Papers by Paolo Mefalopulos
AGRIS record. Record number, XF2008437207. Titles, Diseno participativo para una estrategia de co... more AGRIS record. Record number, XF2008437207. Titles, Diseno participativo para una estrategia de comunicacion. Personal Authors, Mefalopulos, P.,Kamlongera, C. Corporate Authors, FAO, Rome (Italy). Direccion de Investigacion y Extension. Publisher, FAO. ...

The history of development has included failures and disappointments, many of which have been asc... more The history of development has included failures and disappointments, many of which have been ascribed to two major intertwined factors: lack of participation and failure to use effective communication (Agunga 1997); Anyaegbunam, Mefalopulos, and Moetsabi 1998; Fraser and Restrepo-Estrada 1998; Mefalopulos 2003). The same point is emphasized by Servaes (2003: 20), who states, "the successes and failures of most development projects are often determined by two crucial factors: communication and people's involvement." No matter what kind of project-agriculture, infrastructure, water, governance, health-it is always valuable, and often essential, to establish dialog among relevant stakeholders. Dialog is the necessary ingredient in building trust, sharing knowledge and ensuring mutual understanding. Even a project that apparently enjoys a wide consensus, such as the construction of a bridge, can have hidden obstacles and opposition that the development communication specialist can help uncover, address, and mitigate. A number of studies have confirmed that a top-down management approach to development is less effective than a participatory one. Bagadion and Korten (1985), Shepherd (1998), Uphoff (1985), and the World Bank (1992) are among those providing data to support this perspective. Development communication supports the shift toward a more participatory approach, and its inclusion in development work 1.2.1 Adopting Two-Way Communication from Day One Communication interventions are often used in ongoing projects, but managers should be aware that their effectiveness is limited by factors that might have emerged since the inception, such as the perceived significance of project objectives, the lack of support by stakeholders, or a number of other potential misconceptions and obstacles that might limit the impact of communication interventions. That communication assessments and strategies can still help when adopted halfway through a project should not affect the recognition that communication initiatives are most effective when applied early in the project cycle. Even though many practitioners in the new participatory development paradigm advocate the active involvement of local stakeholders from the early stages of an initiative on moral grounds and from a rights-based perspective, participatory approaches have demonstrated their crucial role also in enhancing project design and results sustainability. Hence, participation can be considered a necessary ingredient for successful development, both from a political perspective (good governance and a rights-based approach) and from a technical perspective (long-term results and sustainability of initiatives). Successful communication interventions do not always need to rely on media to engage and inform audiences-they can also rely on more participatory and interpersonal methods, as in the case narrated by Santucci (2005) in box 1.1. Participation in a project can be conceived in a number of ways-from the most passive (for example, holding meetings to inform stakeholders) to the most active form (for example, collaboration in decision making). Frequently what is often referred to as "participation" in many cases is not, at least not in a significant way. Box 1.2 presents a typology of participation (Mefalopulos 2003) compatible with others, including one used by the World Bank that is presented in module 2. When not involved from the beginning, stakeholders tend to be more suspicious of project activities and less prone to support them. Conversely, when communication is used to involve them in the definition of an initiative, their motivation and commitment grow stronger. This applies not only in the development context but also in the private sector, as confirmed in a statement by a director of a major private corporation: 8 "It is incredibly irksome and terribly longwinded to get agreement to any action, but it does have enormous benefits-the meetings buy everybody in, and once they get behind the project they'll do anything they can to see it through." The involvement of stakeholders in defining development priorities has advantages other than just gaining their support. It gives outside experts and managers MODULE 1: The Value-Added of Development Communication 1
The way in which communication has been conceptualized and applied in devel-opment has already be... more The way in which communication has been conceptualized and applied in devel-opment has already been treated in other sections of this book. Nevertheless, it might be valuable to reflect in more depth about how communication is being con-ceived and applied when referred ...
Assessing the value of participatory communication is a complex and difficult task. This, however... more Assessing the value of participatory communication is a complex and difficult task. This, however, cannot become an excuse for giving up the search for appropriate methods, nor become a discriminating factor for negating the evidence of its value.
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imp... more The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations or of the SADC Centre of Communication for Development ...
Handbook of Communication and Development, 2021
Glocal Times, Nov 1, 2007
World Bank Working Papers, 2009
Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change, 2019
This is an innovative model which organizez key factors for planning and evaluating within a mult... more This is an innovative model which organizez key factors for planning and evaluating within a multidimensional framework, allowing to break silos and to better organize actions to achieve results in development initiatives
A tool that illustrates concepts and applications of participatory communication in development i... more A tool that illustrates concepts and applications of participatory communication in development initiatives. (2009)
Oration at the Lady Irwin College in New Delhi, India (2010). It illustrates the importance of co... more Oration at the Lady Irwin College in New Delhi, India (2010). It illustrates the importance of communication for development in promoting behaviour changes, which are difficult to adopt even when solutions are technically sound and seemingly beneficial.
Books by Paolo Mefalopulos
Participatory Communication Strategy Design, 2004
A Handbook for practitioners and communication specialists involved in the planning and strategy ... more A Handbook for practitioners and communication specialists involved in the planning and strategy design of development initiatives
Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal: Putting people first
A participatory communication methodology initially developed to plan and implement rural project... more A participatory communication methodology initially developed to plan and implement rural projects and programs by an FAO team based in ZImbabwe
A dissertation assessing the methods, tools and results of an FAO Project that established a Cent... more A dissertation assessing the methods, tools and results of an FAO Project that established a Centre of Communication for Development in the Southern Africa Region to enhance projects and programs results and sustainability using communication participatory approaches .
The Development Communication Sourcebook illlustrates why the field of development communication ... more The Development Communication Sourcebook illlustrates why the field of development communication is important and how its tools and methods enhance long-term and sustainable results. The book presents basic concepts and explains key challenges faced in daily practice. Each of the ...
Dissertation, 2003
A study on the challenges and potential of applying participatory communication approaches in dev... more A study on the challenges and potential of applying participatory communication approaches in development projects
Papers by Paolo Mefalopulos
Books by Paolo Mefalopulos