Papers by JAMES ROCK

L'Analisi linguistica e letteraria, 2014
Negli ultimi decenni parecchie ricerche si sono concentrate sulla comprensione delle motivazioni ... more Negli ultimi decenni parecchie ricerche si sono concentrate sulla comprensione delle motivazioni che rendono conto dell'adozione di determinate strategie per l'apprendimento di vocaboli da parte di alcuni studenti e non di altri. Ciò ha comportato il prendere in esame numerose variabili, comprese tra le altre l'attitudine dello studente allo studio delle lingue, la motivazione, il ruolo dell'insegnante, e la convinzione di essere autoefficaci. In questo articolo si è dato rilievo all'esplorazione delle credenze epistemologiche riguardanti l'apprendimento di vocaboli, in un tentativo di comprendere quali credenze epistemologiche sono state più o meno favorite da 40 studenti universitari italiani di inglese come lingua straniera. Utilizzando una tecnica nota come metodologia Q, l'indagine ha rivelato che, sebbene i partecipanti condividano molte credenze epistemologiche riguardanti l'apprendimento di vocaboli, ci sono anche alcune importanti differenze ...

The collection of research papers is addressed to teachers of English and advanced language stude... more The collection of research papers is addressed to teachers of English and advanced language students. The first article, by James Rock, presents the Common European Framework of Reference in the light of teaching spoken English in a university context. In his second article, Rock provides an overview of studies on phraseology in the non-native speaker setting. The third paper, by Caterina Pavesi, examines learner English written on the computer and seeks to ascertain the status of this English on the written-spoken continuum, while in the fourth article, Pierfranca Forchini re-evaluates the language of films, hitherto labelled as a form of language which is unrepresentative of authentic speech and thus of little value in the study of spoken discourse. Forchini's empirical research, using Multi-Dimensional Analysis, shows that movie language is surprisingly similar to conversational discourse, providing scientific justification for using films to teach features of spoken discourse
Language Value
In this paper, a think-aloud protocol is used to explore the vocabulary learning strategies of te... more In this paper, a think-aloud protocol is used to explore the vocabulary learning strategies of ten adult learners of English at a university in the north of Italy. The focus is on discovering the types of techniques that are actually used by learners while performing a deliberate vocabulary learning task. As well as providing details about the strategy use of each participant, the investigation considered the strategies used by more and less successful EFL learners. In general, less attention was awarded to techniques involving deeper mental elaboration, such as complex guessing for meaning or the use of mnemonic techniques, in favour of strategies requiring less mental effort. There was also less emphasis on mechanical repetition than in many previous studies on the topic.
The impact of self-concept on language learning was edited by Kata Csizér and Michael Magid. The ... more The impact of self-concept on language learning was edited by Kata Csizér and Michael Magid. The editors have done a magnificent job in pulling together an excellent resource book that includes all major theories and directions in the field of SLA motivation. This compendium updates the volume entitled Motivation, language identity and the L2 self, edited by Zoltán Dörnyei and Ema Ushioda (2009), in which Dörnyei presented the L2 Motivational Self System. The present volume expands on that by further contributing, theoretically and empirically, to this line of research. Thus, this anthology addresses a field of research that has inevitably become a mainstay in SLA, due to the weight that self-concept theories and identity-related issues have gained within this field of inquiry, and in educational
L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 2013
In Ulrych, M. and Murphy, A. (Eds.) Spoken English Discourse. EDUCatt, Milano., 2013
In Ulrych, M. and Murphy, A. (Eds.) Spoken English Discourse. EDUCatt, Milano., 2013
Teaching materials by JAMES ROCK
Book Reviews by JAMES ROCK
Papers by JAMES ROCK
Teaching materials by JAMES ROCK
Book Reviews by JAMES ROCK