The issue of agricultural turnover is high on the policy agenda of the European Community and pol... more The issue of agricultural turnover is high on the policy agenda of the European Community and political and social scientists. A structural feature of the European agricultural system, for which no solution has yet been found, is the difficult access of persons under 40 to positions of ownership and control of agricultural holdings. Although methodological simplifications tend to underestimate the real generational change in farming, the problem remains unresolved and requires appropriate responses that will encourage the fight against aging of agricultural sector. An attempt has been made to move in this direction with the CAP measure SRG004, entitled “Cooperation for generational renewal”. It provides a mechanism for the possibility of establishing cooperation between a farmer over 65 and a newcomer. A check on the implementation of SRG004 in Italy revealed: None of the Italian regions had adopted the measure. Based on this information, qualitative research was organized. The aim was to find out the reasons for this generalization. The research highlighted some of the mechanisms of implementation of multi-level agricultural policies in Europe, in addition to trying to answer the initial question.
The article deals with the topic of rural districts that are being formed in an original context:... more The article deals with the topic of rural districts that are being formed in an original context: the island context. Based on a study carried out using qualitative methods, the article gives an account of the transformation of the territory through innovative ideas and the negotiation between the indigenous population and the newcomers.
Collective book on the new frontiers of athletic body, connected with technological and digital d... more Collective book on the new frontiers of athletic body, connected with technological and digital development.
Il saggio passa in rassegna le forem di de-universalizzazione della cittadinanza, che passa progr... more Il saggio passa in rassegna le forem di de-universalizzazione della cittadinanza, che passa progressivamente da profilo "individuale e universale" a profilo "personale e particolaristico". In particolare, il focus si proietta su profili di cittadinanza erogati attraverso il mercato, quali la skilled citizenship e le forme di "Citizenship and residence by investment" (CRBI)
corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from ... more corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from tickets. The arrival of prosperity in Italy, where soccer was less influenced by class and had already done more to make itself attractive, brought an increase in the number of people who went to the games: the average First Division crowd jumped from 21,000 in 1960 to 30,000 in 1970. Violence grew in the 1970s, as it did in society as a whole. The gulf between the players and the fans widened, just when the fans' need to identify with the team increased. The solution was the group of ultrà. These groups, while they supported their club generally, paid little attention to the game because they had their own tasks, which consisted of defending their territory behind the goal, chanting and singing and attacking their opponents, the other team's supporters. They imitated English 'hooligans' but they carried the theatre much further by deploying more drums, banners and flares. Although they used English phrases, their political ties were to Italian extremist groups. The Lazio ultrà were neofascist, gave the Roman salute and could boast that Gianfranco Fini and his wife came to home games. Meanwhile by the 1980s the tendency was growing for owners to be entrepreneurs who ran their clubs like companies. The era of Berlusconi was at hand.
Italian Politics 2003. Italy between Europeanization amd Domestic Politics (Sergio Fabbrini and Vincent Della Sala eds), 2004
English version of "Il calcio in Italia tra conflitti e aiuti di stato". The essay sociologicall... more English version of "Il calcio in Italia tra conflitti e aiuti di stato". The essay sociologically analyzes the events of a particularly complex summer, in political and economic terms, for Italian football, and captures the relationship with the overall Italian crisis.
Il legame tra sport e TV è uno dei più saldi e longevi che sia possibile trovare nel contesto med... more Il legame tra sport e TV è uno dei più saldi e longevi che sia possibile trovare nel contesto mediale e sociale italiano, e il calcio rappresenta senza alcun dubbio la punta più avanzata di questa relazione a lungo termine, dal punto di vista dell'innovatività dei formati, della sperimentazione e della capacità di rinnovare costantemente il rapporto con i pubblici. Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effetti che la mutazione tecnologica e professionale sta apportando al giornalismo, per poi focalizzarsi, in un'ottica storica e di analisi di stili e formati, sulla rappresentazione del calcio in TV. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata alle più recenti dinamiche di popolarizzazione del giornalismo sportivo e all'analisi del testo televisivo applicata al talk calcistico.
il Mulino Rivista bimestrale di cultura e di politica ISSN : 0027-3120. Numero: 6, novembre-dicem... more il Mulino Rivista bimestrale di cultura e di politica ISSN : 0027-3120. Numero: 6, novembre-dicembre 1997, Indice. DOI: 10.1402/728. L'Europa di Bosman Pippo Russo, pp. 1152-1160 7 [pdf 58K ...
corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from ... more corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from tickets. The arrival of prosperity in Italy, where soccer was less influenced by class and had already done more to make itself attractive, brought an increase in the number of people who went to the games: the average First Division crowd jumped from 21,000 in 1960 to 30,000 in 1970. Violence grew in the 1970s, as it did in society as a whole. The gulf between the players and the fans widened, just when the fans' need to identify with the team increased. The solution was the group of ultrà. These groups, while they supported their club generally, paid little attention to the game because they had their own tasks, which consisted of defending their territory behind the goal, chanting and singing and attacking their opponents, the other team's supporters. They imitated English 'hooligans' but they carried the theatre much further by deploying more drums, banners and flares. Although they used English phrases, their political ties were to Italian extremist groups. The Lazio ultrà were neofascist, gave the Roman salute and could boast that Gianfranco Fini and his wife came to home games. Meanwhile by the 1980s the tendency was growing for owners to be entrepreneurs who ran their clubs like companies. The era of Berlusconi was at hand.
This paper is focused on a territorial development perspective centered on enhancement of hidden ... more This paper is focused on a territorial development perspective centered on enhancement of hidden territorial resources.
Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effe... more Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effetti che la mutazione tecnologica e professionale sta apportando al giornalismo, per poi focalizzarsi, in un’ottica storica e di analisi di stili e formati, sulla rappresentazione del calcio in TV. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata alle più recenti dinamiche di popolarizzazione del giornalismo sportivo e all’analisi del testo televisivo applicata al talk calcistico
Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Argentina 1... more Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Argentina 1 Para una exhaustiva reconstrucción de éste debate, consultar a Hobermann (1984, en part. Trad. It., pp. 51-87).
Urban Systems as Growth Machines? Mayors' Governing Networks against Global Indeterminacy An... more Urban Systems as Growth Machines? Mayors' Governing Networks against Global Indeterminacy Annick Magnier, Clemente Navarro and Pippo Russo 9.1 Mayors, activities and codes in urban systems Mayors' behaviour reflects their personality, their background, their political ...
Mit Beitragen von Henry Back, Annick Magnier, Hubert Heinelt, Nikos Hlepas, Kristof Steyvers, Her... more Mit Beitragen von Henry Back, Annick Magnier, Hubert Heinelt, Nikos Hlepas, Kristof Steyvers, Herwig Reynaert, Vicki Johansson, Michael Haus, David Sweeting, Pascal Michel, Bas Denters, Rikke Berg u.a.
The issue of agricultural turnover is high on the policy agenda of the European Community and pol... more The issue of agricultural turnover is high on the policy agenda of the European Community and political and social scientists. A structural feature of the European agricultural system, for which no solution has yet been found, is the difficult access of persons under 40 to positions of ownership and control of agricultural holdings. Although methodological simplifications tend to underestimate the real generational change in farming, the problem remains unresolved and requires appropriate responses that will encourage the fight against aging of agricultural sector. An attempt has been made to move in this direction with the CAP measure SRG004, entitled “Cooperation for generational renewal”. It provides a mechanism for the possibility of establishing cooperation between a farmer over 65 and a newcomer. A check on the implementation of SRG004 in Italy revealed: None of the Italian regions had adopted the measure. Based on this information, qualitative research was organized. The aim was to find out the reasons for this generalization. The research highlighted some of the mechanisms of implementation of multi-level agricultural policies in Europe, in addition to trying to answer the initial question.
The article deals with the topic of rural districts that are being formed in an original context:... more The article deals with the topic of rural districts that are being formed in an original context: the island context. Based on a study carried out using qualitative methods, the article gives an account of the transformation of the territory through innovative ideas and the negotiation between the indigenous population and the newcomers.
Collective book on the new frontiers of athletic body, connected with technological and digital d... more Collective book on the new frontiers of athletic body, connected with technological and digital development.
Il saggio passa in rassegna le forem di de-universalizzazione della cittadinanza, che passa progr... more Il saggio passa in rassegna le forem di de-universalizzazione della cittadinanza, che passa progressivamente da profilo "individuale e universale" a profilo "personale e particolaristico". In particolare, il focus si proietta su profili di cittadinanza erogati attraverso il mercato, quali la skilled citizenship e le forme di "Citizenship and residence by investment" (CRBI)
corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from ... more corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from tickets. The arrival of prosperity in Italy, where soccer was less influenced by class and had already done more to make itself attractive, brought an increase in the number of people who went to the games: the average First Division crowd jumped from 21,000 in 1960 to 30,000 in 1970. Violence grew in the 1970s, as it did in society as a whole. The gulf between the players and the fans widened, just when the fans' need to identify with the team increased. The solution was the group of ultrà. These groups, while they supported their club generally, paid little attention to the game because they had their own tasks, which consisted of defending their territory behind the goal, chanting and singing and attacking their opponents, the other team's supporters. They imitated English 'hooligans' but they carried the theatre much further by deploying more drums, banners and flares. Although they used English phrases, their political ties were to Italian extremist groups. The Lazio ultrà were neofascist, gave the Roman salute and could boast that Gianfranco Fini and his wife came to home games. Meanwhile by the 1980s the tendency was growing for owners to be entrepreneurs who ran their clubs like companies. The era of Berlusconi was at hand.
Italian Politics 2003. Italy between Europeanization amd Domestic Politics (Sergio Fabbrini and Vincent Della Sala eds), 2004
English version of "Il calcio in Italia tra conflitti e aiuti di stato". The essay sociologicall... more English version of "Il calcio in Italia tra conflitti e aiuti di stato". The essay sociologically analyzes the events of a particularly complex summer, in political and economic terms, for Italian football, and captures the relationship with the overall Italian crisis.
Il legame tra sport e TV è uno dei più saldi e longevi che sia possibile trovare nel contesto med... more Il legame tra sport e TV è uno dei più saldi e longevi che sia possibile trovare nel contesto mediale e sociale italiano, e il calcio rappresenta senza alcun dubbio la punta più avanzata di questa relazione a lungo termine, dal punto di vista dell'innovatività dei formati, della sperimentazione e della capacità di rinnovare costantemente il rapporto con i pubblici. Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effetti che la mutazione tecnologica e professionale sta apportando al giornalismo, per poi focalizzarsi, in un'ottica storica e di analisi di stili e formati, sulla rappresentazione del calcio in TV. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata alle più recenti dinamiche di popolarizzazione del giornalismo sportivo e all'analisi del testo televisivo applicata al talk calcistico.
il Mulino Rivista bimestrale di cultura e di politica ISSN : 0027-3120. Numero: 6, novembre-dicem... more il Mulino Rivista bimestrale di cultura e di politica ISSN : 0027-3120. Numero: 6, novembre-dicembre 1997, Indice. DOI: 10.1402/728. L'Europa di Bosman Pippo Russo, pp. 1152-1160 7 [pdf 58K ...
corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from ... more corporations that derived more of their revenue from TV, merchandising and sponsorship than from tickets. The arrival of prosperity in Italy, where soccer was less influenced by class and had already done more to make itself attractive, brought an increase in the number of people who went to the games: the average First Division crowd jumped from 21,000 in 1960 to 30,000 in 1970. Violence grew in the 1970s, as it did in society as a whole. The gulf between the players and the fans widened, just when the fans' need to identify with the team increased. The solution was the group of ultrà. These groups, while they supported their club generally, paid little attention to the game because they had their own tasks, which consisted of defending their territory behind the goal, chanting and singing and attacking their opponents, the other team's supporters. They imitated English 'hooligans' but they carried the theatre much further by deploying more drums, banners and flares. Although they used English phrases, their political ties were to Italian extremist groups. The Lazio ultrà were neofascist, gave the Roman salute and could boast that Gianfranco Fini and his wife came to home games. Meanwhile by the 1980s the tendency was growing for owners to be entrepreneurs who ran their clubs like companies. The era of Berlusconi was at hand.
This paper is focused on a territorial development perspective centered on enhancement of hidden ... more This paper is focused on a territorial development perspective centered on enhancement of hidden territorial resources.
Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effe... more Il volume colloca anzitutto il rapporto calcio e televisione entro il più ampio quadro degli effetti che la mutazione tecnologica e professionale sta apportando al giornalismo, per poi focalizzarsi, in un’ottica storica e di analisi di stili e formati, sulla rappresentazione del calcio in TV. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata alle più recenti dinamiche di popolarizzazione del giornalismo sportivo e all’analisi del testo televisivo applicata al talk calcistico
Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Argentina 1... more Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Argentina 1 Para una exhaustiva reconstrucción de éste debate, consultar a Hobermann (1984, en part. Trad. It., pp. 51-87).
Urban Systems as Growth Machines? Mayors' Governing Networks against Global Indeterminacy An... more Urban Systems as Growth Machines? Mayors' Governing Networks against Global Indeterminacy Annick Magnier, Clemente Navarro and Pippo Russo 9.1 Mayors, activities and codes in urban systems Mayors' behaviour reflects their personality, their background, their political ...
Mit Beitragen von Henry Back, Annick Magnier, Hubert Heinelt, Nikos Hlepas, Kristof Steyvers, Her... more Mit Beitragen von Henry Back, Annick Magnier, Hubert Heinelt, Nikos Hlepas, Kristof Steyvers, Herwig Reynaert, Vicki Johansson, Michael Haus, David Sweeting, Pascal Michel, Bas Denters, Rikke Berg u.a.
La reflexion sociologica sobre el tema del deporte se presenta como una empresa discontinua, que ... more La reflexion sociologica sobre el tema del deporte se presenta como una empresa discontinua, que sufre todavia una dificultad para asignarle dignidad academica al tema, y conferirle un rango de campo disciplinario especifico. El deporte como fenomeno social, de hecho, continua siendo un objeto de analisis secundario, sobre el cual convergen aproximaciones teoricas heterogeneas por disciplina e instrumentos analiticos, cada una con paradigmas y estructuras conceptuales propias, con la consecuencia de enfatizar casi siempre aspectos particulares del fenomeno. Permanecen aun limitados los intentos de explicacion sistematica, adoptados como “clasicos” con una rapidez sorprendente debido a la falta de oposicion teorica, ademas de una escasa consideracion del tema en el ambito de las Ciencias Sociales y de un carente esfuerzo sistematico para el desarrollo de esquemas conceptuales y modelos de analisis endogeno. Asi, al observador que se proponga hacer un balance sobre el “estado del arte...
Books by Pippo Russo
Although methodological simplifications tend to underestimate the real generational change in farming, the problem remains unresolved and requires appropriate responses that will encourage the fight against aging of agricultural sector. An attempt has been made to move in this direction with the CAP measure SRG004, entitled “Cooperation for generational renewal”. It provides a mechanism for the possibility of establishing
cooperation between a farmer over 65 and a newcomer. A check on the implementation of SRG004 in Italy revealed: None of the Italian regions had adopted the measure.
Based on this information, qualitative research was organized. The aim was to find out the reasons for this generalization. The research highlighted some of the mechanisms of implementation of multi-level agricultural policies in Europe, in addition to trying to answer the initial question.
Papers by Pippo Russo
Although methodological simplifications tend to underestimate the real generational change in farming, the problem remains unresolved and requires appropriate responses that will encourage the fight against aging of agricultural sector. An attempt has been made to move in this direction with the CAP measure SRG004, entitled “Cooperation for generational renewal”. It provides a mechanism for the possibility of establishing
cooperation between a farmer over 65 and a newcomer. A check on the implementation of SRG004 in Italy revealed: None of the Italian regions had adopted the measure.
Based on this information, qualitative research was organized. The aim was to find out the reasons for this generalization. The research highlighted some of the mechanisms of implementation of multi-level agricultural policies in Europe, in addition to trying to answer the initial question.