Papers by Orazio Condorelli
Indici Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune, 2024
“Missus sum ego Rogerius”. Alle origini della Legazia apostolica di Sicilia’, Diritto e Religioni... more “Missus sum ego Rogerius”. Alle origini della Legazia apostolica di Sicilia’, Diritto e Religioni 18.1 (2023) 266-300.
Orazio Condorelli, 2022
Orazio Condorelli, 'Una nuova stagione per i diritti particolari delle Chiese orientali cattolich... more Orazio Condorelli, 'Una nuova stagione per i diritti particolari delle Chiese orientali cattoliche. Note sulla recente legislazione delle tre circoscrizioni bizantine italiane e sul loro attuale stato giuridico’, “Gli abusi nella Chiesa: una realtà sommersa” – “Rapporti tra Vescovo e Chierici”. Convegni del Pontificio Istituto Orientale di Roma - Febbraio e Maggio 2021, a cura di Georges H. Ruyssen (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Editoria di Facoltà 07/2022; Roma, Pontificio Istituto Orientale & Valore Italiano, 2022) 413-465. ISBN 978-88-97789-95-6.
Qui était l'auteur de l'apparat au Décret Animal est substantia? Anne Lefebvre-Teillard 1 Bidding... more Qui était l'auteur de l'apparat au Décret Animal est substantia? Anne Lefebvre-Teillard 1 Bidding Prayers: The Economic Vocabulary of Late Medieval European Christianity, and the Experience of the Liturgy on the Eve of the Reformations. .. Tyler Lange 19 Ricerche sulla cultura di Guido da Baisio Andrea Padovani 77 Un'opera ancora da studiare: l'Editio Romana del Corpus iuris canonici .
‘ “(Non) tutto si trova nel corpo del diritto”. Voluntas, consensus, fides: la prima scienza civi... more ‘ “(Non) tutto si trova nel corpo del diritto”. Voluntas, consensus, fides: la prima scienza civilistica di fronte ai problemi del matrimonio (a proposito di una sequenza di sentenze teologiche copiate in un ms. del Codex, Vat. lat. 1427)’, La volonté. Italie-France allers-retours, a cura di Marie Bassano – Luisa Brunori – Cristina Ciancio – Florent Garnier (Centre Toulousain d’Histoire du Droit et des Idées Politiques: Études d’Histoire du Droit et des Idées Politiques 30; Toulouse, Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2022) 127-165
La rivista è collocata in fascia "A" nei settori di riferimento dell'area 12-Riviste PARTE I-Stor... more La rivista è collocata in fascia "A" nei settori di riferimento dell'area 12-Riviste PARTE I-Storia delle istituzioni religiose e dei rapporti tra Diritto e Religioni 283 Diritto, religione, ordine: il governo attraverso la legislazione nel "Regnum Siciliae"… Diritto, religione, ordine: il governo attraverso la legislazione nel "Regnum Siciliae * ORAZIO CONDORELLI RIASSUNTO diede forte coesione politica, sotto l'idea di un potere pubblico unitario, a una vasta area territoriale dotata di una popolazione multietnica e multireligiosa. Nelle rappresentazioni testuali e iconografiche, la sovranità dei re di Sicilia si colloca al crocevia della concezione biblica di regalità e dell'idea di "maiestas" ereditata dalla tradizione romanola religione e l'idea dell'alleanza fra trono e altare furono concepite come fondamentali strumenti di governo.
Ricerca condotta nell'ambito del Progetto di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN 2017)... more Ricerca condotta nell'ambito del Progetto di ricerca di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN 2017) dal titolo Precetto religioso e norma giuridica: storia e dinamica di una dialettica fondativa della civiltà giuridica occidentale (secoli IV-XVII). Una versione previa di queste pagine è stata pubblicata in
Medieval Church Law and the Origins of the Western Legal Tradition

EnglishSt. Symeon was a Byzantine monk of Sicilian origin who ended his life in Trier, where his ... more EnglishSt. Symeon was a Byzantine monk of Sicilian origin who ended his life in Trier, where his memory is venerated since the year of his death (1035). The story of his life shows the intensity of the communication processes between the Latin Church and the Byzantine Church in the early 11th century, and is taken as the starting point of a study on the shaping of the legal system of the Latin Church between the end of the first Millennium and the first decades of the second. The research therefore focuses attention on the institutional experience of the «imperial Church», articulated around the two poles of the empire and the papacy. The ecclesiological and political ideal of collaboration between civil and ecclesiastical power found expression in the initiatives of Church reform promoted by emperors such as Henry II and Henry III and supported by some of the best popes of the first half of the 11th century. Some canonical collections engaged in the effort to select and coordinate ...

DeutschDie foedera pacis (Friedensabkommen) gehoren zu den Kernthemen des Ius gentium. Einige Pas... more DeutschDie foedera pacis (Friedensabkommen) gehoren zu den Kernthemen des Ius gentium. Einige Passagen von Isidor von Sevilla und Augustinus, die im Gratians Decretum uberliefert wurden, und einige Fragmente (Gaius, Hermogenianus. Ulpianus), die in den Digesten vorkommen, sind die Hauptquellen, aus denen die mittelalterlichen Juristen ihre Lehren uber die Grundlagen derfoedera pacis (pactum und fides) und deren Auswirkungen ableiteten. Die Lehren mittelalterlicher Juristen uber die foedera pacis stellen eine der Wurzeln dar. die die Uberlegungen der Vater des modernen Volkerrechts (z. B. Grotius) nahrten.. EnglishThe foedera pacis (peace accords) belong to the core of the fundamental themes of the ius gentium. Some passages of Isidore from Seville and Augustine, handed down in Gratian's Decretum, and some fragments contained in Justinian's Digest (Gaius, Hermogenianus, Ulpianus) were the main sources on which the medieval jurists elaborated their doctrines concerning the fou...
Papers by Orazio Condorelli
This volume explores a millennium-long story of law and religion in Italy through a series of 26 biographical chapters. The chapters range from the first Italian civilians and canonists, Irnerius and Gratian in the early twelfth century, to the leading architect of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI. Between these two book ends, this volume offers notable case studies of familiar civilians like Bartolo, Baldo, and Gentili and familiar canonists like Hostiensis, Panormitanus, and Gasparri but also a number of other jurists in the broadest sense who deserve much more attention especially outside of Italy.
All chapters have been written by distinguished legal scholars and historians from Italy and around the world. This diversity of international and methodological perspectives gives the volume its unique character; it will appeal to scholars, lawyers, and students interested in the interplay between religion and law in the era of globalization.
Like the other volumes in the collection, this one is biographical, juridical, ecumenical, and global in character. The biographical dimension emphasizes not only the great legal contributions of each jurist but also his or her links to Christianity. The juridical dimension highlights the impact of each jurist on public and private law and justice, whether from inside the legal profession or from a broader philosophical, theological, or intellectual tradition. The ecumenical dimension shows Christianity as a unity, taking into consideration the way different churches and denominations are part of a whole. Finally, the global dimension emphasizes that each volume in this series on great Christian jurists illustrates the distinctive contributions of different nations to the global conversation about law and Christianity.
This volume on French Christian jurists examines the lives of twenty-seven key legal thinkers in French history, particularly the ways their Christian faith and ideals were a factor in framing the evolution of law and justice. All chapters have been written by distinguished legal scholars and historians, mainly from France but also from Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The collaboration among French and non-French scholars, and the diversity of international and methodological perspectives, gives the volume its unique character and value.