Spartaco Pupo
Spartaco Pupo (1974) is associate professor, qualified full professor, of History of Political Thought at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Calabria. His main areas of study is history of modern and contemporary political thought. He has given lectures and conferences in Italian and foreign universities. He serves on the editorial board for academic Italiana journals and is a member of the Italian Association of Historians of Political Thought (AISPP), of the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (ECSSS), and the Hume Society. He has translated, introduced and edited works and collections of writings by D. Hume, R. Nisbet, M. Oakeshott, C. Quigley, and J. N. Shklar. Of particular note are the first Italian edition of Conservatism by Nisbet: "Conservatorismo: sogno e realtà" (Rubbettino, 2012), of the "Lectures" by Oakeshott: "Lezioni di Storia del pensiero politico" (Jouvence, 2022), the first complete Italian edition of Hume's political writings: "Libertà e moderazione" (Rubbettino, 2016), the first English edition of Hume's writings on war and international relations: "A Petty Statesman" (Mimesis International, 2019), and the nwe Italian edition of Shklar's "The Faces of Injustice": "I volti dell'ingiustizia. Uno sguardo scettico" (Mimesis, 2024). He has published several books, including "La comunità e i suoi nemici" (Le Lettere, 2009), "Robert Nisbet e il conservatorismo sociale" (Mimesis, 2012), "David Hume: The Sceptical Conservative" (Mimesis International, 2020), "Lo scetticismo politico. Storia di una dottrina dagli antichi ai giorni nostri" (Mimesis, 2020), "Amministrazione pubblica e relazioni umane. Una rilettura delle lezioni bolognesi di Robert Nisbet" (Giappichelli, 2024).
Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Università della Calabria
Via Bucci - Cubo 0B 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza)
Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali
Università della Calabria
Via Bucci - Cubo 0B 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza)
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Books by Spartaco Pupo
This volume collects, for the first time in Italian, the memorable lectures given by Michael Oakeshott when he was professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, in the academic year 1966-67, shortly before his retirement. There are thirty-one lessons on the history of European political thought, from ancient to modern peoples, who thought, imagined and “made” politics in different ways and contexts. In open challenge to all-encompassing definitions and "stories" as progressive narratives of abstract ideas detached from experience, language and action, Oakeshott looks at the history of political thought as a structuring of ideas and arguments typical of political experience practice, aimed at understanding the political expressions most in vogue in the culture of each people.
Here they see the light in the first Italian edition, for the careful care of Spartaco Pupo, the youthful writings of David Hume: the "Historical Essay on the Chivarly and Modern honour", written when he was less than twenty years old, and never given to the press, and the "Memoranda", a precious collection of manuscript notes, consisting of over three hundred aphorisms, summaries and quotations from the classics of philosophical-political thought and dating back to the decade preceding the publication of his principal works. These writings bear witness to an intense and varied bibliographic research activity, focused mainly on themes of politics, religion, law and economics, to which young Hume approaches animated by a profound interest in the development of social and political institutions and the process of civilization of modern nations. These are texts of considerable historical value, as they offer a singular and hitherto unpublished view of the sources and genesis of thought of the greatest British philosopher of the eighteenth century.
Articles and Essays by Spartaco Pupo
that the powerful bureaucratic hierarchies were forced to follow without question, at least inadvertently. However, constitutional legalism turns out to be very significant for both administrative practice and the scientific study of administration and public management.
This volume collects, for the first time in Italian, the memorable lectures given by Michael Oakeshott when he was professor of Political Science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, in the academic year 1966-67, shortly before his retirement. There are thirty-one lessons on the history of European political thought, from ancient to modern peoples, who thought, imagined and “made” politics in different ways and contexts. In open challenge to all-encompassing definitions and "stories" as progressive narratives of abstract ideas detached from experience, language and action, Oakeshott looks at the history of political thought as a structuring of ideas and arguments typical of political experience practice, aimed at understanding the political expressions most in vogue in the culture of each people.
Here they see the light in the first Italian edition, for the careful care of Spartaco Pupo, the youthful writings of David Hume: the "Historical Essay on the Chivarly and Modern honour", written when he was less than twenty years old, and never given to the press, and the "Memoranda", a precious collection of manuscript notes, consisting of over three hundred aphorisms, summaries and quotations from the classics of philosophical-political thought and dating back to the decade preceding the publication of his principal works. These writings bear witness to an intense and varied bibliographic research activity, focused mainly on themes of politics, religion, law and economics, to which young Hume approaches animated by a profound interest in the development of social and political institutions and the process of civilization of modern nations. These are texts of considerable historical value, as they offer a singular and hitherto unpublished view of the sources and genesis of thought of the greatest British philosopher of the eighteenth century.
that the powerful bureaucratic hierarchies were forced to follow without question, at least inadvertently. However, constitutional legalism turns out to be very significant for both administrative practice and the scientific study of administration and public management.
to the British General St. Clair on a secret military mission to the courts of Vienna and Turin. After crossing Holland, Germany and Austria, he stayed in Trento, Mantua, Cremona, Milan and Turin and described in some letters to his brother, which formed a true travel diary, the social, economic and political realities of Italy, a country severely torn and harassed by exorbitant taxes, but rich in history and culture before national unification. For the first time in Hume’s intellectual production his scrupulous social and political analysis appears, as well as his careful observation of the character of the princes at the European courts, the identity of the nations and popular customs, the nature of the cities and landscapes, and his study of the causes of productivity and the misery of nations. Inspired by Hume’s observations of Italian civilization, which are of great historical and political value, the article reconstructs the historical, military and politicalinstitutional context of the territories visited by a philosopher in military uniform.
conosciuto, "Conservatorismo: sogno e realtà", di Robert Nisbet viene tradotto e presentato per la prima volta al pubblico italiano.
Che cos’è il conservatorismo? Che cosa significa essere conservatore? Chi sono i conservatori più rappresentativi nella storia del pensiero politico occidentale? A queste domande Nisbet risponde attraverso una ricerca sul campo, straordinaria per completezza e ricchezza informativa, che illustra le origini, la dogmatica e le prospettive delmovimento politico e culturale conservatore.
Nisbet individua le basi filosofiche e dottrinarie del conservatorismo, per troppo tempo considerato come mera inclinazione caratteriale che spinge a rifuggire dal cambiamento e dall’innovazione a ogni costo,
e lo eleva al rango di una delle tre più importanti ideologie della storia occidentale, essendo le altre due il liberalismo e
il socialismo. Nato in contrapposizione alla Rivoluzione francese, che si è resa responsabile della confisca delle autorità e delle lealtà tradizionali al fine di legittimare uno Stato onnipotente e provvidenziale, il conservatorismo si è imposto come corpus organico di idee morali, economiche, sociali e culturali in cui si sono identificate generazioni di intellettuali e uomini politici tra i più influenti e carismatici degli ultimi due secoli, come Burke, Bonald, Maistre, Tocqueville, Coleridge, Disraeli,Hegel, Kirk, Spengler, Voegelin, Savigny, Churchill, Eliot, Oakeshott.
Recensione a D. Hume, "Contro Rousseau", traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di Spartaco Pupo, Bietti, Milano 2017.