Books by Magdolna Laczay

A COVID hatás okozta társadalmi változások becslése / Bódi Ferenc gondolatainak továbbfűzése, 2021
The article by Ferenc Bódi appeared in the spring issue of this journal in the spring of 2021. He... more The article by Ferenc Bódi appeared in the spring issue of this journal in the spring of 2021. He undertook to estimate the impact of the changes caused by the pandemic on health care and the expected economic and social changes. His study, due to the scale of the pandemic, is a macro-level analysis. When the study came out, we all hoped that the COVID-19 epidemic was already coming to an end and that we needed to focus on starting again. Society has partly faded, partly realized that this epidemic is different from the previous ones. This encouraged me to continue to think about some of the Hungarian phenomena and to express my thoughts on the expected changes. I cannot undertake to analyze all areas of the crisis caused by the epidemic, but I will make an attempt to present its phenomena in health care, their interpretation, and the social effects of the current Hungarian health crisis so far. In my writing, I rely on my own research and that of my colleagues, and on the reports of my students in the health care system.

A cigány/roma közösségek kutatásának hazai irányai és legismertebb eredményei, 2022
Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary: Gypsy communities... more Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary: Gypsy communities have been known in Hungarian majority society for half a millennium. However, sources are poor and only provide information on a few aspects of their lives. Some scholars have attempted to define this sporadic, small group of people when their numbers have increased significantly. In the second half of the 20th century, archivists and ethnographers began to investigate their origins, their common history, the origin of their names, and the specific characteristics that shape their way of life, language, culture and beliefs. Their findings have led to their being defined as a minority, but they are now estimated to number between 10 and 12 million in Europe. There are naïve researchers and advocates of Gypsy/Roma history who believe that the glories of the past and the persecutions of the past are to be found, but in scientific research, the view is becoming increasingly accepted that the communities of the past centuries in Europe and Hungary, known by their collective name of Gypsy/Roma, cannot be described as homogeneous, undifferentiated entities, either historically, ethnographically or sociologically. Throughout history, Roma/Gypsy people and communities have not been made Roma/Gypsy by the same criteria, and therefore they must be understood primarily in terms of their social situation, so that their integration can be made possible and the national and EU programmes of schooling, compulsory employment and the dismantling of Roma settlements can open up real paths to social advancement.

Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary: Gypsy communities... more Trends and best-known results of research on Gypsy/Roma communities in Hungary: Gypsy communities have been known in Hungarian majority society for half a millennium. However, sources are poor and only provide information on a few aspects of their lives. Some scholars have attempted to define this sporadic, small group of people when their numbers have increased significantly. In the second half of the 20th century, archivists and ethnographers began to investigate their origins, their common history, the origin of their names, and the specific characteristics that shape their way of life, language, culture and beliefs. Their findings have led to their being defined as a minority, but they are now estimated to number between 10 and 12 million in Europe. There are naïve researchers and advocates of Gypsy/Roma history who believe that the glories of the past and the persecutions of the past are to be found, but in scientific research, the view is becoming increasingly accepted that the communities of the past centuries in Europe and Hungary, known by their collective name of Gypsy/Roma, cannot be described as homogeneous, undifferentiated entities, either historically, ethnographically or sociologically. Throughout history, Roma/Gypsy people and communities have not been made Roma/Gypsy by the same criteria, and therefore they must be understood primarily in terms of their social situation, so that their integration can be made possible and the national and EU programmes of schooling, compulsory employment and the dismantling of Roma settlements can open up real paths to social advancement.

A mai Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyének a közepében, erdőkkel övezett kis szabolcsi tájon fekszik e... more A mai Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyének a közepében, erdőkkel övezett kis szabolcsi tájon fekszik egy falu, amely már az Árpád-kor óta lakott, templomát 1137-ben kezdték építeni 2 A neve is beszédes, hiszen a fehértó utal a szikes talajra, ami ezen a tájon elég gyakori, így a később megtelepedő hasonló adottságú települést ma Újfehértónak hívják. Bár a középkorban több birtokosa volt, de szinte mindig uradalomként működött a környék jelentősebb nemes családjainak a birtokaként. Így volt a Báthoryaké, a Vayaké, a Károlyiaké és Dessewffyeké, a Kállayaké, a Csákyaké, míg a 19. század fordulóján a falu nagy része a gróf Majláth család tulajdona lett. 3 Ófehértó így azon kevés szabolcsi falu közé tartozik, amelyet egyetlen uradalom jellemzett a 19. századtól a második világháború végéig. Gróf Majláth József -aki nemcsak családi, hanem szellemi rokonságban is volt Széchenyi Istvánnal -igyekezett itt egy kis mintauradalmat megvalósítani, és olyan növényi kultúra elterjesztésére taníttatta meg a döntően az ő uradalmán dolgozó cselédséget, amelynek eredményeként a hazai dohánytermesztés egyik központjává vált, és ezt a szerepét a falu 1945 után is meg tudta tartani. A második világháború után a lakosság a korábban tanult gazdálkodási fegyelmet, a közös értékeket megőrizte, és hasznosította a községi önkormányzat alakításában, a politikai mentalitásában, a 20. század második felének sorsfordító szakaszaiban megnyilvánuló demokratizmusában. Mindvégig érzékelhető maradt a szervezett gazdálkodás elfogadása, a döntések sajátos, új értelmet nyert demokratizmusa. Itt nem a termelőszövetkezetek szervezésekor, hanem a felszámolása során fogalmazódtak meg ellenérvek a közös gazdálkodás előnyeinek a védelmére. 12 MNL SZSZBML, V.190. 2743/946 Kgy irat és a V. 190. 1946. dec. 10. kgy. 13 MNL SZSZBML, V. 190. 2659/1946. jkv. sz. 35 MNL SZSZBML, XXXV. 164. Nagy Sándor veterán munkásmozgalmi dokumentumai. 45. és 50. őe. 36 MNL SZSZBML, MNL SZSZBML, XXIII. 842/b. 1957. évi jegyzőkönyvek 37 MNL SZSZBML, XXX.339/a 1-3.d. tsz közgyűlések iratai.

The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális T... more MULTICULTURALISM AND INTERETHNIC RELATIONS
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.

The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális T... more MULTICULTURALISM AND INTERETHNIC RELATIONS
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.

The number of disabled people living in the EU is more than 80 million, while in Hungary; accordi... more The number of disabled people living in the EU is more than 80 million, while in Hungary; according to the census (KSH-2001) it makes 5.7% of the population. Disabled citizens in all Member States face difficulties in the access to education, training, and long-term low-level employment rate. All of these result in the social and economic exclusion of the people in concern, their poverty and heavy dependence on the social system. Anti-discrimination policies have proved successful in changing the attitudes towards disability, but the law in itself is not enough to bring about significant changes. Without social commitment, legal regulations will remain sheer formalities. In order to eliminate the existing prejudice, there is a need for change in the attitude at society level, where it has already been accepted that people with disabilities have a right to professional training, rehabilitation and social inclusion, regardless of the origin and nature of their disability. Education, participation in training is essential for a good position on the labour-market, to join the labour-market, but still we cannot talk about full equality of opportunities in education, training and employment. It is true that in recent years, acceptance or rather inclusive processes have intensified -in the case of people with disabilities as well -thus a slow yet positive change can be detected.
Papers by Magdolna Laczay

Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka, 2017
The friendship between the Polish and the Hungarian people is based on historical experience. Thi... more The friendship between the Polish and the Hungarian people is based on historical experience. This is the essence of the well-known old poem: Polak, Węgier-dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki, oba zuchy, oba żwawi, niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi. Pole and Hungarian-two brothers, good for sabre and for glass. Both courageous, both lively, let God bless them. However, there is also a saying among Hungarian proverbs close in meaning to the above poem: a friend in need is a friend indeed. That is how the Hungarians felt and what they intended to prove when Poland was attacked by the German Nazi army in 1939. There used to exist an unwritten alliance between the leaders of the two countries aiming to achieve an effective political relationship including military-political cooperation at that time. Diplomatic protest As for the antecedents, the relationships following World War I became complicated since the treaties of Paris influenced the two nations in different ways. While Poland was hoping to build a united homeland of a united nation, Hungary lost two-third of its country. By having the so-called successor states in between the two states, the thousand-year-old mutual border was gone. At the beginning, Czechoslovakia was more effective in pursuing its interests. It had a more developed industry. Edvard Beneš managed to enforce his diplomatic training and, last but not least, enjoyed the support of the Powers of the Triple Entente. Nevertheless, the situation changed considerably over the next decade and the formation of the new alliance

Państwo i Społeczeństwo, 2017
Reaching, measuring and improving eff ec veness has been the focus of many scholars and praconers... more Reaching, measuring and improving eff ec veness has been the focus of many scholars and praconers of economics since the beginnings of commodity produc on. Human factors were not considered so early. Some fi nd it degrading to regard humans as part of capital while others fi nd that investment in people (educa on and development) creates valuable resources for organizaons. This debate is present in many disciplines in both theore cal and prac cal economics including economic sociology, educa on and management studies. Quality enhancement of human resources is the object of diff erent types of educa onal coopera on, developmental concepts that target readily usable competencies and outstanding outcomes from the talent pool. Talent, however is a scarce resource, hence in the age of knowledge-based economy there is compeon for talents. The meaning of "talent" has expanded to include high-qualifi ed, mul competent versa le workforce. There is a growing demand for such people and the economy as well as the society expects educa on to produce them. Hungarian economy follows the global trend but the status of mul ple disadvantaged groups and par cularly the Roma communi es make a serious diversion from these trends. Key words: human capital, educa onal system, change of paradigms, talent, mul competent versa le workforce, underprivileged groups, voca onal educa on, develpoment, innova on Podejście do reformy praktyk zawodowych oparte na zarządzaniu Streszczenie Osiąganie, mierzenie i poprawianie wydajności jest przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu badaczy i praktyków ekonomii od początków produkcji towarowej. Na tak wczesnym etapie nie brano pod
The development of leadership research in the past century was based mainly on the Taylorian foun... more The development of leadership research in the past century was based mainly on the Taylorian foundations. Besides that, further local, regional specialties have emerged. These have key influence on certain disciplines and geographical regions but were not subject to in-depth research in the past. Most of these issues were discovered in other disciplines. The areas in which the Hungarian leadership tradition can be studied are the traditions of the rural local elite, their reopened enterprises, small ventures and their role in the local society. In our research project we focused on the local elite and agribusiness leaders. Their two generations since the system change illustrates the development of the reemerging Hungarian leadership tradition.

Acta Medicinae et Sociologica, 2021
Bódi Ferenc írása ennek a folyóiratnak a 2021. tavaszi számában jelent meg, amelyben a világjárvá... more Bódi Ferenc írása ennek a folyóiratnak a 2021. tavaszi számában jelent meg, amelyben a világjárvány okozta változások közül az egészségügy, továbbá a várható gazdasági- és társadalmi változások hatásának becslésére vállalkozott. Írása, a pandémia érintettsége okán, makro szintű elemzés. A tanulmány megjelenésekor valamennyien abban reménykedtünk, hogy a COVID-19 járvány már megszűnőben van, és az újrakezdésre kell koncentrálnunk. Sajnos a pandémia nem múlt el, sőt, egyre több áldozatot követelve fokozza a válságot. A társadalom részint belefásult, részint rádöbbent, hogy ez a járvány más, mint a korábbiak. Nem szigetelődik egy térségre, kontinensre, nem kíméli a különböző korosztályokat, és a világméretű védekezést „kijátszva”, mutálódik. Ez ösztönzött arra, hogy az említett írást tovább gondolva, néhány hazai jelenségről én is közöljem „gondolatkísérletemet”. A járvány okozta válság minden területének az elemzésére nem vállalkozhatok, de kísérletet teszek az egészségügyben tapaszta...
Acta Medicinae et Sociologica, 2021
Az elmúlt években kedvezőnek mondható munkaerőpiaci folyamatoknak lehettünk a tanúi. A foglalkozt... more Az elmúlt években kedvezőnek mondható munkaerőpiaci folyamatoknak lehettünk a tanúi. A foglalkoztatás emelkedése, a munkanélküliség csökkenése 2013-tól figyelhető meg. Nagyjából ekkora lábalt ki a hazai gazdaság a 2008-ban kibontakozó pénzügyi válságból. Azonban ezek a kedvező munkaerőpiaci folyamatok nem érintik egységesen sem hazán régióit sem pedig az egyes munkavállalói csoportokat. S bár a korábban is rossz helyzetben lévő északkeleti és délnyugati térségek roma munkavállalóinak is javult a relatív helyzete, lemaradásuk, lehetőségeinek hiánya továbbra is jelentős a nem roma társadalom tagjaiéhoz képest.

Current educational developments have to go hand in hand with crisis management. In the field of ... more Current educational developments have to go hand in hand with crisis management. In the field of Vocational Training the accreditation of the Teacher’s programmes are yet to be fininshed. Training professionals in accordance with the new legal framework is still a problem in many areas. The teacher of health sciences and health care programme at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Health is one of the exceptions. Students at the part time training programme come from one of the BSc programmes and work in a profession corresponding to their degrees. A smaller part of the students already works in vocational training as a teacher or trainer. All of the students have some professional experience in training either from secondary schools or trainings at their workplaces. However they lack professional competencies in professional pedagogy, methodology, psychology, management etc. This programme can develop the level of these competencies enough to make the students competent on the la...
Books by Magdolna Laczay
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.
Papers by Magdolna Laczay
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.
The publication of the 4th volume of Multikulturális Tanulmányok (Multicultural Studies) creates
an opportunity to present anew what concept we realize in the field of self-education and supporting
talents. Now we have the opportunity to open a way for our students for the fourth time, on which
they may start to discover and cultivate science. The high-level presentations and research plans are
the visible results of our work in the past year. We are pleased to say that more and more students
fulfilled their commitments at a high level. This program was a major challenge for the mentors as
well, for several reasons. A research team of lecturers is forming right now, in which professors from
our institution and other institutions from Hungary and abroad take part and thus, the field of
activity of our Multicultural Workshop for Creating Chance and Supporting Talents is expanding –
according to its name. The theme of the new volume represents this properly.
On the other hand, nowadays we can experience the expansion of multiculturalism’s definition
and the daily actuality of it may slightly encumber the objective assessment of the concept. In the
era of globalization and info-communication we cannot survive without accepting the wide variety
of cultural effects or without learning to show our own values in it. At the same time those forms of
inter-ethnic coexistence are highly appreciated, which are trying to show the good practices of inclusion
and acceptance, based on the traditions of a region. It is unfortunate that the socio-cultural
conditions can be so different in various regions that both multiculturalism and the forms of interethnic
relations appear as local social challenges, a question of fallback and/or progress. Being aware
of all this the educational objective of our Workshop is to provide professional support for talented
students and to increase their chances of convergence and integration. This publication is prepared
as a presentation of this work.
Both courageous, both lively, Let God bless them.
However, there is also a saying among the Hungarian proverbs closely connected: a friend in need is a friend indeed. That is how the Hungarians felt and what they intended to prove when Poland was overrun by the German Nazi army in 1939. There used to exist an unwritten alliance between the leaders of the two countries aiming to achieve an effective political relationship including military-political cooperation at that time.
Láczay Magdolna
A globális gazdasági viszonyok kutatói tehetségválságról panaszkodnak. Ezzel is magyarázható, hogy a munkaerőpiaci viszonyok felborultak, és egyszerre van munkaerőhiány és túlkínálat. A tehetség kutatása, amely alig egy századra tekint vissza, kiszélesedett, és a gazdasági szférában már nemcsak a kimagasló eredményeket elérő talentumokat tartják számon, hanem a magasan kvalifikált többféle kompetenciával rendelkező, azaz verzatil szakemberek iránt is megnőtt az igény.
Az egykori Partium lakossága szintén mutatja a globális trendet, amiből különösen súlyos a halmozottan hátrányos rétegek, ezen belül a roma lakosság helyzete. Az interetnikus kapcsolatokat itt a mindennapi élet alakítja, és feltárulnak azok a lehetőségek, amelyek egy elfogadó társadalom fejlesztéséhez közös utat jelölnek ki. Szükség van a határontúli kapcsolat kínálta együttműködésben a formális és nonformális oktatás új módszereinek, formáinak a kialakítására, ezen belül a személyes kompetenciák fejlesztésére, az alap iskolai végzettség és emellett a pótló képzések segítségével a szociokulturális viszonyok javítására. A különböző kulturális hagyományok előnyeire építve így remélhetünk egy sajátos, elfogadó és befogadó, egymás értékeit tisztelő jövőt gyermekeinknek.
A 19 század közepétől számos olyan változás történt, amelyet komplex rendszerváltozási folyamatként is értelmezhetünk. A táj átalakulása után a földhasználat és a gazdaság szerkezete többször is megváltozott. Majd a trianoni diktátum okozta határokon belül etnikai, politikai, igazgatási, kulturális változások alakították az Észak-keleti térségben élők sorsát. A legutóbbi, 1989-es, az életünk miden részére kiterjedő rendszerváltásnak is vannak olyan hatásai, amelyekben kulcskérdés, hogy az itt élők társadalmi mobilizációja hogyan történik, érvényesülnek-e a lokális hagyományok, hogyan befolyásolja az itt élőket az a határmentiség, amely nemcsak az országnak, hanem az Európai Uniónak is határa. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében az a paradox helyzet alakult ki, hogy minden változás, rendszerváltás ellenére az itt élők sorsa csak relatíve lett jobb, továbbra is az ország legveszélyeztetettebb helyzetű térségei közé tartozik.