Volumen 20 Número 1 by Marco Gonzalez Tous
In May of 2014, the editorial of the MVZ Cordoba magazine announced the warning of the inevitable... more In May of 2014, the editorial of the MVZ Cordoba magazine announced the warning of the inevitable arrival of the Chikungunya virus to Colombia, especially in the Caribbean region given its climatic conditions of tropical humidity, as well as the presence of the well known competent vector of dengue: Aedes aegypti (1). The abundant population of this mosquito in the Caribbean allowed a quick adaptation of the Chikungunya virus and facilitated its dissemination throughout the entire Atlantic coast. The OPS (Pan-American Health Organization) and the Ministry of Health of Colombia knew of its imminent arrival and allocated resources to control the vector and mitigate the epidemiologic impact of this new arbovirus. However, it has been observed that the fumigation campaigns were not systematic and did not even take place in some rural populations of the Atlantic coast.
Volumen 20 Número 2 by Marco Gonzalez Tous
In April 1947 it was discovered through an experimental animal model a jungle fever. During the e... more In April 1947 it was discovered through an experimental animal model a jungle fever. During the experiment, monkeys (macaques) were placed in cages and left exposed in the Zika forest (Uganda); one of the monkeys became ill and died. They filtered postmortem monkey tissues which were inoculated into mouse brain and from there, a virus called Zika (ZIKV) was cultured. In 1948 ZIKV was also isolated from mosquitoes Aedes africanus captured in the Zika forest. In 1956 ZIKV transmission in mosquitoes Ae. aegypti was found, as well as a monkey. Between 1968 and 1975, ZIKV was subsequently isolated from humans (Nigeria); 40% of those patients shown antibodies analized by PRNT.
Papers by Marco Gonzalez Tous

The Order Rickettsiales comprises intracellular bacteria, including Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmat... more The Order Rickettsiales comprises intracellular bacteria, including Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae; members of these families cause zoonotic diseases transmitted by ticks. The aim of this study was to make a detection of Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Rickettsia in ticks of the Ixodidae (Acari: Ixodidae) family collected from domestic animals in Ibagué, Colombia. Ticks were collected from dogs, horses and cattle, classified taxonomically, and then subjected to DNA extraction. To detect Anaplasma sp., Ehrlichia sp., and Rickettsia sp. we carried out a conventional PCR to detect the gltA gene for Rickettsia, 16S rRNA for Anaplasma and Ehrlichia, and the dsb gene for Ehrlichia. The phylogenetic trees were constructed with the Neighbor-Joining method. A total of 1.247 ticks, mainly R. microplus, R. sanguineus and D. nitens, were collected. Anaplasma and Ehrlichia were detected in thirteen samples. The sequences showed a genetic similarity with E. canis, E. mineirensis, A. phagocytophilum,...
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria, 2017

Revista Medicina Veterinaria, Jul 1, 2014
El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia de presentación de la gestación en los cuern... more El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia de presentación de la gestación en los cuernos uterinos derecho e izquierdo en vacas del trópico colombiano. Se diagnosticaron 1534 vacas gestantes por palpación rectal y se indicó el cuerno gestante (izquierdo o derecho). Adicionalmente, se palparon 618 vacas no gestantes cíclicas y se determinó la presencia de cuerpo lúteo (CL) o folículo (F), y se identificó el ovario (derecho o izquierdo) que contenía la estructura. En las vacas gestantes, los porcentajes de gestación derecha e izquierda fueron de 63,1 % (968/1534) y 36,9 % (566/1534) (p ≤ 0,01), y en las vacas no gestantes, el 69 % de los CL y el 68 % de los F se encontraron en el ovario derecho (p ≤ 0,01). También se inspeccionaron 300 tractos reproductivos de vacas gestantes y 300 de vacas no gestantes, pero con presencia de CL y F. En los tractos gestantes, los porcentajes de gestación derecha e izquierda fueron de 67,3 % y 32,7 % (p ≤ 0,01), y en los no gestantes, el 68 % de los CL y el 65 % de los F se encontraron en el ovario derecho (p ≤ 0,01). Se concluye que el mayor porcentaje de gestaciones en el ganado bovino del trópico colombiano se presenta en el cuerno derecho, y que la mayor presencia de CL y F se encuentra también en el ovario derecho.
Revista científica, Jul 8, 2017
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Agrosavia) eBooks, 1998
retrspective st sin iseases in rses serve tr clinical recrs mlatr are nimal linical ervice te acl... more retrspective st sin iseases in rses serve tr clinical recrs mlatr are nimal linical ervice te aclt eterinar eicine te niversit ra lmia rm ne t ecemer as perrme it te aim t etermine te reenc sin iseases tat ccr in rses in te epartment ra lmia ree nre sit t clinical cases sin iseases rses rm ierent arms in te epartment ere atenent e mst cmmn sin iseases ere ianse ere: ptisis tic ectparasites tramatic ns ermatptsis arnemsis melanma sarci papillmatsis
Revista Colombiana de Ciencia Animal - RECIA, 2020
Los coronavirus son una amplia familia de virus patógenos que pueden causar diversas afecciones, ... more Los coronavirus son una amplia familia de virus patógenos que pueden causar diversas afecciones, principalmente respiratorias, tanto en humanos como en animales vertebrados domésticos y salvajes. Pueden producir desde el resfriado común leve, uno severo y hasta enfermedades más graves, como ocurre con el Coronavirus 2 responsable del actual síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2), más conocido como Covid-19, que corresponde al nombre la enfermedad y que tiene en vilo al planeta (1,2).

Revista MVZ Córdoba, 2011
La historia de las infecciones ha descrito el papel decisivo que jugó el tifus en las guerras. Ta... more La historia de las infecciones ha descrito el papel decisivo que jugó el tifus en las guerras. Tal vez el más antiguo y documentado es el sitio de Granada (España) por parte de los católicos contra los árabes en el año 1489, donde se cree que murieron alrededor de 17.000 personas por rickettsiosis; seis veces más que el número de muertos en combate (1). Ya en el año de 1812, durante la toma de Moscú por parte de Napoleón y sus tropas, murieron más soldados por causa del tifus que por las balas de los rusos. Cien años más tarde, en la primera guerra mundial, el tifus fue el responsable de la muerte de más de 3 millones de personas de personas (2).La gran población de ratas y su carga de ácaros asociada a la pobreza producida por las guerras, así como a la ausencia de servicios públicos, provocó sin duda una alta mortalidad en la población. Tanto la situación de hacinamiento creada por las guerras, como la ausencia de medidas higiénicas facilitaron sin duda la proliferación de roedore...
This article cites 24 articles, 14 of which can be accessed free
Revista Mvz Cordoba, Dec 18, 2019

Revista Mvz Cordoba, Jan 10, 2018
Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes of the ... more Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia, transmitted to humans and animals through the bite of soft ticks (Argasidae) of the genus Ornithodoros (1,2). In nature, borreliae are maintained in an enzootic cycle that involves wild mammals (mainly rodents), where ticks acquire spirochetes after short periods of hematophagy (15-90 minutes), remaining chronically infected with the possibility of transmitting microorganisms to new vertebrate individuals, including man, who acts as an accidental host (2). Around the world, different species of Borrelia are recognized as etiological agents of TBRF, and their epidemiology is directly related to the geographical distribution of their competent vectors (1). According to Cutler (1) the main pathogenic species present in Africa are B. crocidurae and B. duttonii (transmitted by O. sonrai and O. moubata, respectively); in the Mediterranean, B. hispanica (transmitted by the O. erraticus complex); in Asia and Eurasia, B. latyschewii and B. persica (transmitted by O. tartakowskyi and O. tholozani, respectively) and in North America, B. hermsii, B. turicatae and B. parkeri (transmitted by O. hermsi, O. turicata and O. parkeri, respectively).
Revista Mvz Cordoba, May 5, 2012
Revista Mvz Cordoba, May 2, 2022
ISSNL: 0122-0268 ©El (los) autor (es) 2022. Este artículo se distribuye bajo los términos de la l... more ISSNL: 0122-0268 ©El (los) autor (es) 2022. Este artículo se distribuye bajo los términos de la licencia internacional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/), que permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de su obra de modo no comercial, siempre y cuando den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones.
Dialnet (Universidad de la Rioja), Dec 1, 2008
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2021
Volumen 20 Número 1 by Marco Gonzalez Tous
Volumen 20 Número 2 by Marco Gonzalez Tous
Papers by Marco Gonzalez Tous
9 066 783 habitantes según las proyecciones de población 2005-2020
del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (dane, 2011).
En los últimos años se han reportado importantes proporciones de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en esta región del país, lo cual ha
impactado la salud pública de la población. El aumento de las zoonosis
y las enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en esta región es similar al
de otras regiones tropicales del mundo, primero, por el incremento de la
población humana sin planificación ni control efectivo y, segundo, como
consecuencia del conflicto social que ha generado un desplazamiento a
suburbios en las ciudades, con lo que se ha generado el establecimiento
de hábitats desordenados con carencia de servicios básicos (ins, 2019b).
Culicidae) occupy a preferential position due to their obligate hematophagy, maximum adaptability to multiple environments at different latitudes and altitudes, and a great variability of preferred hosts from
which they can feed and in which they can spread the virus. Infectious diseases caused by viruses are one of the greatest concerns for public health worldwide
Plentiful of the new ISVs seem to be members of the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus, and are usual in insect populations in wildlife, with a global geographic circulation.
in Malaysia during an outbreak of encephalitis and respiratory diseases in pigs and in people responsible for the care of these animals (1,2).
The name of the virus came from the village of Kampung Sungai Nipah (Malaysia) where a group of pigs with encephalitis became ill (2). Given the relationship of NiV with the Hendra virus, to investigate the
reservoirs of the NiV, macrochiroptera bats of the genus Pteropus were selected, in which the NiV was afterward identified (1). In the outbreak of 1999, the NiV virus caused mild disease in pigs and around 300 human cases were reported, exceeding 100 deaths (1,2). To stop the outbreak, more than one million pigs were slaughtered, which caused a huge commercial loss for Malaysia (2). Since then, no cases have
been reported in pigs or humans in that Asian country.
L. blattarum is eliminated in the cockroach feces and as has been shown for other flagellated protozoa (3,4), and according to Martínez-Girón and Ribas (5) the organism develops cysts that can survive in the environment if External conditions are adverse. Therefore, L. blattarum cysts could be inhaled to the respiratory tract and with the right conditions of humidity, temperature and oxygen, they
could suffer excystation. This last process is produced by contact with reducing agents, usually bile salts or digestive enzymes, although it can also occur spontaneously. This would produce free and therefore mobile trophozoites in the airway epithelium, which would probably affect humans through protease activated receptors (5), or by interaction with specific receptors in the respiratory tract. It is proposed that the antigens penetrate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract by disruption and this in turn correlates with an allergic process, which is mediated by activated protease receptors (6).