Papers by antonio sichera

The unconscious and its by-passing in a histori-cal-cultural perspective Freud himself, on the th... more The unconscious and its by-passing in a histori-cal-cultural perspective Freud himself, on the threshold of the 20th century (a histor-ical period that was not by chance defined as the "age of catastrophe" by Hobsbawm 1), perhaps did not intend the un-conscious to become a metaphor and a hermeneutic criticism of mature modernity. The dawn of the modern age, in fact, coincides with an attack on the paradigms of the classical and Judeo-Christian tradition, and the consequent break in a thousand-year old equilibrium, in which a series of rec-ognized authorities, transcending subjectivity, guaranteed a shared interpretation of the cosmos, of history, of existence itself. It was the form borrowed in the Medieval period from the paradigm of Christianity, based around the divine justi-fication for living or dying. Its demise, cleverly foreseen by Nietzsche in the famous pages of The Gay Science 2 , may, in fact, be represented as the "death of God" (of the father, of tr...
Overview of the main narratological theories and proposal of a different perspective in hermeneut... more Overview of the main narratological theories and proposal of a different perspective in hermeneutical and Gestalt keys
Creative License, 2003
ABSTRACT In an international and prestigious volume, a review of the concept of creativity betwee... more ABSTRACT In an international and prestigious volume, a review of the concept of creativity between aesthetics, textual criticism and psychotherapy
Papers by antonio sichera