Papers by Mario Cannataro

Multiagent and Grid Systems, 2006
Semantic Grid applications based on the cooperation of Grid Services need semantic modeling tools... more Semantic Grid applications based on the cooperation of Grid Services need semantic modeling tools and functions to access and manage ontologies stored on the Grid. Although many tools and methodologies exist for ontology editing and management, they often work in a centralized way and are not available on the Grid. The paper proposes a distributed ontology management framework where ontology schema is replicated and instances are distributed among nodes of the Grid. A distributed ontology kernel that offers querying and updating APIs and a graphical query interface for ontology browsing have been fully designed. The kernel leverages distributed data management functions offered by the Grid middleware to store and access ontology fragments. It has been embedded into an ontology-based workflow editor allowing distributed users to design and execute bioinformatics applications. Domain ontologies, partitioned and managed by the ontology kernel, are accessed by the editor enhancing workflow composition. The ontology distribution allows to design a complete application whatever availability of Grid nodes.
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC'05) - Volume II, 2005
... [22] R Nussinov and HJ Wolfson, Efficient detection of ... [26] Rost Sander Schneider, Phd - ... more ... [22] R Nussinov and HJ Wolfson, Efficient detection of ... [26] Rost Sander Schneider, Phd - an automatic server for protein secondary structure prediction ... Zhang J, Zhang Z, Miller W, and Lipman DJ, Gapped blast and psi-blast a new generation of protein database search programs ...
14th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprise (WETICE'05), 2005
Although many tools and methodologies exist for ontology editing and management, integrated ontol... more Although many tools and methodologies exist for ontology editing and management, integrated ontology management systems working on the grid have not been defined yet. The paper presents the design of an ontology manager, OnBrowser, and its application in a grid environment scenario for managing distributed ontologies. OnBrowser provides access to "knowledge objects" coding ontology portions and referring to grid metadata.

ABSTRACT Data produced by mass spectrometer (MS) have been using in pro-teomics experiments to id... more ABSTRACT Data produced by mass spectrometer (MS) have been using in pro-teomics experiments to identify proteins or patterns in clinical sam-ples that may be responsible of human diseases. MS-based pro-teomics is becoming a powerful, widely used technique in order to identify different molecular targets in different pathological condi-tions. Nevertheless, MS data are affected by errors and noise due to sample preparation, sample insertion into the instrument by differ-ent operators and instrument itself. Different preprocessing tech-niques have to be applied to manipulate and gathering information by data. Moreover, MS samples contain a huge amount of data, and information extraction requires accessing to large volume of data, such that an efficient organization is necessary both to reduce access time to data, and to allow efficient knowledge extraction. We present the design and the implementation of a software system for the loading, preprocessing, storing and managing of mass spec-tra data. Moreover, such system, called SpecDB is proposed for a distributed laboratory producing and sharing MS data.
Digestive and Liver Disease, 2011

2016 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
Nowadays there is a widespread diffusion of mobile applications for weight and diet management. E... more Nowadays there is a widespread diffusion of mobile applications for weight and diet management. Even though, the most popular apps are not usually experimented in clinical contexts, as well as apps are not supported by medical evidence. Further research is necessary to assess the effectiveness of apps for weight and diet management. Moreover, there are few examples of food recommender systems that provide to the users nutritional facts about suitable food choices and take into account individual physiological status and environmental situations. We propose DIETOS (DIET Organizer System), a recommender system for the adaptive delivery of nutrition contents to improve the quality of life of both healthy people and individuals affected by chronic diet-related diseases. The proposed system is able to build a user's health profile, and provides individualized nutritional recommendation according to the health profile. The profile is created through the use of dynamic real-time questionnaires prepared by medical doctors and compiled by the users. The health profile includes information about health status and eventual chronic diseases. The first prototype of the system (available online at, includes a catalogue of typical Calabrian foods compiled by nutrition specialists (Calabria is a region of the southern Italy). DIETOS can suggest not only the use of specific foods compatible with the health status, but also it may give dietary indications related to some specific pathologies or health conditions.
The 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems was held at the Universit... more The 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems was held at the Universita Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, on 20th to 22nd June 2012. Serendipitously, the first time CBMS was held in Italy marked the 25th edition of the conference and we are proud that this anniversary was celebrated in Rome.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2014
Although many tools and methodologies exist for ontology editing and management, complete, integr... more Although many tools and methodologies exist for ontology editing and management, complete, integrated ontology management systems working on the Grid are needed. Moreover, such ontology management systems should allow the use of knowledge coded into ontologies to different applications in a standard way. In this paper we consider the role of ontology management systems that using metadata spread on the Grid can help Grid programming. The paper presents the design and a first implementation of OnBrowser , an ontology manager that provides access to "knowledge objects" coding ontology portions and referring to Grid metadata, through both user interfaces and application programming interfaces.
Mass-Spectrometry (MS) based biological analysis is a powerful approach for discovering novel bio... more Mass-Spectrometry (MS) based biological analysis is a powerful approach for discovering novel biomarkers or identifying patterns and associations in biological samples. Each value of a spectrum is composed of two measurements, m/Z (mass to charge ratio) and intensity. Even if data produced by mass spectrometers contains potentially huge amount of information, data are often affected by errors and noise due
The conference offers a note of thanks and lists its reviewers.

ABSTRACT The paper addresses two relevant topics in Content Net- works related to the extraction ... more ABSTRACT The paper addresses two relevant topics in Content Net- works related to the extraction and delivery of multimedia contents: the management of complex and rich multimedia contents, and the heterogeneity of access networks, user's profiles, and browsing interfaces. The former can be faced by using ontology-based modeling techniques, while the latter can exploit adaptive systems. The paper presents a software system that combines ontology-based contents modeling and extraction with adaptive, network-aware, content delivery. Contents are extracted from a knowledge base through rea- soning modules and are adapted to the user through an adaptive system that takes into account network and ter- minal characteristics as well as user profile. To optimize the user profiling activity the proposed system uses a P2P profile sharing and updating mechanism. System architecture and a case study in the cultural assets domain are presented.
The paper presents DISAS, a middleware software that can be used to enable adaptation in existing... more The paper presents DISAS, a middleware software that can be used to enable adaptation in existing web-based applications and legacy information systems. The proposed system provides an intermediate layer between the user and the data source that monitors system conditions, intercepts content streams, and adapts them on the fly, leveraging emergent World Wide Web Consortium standards, such as DISelect and CC/PP. DISAS has been fully implemented using two approaches: as a filter that transparently adapts hypermedia coded in well-formed XML with embedded DISelect adaptation rules, and as a tag library that allows DISelect constructs calls to be merged into active pages like Java Server Pages.
This work concerns a general technique to enrich parallel version of stochastic simulators for bi... more This work concerns a general technique to enrich parallel version of stochastic simulators for biological systems with tools for online statistical analysis of the results. In particular, within the FastFlow parallel programming framework, we describe the methodology and the implementation of a parallel Monte Carlo simulation infrastructure extended with user-defined on-line data filtering and mining functions. The simulator and the on-line analysis were validated on large multi-core platforms and representative proof-of-concept biological systems.
Papers by Mario Cannataro