcribed, and their content was analyzed through content analysis. In particular, an analysis grid was created, following a closed procedure, with an ex-ante definition of the categories of analysis. Our results reveal that the COVID-19 outbreak has given a significant boost to digital transformation and online purchases in the wine ...
Governance Governance can be defined as a process of negotiation among different bundles of inter... more Governance Governance can be defined as a process of negotiation among different bundles of interests in which actors (individual or coalitional) pursue a mutually acceptable outcome. The governance (of an organization) is a result of a power game based on continuous individual and coalitional strategies. It appears as the effect of a complex network of interdependent actions, as a neverending continuous construction. Power Power is a sort of exchange value. It can be defined as a set of processes by which certain actors (individuals or coalitions) interact, cooperating and/or conflicting in a complex social work of construction of fields of strategic action.

The TQM Journal, 2021
PurposeThis paper aims to find out if it is possible to consider live virtual tours, in the conno... more PurposeThis paper aims to find out if it is possible to consider live virtual tours, in the connotation assumed during the COVID-19 outbreak, as experiential tourism products. The paper focuses on Holbrook's “four Es” (“experience”, “entertainment”, “exhibitionism” and “evangelising”) to study the experience of live virtual tours.Design/methodology/approachThis article develops an exploratory analysis and presents a content analysis of 1052 reviews of 108 live virtual tours posted on TripAdvisor and Viator.FindingsThe findings show that live virtual tours are perceived as experiences, all “four Es” are covered and two more sub-categories emerge.Research limitations/implicationsThe analysis is limited to the perception of tourists that are confident with the technology, to a small sample and a period of travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 outbreak.Practical implicationsLive virtual tours create a new segment, which “travels from home”. This does not preclude tourists from dec...

New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice, 2019
The family firm management literature underrates corporate governance issues both because in fami... more The family firm management literature underrates corporate governance issues both because in family firms the entrepreneur/owner tends to concentrate in his hands almost all the decision power and because the concept of family business is associated with that of small business. On the other hand, the ‘family’ character over firm governance has been traditionally analysed in terms of institutional overlap (family versus business) that causes processes of instability, conflicts, divisions and crisis, both inside the family and between owners and managers. Our paper, after a summary of the literature, aims at proposing a different point of view on the corporate governance dynamics in family business and a different path to understand the change processes into these organizations adopting a Situationist View of the Organizations (SVO) that is focused on the continuous work of two processes: action and institutionalization, that build, break and rebuild social reality. Under this point o...

Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 2018
Obiettivo del paper: Il lavoro, al fine di contribuire al dibattito sui processi di governance de... more Obiettivo del paper: Il lavoro, al fine di contribuire al dibattito sui processi di governance del territorio, ha l'obiettivo di proporne una visione 'situazionista' alternativa alla visione prevalente, qualificata come 'unitaria' o 'sistemica'. Metodologia: Il lavoro, di taglio teorico-concettuale, pone a confronto due paradigmi, entrambi pienamente riconducibili alle discipline manageriali, che forniscono una differente chiave di lettura interpretativa di cosa sia il territorio e, conseguentemente, di quali siano i processi attraverso i quali si delinea la governance di un territorio. Risultati: Lo spunto è la rivisitazione del concetto di 'vocazione territoriale' che, da elemento pseudo-oggettivo e 'naturalmente' osservabile e condivisibile da tutti gli attori di un certo territorio e in un certo momento storico, diviene "mito razionalizzante", ovvero un costrutto intersoggettivo privo dell'aura di oggettività e di funzionalità agli interessi del territorio e frutto, seppure solo in parte intenzionale, dell'azione strategica di una coalizione pro-tempore dominante. Originalità e limiti della ricerca: L'opzione situazionista, elemento di originalità del lavoro, invita a prendere le distanze da modelli predittivi ex ante. Il deficit predittivo, tuttavia, pur palesandone un limite operativo, non ne qualifica un limite epistemologico in quanto, parafrasando Hayek, esprime una consapevole e caratterizzante rinuncia alle "pretese di conoscenza" tipiche degli approcci neo-positivisti. Implicazioni pratiche: La rilettura dei processi di governance di un territorio proposta ridimensiona la portata dei modelli di management strategico e di marketing territoriale e propone la tortuosa strada dell'esplorazione delle strategie-cooperative e conflittualimesse in atto da attori e/o coalizioni locali per perseguire propri interessi. * Nel presente lavoro, frutto della comune elaborazione degli Autori, Piero Mastroberardino ha curato in particolare i parr. 1 e 6, Giuseppe Calabrese i parr. 2 e 3, Flora Cortese i parr. 4 e 5.

International Journal of Business and Management, 2019
The paper develops an exploratory research. It aims to understand the elements considered by a wi... more The paper develops an exploratory research. It aims to understand the elements considered by a wine company to enter the US market and the characteristics considered to be important for US wine consumers when choosing a wine. For this purpose, the paper conducts two different steps of study: (1) it analyzes the US wine market, through a secondary data set; and (2) it studies a random sample of 4,560 reviews of US wines consumers found on CellarTracker. After a reflection on cultural issues related to the internationalization of companies, the paper presents briefly the theme of cross-cultural management, which is fundamental for the approach to new markets, and then it focuses on the wine industry. The focus will be on the peculiarity of the production of Italian wine companies and their choices of internationalization, particularly in the US market. The analyses show that (1) the US market ranks first in terms of consumption and represents, among other things, the first destination...

British Food Journal, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the level of awareness of the topic of sustainabi... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the level of awareness of the topic of sustainability among Italian consumers in the wine sector and their perception – that is, what does it mean to consumers – of this issue. Design/methodology/approach This paper develops a quali-quantitative study on a random sample of Vivino reviews analysed through content analysis. Findings Awareness of topic of sustainability among Italian wine consumers is currently low, although it is increasing. It is not among the main factors that influence the choice of wine among Italian consumers, who are still mainly attracted by organoleptic properties and characteristics linked to the terroir concept. Research limitations/implications The research utilises a random sample, and the analysis is limited to the perception of consumers using online word of mouth (WOM). Practical implications To develop a long-term perspective on sustainability in the wine sector, it is necessary to have the courage to mak...
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2017
This paper proposes a different idea of knowledge management (KM) and an alternative path to unde... more This paper proposes a different idea of knowledge management (KM) and an alternative path to understand innovation processes within the organizations. We compared two paradigms of the firm. On one hand, the Unified Approach, widely dominant in management studies, reifies the firm and interprets it as a collective entity, a pre-determined system with respect to the actors. On the other hand, the Situationist View defines the firm as a concrete system built by the actors and qualifies it as a space of games, interactions, negotiations and conflicts among actors and their coalitions. Our purpose is to contribute to enrich the scientific debate on innovation management through different concepts — power, coalitional dynamics and institutional pressures — until now in shadow, if not absent at all.
Esperienze D Impresa Dipartimento Di Studi E Ricerche Aziendali Universita Di Salerno, Sep 28, 2010

Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Aug 16, 2012
Obiettivi del paper: Il lavoro, di taglio teorico, si pone l'obiettivo di contribuire al dibattit... more Obiettivi del paper: Il lavoro, di taglio teorico, si pone l'obiettivo di contribuire al dibattito sulla comunicazione strategica attraverso l'adozione di una differente chiave di lettura che interpreta l'impresa non più come un sistema reificato ma come un costrutto sociale pro-tempore istituzionalizzato (visione situazionista). Metodologia: Dal punto di vista metodologico, dunque, il lavoro pone a confronto due filoni scientifici evidenziandone la diversa matrice epistemologica. Risultati: Il lavoro consente, quale risultato principale, di mettere in evidenza che, mutando il frame, una serie di concetti teorici, poi divenuti strumenti e pratiche-manageriali e consulenziali-quali corporate personality, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation e corporate brand, perdono gran parte della loro valenza. Originalità del lavoro e limiti della ricerca: La diversa opzione epistemologica, rispetto a quella su cui poggia la letteratura prevalente sul tema, rappresenta insieme l'elemento chiave di originalità del lavoro e il suo limite. Da una parte, questa opzione consente di passare dal 'come si vorrebbe che fosse' la comunicazione strategica d'impresa al 'come è'. Dall'altra, un simile approccio, coerentemente con ampia parte della letteratura scientifica propria delle scienze sociali, non conduce alla definizione di modelli predittivi ex-ante basati su leggi generali di spiegazione del fenomeno. Implicazioni pratiche: Le implicazioni pratiche più evidenti riguardano direttamente il 'mercato' dei servizi consulenziali di comunicazione e le strategie di comunicazione. Infatti, inforcando queste diverse lenti, crolla il mito (ingenuo o ipocrita) della comunicazione d'impresa come unitaria, coerente, trasparente, integrata, oggettiva e razionale ed emerge, invece, il suo carattere 'strategico': la comunicazione strategica come una delle possibili forme e fonti di potere organizzativo.

The concepts of ‘territorial vocation’ and ‘territorial governance’ are focal in the literature o... more The concepts of ‘territorial vocation’ and ‘territorial governance’ are focal in the literature of tourism management. These same concepts are also the link with many other research fields such as territorial marketing and local economic development. The paper aims to contribute to the debate on territorial vocation and territorial governance processes by giving an alternative vision, called ‘situationist’, compared to the prevailing one, defined as ‘systemic’. In the traditional paradigm territory is represented as a pre-determined system with respect to the local actors and coalitions. In this epistemological framework the ‘territorial vocation’ appears as an objective character, self-evident, expression and synthesis of the potential of resources, skills and capacities of a territory. Sharing this approach, the strategic goal in tourism management is to design, implement and control a mechanism of local planning that integrates the local community in the common goal of sustainable development of the territory. In a ‘situationist’ point of view territory is a concrete system constructed by the actors. This different paradigm qualifies the territory as a space of games, a place of different interests and strategies, a place of interaction, negotiation and conflict among actors and their coalitions. The territorial vocation becomes a rationalized myth, an intersubjective construct, not assisted by an aura of objectivity and functionality to the interests of territory. It is the result, influenced by unintended effects, of the strategic action of a pro-tempore dominant coalition. The situationist perspective into the territorial governance processes is far from simplistic predictive models. It also debunks models of strategic management and place marketing and proposes the winding road of exploration of the strategies - cooperative and conflictual - enacted by actors and / or local coalitions to pursue their interests. The paper presents the case of the concrete dynamics of territorial governance of Manfredonia (Foggia, Italy) and its oscillation between touristic and industrial vocation in the light of the processes of action and institutionalization.
Esperienze D Impresa Dipartimento Di Studi E Ricerche Aziendali Universita Di Salerno, Sep 29, 2010

Lobbying. Potere del soggetto e vincoli istituzionali (di P. Mastroberardino, C. Nigro e G. Calab... more Lobbying. Potere del soggetto e vincoli istituzionali (di P. Mastroberardino, C. Nigro e G. Calabrese) - ABSTRACT: Il lobbying è argomento a tratti ignorato o bistrattato, a causa di un’accezione negativa che lo colloca entro il novero di trame di palazzo in contrasto con il superiore interesse della collettività. A ben guardare, tale visione appare ingenua, se non ipocrita: questa società non può essere rappresentata come utopistico sistema funzionalisticamente compiuto, né come effetto di strategie massimizzanti di attori individuali. Sono i gruppi, le coalizioni, le organizzazioni che dispiegano le proprie azioni in ambienti condizionati dalle azioni ed influenze altrui, da logiche di potere e rapporti non strutturati gerarchicamente. Il lobbying si sostanzia in processi di continua costruzione, rottura e ricostruzione della realtà sociale, che si definisce in un quadro istituzionale dinamico, costrittivo nei confronti degli attori ma mai definitivo e stabile. Gli studi sull’impr...
Papers by Piero Mastroberardino