Papers by antonio arantes

Esta tese trata da modernidade enquanto pratica, que pode ser alterada, ganhando novos conteudos ... more Esta tese trata da modernidade enquanto pratica, que pode ser alterada, ganhando novos conteudos atraves dos deslocamentos e da experiencia social de alguns atores sociais. Pretende-se contribuir para uma geografia historica do modernismo, por meio da reconstrucao da trajetoria de uma arquiteta italiana radicada no Brasil, Lina Bo Bardi, e de duas de suas obras, o Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP) e do Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia (MAMB), posteriormente desdobrado em um segundo projeto, sediado no Solar do Unhao, em Salvador. Trajetoria e obras sao aqui analisadas em relacao ao campo da arquitetura, com suas disputas e aliancas internas, sua autonomia relativa em relacao a outros campos; as circunstâncias do periodo historico tratado (1947-1968) e das regioes (Sao Paulo e Bahia) onde realizou seus projetos. Ou seja, a tese busca responder a questao inicial a partir de um onde-quando-quem. Abstract
The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, 2016
Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 2019
Reflexions on the key dispositif 1 adopted by Unesco's Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangib... more Reflexions on the key dispositif 1 adopted by Unesco's Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Article 2.3). In these Comments, I initially situate the notion of 'safeguarding' in the context of transformations of other preservation instruments which it dialogues and to whose semantic field it belongs. Challenges to its implementation and possibilities opened by this treaty for the protection of what has been designated as 'folklore and traditional (and popular) culture' 2 are addressed. After offering an interpretation of its textual meaning in the Convention, I seek to explore how this device is articulated to others in this Convention, and to reflect on its possible practical reach.

Ponto Urbe, Jul 1, 2008
A trajetória de Antonio Augusto Arantes Neto percorre os caminhos de uma carreira docente de quat... more A trajetória de Antonio Augusto Arantes Neto percorre os caminhos de uma carreira docente de quatro décadas em duas universidades paulistas-a USP e a Unicamp-e inclui atuações diversificadas no campo das discussões sobre cultura popular, patrimônio, patrimônio imaterial, espaço urbano e poder. Foi orientado pelo Prof. Edmund Leach, no King's College, em Cambridge, e o primeiro orientando de mestrado da Profa. Eunice Ribeiro Durham, no Brasil, na Cadeira de Antropologia da FFLCH da USP, no início de 1970. Sua pesquisa teve como tema a visão de mundo do sertanejo, as relações de parentesco e o regime de propriedade e posse da terra. Suas reflexões continham o sabor da inovação que estava ocorrendo, então, na Cadeira de Antropologia: uma perspectiva mais politizada, um diálogo mais aberto e direto tanto com as questões sociais que se colocavam na época quanto com outras disciplinas, como a Filosofia, a Sociologia e a Ciência Política. Também em 1970, participou do projeto de criação da Unicamp, ocupando-se, juntamente com outros professores, da estruturação da área de Antropologia do IFCH desta universidade. Nos anos de 1980, no início do processo de redemocratização, houve um movimento crítico em direção à conceituação do que é patrimônio e, em 1983, Antonio Arantes assumia a Presidência do CONDEPHAAT. Na década seguinte, o tema das relações entre espaço, poder e cultura nas megacidades contemporâneas torna-se central no seu trabalho. Também esteve à frente do IPHAN, de 2004 a 2006, como seu presidente, tendo implementado o Departamento de Patrimônio Imaterial e o Programa Nacional do Patrimônio Imaterial deste órgão.

Current Anthropology, Feb 1, 1992
manthys with the Egyptian god Montu forms a slendei basis for proposing that an Egyptian bull cul... more manthys with the Egyptian god Montu forms a slendei basis for proposing that an Egyptian bull cult was introduced into Crete during the Egyptian i ith Dynasty. Under these circumstances the ability to generate a large number of comparisons, even when they form intriguing pattems, does not necessarily strengthen a argument. Finally, Bernal, along with a growing number of anthropologists, expresses opposition to an evolutionary view of human history. He traces the origins of Greek religion and philosophy to Egyptian sources. It is probable that some schools of Greek philosophy were influenced by Egyptian ideas much as modern Western philosophy is by Hindu and Buddhist thought. Yet it is impossible to find in the surviving corpus of ancient Egyptian writings evidence of the divergent basic postulates, scepticism, materialism, and human-centeredness that characterize post-Ionian Greek philosophy. Like other early civilizations, the ancient Egyptians did not differentiate between what we see as natural, supernatural, and social realms but sought to understand all of them as an extension of human relations. To deny the intellectual changes of the "axial era," which in any case was not an exclusively Greek phenomenon, is seriously to call into question the capacity of human understanding to keep abreast of economic and social changes. To make his point, Bernal is going to have to do more than propose that the "real" wisdom of ancient Egypt was oral and esoteric and therefore will not be found in their written records, an approach that violates his own strictures against arguments from silence. At the midpoint in his project Bemal has made a significant contribution to the history of archaeology and offered a wide range of evidence that has challenged the complacency of Renfrewian autochthonism as applied to the ancient Aegean area. He himself has been surprised by the relatively positive response that his work has received. Yet, as his program develops, its methodological weaknesses are becoming more apparent. However his specific arguments about the origins of Greek civilization are evaluated, Bernal has drawn attention to the severe theoretical limitations of the neoevolutionary approach to prehistory and to its bad effects on the discipline as a whole. There is an urgent need for archaeologists to pay more attention to problems relating to diffusion and migration as well as to how archaeological data can be combined with those from other fields, such as physical anthropology, linguistics, documentary and oral history, and mythology, in order to gain a more complete understanding ofthe past. No matter how professional archaeologists may judge Bemal's work in the future, his multifacetted assault on academic complacency is an important contribution to the development of a more open, historical, and culturally oriented postprocessual archaeology.
SpringerBriefs in environment, security, development and peace, 2013
Cultural preservation as a public policy is a product of Western cultural history which developed... more Cultural preservation as a public policy is a product of Western cultural history which developed organically as part of the process of formation of nation states. Therefore, it can and should be the object of critical reflection. In relation to intangible goods, this development is more than 10 years old, in various countries as well as in the global public cultural sphere. This is not the place to conduct a critical review of the results achieved by national conservation bodies or by UNESCO, supported by active non-governmental organizations and academic specialists. But it is time to focus on a certain malaise that is often manifested in academic milieux around what is currently called ‘patrimonialization’, mainly when the cultural dynamics of heritage holder communities is at stake.
Theory, Culture & Society, Nov 1, 1996
Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, Dec 1, 2011
This structural analysis focuses on the compadrio system. The empirical background is provided by... more This structural analysis focuses on the compadrio system. The empirical background is provided by observation carried out among sertanejo peasants of Bahia in the late 1960s and by the literature on the Latin American and Southern European variants of this institution. It is mainly concerned with two complementary problems. On the one hand, to draw a model that might represent that institution's elementary structure, virtually present in the variants of this system; on the other, to offer an interpretation of its meaning, by contrasting it with elements of the kinship and marriage systems, and taking in consideration the peasants' religious background. This exercise was inspired by Edmund Leach's Rethinking anthropology and his ideas about the Virgin Birth. Analytical perspectives for further research are suggested.
Theory, Culture & Society, Dec 1, 2007
This supplement examines the way in which the current global turn in cultural production is gener... more This supplement examines the way in which the current global turn in cultural production is generating new epistemological and juridical problems related In the documentation and promotion of cultural heritage. Using recent policy developments in Brazil as a case study, the supplement argues that 'cultural heritage' is a social construction. in that any adequate understanding of its meaning is dependent upon taking into account its wider social and historical contexts. The larger implications of this claim are also examined.
Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, Jun 1, 2013
The seventeenth century São Miguel Chapel, located in a working class district of São Paulo city,... more The seventeenth century São Miguel Chapel, located in a working class district of São Paulo city, had been in disuse for around 10 years. In the second half of the 1970s, the body managing this listed building faced the problem of how to revitalize it given the profile of the surrounding local population. The response to this problem, grounded on an initial ethnographic survey of local cultural production, involved mobilizing a substantial number of popular artists from the city's East Zone and led to the emergence of the Popular Movement of Art. Through an account of this experience and a debate with technical staff from CONDEPHAAT, the article explores some of the issues that situate the preservation of cultural heritage within a field of conflicting interests and ideologies.
Papers by antonio arantes