Papers by Simone Digennaro
La formazione degli insegnanti: problemi, prospettive e proposte per una scuola di qualità e aperta a tutti e tutte, 2022
La gestione della pandemia da COVID-19 ha visto l’emergere in Italia di una forma temporanea di ... more La gestione della pandemia da COVID-19 ha visto l’emergere in Italia di una forma temporanea di società disciplinare, in cui sono state messe in atto delle stra- tegie di controllo del corpo. Il disciplinamento dei comportamenti è stato adottato come uno dei principali strumenti di contrasto alla diffusione del contagio. Molte forme sociali di interazione sono state proibite, assieme alle più diffuse forme di contatto e vicinanza fisica. Le regole introdotte sono state finalizzate a rendere i corpi dei cittadini più docili, in una prospettiva di disciplinamento ben descritta da Foucault (1995). Tutto questo si è tradotto con un cambiamento significativo nell’utilizzo sociale del corpo, che ha riguardato in modo particolare le fasce d’età più giovani.

The paper proposes a theoretical reflection on the link between the decline of free play among th... more The paper proposes a theoretical reflection on the link between the decline of free play among the children living in the modern societies and the educational poverty, that will be considered as a set of factors that prevent a person from learning and developing, completely, skills and talents, with negative impacts on the daily life. It is a polysemic term that indicates a link between material poverty, social exclusion, marginalization and lack of formal education, and, with a broader view, that encompasses different forms of social and cultural inequalities such school dropout, low level of quality of life, scarce opportunities to learn and play, absence of an adequate provision of cultural activities in the community, etc.The systematic observations on the habits of the children and the evidence that have been gathered provide a demonstration that the decline of the free play is negatively impacting the growth and the personal development of many children. We are witnessing today at the reduction of the time that children are allowed to play in a form that is independent, spontaneous and self-regulated.The lack of the fundamental steps that represent the basement for the correct personal growth is depriving them of those social skills that are crucial to assume a self-regulatory and independent attitude in their daily life. The negative effects of this phenomenon are impacting millions of children, preventing them to reach their full potential. Thus, there is an urgent need to stimulate a debate and develop the strategies that can mitigate the risks.

Il testo intende offrire una chiave di lettura di alcuni cambiamenti antro- pologici e sociali ch... more Il testo intende offrire una chiave di lettura di alcuni cambiamenti antro- pologici e sociali che stanno interessando le abitudini di gioco e di movi- mento dei bambini, inserendoli all’interno di un più ampio discorso sulle povertà educative. Nei passaggi introduttivi saranno proposte due defini- zioni dei temi portanti: povertà educativa e gioco. Il primo tema, in coe- renza con i più recenti sviluppi delle riflessioni su di esso condotte, verrà delineato in maniera più estesa, offrendo una definizione che non contem- pli la sola dimensione economica o intercetti il solo ambito dell’istruzione formale, ma che sia in grado di inglobare il complesso delle variabili sociali, culturali, di contesto, ecc. che formano le condizioni essenziali per la ma- turazione e lo sviluppo dell’individuo. Il secondo tema, il gioco, sarà an- ch’esso inserito all’interno di una definizione ampia e fluida e sarà oggetto di una classificazione a tre livelli fondata sul grado di autonomia presente all’interno delle dinamiche di gioco.

Physical activity has proven itself to be one of the single most important determinants for a hea... more Physical activity has proven itself to be one of the single most important determinants for a healthy life. Leading authorities, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), have extensively documented the positive effects of physical activity on health and quality of life. However, it has been equally well documented that inequalities related to access to physical activities are also strongly linked to socioeconomic factors such as income, education, employment and ethnicity. People who are poorer, less educated, unemployed or belonging to specific ethnic groups tend to engage less in physical activity with negative effects for their life. The MOVE project, funded by the European Commission under the Health Programme 2008-2013 «Together for Health», aimed at identifying, qualifying and implementing good practices in cross-cutting community initiatives to promote health-enhancing physical activity for socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Particularly, the MOVE project aimed at c...
The paper presents the 7 step-model, a framework for the development of a strategic approach that... more The paper presents the 7 step-model, a framework for the development of a strategic approach that seeks to ensure that quality VET exists to support the development of a competent workforce. It fosters the development of evidence-informed VET policies and pursues to ensure a strong link between the education and training system and the labour market. The model has proven to be an effective methodology that can be used by a wide range of stakeholders to achieve a variety of education or employment objectives. It offers, in particular, a common and consistent approach that is, at the same time, flexible and adaptable to the different national VET systems.
Il tempo di gioco libero - non eterodiretto da un adulto- concesso ai bambini è diminuito drastic... more Il tempo di gioco libero - non eterodiretto da un adulto- concesso ai bambini è diminuito drasticamente negli ultimi anni, portando con sé conseguenze negative sul loro stato di benessere. La società di oggi è chiamata a rispondere a questa emergenza educativa e a mettere in atto interventi e politiche che favoriscano più ampi spazi di autonomia per i bambini.
Public Policy and Administration, 2015
Research Handbook on Sport Governance, 2019
The disappearance of childhood and the adultification of play are two issues that are occurring i... more The disappearance of childhood and the adultification of play are two issues that are occurring in the modern societies, with negative effects on children’s well-being. The paper seeks to systematize the scientific literature concerning these themes and to propose a possible classification for the different types of play. A proposal for a cultural and social change is also presentedby taking into account the key role of the school in this area.
Managing Sport and Leisure, 2021
This commentary considers the impacts of COVID-19 on sport governance and management, given the g... more This commentary considers the impacts of COVID-19 on sport governance and management, given the global threat to sport services and organizations evident as a result of the disease since early 2020. To frame this analysis of the impacts and lessons to be learned, we use a Critical Realist (CR) perspective, which takes a multi-level view of reality and seeks to establish how and why something occurs in reality [Byers, T. (2013). Using critical realism: A new perspective on control of volunteers in sport clubs. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13(1), 5-31.

Journal of Applied Sport Management, 2016
This paper is based on a study that was initiated to better understand the dynamics of the grassr... more This paper is based on a study that was initiated to better understand the dynamics of the grassroots sport landscape and establish a framework for effective governance practice in this important area of sport policy and management. Researchers had previously identified the value of exploring good governance specific to the nonprofit sector and in particular the unique features of informal sports organisations and small community clubs. The research methodology blended a meta-analysis of relevant literature to identify key principles followed by primary data collection to evaluate and validate the emerging framework. The main results of the study provided a typology of the sport governance landscape and clear evidence of the need to develop a framework for effective governance appropriate to the needs of grassroots sports organisations. Furthermore, it supported the construction of a flexible and dynamic self-regulatory instrument-known as SATSport-that organisations might use for measuring and illustrating commitment to good governance.

Fiep Bulletin on Line, 2013
antonio borgogni-siMone digennaro Department of human sciences, society, and health university of... more antonio borgogni-siMone digennaro Department of human sciences, society, and health university of cassino and southern lazio italy ABSTRACT the «Polisportiva Giovanni masi» (PGm) has been analyzed for 3 years by our research group since 2010. the club, which boasts more than 7000 members, is located in casalecchio di reno, a municipality of 38000 inhabitants near bologna. the research, based on the case-study approach (yin, 2009) has been carried out with a special focus on the quality of the services, the level of satisfaction of the members, the organizational processes, questionnaires with members (n=1100), in-depth interviews (n=11), focus groups (n=9), life histories (n=4) and observations have been interpolated. results show that PGm is recognized as a high quality organization. the main factors of the high degree of the members' satisfaction for the provided services (very good=12,7%, good=77,6% of the respondent) are the relationships with the sports educators/coaches/instructors-50% of them holding a Physical education or sport sciences degree-(very satisfied=58,9%, satisfied=27,8%) and the assessment of their professional competences (very good=43,4%, good=40,7%). Data collected, which highlight as the success of the organization is, above all, linked to the quality of the didactics, are deeply rooted in the history of PGm. in fact, it has been within the first associations to: propose psychomotricity classes in 1975, as well as baby swimming; invest in high quality training develop and adopt an educational internal code.PGm witnessed a process of professionalization as well as a trend that made communication and decisional procedures more complex. on the light of that, the monitoring carried out during the second and third years of the study, shows that PGm reacted with the rationalization of the internal structure and organizational procedures and with the involvement of a more professionalized workforce.

Nowadays, models adopted by the educational systems met with rigidities and doctrinal axioms that... more Nowadays, models adopted by the educational systems met with rigidities and doctrinal axioms that are limiting the efficacy of the interventions. This is due to a reduced capacity of adaptability to the reality. There is the tendency to apply a cage of false rationality, in which objectives, times, tools, etc. are defined with rigidity – often dogmatically supported – with the risk to level out the educational activity, without directly acting on the specific features of each individual and on the specific aspects that characterize one context from another. This is one of the main issue that the education is regarded to address today. It is also a topic that needs to be analysed since represents an important viaticum for lines of reasoning concerning the policies to be developed and the changes that might emerge in the educational praxis and in the long-term strategic and political decisions.

his handbook is written with project man- agers from sports organisations and other stakeholders ... more his handbook is written with project man- agers from sports organisations and other stakeholders who focus on sport and physi- cal activity in mind, as they can play an im- portant role in closing the gap. the first step is to embrace the idea that physical activity promotion in SDG is everybody’s business, including yours. The next step is to consider how your organisation can become more in- clusive and reach participants from a wider demographic by giving special attention to SDG. It is our sincere hope that this handbook will be a source of inspiration, learning and practical guidance for you and enable you to create positive impacts in the lives of SDG. The handbook is structured in three main parts: • A short description of the MOVE project and the MOVE good practice collection • The MOVE guiding principles, illustrated with selected case studies • A quantitative summary of the practices collected in the MOVE good practice collection
Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales, 2015
The contribution briefly introduces some of the challenges affecting the relationships between th... more The contribution briefly introduces some of the challenges affecting the relationships between the elder population and the urban physical environment in which life takes place, approaching the complexity of these themes from an interdisciplinary perspective: from a social, health enhancing physical activity (HEPA), and town planning point of view. The emergent Active City approach is recognized as a manner to encompass all perspectives, if correctly considered and applied
Pedagogia e politica, in occasione dei 100 anni dalla nascita di Paulo Freire, 2022
Il corpo, per sua stessa conformazione ontologica, non è mai culturalmente fissato: esso si inser... more Il corpo, per sua stessa conformazione ontologica, non è mai culturalmente fissato: esso si inserisce all’interno di una rete di relazioni sociali mai real- mente stabili, che necessita di una ricerca costante di rapporti di equilibrio (Csordas, 1994/2004; Le Breton, 2018). Il repentino sviluppo della tecnica e della tecnologia che sta accompagnando il progresso delle società mo- derne, ha apportato una moltiplicazione di relazioni, di fatti culturali e so- ciali e di dinamiche che agiscono potentemente sul corpo, innescando una tendenza al cambiamento sempre piu repentina e caotica e rimescolando continuamente le identità personali e sociali che l’individuo forma intorno e attraverso il corpo (Bourdieu, 2011; Detrez, 2002).

Book of Abstract ESA Conference, 2021
The body is an extraordinary observation point of the world, especially in the modern societies, ... more The body is an extraordinary observation point of the world, especially in the modern societies, where it is a tangible sign of the individual, the personal place in which the differences, the social and cultural distinctions are shown. Being at the heart of the individual and collective action, it is the focal point of the existential dimension and the entry door through which the social world comes into the personal world. Today, we are witnessing at an ongoing and generalised state of crisis, an existential atmosphere in which the personal and the collective behaviours tend to occur in forms of general frailty. Above all, the youths seem to face the negative effects, with forms of discomfort that are more complex with a consequent need to take urgent action. In order to deal with a crisis, of whatever nature, it is necessary to identify the salient features along with the effects, with the view to develop specific interventions. By recognising the body as a semantic vector, it is possible to assign to it a double function: as privileged observation point, through which analysing the effect of the crisis and determining the causes that have generated it; as point of entrance for specific interventions that triggers the overcoming of the individual crisis, and that can be expanded to the collective sphere. By using a phenomenological approach and the categories of analysis and investigation developed by the sociology of the body, the two functions will be analysed in detail and a model of intervention will be proposed.
Papers by Simone Digennaro
Educational Praximorphisms: on the Irrational Nature of Educational Practice Nowadays, the debate concerning the crisis of the education, and afterthought of the educational approaches, is emerging as a reaction to the challenges of the modernity. The educational systems are not giving appropriated answers to the problems of the society that is different if compared with the past. Modern-day education is regarded to be open and based on a complex system that accepts the indeterminateness of the knowledge, by implementing the interventions on the basis of the given situation, as it goes along, without the dogmatism of a method defined a-priori.
Al giorno d'oggi, il dibattito concernente la crisi dell'educazione-e, come conseguenza, degli approcci educativi-sta emergendo come una reazione alle sfide della modernità. I sistemi educativi non stanno dando risposte appropriate ai problemi di una società che si mostra in maniera molto diversa rispetto al passato. L'educazione in forma moderna dovrebbe essere aperta e basata su di un complesso siste-ma che accetta l'indeterminatezza della conoscenza, attuando interventi basati sulla situazione, e che rifiuta il dogmatismo di un metodo a-priori. Simone Digennaro, Ricercatore, si occupa di ricerca in ambito pedagogico, approfondendo i temi connessi con i problemi dei moderni sistemi educativi e il rapporto tra il corpo e la didattica; è coordinatore di progetti di ricerca-intervento per il contrasto alle povertà educative.
Partendo dalla premessa che nel corpo ha luogo l’incontro tra l’individuo e la realtà, l’autore interpreta l’alienazione degli ado- lescenti nei confronti della loro fisicità come un esito e insieme come un sintomo delle lacerazioni che attraversano la società di oggi. Ma la sua analisi è al contempo una proposta: nella vertigi- nosa irrealtà attuale, non potrebbe trovarsi proprio nella concre- tezza dei corpi l’ultima speranza di riguadagnare una presenza nel mondo?