Cesar Baio
Cesar Baio is artist, professor and researcher. He developed his PhDʼs research at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) funded by CNPq/Brazil. In 2010, he have a graduate internship at the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Universität der Künste, Berlin. Between 2017 and 2018, he was visiting artist-researcher at i-DAT (Plymouth University | U.K.) funded by CAPES/Brazil. From 2011 to 2018 he was professor of the Universidade Federal do Ceará | UFC where he co-founded of the Graduated Program in Arts - PPGArtes - UFC. Currently he is professor and researcher at Campinas State University - UNICAMP. He coordinates the "actLAB – Laboratório de Pesquisa em Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia” and is collaborator researcher of the “CISC - Centro Interdisciplinar de Semiótica da Cultura e da Mídia” (PUC/SP) , the “Grupo de Pesquisa Fotografia, Imagem e Pensamento” (UFRJ), and " "Laboratório de Pesquisa em Arte e TecnoCiência" (UNB). Having background in electronics and media studies, his interest is on the relationship between art, technology and society. The series of videos, photos, interactive installations and urban interventions produced by him place questions in some political, ethic and cognitive aspects of the insertion of the technology into the cultural practices and power structures. He is co-founder and collaborator of the collective Cesar&Lois, that creates “biohybrid" artworks in the intersections between the parallel networks of technology and biological systems. Cesar & Lois consists of artists Cesar Baio and Lucy HG Solomon, with contributions from artists and scientists. His PhD thesis analyses experimental artworks, most of them produced with technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, interactive video, cybernetic systems and locative media, assuming a perspective of the art and media theories. This research aimed to comprehend how some of these artworks reshape the models of representations and, in doing that, they materialize forms of understanding the world that are different from the ones consolidated in traditional media. Seeking to demonstrate the heterogeneity of the sensibilities implied in these different modes of existence and functioning of the image, he proposes a post-virtual theoretical approach of image departing of the “apparatus philosophy” by Vilém Flusser, as well as, from the concepts of performativity, co-presence and embodied experience. The series of videos, photos, interactive installations and urban interventions produced by him place questions in some political, ethic and cognitive aspects of the insertion of the technology into the cultural practices and power structures. The most of his projects is based in procedures such as reverse engineering, occupation of information networks and subversion of the industrial devices and algorithms, aiming to reveal tensions in the human-machine relationship, encourage creative collective participation in digital platforms or speculate on alternatives forms to represent the world and to produce reality. Author of the book “Máquinas de imagem: arte, tecnologia e pós-virtualidade” (Machines of image: art, technology and post-virtuality), he has written papers that are published in academic journals and collections. He has participated in congress, seminars and exhibitions in Brazil and abroad. His activities have been commissioned by Brazilians federal agencies and prizes for research and art production.
Supervisors: Arlindo Machado at PUC/SP (Master and PhD) and Mike Phillips at i-DAT Plymouth University (Post-Doctoral)
Supervisors: Arlindo Machado at PUC/SP (Master and PhD) and Mike Phillips at i-DAT Plymouth University (Post-Doctoral)
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Papers by Cesar Baio
Ruínas do visível: políticas implicadas na relação com as imagens na era dos big data teccogs n. 24, jul./dez. 2021 Ruins of the visible: politics implied in the relationship with images in the Big Data era
Ruínas do visível: políticas implicadas na relação com as imagens na era dos big data teccogs n. 24, jul./dez. 2021 Ruins of the visible: politics implied in the relationship with images in the Big Data era
“Este livro que o leitor tem em suas mãos representa o coroamento de uma série de discussões, polêmicas e produções que se estendem pelo menos desde os anos 1960, mas que ganhou um contorno mais definido a partir do final do século XX: trata-se de um balanço do que significou o surgimento das tecnologias digitais nos conceitos de cultura, arte, filosofia e modos de vida. O autor, Cesar Baio, atualiza as discussões anteriores colocadas por autores como Vilém Flusser, Edmond Couchot, Peter Weibel, Júlio Plaza, Lúcia Santaella e tantos outros que as formularam num período imediatamente anterior, sobre como tudo se transforma quando se passa para uma existência digital, não apenas nas imagens, sons e textos, mas também na condução do pensamento, dos novos comportamentos e modos de produção e consumo, da vida contemporânea, enfim. Ele analisa também uma seleção de novos criadores, nos mais diversos campos das artes, que souberam tirar proveito não apenas das novas tecnologias, mas também das novas formas de sociabilidade e de economia política que se formaram ao redor delas.”
Arlindo Machado
“Em Máquinas de imagem, Baio nos proporciona uma acurada leitura da condição contemporânea, atualizando as proposições desenvolvidas por Vilém Flusser sobre os aparelhos técnicos de mediação. Uma perspectiva teórica consistente, radicada na identificação das linhas de forças singularizantes dos fenômenos culturais contemporâneos, considerados a partir da leitura crítica das formulações conceituais predominantes até o início dos anos 1980, mas, igualmente decisivo, desde o ponto de vista da liberdade do artista e do participante implicados na aventura estética”
Antonio Fatorelli
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais - UNICAMP