Book chapters by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Water in the Medieval Hispanic Society Economic, Social and Religious Implications, 2019
Al-Andalus (papers) by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Arqueología de Madinat Qurtuba. Reflexiones, novedades, historias, 2022

Al-Mulk nº 17 (págs. 157-197), 2019
Los baños son de gran importancia en las sociedades islámicas, sobre todo por su función purifica... more Los baños son de gran importancia en las sociedades islámicas, sobre todo por su función purificadora antes de la oración. En el caso de la Córdoba andalusí, las fuentes escritas hacen referencia a un número exa-gerado de este tipo de instalaciones que, como viene demostrando la Ar-queología, no se corresponde con la realidad. En los arrabales cordobeses son escasos los ejemplos documentados, tanto en el caso de los baños públicos como en el de los privados, recogiendo este artículo tres de los baños privados del ensanche occidental de la ciudad.
Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially be-cause of their purifying function before praying. Focusing on the Andalu-sian Cordoba, written sources reffer to an exagerated number of these facili-ties wich, as Archeology has been demonstrating, has nothing to do with reality. There is a lack of certified examples at Cordoban suburbs, not only regarding public baths but also private ones. This article includes three of the private baths located at the occidental expansion district of the city.
Papers by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Al-Mulk: anuario de estudios arabistas, 2019
Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially because of their purifying funct... more Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially because of their purifying function before praying. Focusing on the Andalusian Cordoba, written sources reffer to an exagerated number of these facilities wich, as Archeology has been demonstrating, has nothing to do with reality. There is a lack of certified examples at Cordoban suburbs, not only regarding public baths but also private ones. This article includes three of the private baths located at the occidental expansion district of the city.
Al~Mulk Anuario de Estudios Arabistas nº17 Los baños árabes de Córdoba, 2019
Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially because of their purifying funct... more Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially because of their purifying function before praying. Focusing on the Andalusian Cordoba, written sources reffer to an exagerated number of these facilities wich, as Archeology has been demonstrating, has nothing to do with reality. There is a lack of certified examples at Cordoban suburbs, not only regarding public baths but also private ones. This article includes three of the private baths located at the occidental expansion district of the city.
Book chapters by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Al-Andalus (papers) by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially be-cause of their purifying function before praying. Focusing on the Andalu-sian Cordoba, written sources reffer to an exagerated number of these facili-ties wich, as Archeology has been demonstrating, has nothing to do with reality. There is a lack of certified examples at Cordoban suburbs, not only regarding public baths but also private ones. This article includes three of the private baths located at the occidental expansion district of the city.
Papers by Manuel Cobo Aguilera
Baths are of extreme importance in Islamic societies, especially be-cause of their purifying function before praying. Focusing on the Andalu-sian Cordoba, written sources reffer to an exagerated number of these facili-ties wich, as Archeology has been demonstrating, has nothing to do with reality. There is a lack of certified examples at Cordoban suburbs, not only regarding public baths but also private ones. This article includes three of the private baths located at the occidental expansion district of the city.