Papers by Elisabetta Matelli
Demetrius of Phalerum, 2018
Educatt Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2019
Curatela, con indici ragionati delle parole notevoli, dei nomi, dei luoghi e dei passi, di una gi... more Curatela, con indici ragionati delle parole notevoli, dei nomi, dei luoghi e dei passi, di una giornata di studio dedicata alle pi\uf9 aggiornate metodologie virtuali per la ricostruzione degli spazi teatrali antichi. Forze e debolezze di questo metodo che collega la ricerca archeologica e storica con la scienza informatica.Edition, with reasoned indexes of remarkable words, names, places, of the papers of a Workshop dedicated to the most innovative virtual methodologies for the reconstruction of ancient theatrical spaces. Strengths and weaknesses of this method, which connects archaeological and historical research with computer science
Abstract delle comunicazioni alla giornata di Studio in onore di Fernando Balestra del 25 febbrai... more Abstract delle comunicazioni alla giornata di Studio in onore di Fernando Balestra del 25 febbraio 2017 di a) Onelia Bardelli (docente e ideatrice e organizzatrice dal 2007 del Festival del Teatro Classico nella scuola del Liceo Decio Celeri di Lovere), I Fuochi di Prometeo b) Annamaria Bovetti (Liceo Cavour di Torino), Prendiamoci cura del talento dei nostri ragazzi c) Rossella Piccarreta (Liceo De Sanctis di Trani), La vitalit\ue0 del teatro antico d) Giuseppe Piccione (Presidente dell\u2019Associazione Amici dell\u2019INDA di Siracusa), Gli Amici dell\u2019INDA di Siracusa e) Auretta Sterrantino (QA Produzioni), La compagnia QA Produzioni Elisabetta Matelli (Universit\ue0 Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), La Terza Via del Teatr

Theophrastus had a systematic approach to the traditional problem of “catharsis” and treated the ... more Theophrastus had a systematic approach to the traditional problem of “catharsis” and treated the question referring to different fields of knowledge. He proved a keen and unprejudiced observer and collector of the largest possible number of experiences that may describe different kinds of catharsis. At a speculative level, he proceeded in continuity with and yet going beyond his teacher’s opinions. Important building blocks in the construction of his cathartic theory were the development of the Aristotelian method through the criterion of the “more and the less”, which became the guiding principle he applied to physiological enquiries into humors and warmth. This led to a consequent focus on the physiological motions connected with the ones of the soul (both explained in terms of a dynamic relationship between different degrees of “tension” and “relaxation”, two key terms) and with the interpretation of ethical issues in relation to the different degrees of “tension” or “relaxation”...
La lezione manoscritta tovoc, ifjq \|/\)xffe costituisce una difficile questione interpretativa r... more La lezione manoscritta tovoc, ifjq \|/\)xffe costituisce una difficile questione interpretativa risolta a partire dal Rabe con la correzione del testo in tovoq xfv; qxovffc (Athanasii Prolegomena in Hermogenis Artem, in U. Rabe, Rhetores Graeci, XIV, Lipsiae 1931, 177, 3-8 = 712 FHSG (tra i quali per Teofrasto c'e anche la voce) e permette di riconoscere l'interesse filosofico, in senso pieno, sotteso anche al trattato IlEpi \)7toKpio??<; di Teofrasto: sembra riduttivo interpretare quest'opera semplicemente come una prima raccolta di norme tecniche sul tono della voce, le direzioni dello sguardo e i movimenti del corpo durante una recitazione. I suoi contenuti, speculativamente piu complessi in rapporto al 'tono deH'anima', hanno punti di contatto con alcune importanti esperienze di attori e drammaturghi del nostro XX secolo.
Page 301. Hieronymus in Athens and Rhodes Elisabetta Matelli We have no p (o&amp;amp;amp;lt;;... more Page 301. Hieronymus in Athens and Rhodes Elisabetta Matelli We have no p (o&amp;amp;amp;lt;; of Hieronymus and little information about him. But Stephen White&amp;amp;amp;#x27;s new collection of evidence, which adds some material omitted or overlooked ...
The reports on the artistic activities of two actors of the fourth century B.C. are analyzed in p... more The reports on the artistic activities of two actors of the fourth century B.C. are analyzed in parallel. They are two contemporaries of Aristotle: the tragic interpreter Theodore of Athens and the comedian Parmenon, around which anecdotes flourished. They were two very experienced artists in the art of naturalistic mimesis. A mimesis that went even beyond the competition with reality: in fact, their perfect imitations had effects on the audience that the real experiences did not obtain because of the sensitive and emotional barriers (as also the Aristotelian reflection states). Both actors gave significant contributions to the evolution of the art of dramatic acting, in a century in which the actor becomes even more important than the poet.
The paper reconsiders some aspects of the ancient legend of Helen, paying particular attention to... more The paper reconsiders some aspects of the ancient legend of Helen, paying particular attention to her divine origin continued in the Spartan and Laconian traditions, which were collected and elaborated by the poet Stesichorus in two different versions of his Palinodia. Here he said that Proteus kept Helen in Aegypt giving to Paris / Alexander an eidolon of Helen in her substitution. The author wonders about the matter of this eidolon. The ‘drift’ of this myth is then considered in relationship with the history of visual arts, that seems to have been influenced by the fame of Helen’s beauty from Parrasios and Zeuxis’s time until modern age, in strict connections with its literary afterlife.

The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences, 2018
Analyzing Homer and Aristotle, the Author faces the ancient Greek origin of the organicist model ... more Analyzing Homer and Aristotle, the Author faces the ancient Greek origin of the organicist model (introduced since 1920 in system theory) presenting its features. In Homer there is still no term to indicate the living body as a whole, but is present the idea of a principle capable of giving “shape” (eidos) to body elements and to counteract the natural tendency to disintegration: the soul (psyche). Only with Aristotle the living body begins to be understood as “organism,” thanks to a hylomorphic and non-dualistic vision of the relationship of the soul with matter, which explains the living organism. The soul itself, in Aristotle, has the characteristics of a system. From this analysis, the organicist model seems to be enriched by the indispensable notion of “form” which, in turn, calls for the need for an efficient cause outside the system.
... maschere teatrali nell&#x27;anno 2004. Direzione artistica di E. Matelli, collaborazione ... more ... maschere teatrali nell&#x27;anno 2004. Direzione artistica di E. Matelli, collaborazione degli artisti Eleonora Moro (per la parte corale, liberamente ricostruita) e Paolo Stoppani (per la parte attoriale). Durante il corso sono stati approfonditi ...
Messa in scena teatrale al Teatro San Lorenzo alle Colonne di Milano, dal 26 al 31 maggio 2015 , ... more Messa in scena teatrale al Teatro San Lorenzo alle Colonne di Milano, dal 26 al 31 maggio 2015 , 8, 19, 20, 21 ottobre 2015
Greek and Roman Musical Studies
Papers by Elisabetta Matelli