Papers by Richard Miskolci

Sociologia & Antropologia
Studies on Bolsonaro voters, based mostly on survey data,
have identified sociodemographic profil... more Studies on Bolsonaro voters, based mostly on survey data,
have identified sociodemographic profiles and attitudes
that define them by their negative identity and cultural
conservatism. However, we do not yet know if Bolsonaro
supporters have a common ideology—understood not as
left-r ight posit ioning but as a set of worldv iews t hat
organizes these positions. This article identifies an ideology
based on three components: first, a series of moral
oppositions in relation to PT voters, namely, future-oriented
vs. resistant to change; entrepreneurial ethos vs. state
dependency. Second, a demand for revising the cultural
agenda to grant their political side control of change. Finally,
a critique of corruption and a general framing of shared
worldviews. The data comes from research with focus groups
conducted in 2021 in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba,
Florianópolis, and Porto Alegre.

International Sociology, 2023
This article analyzes the formation of a media framing of political moralization in Brazil that w... more This article analyzes the formation of a media framing of political moralization in Brazil that was consolidated during the decade of 2010, during the peak of an anti-corruption prosecution and the campaign against 'gender ideology'. This media framing was characterized by the association of the agenda for probity in the conduct of public business with a traditional family morality. The research methodology is anchored in studies of media framing in an analytical perspective that joins sources of digital sociology to political communication studies to analyze an archive collected on platforms of social networks and news media. We contrast the results of the investigation to contributions and gaps of political sociology and gender and sexuality studies focused on either public or private morality. The analysis of the materials shows how the far-right developed a political-communicational strategy on social networks to unite the two dimensions of morality to gain electoral support.
Sociologias, 2023
An analysis of an archive formed by editorials from two of the most important Brazilian newspaper... more An analysis of an archive formed by editorials from two of the most important Brazilian newspapers during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic identified the predominance of a framing that attributed decisions of the Bolsonaro government to a denial of science. Based on historical and sociological sources, this paper discusses what this normative framing about science and health ignored, especially how the extreme-right adapted use of the paradigm of disinformation created by the tobacco industry to the new mediatic ecosystem. The paper concludes that the journalistic framing of science denialism emphasized criticisms that accused the state of incompetence, giving less visibility to the role of the federal Unified Healthcare System during the health emergency.

Sociologias, 2023
Resumo: A análise de um arquivo formado por editoriais de dois dos mais importantes jornais brasi... more Resumo: A análise de um arquivo formado por editoriais de dois dos mais importantes jornais brasileiros durante os dois primeiros anos da pandemia de Covid-19 identificou a
predominância de um enquadramento que atribuiu as decisões do governo Bolsonaro
ao negacionismo científico. A partir de fontes históricas e sociológicas, este artigo
discute o que ficou de fora desse enquadramento normativo sobre ciência e saúde,
em especial como a extrema-direita adaptou para o novo ecossistema midiático o
uso do paradigma da desinformação criado por indústrias cancerígenas. O artigo
conclui que o enquadramento jornalístico do negacionismo priorizou críticas à
incompetência do Estado, dando menor visibilidade ao papel do Sistema Único
de Saúde na urgência sanitária.
Palavras-chave: negacionismo científico, fake news, desinformação, pandemia de Covid-19, esfera pública técnico-midiatizada.
Interface: Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, 2022

Revista Brasileira de Sociologia, 2018
RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma cronologia provisória da formação da Sociologia Digital no Brasi... more RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma cronologia provisória da formação da Sociologia Digital no Brasil como um campo de pesquisa em consolidação. Em uma sociedade em que a conexão mediada em rede se tornou parte do cotidiano passando a reconfigurar as relações sociais, busca refletir sobre a importância de um campo de pesquisas com reflexão teórica e conceitual especializada. Inicia apresentando um balanço da área nos últimos anos, depois aborda debilidades teóricas e metodológicas que marcaram sua formação recente assim como seus avanços teóricos e me-todológicos. Por fim, discute algumas de suas contribuições para a sociologia brasileira, sua in-serção internacional, assim como uma possível agenda de pesquisa para seu desenvolvimento. Palavras-chave: Sociologia Digital; sociedade digital; relações sociais mediadas em rede; desa-fios teórico-metodológicos.

Resumo: Neste artigo, discuto as transformações históricas que têm contribuído para a consolidaçã... more Resumo: Neste artigo, discuto as transformações históricas que têm contribuído para a consolidação de uma era digital assim como as iniciativas de pesquisa que buscam compreender o contexto sociotécnico no qual vivemos. Argumento que a proposta de uma sociologia digital não envolveria apenas repensar me-todologias, antes uma agenda de pesquisa ampla e uma reflexão teórico-con-ceitual sobre os usos contemporâneos das mídias digitais. A era digital não se caracteriza apenas por rupturas e novidades, mas também por continuidades e aprofundamentos de fenômenos previamente abordados pela sociologia, como a exposição midiática e a influência da comunicação e seus conteúdos na cultu-ra contemporânea. Palavras-chave: sociologia digital; usos das mídias digitais; relações sociais me-diadas em rede.
Digital Sociology: notes on research in the era of network communication Abstract: In this paper, I discuss the historical changes that have contributed to the consolidation of a digital era as well the research initiatives that try to understand the sociotechnical context in which we live in. My main argument is that the project of a digital sociology should not just be based on rethinking methodologies, but especially a new broad research agenda and proper theorical and conceptual
tools to comprehend the contemporary uses of digital media. The digital era is not
just defined by ruptures and novelties, but also by continuities and the deepening
of social phenomena previously studied by sociology like the mediatic exposure
and the influence of communication and its contents in contemporary culture.
Keywords: digital sociology; uses of digital media; networked mediated social

Sociologia e Antropologia, 2019
Qual foi o papel desempenhado pelas redes na criação das polarizações polí-ticas que marcam a vid... more Qual foi o papel desempenhado pelas redes na criação das polarizações polí-ticas que marcam a vida política brasileira desde as Jornadas de Junho? De que modo elas se relacionam com a cruzada moral que vivemos nesses dias? Nes-te artigo, buscamos compreender o papel político das redes sociais no acirra-mento de disputas políticas e morais no Brasil desde 2013. A crise política parece ter disparado elementos que estavam latentes, mas que ainda não en-contravam terreno propício à sua expressão. Embora o êxito político de grupos com agenda moral conservadora tenha raízes nas contradições históricas do país, buscamos neste texto compreender como as redes sociais acentuaram esse processo. Analisamos a disseminação das redes sociais enquanto uma tecnologia catalisadora de um processo histórico. O artigo se insere na linhagem analítica da moldagem social da tecno-logia (Williams, 2015), portanto busca manter uma perspectiva crítica aos de-terminismos tecnológicos: tanto os que atribuem à tecnologia todos os males contemporâneos quanto os que se assentam em expectativas de soluções téc-nicas para questões sociais. Assim, consideramos fundamental evitar a mera culpabilização de plataformas de rede social ou alguma de suas funcionalida-des pelos resultados do que identificamos sociologicamente como uma dispu-ta cognitiva nas redes visando projetar para o indivíduo uma experiência de realidade direcionada e motivada por objetivos econômicos e políticos subja-centes à própria estrutura social.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to understand the role of social media networks in political polarization. From the viewpoint of the social shaping of technology, it develops a sociological and historical analysis of on-line sociability in a context defined by individualized use of connective devices. The 2013 demonstrations are taken as the turning point after which political disputes began to unfold through a moral grammar. The article analyses how the concentration of internet use on a few platforms has altered communications previously mediated between people in different contexts, unifying them in a way that accentuates binary oppositions and the shaping of polarized consensuses.
Sociologia & Antropologia, 2021
A partir da pandemia da covid-19 de 2020, o artigo explora
o papel cultural do medo em termos his... more A partir da pandemia da covid-19 de 2020, o artigo explora
o papel cultural do medo em termos históricos e sociológicos.
Baseado em fontes da teoria crítica, discute como o
medo coletivo incita respostas que associam projeções de
futuro com temores sobre a alteridade e o passado. A análise
do medo da pandemia busca a incorporação analítica
de aspectos que vão além dos puramente racionais e visíveis
de maneira a desenvolver uma sociologia afeita aos
elementos emocionais e fantasmáticos da vida coletiva.

Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2022
The paper analyses how primary healthcare professionals deal with the health of wo... more Introduction
The paper analyses how primary healthcare professionals deal with the health of women and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, travestis, intersex persons, and others (LGBTI +) in the city of S o Paulo, Brazil. The research primary goal was to identify the sociodemographic and educational determinants of familiarity with and acceptance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The study is of a mixed nature and associates qualitative and quantitative techniques. The main data collection instrument was semi-structured interviews, issued to and conducted by the main researcher himself with professionals at municipal healthcare clinics and at the six regional offices for health administration of the city of São Paulo between March and December, 2019.
The interviews allowed to understand how the primary health care professional's sociodemographic profile and education have shaped their attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Educational level proved to be determinant in the preponderance of support of sexual and reproductive health and rights by those professionals with higher education specialized in healthcare and of the greater rejection of these rights among those with only a high school education or higher education in non-healthcare specialties, particularly among managers of primary healthcare clinics.
Policy Implications
The results might help initiatives to improve the National Policy for LGBT Comprehensive Health.

Revista Sociedade e Estado, 2022
This article aims to identify and analyze how health professionals working in primary care in the... more This article aims to identify and analyze how health professionals working in primary care in the city of São Paulo undertand LGBTI+ people access to health. The research covered the six administrative regions of the city and this paper analyses in depth interviews with specialists of the administrative regions, and also with managers, physicians, nurses and nursing technicians/assistants in Basic Health Clinics trying to understand how they see the access of this segment of people into primary care. The access of LGBTI+ people to primary care tends to prioritize those visually recognizable and whose health demands can be understood in the frame of health centered on illness. This keeps many segments and health demands without attention. The results of the investigation point toward the need of switching the visual frame for a listening strategy to promote access of LGBTI+ people to integral health.

Revista Sociedade e Estado, 2022
This article aims to identify and analyze how health professionals working in primary care in the... more This article aims to identify and analyze how health professionals working in primary care in the city of São Paulo undertand LGBTI+ people access to health. The research covered the six administrative regions of the city and this paper analyses in depth interviews with specialists of the administrative regions, and also with managers, physicians, nurses and nursing technicians/assistants in Basic Health Clinics trying to understand how they see the access of this segment of people into primary care. The access of LGBTI+ people to primary care tends to prioritize those visually recognizable and whose health demands can be understood in the frame of health centered on illness. This keeps many segments and health demands without attention. The results of the investigation point toward the need of switching the visual frame for a listening strategy to promote access of LGBTI+ people to integral health.

Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 2022
This article aims to reflect on the current health challenges of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans... more This article aims to reflect on the current health challenges of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, intersex, and other sexual and gender minorities (LGBTI+) within the Brazilian scenario. This study adopted a triangulation approach, based on two studies developed in the Southeast and South of Brazil, which included policy analysis and qualitative research on the perceptions of key actors from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS)-LGBTI+ users, workers, and managers. All data were analyzed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers. The main problems faced by the LGBTI+ population were registered, indicating some of the necessary progress. Some of these challenges include: access of the LGBTI+ population to SUS; the need to train health professionals; the decentralization of health services sensitive to the LGBTI+ population; the distinct forms of violence and discrimination; the lack of research in health care conducted with specific groups, such as lesbians, bisexuals, intersex, and other sexual minorities. The results reinforce the urgency for the complete implementation of the "National Policy for the Comprehensive Health of LGBT". The recognition of the LGBTI+ health needs will aid in achieving the principles which are the guiding principles of SUS.

Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2020
This study reviewed articles originated in Brazil, in the United Kingdom, and in the United State... more This study reviewed articles originated in Brazil, in the United Kingdom, and in the United States from 1970 to September 2018 in the Web of Science database. Text mining techniques were used, and a predominantly qualitative analysis was performed, including correspondence analysis and sentiment analysis using the R Software (version 3.5.0) tools. Results show a repathologization of homosexuality in the gerontological knowledge production. This includes studies performed in 51 areas of knowledge in the three countries. That was followed by the depsychiatrization of homosexuality during the peak of deaths caused by AIDS, and its consequent recognition as an epidemiological threat. The article concludes reviewing the collected biomarkers, such as “sexual”, “risk”, “MSM”, and “HIV/AIDS”, which prove the progressive impact of sexual panic in gerontology studies and also associates AIDS with masculine homosexuality.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2022
Este artigo examina as continuidades, rupturas e temporalidades na produção de bioidentidades no ... more Este artigo examina as continuidades, rupturas e temporalidades na produção de bioidentidades no contexto da epidemia de HIV-Aids. Problematiza, a partir de um estudo multissituado na confluência de áreas e subáreas biomédicas que despontavam em popularidade nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, as agendas comuns de pesquisa sob a moldagem dos termos e categorizações popularizadas durante o pânico sexual provocado pelo aumento das taxas de contágio e morte. O desenho metodológico é caracterizado como de métodos mistos e envolveu, prioritariamente, pesquisa documental e revisão temática sobre a produção acadêmica nas áreas e disciplinas inseridas no eixo das biociências, com a finalidade de buscar e selecionar os estudos primários sobre homossexualidade e HIV/Aids, por meio da produção global. As conclusões atestam que a administração da Aids em sua condição crônica tratável produziu afinidades eletivas e de correspondência entre categorias epidemiológicas e sociais (MSM/HSH, PWA, GMLA) com noções de gênero e sexualidade definidas.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2020
This article analyzes changes and con-tinuities in partner search criteria by homosexual men cons... more This article analyzes changes and con-tinuities in partner search criteria by homosexual men considering the impact of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Thus, it compares two different historical moments: between 1979 and 1981 (pre-epidemic) and 2015 to 2017 (post-epidemic). In the first period, the source incorporated 120 classified ads collected from the Lampião da Esquina newspaper and in the second period, the preferences and criteria used to search for partners were analyzed using geolocalized applications, based on 120 online profiles. The data show that that between 1979-1981 the search for "discreet" partners took place, while the sexual panic created in the deadliest period of the AIDS epidemic boosted the use of the Internet in search of partners less likely to be infected with HIV, the "out of the (gay) scene". Since then, the search for "discreet and out of the (gay) scene" has consolidated itself by shaping the body's ideals and conduct that shape the current São Paulo online sex market in which part of the homosexuals take part. João Paulo Ferreira ( 1 Richard Miskolci ( 2

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2020
Este artigo analisa as mudanças e continuidades nos critérios de busca de parceiros por homens ho... more Este artigo analisa as mudanças e continuidades nos critérios de busca de parceiros por homens homossexuais a partir do impacto da epidemia de HIV-aids na cidade de São Paulo. Assim, compara dois momentos históricos distintos: entre 1979 e 1981 (pré-epidemia) e 2015 a 2017 (pós-epidemia). No primeiro período, a fonte incorporou 120 classificados recolhidos do jornal Lampião da Esquina e no segundo período, foram analisadas as preferências e os critérios acionados na busca por parceiros realizada com o uso de aplicativos geolocalizados, a partir de 120 perfis on-line. Os dados permitem afirmar que, já na virada da década de 1970 para a de 1980, existia a busca pelo “discreto” enquanto o pânico sexual criado em meio ao período mais mortal da epidemia de AIDS impulsionou o uso de Internet por homossexuais em busca de parceiros com menor probabilidade de estarem contaminados com o HIV, o “fora do meio (gay)”. Desde então, a busca pelo “discreto e fora do meio” se consolidou moldando ideais corporais e de conduta que regem o atual mercado sexual on-line em que se insere parte dos homossexuais paulistanos.
Reports in Public Health, 2021
This article aims to describe and analyze the violence experienced by transvestites in their traj... more This article aims to describe and analyze the violence experienced by transvestites in their trajectories (often ending in their murder), focusing particularly on the violence that continues even after their death. The idea is to understand a type of violence that manifests in post-mortem gender normalization that attempts to erase the history and traces of crossdressing existence. The study is based on a qualitative methodology through ethnographic research. The article’s ethnographic stage took place from September 2019 to February 2020, responding to the assassination of five transvestites. The results indicate the existence of a post-mortem normalization that acts against the final wishes of transvestites, denying them a decent death.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2021
Este artigo busca descrever e analisar as violências vivenciadas pelas travestis em suas trajetór... more Este artigo busca descrever e analisar as violências vivenciadas pelas travestis em suas trajetórias (que, muitas vezes, culminaram em seus homicídios), direcionando o olhar para as violências que continuam mesmo após a morte. A intenção é compreender um tipo de violência que se manifesta na normalização de gênero pós-morte que busca apagar a história e os rastros da existência travesti. Trata-se de estudo baseado em metodologia qualitativa, por meio de pesquisa etnográfica. A etapa etnográfica deste artigo ocorreu entre os meses de setembro de 2019 e fevereiro de 2020, sendo decorrente do assassinato de cinco travestis. Os resultados indicaram a existência de um dispositivo de normalização pós-morte que atua contra o desejo final das travestis, negando-lhes uma morte digna.
cadernos pagu, 2021
This article presents part of the results of the ethnographic research that followed families of ... more This article presents part of the results of the ethnographic research that followed families of crack users from 2013 to 2017. The text seeks to describe dilemmas and management of mothers regarding what is offered to them as a treatment for their children's chemical dependence. Based on the events experienced, the actions taken concerning the various proposed therapies, and the family narratives, this article seeks to follow the paths chosen by the interlocutors and addresses the experiences of mothers in the Recomeço Program, the drug policy platform of the State of São Paulo.
Papers by Richard Miskolci
have identified sociodemographic profiles and attitudes
that define them by their negative identity and cultural
conservatism. However, we do not yet know if Bolsonaro
supporters have a common ideology—understood not as
left-r ight posit ioning but as a set of worldv iews t hat
organizes these positions. This article identifies an ideology
based on three components: first, a series of moral
oppositions in relation to PT voters, namely, future-oriented
vs. resistant to change; entrepreneurial ethos vs. state
dependency. Second, a demand for revising the cultural
agenda to grant their political side control of change. Finally,
a critique of corruption and a general framing of shared
worldviews. The data comes from research with focus groups
conducted in 2021 in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba,
Florianópolis, and Porto Alegre.
predominância de um enquadramento que atribuiu as decisões do governo Bolsonaro
ao negacionismo científico. A partir de fontes históricas e sociológicas, este artigo
discute o que ficou de fora desse enquadramento normativo sobre ciência e saúde,
em especial como a extrema-direita adaptou para o novo ecossistema midiático o
uso do paradigma da desinformação criado por indústrias cancerígenas. O artigo
conclui que o enquadramento jornalístico do negacionismo priorizou críticas à
incompetência do Estado, dando menor visibilidade ao papel do Sistema Único
de Saúde na urgência sanitária.
Palavras-chave: negacionismo científico, fake news, desinformação, pandemia de Covid-19, esfera pública técnico-midiatizada.
Digital Sociology: notes on research in the era of network communication Abstract: In this paper, I discuss the historical changes that have contributed to the consolidation of a digital era as well the research initiatives that try to understand the sociotechnical context in which we live in. My main argument is that the project of a digital sociology should not just be based on rethinking methodologies, but especially a new broad research agenda and proper theorical and conceptual
tools to comprehend the contemporary uses of digital media. The digital era is not
just defined by ruptures and novelties, but also by continuities and the deepening
of social phenomena previously studied by sociology like the mediatic exposure
and the influence of communication and its contents in contemporary culture.
Keywords: digital sociology; uses of digital media; networked mediated social
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to understand the role of social media networks in political polarization. From the viewpoint of the social shaping of technology, it develops a sociological and historical analysis of on-line sociability in a context defined by individualized use of connective devices. The 2013 demonstrations are taken as the turning point after which political disputes began to unfold through a moral grammar. The article analyses how the concentration of internet use on a few platforms has altered communications previously mediated between people in different contexts, unifying them in a way that accentuates binary oppositions and the shaping of polarized consensuses.
o papel cultural do medo em termos históricos e sociológicos.
Baseado em fontes da teoria crítica, discute como o
medo coletivo incita respostas que associam projeções de
futuro com temores sobre a alteridade e o passado. A análise
do medo da pandemia busca a incorporação analítica
de aspectos que vão além dos puramente racionais e visíveis
de maneira a desenvolver uma sociologia afeita aos
elementos emocionais e fantasmáticos da vida coletiva.
The paper analyses how primary healthcare professionals deal with the health of women and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, travestis, intersex persons, and others (LGBTI +) in the city of S o Paulo, Brazil. The research primary goal was to identify the sociodemographic and educational determinants of familiarity with and acceptance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The study is of a mixed nature and associates qualitative and quantitative techniques. The main data collection instrument was semi-structured interviews, issued to and conducted by the main researcher himself with professionals at municipal healthcare clinics and at the six regional offices for health administration of the city of São Paulo between March and December, 2019.
The interviews allowed to understand how the primary health care professional's sociodemographic profile and education have shaped their attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Educational level proved to be determinant in the preponderance of support of sexual and reproductive health and rights by those professionals with higher education specialized in healthcare and of the greater rejection of these rights among those with only a high school education or higher education in non-healthcare specialties, particularly among managers of primary healthcare clinics.
Policy Implications
The results might help initiatives to improve the National Policy for LGBT Comprehensive Health.
have identified sociodemographic profiles and attitudes
that define them by their negative identity and cultural
conservatism. However, we do not yet know if Bolsonaro
supporters have a common ideology—understood not as
left-r ight posit ioning but as a set of worldv iews t hat
organizes these positions. This article identifies an ideology
based on three components: first, a series of moral
oppositions in relation to PT voters, namely, future-oriented
vs. resistant to change; entrepreneurial ethos vs. state
dependency. Second, a demand for revising the cultural
agenda to grant their political side control of change. Finally,
a critique of corruption and a general framing of shared
worldviews. The data comes from research with focus groups
conducted in 2021 in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba,
Florianópolis, and Porto Alegre.
predominância de um enquadramento que atribuiu as decisões do governo Bolsonaro
ao negacionismo científico. A partir de fontes históricas e sociológicas, este artigo
discute o que ficou de fora desse enquadramento normativo sobre ciência e saúde,
em especial como a extrema-direita adaptou para o novo ecossistema midiático o
uso do paradigma da desinformação criado por indústrias cancerígenas. O artigo
conclui que o enquadramento jornalístico do negacionismo priorizou críticas à
incompetência do Estado, dando menor visibilidade ao papel do Sistema Único
de Saúde na urgência sanitária.
Palavras-chave: negacionismo científico, fake news, desinformação, pandemia de Covid-19, esfera pública técnico-midiatizada.
Digital Sociology: notes on research in the era of network communication Abstract: In this paper, I discuss the historical changes that have contributed to the consolidation of a digital era as well the research initiatives that try to understand the sociotechnical context in which we live in. My main argument is that the project of a digital sociology should not just be based on rethinking methodologies, but especially a new broad research agenda and proper theorical and conceptual
tools to comprehend the contemporary uses of digital media. The digital era is not
just defined by ruptures and novelties, but also by continuities and the deepening
of social phenomena previously studied by sociology like the mediatic exposure
and the influence of communication and its contents in contemporary culture.
Keywords: digital sociology; uses of digital media; networked mediated social
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to understand the role of social media networks in political polarization. From the viewpoint of the social shaping of technology, it develops a sociological and historical analysis of on-line sociability in a context defined by individualized use of connective devices. The 2013 demonstrations are taken as the turning point after which political disputes began to unfold through a moral grammar. The article analyses how the concentration of internet use on a few platforms has altered communications previously mediated between people in different contexts, unifying them in a way that accentuates binary oppositions and the shaping of polarized consensuses.
o papel cultural do medo em termos históricos e sociológicos.
Baseado em fontes da teoria crítica, discute como o
medo coletivo incita respostas que associam projeções de
futuro com temores sobre a alteridade e o passado. A análise
do medo da pandemia busca a incorporação analítica
de aspectos que vão além dos puramente racionais e visíveis
de maneira a desenvolver uma sociologia afeita aos
elementos emocionais e fantasmáticos da vida coletiva.
The paper analyses how primary healthcare professionals deal with the health of women and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans, travestis, intersex persons, and others (LGBTI +) in the city of S o Paulo, Brazil. The research primary goal was to identify the sociodemographic and educational determinants of familiarity with and acceptance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The study is of a mixed nature and associates qualitative and quantitative techniques. The main data collection instrument was semi-structured interviews, issued to and conducted by the main researcher himself with professionals at municipal healthcare clinics and at the six regional offices for health administration of the city of São Paulo between March and December, 2019.
The interviews allowed to understand how the primary health care professional's sociodemographic profile and education have shaped their attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Educational level proved to be determinant in the preponderance of support of sexual and reproductive health and rights by those professionals with higher education specialized in healthcare and of the greater rejection of these rights among those with only a high school education or higher education in non-healthcare specialties, particularly among managers of primary healthcare clinics.
Policy Implications
The results might help initiatives to improve the National Policy for LGBT Comprehensive Health.
Define a esfera pública atual como técnico-midiatizada por se materializar na confluência entre sua moldagem pelas novas tecnologias e pela midiatização e mercantilização da política. Contexto que incentiva leituras individualistas e morais de problemas coletivos criando, do lado conservador, empreendedores morais e, do lado progressista, empreendedores de si.
Essa nova esfera pública incentiva a recusa aos mediadores sociais: instituições como a ciência, o jornalismo profissional e a justiça assim como os profissionais que nelas trabalham. O ataque aos mediadores sociais é analisado por meio da forma como a universidade e seus especialistas em gênero e sexualidade descobriram-se no fogo cruzado entre os empreendedores morais de um lado e as milícias identitárias de outro.
Desigualdades históricas e estruturais deixaram de ser tratadas no registro do direito e da saúde pública em favor de um enquadramento moral benéfico à extrema-direita e, no qual, ambos os exércitos contribuíram para o fortalecimento do autoritarismo e o ataque aos intelectuais acadêmicos, empobrecendo o debate público.
O livro lança luz no repertório de ação e vocabular tanto dos empreendedores morais e sua cruzada contra o que batizaram de “ideologia de gênero” quanto dos ativismos identitários com seus escrachos e cancelamentos justificados pela novilíngua do “local de fala”, “experiência” e “cisgeneridade”.
“Batalhas morais” discute questões centrais na sociedade brasileira contemporânea oferecendo uma reflexão crítica sobre as disputas políticas que têm moldado nosso presente.