Prof. dr. Bálint Péter
Péter Bálint is the Professor of the University of Debrecen, who analyzes the traditional tale treasure of the people (Hungarian, Swabish, Romanian, Serb, Slovak, Ukrainian, and mostly Gypsy) in the Carpathian Basin (Central-Eastern Europe) from interdisciplinary approach. The novelty of his analysis is that he examines the original tale texts preserved in rural communities from literary and phenomenological hermeneutics aspects.
He leads a tale-research team, the members of which are cultural anthropologists, philosophers and men of letters.
He has published several volumes on tale research in Hungarian and English languages.
Prof. dr. Bálint Péter University of Debrecen, Dean of the Faculty of Child and Adult Education, and Head of Department of Literature, Communication and Cultural Anthropology
He leads a tale-research team, the members of which are cultural anthropologists, philosophers and men of letters.
He has published several volumes on tale research in Hungarian and English languages.
Prof. dr. Bálint Péter University of Debrecen, Dean of the Faculty of Child and Adult Education, and Head of Department of Literature, Communication and Cultural Anthropology
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Papers by Prof. dr. Bálint Péter
and happiness throughout his journey; (3) what kind of diffe ences can be traced between the ancient, medieval texts and the Hungarian folk narratives in the depiction of the Otherworld and Heaven.
Books by Prof. dr. Bálint Péter
A tradicionális népmeséről az irodalmár szemszögéből..............................13
A „folklór esemény” értelmezői és az őket figyelő irodalmár tekintete
(Geertz terepmunka értelmezése és az irodalmár tevékenysége)...............29
A mesemondó beszédének legitimitása..........................................................61
A mesemondó „arcának” láthatósága: az interpretáció által
(Kísérlet egy „mesemondó-portré” megrajzolására)....................................89
A látás és az öröm-élmény viszonya Jakab István meséiben
(„hát milyen öröme lenne neki az életben”?)............................................... 117
„Elmenyek a nagyvilágba” (idegentapasztalatok a népmesében)..............155
Traditional Folk Tales from the Folklorist’s View......................................175
Interpreters of the ‘Folkloristic Event’ and the Eye
of the Literary Person (An Interpretation of Geertz’s Fieldwork
and the Activities of the Literary Person)....................................................189
The Legitimation of Narrative. “The threshold of language lies
at the point where the verb first appears.”....................................................221
The Storyteller’s Profile: What the Narrative Tells Us
(An Attempt at Drawing the Storyteller’s Portrait)....................................249
e relationship between sight and the experience of joy
in István Jakab’s tales (“[…] well, what joy that would be in his life”).....277
“I’m going off into the big, wide world.”
(Experiences of the strange in folk tales).....................................................317
Bibliográfia / Bibliography.............................................................................337
and happiness throughout his journey; (3) what kind of diffe ences can be traced between the ancient, medieval texts and the Hungarian folk narratives in the depiction of the Otherworld and Heaven.
A tradicionális népmeséről az irodalmár szemszögéből..............................13
A „folklór esemény” értelmezői és az őket figyelő irodalmár tekintete
(Geertz terepmunka értelmezése és az irodalmár tevékenysége)...............29
A mesemondó beszédének legitimitása..........................................................61
A mesemondó „arcának” láthatósága: az interpretáció által
(Kísérlet egy „mesemondó-portré” megrajzolására)....................................89
A látás és az öröm-élmény viszonya Jakab István meséiben
(„hát milyen öröme lenne neki az életben”?)............................................... 117
„Elmenyek a nagyvilágba” (idegentapasztalatok a népmesében)..............155
Traditional Folk Tales from the Folklorist’s View......................................175
Interpreters of the ‘Folkloristic Event’ and the Eye
of the Literary Person (An Interpretation of Geertz’s Fieldwork
and the Activities of the Literary Person)....................................................189
The Legitimation of Narrative. “The threshold of language lies
at the point where the verb first appears.”....................................................221
The Storyteller’s Profile: What the Narrative Tells Us
(An Attempt at Drawing the Storyteller’s Portrait)....................................249
e relationship between sight and the experience of joy
in István Jakab’s tales (“[…] well, what joy that would be in his life”).....277
“I’m going off into the big, wide world.”
(Experiences of the strange in folk tales).....................................................317
Bibliográfia / Bibliography.............................................................................337