Regeneration and generational renewal in rural areas are debated topics at both academic and Euro... more Regeneration and generational renewal in rural areas are debated topics at both academic and European political-institutional levels (Osborne et al. 2004, Robert-Boeuf 2023, Jank et al. 2023, Sivini–Vitale 2023). In this framework, agricultural generational renewal is a crucial issue (Kovách et al. 2022) as ageing in farming is an ongoing process, especially in some European countries. In Italy, census data clearly shows this process, which is also accompanied by a reduction in the number of active farms. The aim of the paper is to present agricultural regeneration in Italy and a paradigmatic Italian practice of young rural people who have chosen to enter agriculture, and to analyse their potential role in regenerating rural areas
Rural regeneration is a transformative process that can be based on multiple possible pathways th... more Rural regeneration is a transformative process that can be based on multiple possible pathways that are not always clearly distinct and that can be combined or co-exist. We argue that regeneration can be understood as a new framework for socio-natural relations. This paper aims at demonstrating that the combination of agroecology and strong multifunctional agriculture play a central role in re-producing the conditions of socio-ecological wellbeing. The study uses data collected through a qualitative methodology. Two case studies were executed in two Southern Italian regions: the first on farm successors in Sicily and the second on new entrants to farming in Apulia. In total, 41 in depth-interviews, two focus groups, and two restitution meetings were conducted. Findings suggest that agroecology and strong multifunctionality are innovative approaches to farming, allowing new farmers to deal with social, environmental, and economic production challenges, spreading benefits to the rural...
The phenomenon of population decline—with all its associated economic, environmental and social c... more The phenomenon of population decline—with all its associated economic, environmental and social consequences—characterizes many small rural municipalities. This study aims to discuss the role that small rural municipalities can have in addressing this phenomenon by promoting rural regeneration and attracting newcomers. The framework of the analysis is based on the neo-endogenous theories of rural development, which consider the interaction between endogenous and exogenous resources and forces. To analyse the role of small rural municipalities, this paper refers to the findings of a case study on the Italian rural village of Castel del Giudice and of the “confrontation” activities carried out in another village, Malito. The research suggests that a participatory process activated by a municipality can produce positive social and economic benefits for the local community. This process can enhance territorial cohesion, contribute to halting emigration, and favour the establishment of n...
Dottorato di ricerca in Sviluppo territoriale e processi di globalizzazione, XXVIII ciclo, a.a. 2... more Dottorato di ricerca in Sviluppo territoriale e processi di globalizzazione, XXVIII ciclo, a.a. 2015-2016
Processi di cambiamento nei sistemi alimentari possono originare dalle innovazioni prodotte dagli... more Processi di cambiamento nei sistemi alimentari possono originare dalle innovazioni prodotte dagli agricoltori. L’autrice analizza le strategie adottate dai produttori siciliani biologici attraverso la promozione di reti alimentari alternative forti. Il percorso innovativo adottato da questi agricoltori si connette allo sviluppo del consumo critico e in particolare al movimento dei GAS. All’interno di queste reti il cibo non e piu una semplice commodity ma diventa un mezzo per produrre cambiamento sociale.
… Rural Areas', Universita della Calabria, Arcavacata di …, 2003
... dal basso. Le ipotesi di una sua cancellazione supportate dall'idea che esse... more ... dal basso. Le ipotesi di una sua cancellazione supportate dall'idea che essendo un programma pilota ... Economics, Politics and Culture, Cambridge. Polity Press. Bagnasco A. (1999), Tracce di comunità, Bologna, Il Mulino. Bagnasco A (2003), Società fuori squadra. ...
Critical consumption and food networks - This paper explores the development of alternative pract... more Critical consumption and food networks - This paper explores the development of alternative practices of production and consumption of food in Italy, pointing out the attention on the potentiality of the short food chains aiming to improve the conditions of small producers as well as on the emerging of critical consumption practices that have encouraged the constitutions of the solidarity purchasing groups (GAS). In particular, this paper presents the results of a national survey about the direct selling practices involving small rural producers as well as the GAS. The networks developed by these actors present specific aspects that are not considered by the analytical approaches just focusing on spatiality, but can be interpreted as "networks of resistance". Key words: critical consumption; agro-food networks; biological production; solidarity purchasing groups; short food chains; direct sale.
The last twenty years have witnessed the emergence of “alternative food networks” (or simply AFN)... more The last twenty years have witnessed the emergence of “alternative food networks” (or simply AFN), which arise worldwide in opposition to mainstream production, distribution and consumption. Italy is certainly one of the countries where this phenomenon has expanded significantly in the past decade. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the case of Campagna Amica, one of the most important experiences of afn in Europe that has been promoted by Coldiretti, the leading Italian leading agrarian organization. However, this initiative contains a number of contradictions that contrast with the “alternative nature” of this experience.
"The RURALIZATION project aims to look at ways to overcome rural decline issues that support... more "The RURALIZATION project aims to look at ways to overcome rural decline issues that support rural regeneration and generational renewal. The empirical focus of the project is to develop, assess and disseminate novel instruments, strategies and policies that cater for rural regeneration. This is done specificallyin relation to the future dreams of rural youth, facilitating rural newcomers and new entrants into farming and by addressing the issue of access to land. RURALIZATION will also carry out a trend analysis to uncover relevant trends for rural regions. This knowledge base will culminate in generating effective policy tools. Through this RURALIZATION aims to contribute to the development of a new rural frontier that provides exciting opportunities to new rural generations for social and economic sustainability and to realise their dreams in a rural context (...)"
Regeneration and generational renewal in rural areas are debated topics at both academic and Euro... more Regeneration and generational renewal in rural areas are debated topics at both academic and European political-institutional levels (Osborne et al. 2004, Robert-Boeuf 2023, Jank et al. 2023, Sivini–Vitale 2023). In this framework, agricultural generational renewal is a crucial issue (Kovách et al. 2022) as ageing in farming is an ongoing process, especially in some European countries. In Italy, census data clearly shows this process, which is also accompanied by a reduction in the number of active farms. The aim of the paper is to present agricultural regeneration in Italy and a paradigmatic Italian practice of young rural people who have chosen to enter agriculture, and to analyse their potential role in regenerating rural areas
Rural regeneration is a transformative process that can be based on multiple possible pathways th... more Rural regeneration is a transformative process that can be based on multiple possible pathways that are not always clearly distinct and that can be combined or co-exist. We argue that regeneration can be understood as a new framework for socio-natural relations. This paper aims at demonstrating that the combination of agroecology and strong multifunctional agriculture play a central role in re-producing the conditions of socio-ecological wellbeing. The study uses data collected through a qualitative methodology. Two case studies were executed in two Southern Italian regions: the first on farm successors in Sicily and the second on new entrants to farming in Apulia. In total, 41 in depth-interviews, two focus groups, and two restitution meetings were conducted. Findings suggest that agroecology and strong multifunctionality are innovative approaches to farming, allowing new farmers to deal with social, environmental, and economic production challenges, spreading benefits to the rural...
The phenomenon of population decline—with all its associated economic, environmental and social c... more The phenomenon of population decline—with all its associated economic, environmental and social consequences—characterizes many small rural municipalities. This study aims to discuss the role that small rural municipalities can have in addressing this phenomenon by promoting rural regeneration and attracting newcomers. The framework of the analysis is based on the neo-endogenous theories of rural development, which consider the interaction between endogenous and exogenous resources and forces. To analyse the role of small rural municipalities, this paper refers to the findings of a case study on the Italian rural village of Castel del Giudice and of the “confrontation” activities carried out in another village, Malito. The research suggests that a participatory process activated by a municipality can produce positive social and economic benefits for the local community. This process can enhance territorial cohesion, contribute to halting emigration, and favour the establishment of n...
Dottorato di ricerca in Sviluppo territoriale e processi di globalizzazione, XXVIII ciclo, a.a. 2... more Dottorato di ricerca in Sviluppo territoriale e processi di globalizzazione, XXVIII ciclo, a.a. 2015-2016
Processi di cambiamento nei sistemi alimentari possono originare dalle innovazioni prodotte dagli... more Processi di cambiamento nei sistemi alimentari possono originare dalle innovazioni prodotte dagli agricoltori. L’autrice analizza le strategie adottate dai produttori siciliani biologici attraverso la promozione di reti alimentari alternative forti. Il percorso innovativo adottato da questi agricoltori si connette allo sviluppo del consumo critico e in particolare al movimento dei GAS. All’interno di queste reti il cibo non e piu una semplice commodity ma diventa un mezzo per produrre cambiamento sociale.
… Rural Areas', Universita della Calabria, Arcavacata di …, 2003
... dal basso. Le ipotesi di una sua cancellazione supportate dall'idea che esse... more ... dal basso. Le ipotesi di una sua cancellazione supportate dall'idea che essendo un programma pilota ... Economics, Politics and Culture, Cambridge. Polity Press. Bagnasco A. (1999), Tracce di comunità, Bologna, Il Mulino. Bagnasco A (2003), Società fuori squadra. ...
Critical consumption and food networks - This paper explores the development of alternative pract... more Critical consumption and food networks - This paper explores the development of alternative practices of production and consumption of food in Italy, pointing out the attention on the potentiality of the short food chains aiming to improve the conditions of small producers as well as on the emerging of critical consumption practices that have encouraged the constitutions of the solidarity purchasing groups (GAS). In particular, this paper presents the results of a national survey about the direct selling practices involving small rural producers as well as the GAS. The networks developed by these actors present specific aspects that are not considered by the analytical approaches just focusing on spatiality, but can be interpreted as "networks of resistance". Key words: critical consumption; agro-food networks; biological production; solidarity purchasing groups; short food chains; direct sale.
The last twenty years have witnessed the emergence of “alternative food networks” (or simply AFN)... more The last twenty years have witnessed the emergence of “alternative food networks” (or simply AFN), which arise worldwide in opposition to mainstream production, distribution and consumption. Italy is certainly one of the countries where this phenomenon has expanded significantly in the past decade. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the case of Campagna Amica, one of the most important experiences of afn in Europe that has been promoted by Coldiretti, the leading Italian leading agrarian organization. However, this initiative contains a number of contradictions that contrast with the “alternative nature” of this experience.
"The RURALIZATION project aims to look at ways to overcome rural decline issues that support... more "The RURALIZATION project aims to look at ways to overcome rural decline issues that support rural regeneration and generational renewal. The empirical focus of the project is to develop, assess and disseminate novel instruments, strategies and policies that cater for rural regeneration. This is done specificallyin relation to the future dreams of rural youth, facilitating rural newcomers and new entrants into farming and by addressing the issue of access to land. RURALIZATION will also carry out a trend analysis to uncover relevant trends for rural regions. This knowledge base will culminate in generating effective policy tools. Through this RURALIZATION aims to contribute to the development of a new rural frontier that provides exciting opportunities to new rural generations for social and economic sustainability and to realise their dreams in a rural context (...)"
Papers by silvia sivini
aim of the paper is to present agricultural regeneration in Italy and a paradigmatic Italian practice of young rural people who have chosen to enter agriculture, and to analyse their potential role in regenerating rural areas
aim of the paper is to present agricultural regeneration in Italy and a paradigmatic Italian practice of young rural people who have chosen to enter agriculture, and to analyse their potential role in regenerating rural areas