Papers by Elisa D'Alterio
Social Science Research Network, Jun 1, 2012
Abstract: The present paper analyses the practice of courts to apply particular techniques (so ca... more Abstract: The present paper analyses the practice of courts to apply particular techniques (so called “doctrines”) in order to regulate the relations between legal systems in the global administrative space, due to the lack or insufficiency of codified parameters regulating those relations.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 15, 2001
Abstract: Multifarious definitions and different practices are associated with the "judicial... more Abstract: Multifarious definitions and different practices are associated with the "judicial comity" notion. Nevertheless, this paper seeks to demonstrate the existence of a "key feature" of the phenomenon. The analysis of cases illustrates that the implementation of certain judicial techniques expresses a courts' "regulating function" aimed at governing the relations between different legal systems within the global space - when the codified criteria regulating those relations are lacking or insufficient. It is an original approach, which allows us to identify the new boundaries of the phenomenon - distinguishing between the techniques that are effectively an expression of judicial comity, and those which are not †and consequently to depart from the definitions elaborated by a certain jurisprudence and literature. From this standpoint, the judicial comity produces an interesting effect of "legal comity", which can lead to a mitigation of the disorder characterizing the global space. At the same time, this perspective gives rise to some questions, for example, related to the real value of the phenomenon and the existence of extrajudicial interests behind the application of the techniques.
1. Background What is the relationship between global and European law? Looking at the judgements... more 1. Background What is the relationship between global and European law? Looking at the judgements of the European courts, three cases stand out concerning conflict between European rules and the rules of global bodies such as the UN (United Nations), the UNCLOS (United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea), and the WTO (World Trade Organization). The Kadi case, analysed in several recent studies related to international terrorism, is here examined in relation to the specific profile of the relationship between ...

Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 2013
L’amministrazione penitenziaria e un sistema molto antico e complesso, costituito da centinaia di... more L’amministrazione penitenziaria e un sistema molto antico e complesso, costituito da centinaia di strutture (tra uffici centrali e articolazioni periferiche), regolato da piu di cinquecento provvedimenti normativi, caratterizzato da oltre quaranta mila operatori – anche esterni all’amministrazione – che svolgono attivita particolarmente eterogenee (in ambito sociale, sanitario, culturale, gestionale, ecc.) e rivolte a piu di sessanta mila destinatari (detenuti). Tale sistema e, inoltre, caratterizzato da numerose peculiarita, che corrispondono, soprattutto, a poteri molto forti e prerogative dell’amministrazione non adeguatamente controbilanciati dalla previsione e attuazione di garanzie e tutele nei confronti dei detenuti. L’inefficacia delle forme di tutela dei diritti fondamentali e dei meccanismi di controllo sull’amministrazione rende particolarmente evidente un tale squilibrio. In questo ambito, ove l’esercizio dei poteri e della discrezionalita amministrativa dovrebbe essere oggetto di particolare attenzione, e divenuto ormai particolarmente urgente un intervento sistematico ed efficace delle istituzioni.

International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2017
There are many rules and measures governing the integrity of public administrations. They concern... more There are many rules and measures governing the integrity of public administrations. They concern the quality of actions taken by public servants, measured on the basis of fundamental rules and public values. In particular, transparency rules, risk management programs, and codes of conduct for public officials aim to promote accountability, fairness, and discipline in public administrations; others, instead, correspond to limits and sanctions, such as restrictions (e.g., definitions of potential conflicts of interest), administrative responsibilities, and disciplinary sanctions. All these integrity rules and measures are established by global regimes and implemented by both national systems and the global regimes themselves. Global regimes set standards and oversee the compliance of national systems with global integrity rules. At the same time, they are themselves subject to administrative constraints and diversified integrity controls. Global regimes therefore play a dual role, as both controllers and controlled. This raises some questions, including how the application of integrity rules and measures can be controlled, the differences between integrity controls related to national systems and those pertaining to global regimes, and how integrity controls can contribute to the development of global administrative law. All these come together in a central question of why these controls represent a new challenge in global administrative law.

Poche attivita come quella della «bollinatura» sono ricoperte da un vero e proprio manto di oscur... more Poche attivita come quella della «bollinatura» sono ricoperte da un vero e proprio manto di oscurita. Tutti sanno che esiste la bollinatura, ma quasi nessuno sa cosa effettivamente sia. L’obiettivo del presente studio e, oltre alla ricostruzione e analisi di questo particolare istituto giuridico, quello di dimo- strare come tale attivita esprima una funzione molto importante svolta dall’- amministrazione finanziaria, collegandosi a un piu generale fine di «tutela finanziaria» del sistema amministrativo, intensificatosi nel corso del tempo.A tale scopo, l’articolo analizza l’evoluzione storica, prosegue con la ricostruzione dei caratteri strutturali di tale attivita, approfondisce quindi la qualificazione giuridica attribuibile alla fattispecie in esame e, infine, esamina il generale fine che la caratterizza alla luce dell’intero sistema amministrativo. Seguono alcune riflessioni conclusive alla luce delle piu recenti prospettive.
Research Handbook on Global Administrative Law
Enforcement of Transnational Regulation
Corruption and Conflicts of Interest

Research Handbook on Global Administrative Law
Global regulatory regimes cover many fields: forest preservation, the control of fishing, water r... more Global regulatory regimes cover many fields: forest preservation, the control of fishing, water regulation, environmental protection, standardization and food safety, financial and accounting standards, internet governance, pharmaceutical regulation, intellectual property protection, refugee protection, coffee and cocoa standards, labour standards, antitrust regulation, regulation and finance of public works, trade standards regulation of insurance, foreign investments, international terrorism, war and arms control, air and maritime navigation, postal services, telecommunications, nuclear energy and nuclear waste, money laundering, education, migration, law enforcement, sport, and health. 13 Richard B. Stewart has classified global regulators into four basic types: (1) formal treaty-based international or intergovernmental organizations (such as the WTO, the Security Council, the World Bank, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change regime); (2) transnational networks of domestic regulatory officials (such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision); (3) private regulatory bodies (such as international sports federations, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, and the Forest Stewardship Council, constituted by non-state actors, including business firms, trade and professional associations, and NGOs); and (4) hybrid public-private regulatory bodies (such as the International Conference on Harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, the World Anti-doping Agency, ICANN, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund)) -composed of non-state actors and international organizations and/or governments. 14

Multifarious definitions and different practices are associated with the “judicial comity” notion... more Multifarious definitions and different practices are associated with the “judicial comity” notion. Nevertheless, this paper seeks to demonstrate the existence of a “key feature” of the phenomenon. The analysis of cases illustrates that the implementation of certain judicial techniques expresses a courts’ “regulating function” aimed at governing the relations between different legal systems within the global space when the codified criteria regulating those relations are lacking or insufficient. It is an original approach, which allows us to identify the new boundaries of the phenomenon distinguishing between the techniques that are effectively an expression of judicial comity, and those which are not – and consequently to depart from the definitions elaborated by a certain jurisprudence and literature. From this standpoint, the judicial comity produces an interesting effect of “legal comity”, which can lead to a mitigation of the disorder characterizing the global space. At the same...
Papers by Elisa D'Alterio