Papers by Erica Platania
Archeologia dei Paesaggi Culturali Casi studio del Mediterraneo antico, 2022
Archeologia e Paesaggi Pastoriali casi studio del Mediterraneo Antico, 2022
Leontinoi Indagini presso le fortificazioni settentrionali (2009-2016) Lo scavo, 2021
"cenabis bene" l'alimentazione nella Sicilia antica, 2019
Carta archeologica del territorio delle Aci Analisi diacronica dei paesaggi tra l!Etna e il Mare Ionio, 2021

Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche – LXVIII – 2018, 2018
The hut 1 of Calicantone: preliminary report on the 2012-2015 excavations – Calicantone
is an arc... more The hut 1 of Calicantone: preliminary report on the 2012-2015 excavations – Calicantone
is an archaeological area belonging to the Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica, a 13 km long canyon
extending from the territory of Modica (RG) to that of Ispica (SR) in South-Eastern Sicily. The Archaeological
Service of Ragusa/Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica and the University of Catania undertook in 2012-2015 a
research project which brought to a better knowledge of the local necropolis of rock-cut chamber tombs, to the
identification of the village area (unfortunately in a now built area), and to the discovery of a Bronze Age hut,
located between the village and the necropolis. In this article the preliminary report of the excavation of the hut
is presented. Three subsequent phases have been discovered: an occupation identified thanks to pole-posts (phase
1), the construction of a smaller biapsidal building (phase 2) and the final hut (phase 3). In this final phase the hut
was 12,5x4,5 meter, had an elongated biapsidal plan, oriented N-S, with the entrance located in the eastern wall.
The inner space was divided into two sections, differentiated by the floor level, higher in the northern part due to a
step in the rock, and an artificially made, protruding platform. Only few findings were found in the southern sector
(two high pedestal bowls, one clay “andiron” and a group of spindle-whorls). Here a shallow basin, lined with
plaster, was dug in the floor. Parallel to the short side of the basin, the skeleton of a 10-14 years old individual has
been found. This southern sector was probably used for ritual or working activities. A huge quantity of vases was
instead found in the northern sector, which was probably a storage area: pithoi, dolia, drinking and pouring vases,
high pedestal bowls, together with clay horns, miniature axes, small idols (?) and a necklace. Among the vases,
the skeletons of at 3-4 individuals in different postures have been found, mainly concentrated (with the exception
of two) in the northern apsis. Two more individuals laid along the western wall, and a further one half inside and
half outside a pithos along the eastern wall. The disposal of the corpses and their position suggest that a sudden
and violent event brought to the destruction of the hut. Some final consideration will be made about the communal
(and funerary?) function of the hut and the historical significance of this war event.
LA SICILIA PREISTORICA Dinamiche interne e relazioni esterne Atti del Convegno Internazionale Catania – Siracusa, 7-9 ottobre 2021, 2022
This contribution is aimed at presenting new results obtained from the multidisciplinary analysis... more This contribution is aimed at presenting new results obtained from the multidisciplinary analysis of a site investigated in the Molona district of Caltagirone (Catania, Sicily) in 2012, which showed a large area of human frequentation dating back to the Late Neolithic with abundant pottery (classifiable as Diana facies), lithic industry and animal remains. Excavations of the area yielded a pit grave containing two adult males. This multi-disciplinary study includes both the examination of ceramic and lithic findings and, in particular, zooarchaeological, anthro-pological and isotopic (radiocarbon dating, paleonutrition) analyses.

LA SICILIA PREISTORICA Dinamiche interne e relazioni esterne Atti del Convegno Internazionale Catania – Siracusa, 7-9 ottobre 2021, 2022
The contribution, dedicated to the reconstruction of the emergence and charac-terization of the p... more The contribution, dedicated to the reconstruction of the emergence and charac-terization of the pastoral system in Sicily during prehistory and protohistory, is a part of a wider study of the exploitation models of animal resources in Sicily between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, based on the reconsideration of zooarchae-ological data. The research starts from the re-examination of the published zooarchaeological documentation, enriched by new data coming from the study of three archaeological complexes, investigated in recent years (Calicantone, Calaforno-Ragusa and c.da Molona-Caltagirone). The faunal database and the application of specific methodological approach allowed us the acquisition of useful element for the investigation of peculiar aspects of pastoral phenomena (specialization of pro-duction, exploitation of secondary products, seasonal mobility), finally allowing the formulation of hypotheses about: the different models of exploitation of animal resources in the Island in a diachronic perspective, dating of the appearance of the first forms of pastoral exploitation of animal resources and the characterization of mobile pastoralism, comparable with the models developed in the Mediterranean area
Clinical Anatomy, 2020
In this paper a case of podal osteochondroma from the prehistoric Hypogeum of Calaforno (Giarrata... more In this paper a case of podal osteochondroma from the prehistoric Hypogeum of Calaforno (Giarratana, RG, Sicily) is presented. Although the phalanx exhibiting the benign tumoral mass came from a context featuring several commingled remains, the very good state of preservation of this bone allowed us to study the neoplasm comprehensively by applying a multidisciplinary approach involving archeology, morphology, stereomicroscopy and radiology. The results from this very ancient specimen were discussed in the light of the available paleopathological literature and the clinical implications of such tumors for modern patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Spazi domestici nell'età del Bronzo - Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona - 2. Serie - Sezione Scienze dell’Uomo, 16, 2023
Papers by Erica Platania
is an archaeological area belonging to the Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica, a 13 km long canyon
extending from the territory of Modica (RG) to that of Ispica (SR) in South-Eastern Sicily. The Archaeological
Service of Ragusa/Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica and the University of Catania undertook in 2012-2015 a
research project which brought to a better knowledge of the local necropolis of rock-cut chamber tombs, to the
identification of the village area (unfortunately in a now built area), and to the discovery of a Bronze Age hut,
located between the village and the necropolis. In this article the preliminary report of the excavation of the hut
is presented. Three subsequent phases have been discovered: an occupation identified thanks to pole-posts (phase
1), the construction of a smaller biapsidal building (phase 2) and the final hut (phase 3). In this final phase the hut
was 12,5x4,5 meter, had an elongated biapsidal plan, oriented N-S, with the entrance located in the eastern wall.
The inner space was divided into two sections, differentiated by the floor level, higher in the northern part due to a
step in the rock, and an artificially made, protruding platform. Only few findings were found in the southern sector
(two high pedestal bowls, one clay “andiron” and a group of spindle-whorls). Here a shallow basin, lined with
plaster, was dug in the floor. Parallel to the short side of the basin, the skeleton of a 10-14 years old individual has
been found. This southern sector was probably used for ritual or working activities. A huge quantity of vases was
instead found in the northern sector, which was probably a storage area: pithoi, dolia, drinking and pouring vases,
high pedestal bowls, together with clay horns, miniature axes, small idols (?) and a necklace. Among the vases,
the skeletons of at 3-4 individuals in different postures have been found, mainly concentrated (with the exception
of two) in the northern apsis. Two more individuals laid along the western wall, and a further one half inside and
half outside a pithos along the eastern wall. The disposal of the corpses and their position suggest that a sudden
and violent event brought to the destruction of the hut. Some final consideration will be made about the communal
(and funerary?) function of the hut and the historical significance of this war event.
is an archaeological area belonging to the Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica, a 13 km long canyon
extending from the territory of Modica (RG) to that of Ispica (SR) in South-Eastern Sicily. The Archaeological
Service of Ragusa/Parco Archeologico di Cava d’Ispica and the University of Catania undertook in 2012-2015 a
research project which brought to a better knowledge of the local necropolis of rock-cut chamber tombs, to the
identification of the village area (unfortunately in a now built area), and to the discovery of a Bronze Age hut,
located between the village and the necropolis. In this article the preliminary report of the excavation of the hut
is presented. Three subsequent phases have been discovered: an occupation identified thanks to pole-posts (phase
1), the construction of a smaller biapsidal building (phase 2) and the final hut (phase 3). In this final phase the hut
was 12,5x4,5 meter, had an elongated biapsidal plan, oriented N-S, with the entrance located in the eastern wall.
The inner space was divided into two sections, differentiated by the floor level, higher in the northern part due to a
step in the rock, and an artificially made, protruding platform. Only few findings were found in the southern sector
(two high pedestal bowls, one clay “andiron” and a group of spindle-whorls). Here a shallow basin, lined with
plaster, was dug in the floor. Parallel to the short side of the basin, the skeleton of a 10-14 years old individual has
been found. This southern sector was probably used for ritual or working activities. A huge quantity of vases was
instead found in the northern sector, which was probably a storage area: pithoi, dolia, drinking and pouring vases,
high pedestal bowls, together with clay horns, miniature axes, small idols (?) and a necklace. Among the vases,
the skeletons of at 3-4 individuals in different postures have been found, mainly concentrated (with the exception
of two) in the northern apsis. Two more individuals laid along the western wall, and a further one half inside and
half outside a pithos along the eastern wall. The disposal of the corpses and their position suggest that a sudden
and violent event brought to the destruction of the hut. Some final consideration will be made about the communal
(and funerary?) function of the hut and the historical significance of this war event.