History of Philosophy by Andrea Fiamma

Manuscript no. 775 in the Admont Abbey Library contains quaestiones and puncta on Ethica Nicomach... more Manuscript no. 775 in the Admont Abbey Library contains quaestiones and puncta on Ethica Nicomachea and quaestiones on De generatione et corruptione, which were compiled at the Faculty of Arts of Vienna University in the mid-15th century. This article discusses these testimonies to Viennese academic life at the time, highlighting doctrinal positions, contexts and sources. The set of quaestiones on the EN was probably given by the master, John Grössel de Tittmoning, and addresses issues such as truth and virtue, vice, falsehood, sin and happiness. The article examines the writings in the aforementioned manuscript as case studies to determine whether the Viennese Masters, such as Grössel, merely lectured on Aristotle’s works in the footsteps of John Buridan’s commentary on the EN and Marsilius of Inghen’s commentary on DGC, or whether it is possible to identify distinctive features in the Viennese teaching in via Buridani et Marsilii, as, for example, the relationship between the Arts and Theology.

John Wenck (†1460) supported Albertism while he was master of Arts in Paris. In 1426, he enrolled... more John Wenck (†1460) supported Albertism while he was master of Arts in Paris. In 1426, he enrolled at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Heidelberg. It is not yet clear whether in Heidelberg Wenck continued to uphold the same Albertist ideas or whether he shifted toward Thomism, as suggested by Rudolf Haubst. The paper reconsiders this issue by analyzing the early works Wenck wrote as a theology student in Heidelberg, namely his Principia on Peter Lombard’s Sentences and quaestiones on the Holy Spirit and on the Incarnation (1431). Editions of these writings are either lacking or currently in preparation. The paper brings out their main sources, especially Bonaventure, and highlight the doctrinal aspects of the debates that Wenck developed with his colleagues in those years. Moreover, the paper finds here the premises of the Wegestreit between the via Antiqua and the Nominalists, which continued to mark the University of Heidelberg in the following years. The main topics discussed by the paper are divine omnipotence, the creation and eternity of the world, and the interpretation of Aristotelian philosophy.

En ce qui concerne la biographie du jeune Nicolas de Cues (1401-† 1464) jusqu’à sa participation ... more En ce qui concerne la biographie du jeune Nicolas de Cues (1401-† 1464) jusqu’à sa participation au Concile de Bâle (1432), les informations sont très peu nombreuses. Nous ne savons presque rien de sa formation en philosophie et en théologie. Cette contribution (1) met en évidence l’origine de son premier texte philosophique, à savoir De docta ignorantia, en pensant également à Maître Eckhart comme source ; (2) évalue l’influence de Heymeric de Campo († 1460), maître d’Université, sur sa philosophie, à partir de la reconstruction du milieu culturel que Nicolas de Cues a pu fréquenter lors de son séjour à Cologne ; (3) analyse les motifs politiques et le contexte historique de sa discussion avec Johannes Wenck († 1460) qui était maître à l’Université de Heidelberg. Finalement, une proposition interprétative est formulée afin de comprendre les relations intellectuelles entre Nicolas de Cues, Heymeric de Campo et Johannes Wenck.
The present article provides a portrait of Austrian humanism in the mid-15th century, through the... more The present article provides a portrait of Austrian humanism in the mid-15th century, through the analysis of still unpublished letters and sermons by Bernard of Kraiburg († 1477), who was Bishop of Chiemsee, a collaborator of Nicholas of Cusa and Enea S. Piccolomini, and the owner of a remarkable personal library. Bernard’s writings allows to discover the cultural triangle between university teaching in Vienna (Thomas Ebendorfer), the Benedictine spiritual heritage (Bernard of Waging) stressed by the Melk Reform (John Schlitpacher), and the theological debates in the recent Councils in Constance and Basel. It emerges an Austrian humanism characterized by the influence of early Paduan humanism (especially Petrarch), by an attempt to return to the theology of the 12th century and by a spiritual openness to mysticism.

FZPhTh, 2022
Fundamentum naturae is an anonymous text that Nicholas of Cusa († 1464) used as a source for draw... more Fundamentum naturae is an anonymous text that Nicholas of Cusa († 1464) used as a source for drawing up his masterpiece De docta ignorantia, Book II, chapters 7-10. Here he discusses the Platonic notion of 'soul of the world' by applying his method of learned ignorance, thus presenting a cosmological doctrine that is to his mind 'prius inaudita': the universe is in itsel f a relational unit constituted as the image of the Trinity. In this paper, after introducing the content of Fundamentum naturae and considering the hypotheses still debated as to the identity of the author of the text and the cultural context in which it was written, I offer my own suggestions 1) about the hypothesis of M.J.F.M. Hoenen, who considers Fundamentum naturae to be a product of the University Albertism of the 15 th century; 2) about the political reasons that led Nicholas of Cusa to "plagiarize" the work selectively, removing part of the original text that concerns the Aristotelian tradition, while adding some of his own considerations about Platonic philosophy, that appear, in my interpretation, to be polemical with regard to the Byzantine Platonists.
The paper focuses on the Albertist doctrines, but of Neoplatonic origin, of the flow and of the f... more The paper focuses on the Albertist doctrines, but of Neoplatonic origin, of the flow and of the four units that could be found in the Compendium divinorum by Heymeric of Camp and in the De Coniecturis by Nicholas of Cusa. The main interpretative difficulties of these texts are highlighted paying particular attention to the ontological status of the four units: that is, whether they are to be thought only as mental terms or whether they can be conceived as real units. In order to resolve this question, it is proposed to use the terminology of Dietrich of Freiberg in De substantiis spiritualibus.

Il volume ripercorre lo sviluppo del pensiero del giovane Nicola Cusano dalla frequentazione del ... more Il volume ripercorre lo sviluppo del pensiero del giovane Nicola Cusano dalla frequentazione del maestro albertista Eimerico da Campo presso l’Università di Colonia (1425) e dal confronto con le posizioni filosofiche dei domenicani dello Studium coloniense, fino agli anni della maturità a Roma (1450).
Il saggio illustra il contesto storico-culturale della genesi del De docta ignorantia, testo che suggella la presa di distanza di Cusano dal proprio passato universitario ma anche, al contempo, la sua insoddisfazione nei confronti dell’umanesimo diffuso in Italia negli anni del Concilio di Ferrara-Firenze; e lo segue nella sua ‘caccia della Sapienza’, nell’incontro con differenti tradizioni e contesti, fino alla formulazione dell’ideale del ‘Socrate cristiano’ nell’Idiota.
Il volume, riccamente documentato anche sul piano della storia delle interpretazioni e degli studi su Cusano, contribuisce a far luce sulla formazione del suo pensiero e sulle questioni che ne hanno segnato la vita.
Considering the historical background and the transmission of the manuscripts, the paper discusse... more Considering the historical background and the transmission of the manuscripts, the paper discusses the relations between Nicholas of Cusa († 1464) and the so-called « Cologne School » – Albert the Great, Ulrich of Straβburg, Hugo Ripelin of Straβburg, Dietrich of Freiberg, Meister Eckhart and Berthold of Moosburg. With this approach are highlighted a few moments of the life of Nicholas of Cusa, especially the friendship with Heymeric de Campo between 1425 and 1429, the debate with Johannes Wenck (1442 to 1449) and the meeting with Dionysius the Carthusian in 1451.
In the present paper, it has been reconstructed the historical and intellectual context of the Ni... more In the present paper, it has been reconstructed the historical and intellectual context of the Nicholas of Cusa (†1464)’ studies in Cologne during the years 1425/28 with emphasis on the academic and ecclesiastical institutions visited by Cusanus and on his affiliation with the Dutch master Heymeric de Campo (†1460). Some hypotheses about still unclear moments of the Cusanus’ biography are also formulated, such as his refusal of the University chair in Leuven (1435) and as the origins of the debate with Johannes Wenck (1442/49).
Nicholas of Cusa in De staticis experimentis presents his perspective on the human knowledge of t... more Nicholas of Cusa in De staticis experimentis presents his perspective on the human knowledge of the world through the concept of measurement. Cusanus thinks that it could measure the world, because the world was constituted by the trinitarian structure “pondus”, “numerus” and “mensura”: an ontological perspective that was also shown in the biblical book of Wisdom 11, 21. For this reason in De staticis experimentis Cusanus try to measure the world through numbers and weights and using a balance. Academical researches on Cusanus have identified Augustine of Hippo as source of these epistemology. In this paper, we will try to ask, if Augustine of Hippo could to be recognizes as a correct source.
Theology by Andrea Fiamma
This is an open access chapter: https://www.brepolsonline.net/doi/abs/10.1484/M.SSENT-EB.5.142791

John Schlitpacher (†1482), who was prior of Melk in the 15th century, encouraged both the circula... more John Schlitpacher (†1482), who was prior of Melk in the 15th century, encouraged both the circulation of manuscripts at his Abbey and their transcription, even in abbreviated form to the benefit of the Abbey School students. This article looks at the sources and diffusion of texts to and from Melk Abbey in that period, examining the case of a codex purchased by Nicholas of Cusa, registered in his Library as no. 58, and subsequently loaned to the monks in Melk to be copied. It contained the Scala Paradisi by John Climacus and the De spiritualibus deliciis by John of Dambach. In the article, I underline that both of these works, copied in codex 58, were in accordance with John Gerson’s theological approach, which was prevalent in Melk at that time. Moreover, I confirm that there are doctrinal similarities between the two works mentioned above and two, hitherto, unedited writings by Schlitpacher from the same period – the treatise De ascensionibus cordis, which is a summary of the De spiritualibus ascensionibus by Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen, and another entitled De felicitate beatorum (or De gaudiis electorum).
Mistica e filosofia in Joseph Görres, in G. Di Biase & F.P. Ciglia (ed.), Inabissarsi nel Divino. Mistica, religioni, filosofie, Philosophica 302, ETS, Pisa 2024, 171-190 / Pre-print in «Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione», II/2 (2022), p. 175-196 Negli ultimi cinquant'anni si è sviluppata una articolata discussione intorno allo statuto del mi... more Negli ultimi cinquant'anni si è sviluppata una articolata discussione intorno allo statuto del misticismo, che ha posto in questione il suo rapporto con la filosofia e con la storia del pensiero religioso. Il presente articolo fornisce ulteriori elementi a tale dibattito interrogando l'opera di Joseph J. von Görres (1776-†1848), autore di una corposa Christliche Mystik, 4 voll. (1836-1842), che rappresentò il primo tentativo di costruire una "storia della mistica" secondo un criterio "scientifico".
![Research paper thumbnail of Chiesa e modernità nel pensiero di Alois Dempf, in: «Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica» [Riv.Fil.NeoSc.], CXIV/2 (2022), 499-510](https://attachments.academia-assets.com/89118070/thumbnails/1.jpg)
Alois Dempf (1891-1982) was professor of philosophy at the University of Vienna and at the Univer... more Alois Dempf (1891-1982) was professor of philosophy at the University of Vienna and at the University of Munich. In 1938 the National-Socialist regime in Austria banned him from teaching as a political opponent. Dempf followed the values of the democratic catholicism and as a student in Bonn was active in a cultural group in the area of the Zentrumspartei. In his studies, he highlighted the main philosophical and political characteristics of the spiritual movements of the Church in the Middle Ages. He claimed that a rebirth of a spiritual Church in his contemporary could provided a criterion for the orientation of the political catholicism according to a democratic perspective, creating also a barrier against to the nationalisms. From his point of view, the Church first had to address the problem of her understanding of the modernity. This paper presents also the Dempf’s historiographical idea on the philosophical and political role of the Church in Europe.

Nel saggio si chiarisce il punto di vista di Nicola Cusano (1401-1464) sulla nozione di visio bea... more Nel saggio si chiarisce il punto di vista di Nicola Cusano (1401-1464) sulla nozione di visio beatifica (visio Dei o théosis), con particolare attenzione alle sue fonti (Alberto Magno e Meister Eckhart). A partire dalle opere cusaniane viene inoltre definito il rapporto tra la conoscenza intellettiva e la fede nella visione beatifica. Il saggio considera l’intera produzione di Cusano, ma privilegia lo studio degli Opuscula (1445-6), della raccolta Idiota (1450) e del De visione Dei (1453).
The paper aims to clarify the point of view of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) concerning the theory of visio beatifica (visio Dei or théosis), devoting specific researches on his sources (Albert the Great and Meister Eckhart). The issue about the connection between intellectual knowledge and faith in the beatific vision is also addressed on the basis of the Cusanian works. The essay considers the complete written production of Cusanus, especially the Opuscula (1445-6), the Idiota collection (1450) and the De visione Dei (1453).
Nicholas of Cusa (1401- † 1464) elaborates in his works the fundamental features of the Plato’s a... more Nicholas of Cusa (1401- † 1464) elaborates in his works the fundamental features of the Plato’s and Aristotle’s philosophy. The present essay aims to show how Cusano redefines the Platonic concept of soul of the world and the Aristotelian one of nature in order to present a metaphysics of creation that does not reject the ancient philosophy, but which brings it to perfection in a new christian synthesis.
History of Philosophy by Andrea Fiamma
Il saggio illustra il contesto storico-culturale della genesi del De docta ignorantia, testo che suggella la presa di distanza di Cusano dal proprio passato universitario ma anche, al contempo, la sua insoddisfazione nei confronti dell’umanesimo diffuso in Italia negli anni del Concilio di Ferrara-Firenze; e lo segue nella sua ‘caccia della Sapienza’, nell’incontro con differenti tradizioni e contesti, fino alla formulazione dell’ideale del ‘Socrate cristiano’ nell’Idiota.
Il volume, riccamente documentato anche sul piano della storia delle interpretazioni e degli studi su Cusano, contribuisce a far luce sulla formazione del suo pensiero e sulle questioni che ne hanno segnato la vita.
Theology by Andrea Fiamma
The paper aims to clarify the point of view of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) concerning the theory of visio beatifica (visio Dei or théosis), devoting specific researches on his sources (Albert the Great and Meister Eckhart). The issue about the connection between intellectual knowledge and faith in the beatific vision is also addressed on the basis of the Cusanian works. The essay considers the complete written production of Cusanus, especially the Opuscula (1445-6), the Idiota collection (1450) and the De visione Dei (1453).
Il saggio illustra il contesto storico-culturale della genesi del De docta ignorantia, testo che suggella la presa di distanza di Cusano dal proprio passato universitario ma anche, al contempo, la sua insoddisfazione nei confronti dell’umanesimo diffuso in Italia negli anni del Concilio di Ferrara-Firenze; e lo segue nella sua ‘caccia della Sapienza’, nell’incontro con differenti tradizioni e contesti, fino alla formulazione dell’ideale del ‘Socrate cristiano’ nell’Idiota.
Il volume, riccamente documentato anche sul piano della storia delle interpretazioni e degli studi su Cusano, contribuisce a far luce sulla formazione del suo pensiero e sulle questioni che ne hanno segnato la vita.
The paper aims to clarify the point of view of Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) concerning the theory of visio beatifica (visio Dei or théosis), devoting specific researches on his sources (Albert the Great and Meister Eckhart). The issue about the connection between intellectual knowledge and faith in the beatific vision is also addressed on the basis of the Cusanian works. The essay considers the complete written production of Cusanus, especially the Opuscula (1445-6), the Idiota collection (1450) and the De visione Dei (1453).
7. International Congress for young Cusanus scholars
TOPIC: Nicholas of Cusa’ books of the idiot: Philosophical, theological and scientific contents
WHERE: Università „G. d'Annunzio“ Chieti-Pescara,
Dipartimento di Scienze filosofiche, pedagogiche ed economico-quantitative
WHEN: 21.–22. September 2016