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Thanks to its favourable hydrogeological conditions, Cassino is one of the most studied sites of Central Italy. More than two hundred soil borings, some of them reaching depths as high as 100 m, have revealed a subsoil characterized by a... more
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In the attempt to codify a procedure exportable to other similar cases, a thorough investigation of 16 the seismic performance of a bituminous concrete faced rockfill dam built in Italy in the early 17 eighties is herein presented. The... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeophysics
Nella presente nota si riporta lo studio dei fenomeni di liquefazione verificatisi nella fase cosismica del terremoto emiliano del 20 Maggio 2012. In particolare sono stati identificati fenomeni associabili a liquefazione tramite... more
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The paper describes a numerical model implemented to simulate the construction of a shallow tunnels in a sandy soil with the technique of jet grouted canopies. For a number of reasons, including an uncommon difficulty in reproducing the... more
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L’articolo riporta l’analisi sismica prestazionale di una diga in rockfill con manto in conglomerato bituminoso situata nel sud Italia. Dopo una breve descrizione sui principi dell’analisi sismica prestazionale con riferimento alle... more
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An overall analysis of single-fluid jet grouting is presented. Current concepts and design rules are first reviewed and compared. Alternative approaches to the analysis of single-fluid jet grouting are proposed and implemented with... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeotechniqueGéotechnique
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    • Engineering
The present work is focused on the investigation of physical and mechanical properties of fine grained soil treated with selected fly ash and lime in order to observe the effects that mixtures prepared with different component proportions... more
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Nella maggior parte dei problemi geotecnici si identificano i valori caratteristici delle diverse proprietà, cercando di tener conto della variabilità con criteri deterministici o probabilistici. In questa operazione si trascura spesso... more
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    • Physics
The paper focuses on the role of jet grouting on tunnel support, although the influence of supplementary techniques is also considered. For this purpose, experience gained from two well documented case histories is presented. Reported... more
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    • Case Studies
An experimental research has recently been performed for developing an original sediment management and reuse procedure, consisting in the following operations: dredging of the sediments from the seabed, pumping of the dredged soil to the... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyDredgingReuse
Ground improvement has become one of the most effective tools of geotechnical engineering, being adopted for an always larger variety of civil engineering applications. To reduce the role of subjective choices of operators, the use of... more
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      European UnionLiquefactionEurocode
In the attempt to codify a procedure exportable to other similar cases, a thorough investigation of the seismic performance of a bituminous concrete faced rockfill dam built in Italy in the early eighties is herein presented. The dam... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeophysicsGeotechnical Engineering
The paper reports on the behaviour of a masonry dam built in the Italian Alps in the early twenties of the last century and still in operation for electric power supply. The dam is 31 m high and its waterproofing is ensured by a... more
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      GeographyGeotechnical Engineeringservice Business
This paper illustrates the results of an experimental study on sand-bentonite mixtures for their use as confinement barriers for solid waste landfills. The mixtures have been prepared parametrically varying the percentage of bentonite.... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringSolid MechanicsWaste ManagementBentonite
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