Papers by Edoardo Barbieri
Si presenta la traduzione, dovuta al camaldolese Niccol\uf2 Malerbi, della vita di san Romualdo, ... more Si presenta la traduzione, dovuta al camaldolese Niccol\uf2 Malerbi, della vita di san Romualdo, inserita nel Legendario di sancti, ovvero una versione volgare della Legenda aurea di Jacopo da Varazze

Marta Mazzacano, vincitrice del progetto "Light up your ideas", Madrid (Spagna) Paolo E... more Marta Mazzacano, vincitrice del progetto "Light up your ideas", Madrid (Spagna) Paolo Ermanno Brandolisio, vincitore del progetto "Light up your ideas", Szeged (Ungheria) Tavola Rotonda: Editoria Turistica tra carta e nuovi percorsi digitali Alessandra Ferraris, responsabile dell'area Viaggi e Lifestyle di RCS Media-Sistemi Verticali Fiorenza Frigoni, direttore Contenuti Turistico-Cartografici-Touring Editore Maria Loi, responsabile progetto TISP Giovanni Peresson, responsabile Ufficio Studi AIE Coordina Cristina Mussinelli, consulente editoria digitale AIE, membro del board IDPF e responsabile progetto TIPS L'evento si colloca nell'ambito del progetto "COMUNICARE LA CULTURA FRA TRADIZIONE E TRANSMEDIALITÀ" (ID 39811907), area editoria, realizzato dall'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, a valere sull' Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti di mobilità transnazionale rivolti a inoccupati/disoccupati per lo sviluppo di pro...
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The study of the manuscript annotations has now a dignity. But it remains the conceptual difficul... more The study of the manuscript annotations has now a dignity. But it remains the conceptual difficulty to find an exact position to the printed book with annotations. The printed books are normally considered a set of the multiple copies. The description of manuscript annotations has to inform, in synthetic manner, on their placement in the book and in the page, on their paleographic, linguistic and cultural characteristic. A photographic reproduction of at least an example appear necessary. Different scholars have different approaches to the manuscript annotations, in accordance with the differences in studies that use them.
Il libro di Remi Jimenes, tratto dalla sua tesi di dottorato discussa a Tours nel 2014, e dedicat... more Il libro di Remi Jimenes, tratto dalla sua tesi di dottorato discussa a Tours nel 2014, e dedicato alla figura della stampatrice Charlotte Guillard che svolse la propria attivita a Parigi nella prima meta del xvi secolo. Attraverso lo studio di numerosi documenti d’archivio, l’autore ripercorre le tappe principali della vita di questa tipografa: Charlotte, originaria della regione del Maine, fece parte di una famiglia della media borghesia. Entro nel mondo della tipografia intorno al 1507 qua..., 2021
The known documentation about the brothers John and Windelin from Spira is reread here. This is a... more The known documentation about the brothers John and Windelin from Spira is reread here. This is above all informations obtained from the editions themselves, in addition to the famous privilege for the exclusive exercise of the printing in Venice. The occasion is gluttonous to highlight some respectable female figures in the family entourage of the from Spira, as well as the rich plot of German merchants underlying the landing of the typography in the lagoon (John from Koln, the Dinslakens, Peter Ugelheimer). In addition, it is thus possible to identify the proprium that characterized the production of Vindelino, whose slightly elusive figure usually seems to disappear in the face of his brother’s pre-eminence.
Papers by Edoardo Barbieri
The exhibits testify, on the one hand, to the variety of books printed in the first century of typography; and on the other, the story of each individual book. Some books arrived in the Middle East several centuries ago and became part of the Custody’s patrimony: from Rhodes or Cairo, Cyprus or Nazareth, from Beirut or Bethlehem. Other books came from antiquaries acquired by the Commissariat of the Holy Land in Washington (USA), that have been transferred to Jerusalem recently.
Accompanying the exhibition is a catalogue rich in pictures and edited in English and Italian. The catalogue, written by Luca Rivali and Lorenzo Salamone, has a foreword by Falk Eisermann, director of the Gersamtkatalog der Wiegendruck of Berlin. This catalogue is published thanks to the contribution of ATS Associazione Pro Terra Sancta. To understand the difficulties of cataloguing and preserving ancient books, there will be an international colloquium on the 9th November.
The event, desired by the Custos of the Holy Land Fr. Francesco Patton and by the Director of the Library Fr. Lionel Goh, is the result of the initiative of the Libri ponti di pace / Books bridges of peace project, which aims to promote the ancient and precious material of the Franciscan Libraries of the Holy Land. The project is directed by the European Research Centre for Book Publishing and Library (CRELEB) of the Catholic University of Milan and is sponsored by private benefactors, ATS and the Custody of the Holy Land.
Entrance to the exhibition is free. Explanations in Italian, English and French will be available.
Francesco Platone de’ Benedetti. Il principe dei tipografi bolognesi fra corte e Studium (1482-1496) Udine, Forum, 2018
Edoardo Barbieri (Università Cattolica di Milano) e Graziano Ruffini Università degli Studi di Firenze) ne discuteranno con l'autrice
Sala Assemblee della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna - Casa Saraceni, Via Farini, 15, Bologna
Milano, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense e Università Cattolica
3-4 giugno 2019
From this perspective, libraries and collections need to elaborate strategies for the preservation of its most valuable materials, not only considering actual restoration work on books and manuscripts, but firstly by knowing the amount and nature of the patrimony and assets.
The international colloquium “Catalogare per preservare e conoscere. Un itinerario internazionale fra i libri antichi di Gerusalemme / Cataloging for preservation and knowledge. An international itinerary through the ancient books of Jerusalem” aims to investigate this topic in the unique context of the Holy City.
It is the first colloquium among the different cultural communities of Jerusalem (i.e. the Jewish, the Palestinian, the Armenian and the Catholic communities) to meet and discuss different aspects of cataloguing manuscripts, ancient books and documents. It will be the first opportunity to know each other and to share the various experiences of the different cultural institutions. Hence the cultural importance of an initiative of this nature.
The event is the result of the cooperation between the Catholic University of Milan and the Custody of the Holy Land. Since 2010, the project Libri ponti di pace / Books bridges of peace promotes a series of initiatives that has currently brought to Jerusalem some 30 students or recent graduates, on long or short term basis, to evaluate the ancient and precious material preserved by the Franciscans.
The meeting will be held (in English) on the 9th November in the afternoon during which a three-day exhibition dedicated to the fifteenth-century printed books of the Custody of the Holy Land will take place.
The conference will host as key-speaker Luisa López-Vidriero Abelló, director of the prestigious Real Biblioteca of Madrid, who will deliver the talk The knowledge of the book and the prospects of its valorization.
Come sono potuti continuare gli studi, senza accesso fisico al materiale librario?
Come si sono mossi gli operatori del settore in Nordamerica?
A che punto siamo, in Italia, con la questione dell’accessibilità per i disabili?
"Contro lo sfascio delle biblioteche italiane" è una raccolta di dieci saggi (di altrettanti specialisti) che cerca di rispondere a queste (e a molte altre) domande.
114 p. : ill.
ISBN: 978-88-98282-53-1
Milano – CRELEB
Torrita di Siena – Associazione Villa Classica
settembre 2020
A cura di Edoardo Barbieri, Premessa di Kathryn Blair Moore