Papers by Valeria Dattilo

Aristotelian reflection on the distinction between "common places" and "special pl... more Aristotelian reflection on the distinction between "common places" and "special places" of speech, plays, in our opinion, a fundamental role in the definition of those categories that characterize the forms of contemporary subjectivity. Well, what emerges today in the foreground are precisely the "common places" of which Aristotele speaks. This is what happens, at least implicitly, in the Benjamin's book: L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica. Benjamin, describing the typical behavior of the human animal in contemporary metropolises shows, in our opinion, a portrait of what Aristotele defines "common places", precisely topoi koinoi. Introduzione L'obiettivo di questa riflessione sarà quello di soffermarsi sulla distinzione aristotelica tra i «luoghi comuni» e i «luoghi speciali» del discorso, prendendo in prestito concetti tratti dalla filosofia del linguaggio al fine di cogliere la corrispondenza tra ...
Una concezione della natura umana che ignorasse il potere delle emozioni si dimostrerebbe deplore... more Una concezione della natura umana che ignorasse il potere delle emozioni si dimostrerebbe deplorevolmente limitata.

The aim of this work will be to reconstruct the structures of meaning and grasp the values presen... more The aim of this work will be to reconstruct the structures of meaning and grasp the values present in some advertising campaigns that have the theme of climate change as their leitmotif. Specifically, we will analyze three advertising campaigns in a semiotic way. The first concerns a very specific aspect within climate change which is global warming and the consequence of the melting of glaciers. In this regard, we will analyze the advertising campaign created for the UNEP-UN Environment Program brand, in India in 2014, entitled "Skyline". Referring to the studies of semiotics applied to advertising by Jean-Marie Floch (1947-2001), we will illustrate the fundamental values on which the following advertising message focuses. As regards, instead, one of the main causes of climate change, namely, the deforestation of the Amazon, we will analyze another effective example of an advertising campaign. The Deforestation & lungs campaign, created by TBWA, addresses the issue of deforestation and is entitled: "Before it's too late". This is a non-profit campaign created for the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) brand, which uses, as we will see later in this work, a particular type of communication: social communication. We will conclude our excursus by referring to one of the main causes of climate change, of an anthropogenic nature: the pollution of the seas and oceans. In this regard, we will analyze the advertising campaign created for the WWF and published in the United Arab Emirates in February 2018. This student campaign has the claim: "Your waste fatal, Keep Marine Life Safe" ("Your waste is fatal, keep safe marine life"). The aim will be to show how what these advertising campaigns under consideration have in common are semiotic concepts that are very interesting for the purposes of our work. By combining advertising and semiotics it will be possible, in fact, to observe how advertising succeeds or can succeed in providing feedback, a reaction , in real time of the recipients of the message.

1. Introduzione Questo scritto mira a difendere il concetto di origine dai numerosi fraintendimen... more 1. Introduzione Questo scritto mira a difendere il concetto di origine dai numerosi fraintendimenti che lo hanno attorniato, liberandolo così da alcuni equivoci genuini. Intende, cioè, mostrare il ruolo cruciale che esso adempie all'interno della sfera linguistica. Si fa, dunque, riferimento all'universo linguistico, discutendo questo snodo teorico: la relazione tra origine e linguaggio, relazione che si affronta a partire dagli studi di Saussure tra langue e langage, diacronia e sincronia. Ossia, l'origine non è semplicemente qualcosa che si situa in un passato cronologico, piuttosto essa si situa in un punto di coincidenza fra diacronia e sincronia. Proprio questo concetto di origine mi permette di approfondire e precisare in parte il rapporto esistente tra questi due termini della lingua. A questo proposito è opportuno citare quanto afferma De Mauro, nell'Introduzione al Corso di Linguistica Generale, evidenziando la dinamica diacronia/sincronia, importante dicoto...
The STEAM Revolution, 2018
Many researchers propose that the Anthropocene represents a new division of geological time, posi... more Many researchers propose that the Anthropocene represents a new division of geological time, positing that our activity by our use of fossil fuels has warmed the planet, raised sea levels, eroded the ozone layer and acidified the oceans. We contend the Anthropocene can only be understood in an interdisciplinary way, integrating ideas from the natural and social sciences with philosophy. That is, by means of STEAM.

1. Introduzione Il presente contributo espone la prima formulazione di una proposta teorica che m... more 1. Introduzione Il presente contributo espone la prima formulazione di una proposta teorica che mira a conciliare, o meglio, a far collaborare due differenti approcci: la geoetica e la semiotica di tradizione peirceana, sulla base di alcune importanti affinità di fondo. Si farà riferimento alla geoetica, disciplina che si occupa delle implicazioni etiche, sociali e culturali della ricerca e della pratica geologica e geografica, rappresentando un punto di incontro tra Geoscienze, Geografia, Filosofia e Sociologia. L'idea alla base della proposta è cercare di spiegare i nuovi processi dell'era dell'Antropocene attraverso la geoetica e la semiotica e viceversa, impiegando come "meccanismo traduttore" una delle nozioni chiave della semiotica peirceana: il triangolo semiotico. Da una parte, si intende impiegare il paradigma geoetico quale possibile quadro di riferimento per tali processi (o, in altre parole, si intende trovare in esso una esemplificazione significat...

The occurrence of moderate and large natural disasters has shown the importance of the understand... more The occurrence of moderate and large natural disasters has shown the importance of the understanding the psychological damage resulting from such catastrophic events. In this context the relatively new discipline known as Emergency Psychology plays a key role. It deals with the study, prevention and treatment of psychic phenomena, cognitive and behavioral arising in emergency situations, in harmony with geoethical principles. It can work in collaboration with Medical Geography. The name of Medical Geography was first used by doctors of the eighteenth and nineteenth century to denote the complex relationships between the morbid phenomena and the different environments and cultures, according to an intuition of Hippocrates, who placed well in evidence the importance of cultural and environmental factors in the spread of diseases. Emergency Psychology also promotes the management of human defenses in order to prevent a particularly stressful event procure a permanent discomfort in the individual and in the community. It consists of two general areas: Collective Emergency Psychology: deals with the effects of extreme traumatic events that affect entire communities, such as: natural disasters, disasters and serious socio-political situations. In these cases the critical event is collective. The Individual Emergency Psychology is concerned, however, the effects of extreme events that affect the individual directly or to which is to assist or information obtained in relation to loved ones, such as socio-existential events, clinical situations. In all these cases, the critical event threatens the individual’s left traumatized. Children who have experienced traumatic stress often require an individual approach in order to help him to revisit the traumatic event and to give proper meaning to the experience. It is recommended, therefore, a specific therapeutic procedure to enable the child to describe in detail the traumatic experience and understand the meaning of their reactions. The design, the game and handling are a key to access the mental representation of the traumatic event that the child has formed. They are also used as indicators of the child experience and how he solves the traumatic elements of the event. The present work aims to collect testimonies and mental maps of drawn by Calabria (Southern Italy) and Malta students. A critical comparison was made on the natural disasters experiences reported by students.

Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2021
This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approach... more This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approaches on the basis of some important basic affinities: geoethics and Peircean semiotics. For this purpose, Peirce’s triangle is conceived as a “translator mechanism” to parse the human–planet relationship that cannot be dealt with through actions in pairs but must be considered as a triadic relationship in which geoethics comes into play to develop a new relationship between human beings and environment. Following this, the triangle heuristic will employ the vertices Geoethics–Illness of the Earth–Society as a metaphor of the Anthropocene era through the lens of Peircean semiotics. This triangle method will help investigate some research questions: (1) Is planet illness an icon, index, or a symbol of the negative impact of the society? (2) When do we encounter environmental phenomena constituting images of planet illness? (3) What is the salient perspective from which to study the phenomenon of the Anthropocene? In discussing these issues, the authors call into play the concept of noosphere and propose a new ethical framework guiding human behavior toward the environment.

Natural Hazards, 2016
The last few years have seen the debate on the geoethics of environmental and climatic protection... more The last few years have seen the debate on the geoethics of environmental and climatic protection growing to include resilience as a central idea within this new discipline, which holds many similarities with geography. Resilience analysis often looks at the capacity to re-establish conditions of equilibrium within a system which has been hit by a serious shock, e.g. a natural or man-made disaster. Geoethics works, in tandem with geological analyses and the geography of risk, to inform a population and develop integrated risk management in such a way as to strengthen a community's resilience. The aim of this work is to study some people's capacity to overcome what was potentially a disastrous event and, through a process of reconstruction, turn it into an occasion for growth. The experiment, carried out in the primary and middle schools in Aiello Calabro (Calabria, southern Italy), was conducted on the basis of the belief that there is a close relationship between a population's having a realistic understanding of the risk of such an event, e.g. an earthquake, and high levels of resilience. We also tried to gain an insight into the relationship that may exist between resilience in primary and secondary school children

Earthquakes and Their Impact on Society, 2015
The present work combines anthropological–philosophical and geographical–geological research on m... more The present work combines anthropological–philosophical and geographical–geological research on man's perception of, and reaction to, natural catastrophes such as earthquakes. The first part of the study offers an articulate and cohesive picture of the defense mechanisms man has deployed; since ancient cultures, against this risk, these are identified with mythical–ritualistic repetition. At critical moments, man develops a series of practical strategies resting on ritual action. The second part of this work is a synthesis of research on the perception of seismic risk in the area of Pollino, where it is been four years that an ongoing earthquake swarm is affecting the area between Calabria and Basilicata. The perception of seismic risk is an important dimension for the schedule. Geoethics can certainly help especially in educating the territory in terms of integrated risk management. In this context, a questionnaire was administered to the students of primary and secondary education and to a sample of adults in some villages affected by the earthquake of Pollino. Our study reveals that with the passing of time, the “indisputable certainty” of the earthquake as a form of divine punishment, which dates back to ancient societies, is today falling apart as in particular young people have an understanding of man's responsibility in the causing of natural catastrophes. Improved communications through new information technologies, awareness of the complexity of risk, and the level of preparation would increase the resilience of the territory and to allow a more effective planning.

EnglishThe semiosis of the Anthropocene: for a reinterpretation of the relationship between man a... more EnglishThe semiosis of the Anthropocene: for a reinterpretation of the relationship between man and nature through geoethics - The Anthropocene concept, the new geological era proposed by P. Crutzen and E. Stoermer (2000), seems to be meant to play an increasingly prominent role in the international scientific debate. In this context, the first part of the article illustrates the foundations and objectives of geoethics, and the conceivable connections with the Anthropocene geological era. In fact, geoethics, that is the analysis of how humans think and act in order to suggest appropriate behaviors where human activities interact with the geosphere, is dialectically related to the concept of Anthropocene. In the second part of the article the new processes of the Anthropocene era are illustrated through geoethics and semiotics, using as a "translator mechanism"; one of the key notions of Peircean semiotics: the semiotic triangle, for the purpose of reinterpreting and reconsidering the relationship between man and nature. italianoLa semiosi dell'Antropocene: per una reinterpretazione della relazione fra uomo e natura per mezzo della geoetica - Il concetto di Antropocene, la nuova era geologica proposta da P. Crutzen ed E. Stoermer (2000), sembra destinato a giocare un ruolo sempre piu prominente nel dibattito scientifico internazionale. In tale contesto, nella prima parte dell'articolo, vengono illustrati i fondamenti e gli obiettivi della geoetica, e le connessioni concepibili con l'era geologica dell'Antropocene. Infatti, la geoetica, vale a dire l'analisi delle modalita attraverso cui gli esseri umani pensano ed agiscono ai fini di suggerire comportamenti appropriati laddove le attivita umane interagiscano con la geosfera, e dialetticamente correlata al concetto di Antropocene. Nella seconda parte dell'articolo vengono illustrati i nuovi processi dell'era dell'Antropocene attraverso la geoetica e la semiotica, impiegando come "meccanismo traduttore"; una delle nozioni chiave della semiotica peirceana: il triangolo semiotico, ai fini di una reinterpretazione e riconsiderazione del rapporto tra uomo e natura.

Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2021
This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approach... more This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approaches on the basis of some important basic affinities: geoethics and Peircean semiotics. For this purpose, Peirce’s triangle is conceived as a “translator mechanism” to parse the human–planet relationship that cannot be dealt with through actions in pairs but must be considered as a triadic relationship in which geoethics comes into play to develop a new relationship between human beings and environment. Following this, the triangle heuristic will employ the vertices Geoethics–Illness of the Earth–Society as a metaphor of the Anthropocene era through the lens of Peircean semiotics. This triangle method will help investigate some research questions: (1) Is planet illness an icon, index, or a symbol of the negative impact of the society? (2) When do we encounter environmental phenomena constituting images of planet illness? (3) What is the salient perspective from which to study the phenomenon of the Anthropocene? In discussing these issues, the authors call into play the concept of noosphere and propose a new ethical framework guiding human behavior toward the environment.

Articolo sottoposto a doppia blind-review. Ricevuto il 31/03/2016. Accettato il 02/07/2016 This p... more Articolo sottoposto a doppia blind-review. Ricevuto il 31/03/2016. Accettato il 02/07/2016 This paper aims to trace the idea of catastrophe taking its cue from La fine del mondo. Contributo alle analisi delle apocalissi culturali by Ernesto de Martino. According to de Martino, the catastrophe of life is held in check by the cultural apocalypses. The main purpose will be to trace the idea of end, as it appears in de Martino, an end that the author will define as no éschaton. The eschaton is not expected but is in every single moment, becoming (the present) a true apocalypse. Namely the present will be regarded as the place of the catastrophe, a catastrophe which, as Walter Benjamin emphasizes, does not lie, but always leads back again "questa volta storico" to "una volta metastorica", wanting to use some of de Martino expressions. With one difference: I believe what it happened did not happen once and for all. Ie, the past is full of current events, what Benjamin ...

In the following essay we propose a brief excursus on the oath in the linguistic field, paying pa... more In the following essay we propose a brief excursus on the oath in the linguistic field, paying particularattention to the oath intended as a form of action. Emile Benveniste, John Austin, Giorgio Agamben,are among those who have made, from time to time, to fix this characteristic of the oath. The scholarwho most of all insisted on the formal presence of the speaking subject within linguistic utterancessuch as
I swear by
is certainly Benveniste. Whereas Austin believed that the conditions ofeffectiveness of the speech act
I swear
to be the measure of the happiness or unhappiness of the actitself, Benveniste thinks that it is the linguistic sentence
I swear to
that produces the conditions ofenunciation that make it effective. Resuming Benveniste
s studies, Agamben argues that the oath isthe only linguistic experience that opens man to anthropogenesis, limiting the constitution of thehuman animal to verbal practice alone. In the last part of this work we will try to question this thesis.
In this article I propose to show how stereotypes are the starting point for building our percept... more In this article I propose to show how stereotypes are the starting point for building our perception ofthe world through vision.
This reflection can easily be inserted into the research carried out byMerleau-Ponty on vision and painting. The idea we propose in this work is that we cannot talkabout stereotypes without referring to Walter Benjamin.Starting from the philosophies of Benjamin and Merleau-Ponty, it will be shown how thecontemporary society of the mass media underlies a conception of the world that is stereotyped initself.

This paper presents the first formulation of a theoretical proposal which aims to reconcile, or b... more This paper presents the first formulation of a theoretical proposal which aims to reconcile, or better, to work together, two different approaches: geoethics and the semiotic tradition of Peirce, on the basis of some important affinities. We will refer to geoethics, discipline that deals with the ethical, social and cultural implications of geological and geographical practice, at the intersection of Geosciences, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology and Economy. The proposal of this work is to try to explain the new processes of the Anthropocene (Crutzen, 2005) era through geoethics and semiotics, using as a “translator mechanism” one of the key notions of Peirce semiotics: the semiotic triangle. On the one hand, we employ the geoethical paradigm as a possible interpretative framework for such processes (in other words, we identify in the geoethical paradigm a significant exemplification of hippocratic type, according to some scientists); on the other hand, we use the triangle geology /...

Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 2021
This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approach... more This article seeks to reconcile, as well as operationalize, two different methodological approaches on the basis of some important basic affinities: geoethics and Peircean semiotics. For this purpose, Peirce’s triangle is conceived as a “translator mechanism” to parse the human–planet relationship that cannot be dealt with through actions in pairs but must be considered as a triadic relationship in which geoethics comes into play to develop a new relationship between human beings and environment. Following this, the triangle heuristic will employ the vertices Geoethics–Illness of the Earth–Society as a metaphor of the Anthropocene era through the lens of Peircean semiotics. This triangle method will help investigate some research questions: (1) Is planet illness an icon, index, or a symbol of the negative impact of the society? (2) When do we encounter environmental phenomena constituting images of planet illness? (3) What is the salient perspective from which to study the phenomeno...

Risk and repetition. Communication as action The subject of this paper is the concept of communic... more Risk and repetition. Communication as action The subject of this paper is the concept of communication linked to that of action. After a brief introduction to the concept of communication as an action, the author has highlighted the performative side of communication, linking it to an institutional problem. An example of this is the research conducted by the Italian linguist and semiologist Patrizia Violi (1949-) on museum institutions of trauma sites. Finally, the author has unraveled the relationship between risk and repetition of anthropogenesis, a dialectic that appeared in the work of the Italian anthropologist Ernesto de Martino who, as we will see, does not concern only a magical-religious context, but also emerges in situations of post-disaster experience, with the so-called "emergency rites", up to pervade every aspect of our daily life, becoming, that is to say, a permanent anthropological risk. Riassunto L'argomento di questo articolo è il collegamento tra il concetto di comunicazione e quello dell'azione. Dopo una breve introduzione al concetto di comunicazione come azione, l'autrice ha evidenziato l'aspetto performativo della comunicazione, in relazione ai problemi istituzionali. Un esempio in tal senso è rappresentato dalla ricerca condotta dalla linguista e semiologa italiana Patrizia Violi (1949-) sulle isti-tuzioni museali di siti traumatologici. In conclusione, l'autrice ha svelato il rappor-to tra rischio e ripetizione dell'antropogenesi, una dialettica apparsa nel lavoro dell'antropologo italiano Ernesto de Martino che, come vedremo, non riguarda solo un contesto magico-religioso, ma emerge anche in situazioni di esperienza post-disastro, con i cosiddetti "riti di emergenza", fino a pervadere ogni aspetto della nostra vita quotidiana, diventando, cioè, un rischio antropologico permanente. Parole chiave: rischio, ripetizione, antropogenesi, comunicazione, istituzioni. Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento.

IT): A partire dalla riflessione sui concetti di ritmo e ripetizione, questo contributo propone d... more IT): A partire dalla riflessione sui concetti di ritmo e ripetizione, questo contributo propone di investigare la musica come "arte del limite", in accordo ad una riflessione che salvaguardi inevitabilmente la liminarità del nostro stare al mondo. Per comprendere meglio la nozione di "limite", si farà riferimento alla riflessione filosofica di "spazio potenziale", come è stato definito da Donald Winnicott in "Gioco e realtà" o "spazio del tra", quello spazio dominante in alcune esperienze, come nell'arte, proprio perché è segnato e segna la soglia tra mente e mondo, dalla quale scaturisce non solo la prassi linguistica ma qualsivoglia esperienza culturale: l'arte, la religione, la filosofia, la musica, ecc. Per quanto riguarda l'analisi di questa "zona limite" o "area intermedia all'agire", si assumerà una prospettiva filosofico-linguistica, analizzando un termine che appartiene all'ambito musicale, il ritmo, e che, a nostro avviso, evoca a sua volta un altro concetto, quello di ripetizione, così da far emergere quel legame tra ritmo e coazione a ripetere di cui parla Freud, che è alla base di qualsivoglia esperienza ritmica.
Papers by Valeria Dattilo
I swear by
is certainly Benveniste. Whereas Austin believed that the conditions ofeffectiveness of the speech act
I swear
to be the measure of the happiness or unhappiness of the actitself, Benveniste thinks that it is the linguistic sentence
I swear to
that produces the conditions ofenunciation that make it effective. Resuming Benveniste
s studies, Agamben argues that the oath isthe only linguistic experience that opens man to anthropogenesis, limiting the constitution of thehuman animal to verbal practice alone. In the last part of this work we will try to question this thesis.
This reflection can easily be inserted into the research carried out byMerleau-Ponty on vision and painting. The idea we propose in this work is that we cannot talkabout stereotypes without referring to Walter Benjamin.Starting from the philosophies of Benjamin and Merleau-Ponty, it will be shown how thecontemporary society of the mass media underlies a conception of the world that is stereotyped initself.
I swear by
is certainly Benveniste. Whereas Austin believed that the conditions ofeffectiveness of the speech act
I swear
to be the measure of the happiness or unhappiness of the actitself, Benveniste thinks that it is the linguistic sentence
I swear to
that produces the conditions ofenunciation that make it effective. Resuming Benveniste
s studies, Agamben argues that the oath isthe only linguistic experience that opens man to anthropogenesis, limiting the constitution of thehuman animal to verbal practice alone. In the last part of this work we will try to question this thesis.
This reflection can easily be inserted into the research carried out byMerleau-Ponty on vision and painting. The idea we propose in this work is that we cannot talkabout stereotypes without referring to Walter Benjamin.Starting from the philosophies of Benjamin and Merleau-Ponty, it will be shown how thecontemporary society of the mass media underlies a conception of the world that is stereotyped initself.
Italian, English and French.
reaction to, natural catastrophes such as earthquakes. The study offers an articulate and cohesive picture of
the defense mechanisms man has deployed, since ancient cultures, against this risk, these are identified with
mythical-ritualistic repetition. At critical moments, man develops a series of practical strategies resting on ritual
action. Since the dawn of civilisation, in every instant of everyday life from birth to death and in all cultures, man
is exposed to the risk of not being-there, that is, to the risk of catastrophe hitting him or the world around him. This
may occur in connection to economic and social mutations, for example in times of war, or to the unpredictability
of natural catastrophes which are out of human control, for example seaquakes. Taking this as our starting point,
we will analyse the crucial matter of the crisis or loss of presence, that is, the risk of not being-there in critical
moments of historical existence, limiting ourselves to consideration of forms of defense from risk represented by
natural catastrophe (for example, seaquakes and volcanic eruptions) amongst so-called primitive people, from an
anthropological-physical point of view.
We will look at the historical-religious thought of Italian philosopher Ernesto de Martino (1908-1965) and in
particular some of his critical lectures published posthumously in La fine del mondo. Contributo alle analisi delle
apocalissi culturali (1977). We will treat philosophical concepts like anthropological evidence with the aim of
identifying different mechanisms of defense from the risk of not being-there, even in cultures very distant from
Western ones. We will specifically consider apocalyptic representations connected with experience of natural
catastrophe in traditional cultures.
The Italian philosopher identifies in repetition the characteristic behaviour of so-called primitives faced with the
risk of not being-there – i.e. the risk of the end of the world and of man. Repetition of what? Of certain critical
episodes (the first catastrophe, the first hunt, the first fishing, the first giving birth) or of certain critical passages,
such as that from chaos to cosmos. This series of acts or episodes have the value of archetypes, of models,
exemplary acts – not necessarily linked with religion – that are repeated for survival in light of their perceived
protective function. This enables a series of mechanisms of defense of presence at critical moments.
It is necessary to take advantage of new technologies in order to have a greater “geoethical control” of the most significant environmental emergencies and to preserve cultural heritage. Neogeography plays a fundamental role in providing new challenges to scholars and territorial planners in order to address territorial issues and a new asset of updated data, usually created by people who are interested in geographically related phenomena. More attention has been devoted to the creation and display of geographic contents, in this case, by children, who become the real key players and producers of data and information, thus enriching any eventual maps with their feelings and perceptions.