Conference Presentations by Concetta Cataldo
Seminario di ricerca. Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato, Anna Beltrametti, C... more Seminario di ricerca. Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato, Anna Beltrametti, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Centanni, Maria Grazia Ciani, Francesca Ghedini, Alessandro Grilli, Roberto Indovina, Ludovico Rebaudo.
Conferenza di presentazione della collana del Corriere della Sera presso l'Università di Catania.... more Conferenza di presentazione della collana del Corriere della Sera presso l'Università di Catania. 10 ottobre 2022
Badoer centro studi classicA ore 14 reperti vascolari V-IV sec. a.C. FILOLOGIA DELLE IMMAGINI. NU... more Badoer centro studi classicA ore 14 reperti vascolari V-IV sec. a.C. FILOLOGIA DELLE IMMAGINI. NUOVE LETTURE seminario a cura di Monica Centanni
Papers by Concetta Cataldo
Metamorfosi e peregrinazioni di Io. Dalla pittura vascolare alla tragedia, e ritorno, 2021
The iconographic journey of Io and the characters in his mythical story stem from a reflection on... more The iconographic journey of Io and the characters in his mythical story stem from a reflection on the literary and iconographic sources that tell his story. It is possible to hypothesize that the Attic tragedy could have triggered and stimulated an iconographic change of Io, who, originally, is depicted as a heifer, while from about 450 BCE Io changes her connotations turning into a female with bovine horns. As a corollary to the reflections, it seems possible (or evident) that the iconographic evolution affected the character of Argo, too.
Conferences Curatorship by Concetta Cataldo
Seminario di ricerca.
Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato,
Anna Beltrametti, ... more Seminario di ricerca.
Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato,
Anna Beltrametti, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Centanni,
Maria Grazia Ciani, Francesca Ghedini, Alessandro Grilli,
Roberto Indovina, Ludovico Rebaudo.
BOOKS & PAPERS by Concetta Cataldo
![Research paper thumbnail of ENGRAMMA | Iconoδramma. Miti plastici: teatro e pittura vascolare (V-IV sec. a.C.) [2024]](
La Rivista di Engramma, 2024
Issue 216 of Engramma introduces a fresh approach to a well-established yet continually evolving ... more Issue 216 of Engramma introduces a fresh approach to a well-established yet continually evolving area of study, focusing on the intersection between Attic theatre and vase iconography in Greece, Sicily, and Magna Graecia during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. It explores whether Greek vase iconography serves as a mirror or visual extension of ancient theatre and how discrepancies between visual and textual narratives can be interpreted. The term Iconoδramma reflects this interdisciplinary approach, merging visual and performative elements of myth in art. The research engages with established scholarship and new hermeneutic methods, contributing to the understanding of the semiotic interplay between stage performance, vase painting, and mythological imagination. Among the contributions: a key feature is the annotated bibliography Iconoδramma. A selected Bibliography | updated September, 2024, aimed at fostering further research on the topic, and the presentation of the forthcoming volume of the engrammaclassica series – Per una filologia delle immagini. Testi teatrali e pittura vascolare (V-IV sec. a.C.), Edizioni Engramma, Venezia 2024 – which builds upon the questions raised during the initial research phase by centring the ‘Philology of Images’ as a hybrid methodology that straddles the boundary between philological-textual and archaeological-visual studies; Carolina Reznik, in her essay El teatro intruso. O sobre la subversión del monopolio interpretativo en la iconografía cerámica griega de los siglos VI-IV a.C., critiques the prevalent ‘monopoly of single interpretation’ in Greek ceramic iconography, advocating for a more open-ended approach that allows for richer semantic interpretations; Concetta Cataldo’s Medea sul carro di Trittolemo. Un mito ateniese examines how theatre influenced vase iconography, specifically the depiction of Medea on the serpent-drawn chariot; Michele Di Bello and Roberto Indovina, in their note Ippolito e le immagini erotiche. Eur. Hipp. 1005 e un possibile riferimento alla pittura vascolare, explore the relationship between vase painting and a reference in Euripides’ Hippolytus, suggesting that the verse alludes to erotic imagery on vases.
La Rivista di Engramma, 2024
This bibliography is designed as an introductory resource for research on Iconoδramma, focusing o... more This bibliography is designed as an introductory resource for research on Iconoδramma, focusing on the complex relationship between images found on vase paintings and theatrical texts. It offers a curated selection of foundational works rather than an exhaustive survey, highlighting key monographs and essays that contribute to a rigorous hermeneutic approach. The field has evolved since 2011 through collaborative efforts, particularly those associated with the Pots&Plays Seminar, inviting ongoing scholarly contributions. This resource documents the historical development of the field, tracing its origins to early studies by Robert in 1881, and includes discussions on philological evidence, the transmission of texts into images, and the role of artistic creativity in interpreting theatrical subjects.
La Rivista di Engramma, 2024
Per una filologia delle immagini. Testi teatrali e pittura vascolare (V-IV sec. a.C.) explores th... more Per una filologia delle immagini. Testi teatrali e pittura vascolare (V-IV sec. a.C.) explores the intricate relationship between ancient Greek theatrical texts and vase paintings. This volume builds upon previous research to further examine how these visual and textual mediums interact, influence, and reinterpret one another. The contributions employ a multidisciplinary approach, combining philology, iconography, archaeology, and dramaturgy to analyze the dynamic interplay between word and image. This work not only addresses existing debates but also opens new avenues of inquiry into the transmedial transformation of myth and narrative in the ancient world.
![Research paper thumbnail of ENGRAMMA | Filologia delle immagini [2022]](
La Rivista di Engramma, Oct 2022
“Filologia delle immagini”, edited by Maddalena Bassani, Concetta Cataldo, and Roberto Indovina, ... more “Filologia delle immagini”, edited by Maddalena Bassani, Concetta Cataldo, and Roberto Indovina, is a reflection on the iconography of myth and its re-elaboration on figured ceramics through the textual mediation of theatre. The essays here included explore the relationship between texts and images. The contributions by Concetta Cataldo, Antonio Maria Draià and Miriam Sabatucci are linked to the theme of “Pots & Plays” and accordingly analyze the interactions between Greek theatrical texts and vase painting of the fifth and the fourth centuries BC. Mariagrazia Ciani presents a review of Francesca Ghedini’s volume dedicated to history through images in the ancient world. We also include an interview with the actresses of the 2022 theatrical season and an update of the list of classic dramas performed by the Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico (INDA – National Institute of Ancient Drama) from 1914 to 2022 in Syracuse. Finally, a presentation of the exhibition “Argilla. Storie di viaggi. Un itinerario scientifico e didattico fra mari e millenni”, in Vicenza.
News by Concetta Cataldo
Seminario di ricerca con: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Cent... more Seminario di ricerca con: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Centanni, Roberto Indovina, Ludovico Rebaudo nell’ambito del ciclo “Filologia delle immagini”.
Conference Presentations by Concetta Cataldo
Papers by Concetta Cataldo
Conferences Curatorship by Concetta Cataldo
Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato,
Anna Beltrametti, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Centanni,
Maria Grazia Ciani, Francesca Ghedini, Alessandro Grilli,
Roberto Indovina, Ludovico Rebaudo.
BOOKS & PAPERS by Concetta Cataldo
News by Concetta Cataldo
Intervengono: Maddalena Bassani, Anna Chiara Bellinato,
Anna Beltrametti, Concetta Cataldo, Monica Centanni,
Maria Grazia Ciani, Francesca Ghedini, Alessandro Grilli,
Roberto Indovina, Ludovico Rebaudo.