Papers by Giuseppe Artese

International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2015
This work illustrates a complete design flow of an electronic system developed to support applica... more This work illustrates a complete design flow of an electronic system developed to support applications in which there are the need to measure motion parameters and transmit them to a remote unit for real-time teleprocessing. In order to be useful in many operative contexts, the system is flexible, compact, and lightweight. It integrates a tri-axial inertial sensor, a GPS module, a wireless transceiver and can drive a pocket camera. Data acquisition and packetization are handled in order to increase data throughput on Radio Bridge and to minimize power consumption. A trajectory reconstruction algorithm, implementing the Kalman-filter technique, allows obtaining real-time body tracking using only inertial sensors. Thanks to a graphical user interface it is possible to remotely control the system operations and to display the motion data.
The paper describes the development of a low-cost and rapid technique, for documentation and moni... more The paper describes the development of a low-cost and rapid technique, for documentation and monitoring of the cultural heritage, with particular regard to emergency management, anomaly detection and early warning. The technique uses images captured and sent by camera phones. An archive, with several images of selected monuments has been set up. For monitoring purposes, or in case of damages, a not specialized photographer should connect to the dedicated website; the image of the selected monument is shown on the display of his camera phone; he is then requested to take a picture with the (almost) same line of sight, and to upload it. The image processing allows to detect the changes and to activate an early warning procedure. The system, the image processing and the results of a test are described.
For the vehicle detection and tracking in the roundabouts, several difficulties have to be faced,... more For the vehicle detection and tracking in the roundabouts, several difficulties have to be faced, e.g. the use of non nadiral perspectives, vehicle images overlapping and radiometric differences between top and side of the cars; the silhouette of the cars is, besides, not regular and the size is variable. In the paper, the upgrade of a procedure for detecting and tracking vehicles in a roundabout is presented. The image subtraction technique is used, along with geometric and radiometric filters. The problems due to the variation of the background radiometric characteristics are discussed. Kalman filter has been used to foreseen the position of vehicles for a better tracking, and to improve the determination of the trajectories. The results of a test are presented.

A methodology for tracking moving vehicles is presented that overcomes many of the practical limi... more A methodology for tracking moving vehicles is presented that overcomes many of the practical limitations of current video taping applications many resulting from traffic and site conditions for the road segment being video-taped. The algorithm presented in this paper provides a sound, inexpensive procedure for extracting vehicle tracking data with minimum video taping restrictions. This is achieved through a comprehensive filtering of videotaped images, removal of background distortions, reduced impact of image occlusion, identification and construction of blobs from pixel features, and an accurate link to fixed representative reference points inside of the video frame (Ground Control Points or GCP). The tracking algorithm has been applied to a sample of video-taped vehicle trajectories with parallel GPS geo-referenced information to investigated the effect of placement of GCP and video camera angle on error in vehicle tracking. The number of GCP and the deflection angle from the pe...

In this paper, the authors present an experiment performed in Padua, Italy to model a cultural he... more In this paper, the authors present an experiment performed in Padua, Italy to model a cultural heritage object from multiple range views. This object is Porta Portello, an old monumental door near the University, and has been scanned using the laser scanner Cyrax 2500 from Cyra Technologies. A multi-resolution approach was carried out: 1 cm and 2 cm grids were used to acquire laser data for the front and the back sides; instead, 0.5 cm grid was used to acquire more detailed scenes of some artistic features. A typical approach is based on the closest point caching to minimize the computational resources. In order to develop an unique multiresolution model, two registration techniques were taken in account: the point-to-point alignment and the point-plane alignment. First of all, the pair-wise registration has been performed using some high resolution range views. After this phase, a global registration was produced using all the 11.000.000 of the acquired cloud points. Some patches w...

ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
A system for monitoring rotations and displacements of bridges based on laser pointer and digital... more A system for monitoring rotations and displacements of bridges based on laser pointer and digital photogrammetry is described. The system uses three common laser pointers and image processing. The inclination of the elastic line is measured by analysing the individual frames of an HD video of the laser beam footprint projected onto a flat target. The methodology, able to conjugate a high precision, low cost, and easiness of use, is an evolution of a method developed at University of Calabria, Italy. The use of three laser pointers allows to improve the performance of the previous method, obtaining both displacements and rotations at a generic point of the bridge deck, and deriving the transverse rotation of the deck cross section. The investigated method exploits the laser pointers' property to provide a steady pointing direction, a long-range and a high-brightness visible imprint. The method and the results of an experimental test are described and discussed.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2012
ABSTRACT In the framework of the development of a web site devoted to the documentation and monit... more ABSTRACT In the framework of the development of a web site devoted to the documentation and monitoring of the cultural heritage (above all monumental buildings), a semiautomatic method for anomalous change detection has been set up. The method uses the grouping of the image difference values, to detect both small and diffused changes. Three tests are described to evaluate the performances of the method. The results show that good performances are obtained in case of cloudy days, while the presence of shadows requires the interpretation of an operator to distinguish true and false changes.

L'utilizzo di sensori inerziali è un campo di notevole interesse per le sue numerose possibili ap... more L'utilizzo di sensori inerziali è un campo di notevole interesse per le sue numerose possibili applicazioni tecnologiche. La miniaturizzazione e la riduzione dei costi delle apparecchiature MEMSs ha permesso oggi una larga diffusione di queste strumentazioni e l'immediato futuro prospetta un loro ancor più largo impiego, soprattutto in sinergia con le strumentazioni GPS. La spinta miniaturizzazione, sia in termini di dimensioni che di peso, comporta una maggiore attenzione alle procedure di calibrazione degli accelerometri e dei giroscopi. La calibrazione si rende necessaria per eliminare, o almeno ridurre gli effetti negativi dovuti all'instabilità delle strumentazioni MEMSs con conseguente amplificazione degli errori di bias, fattori di scala e disallineamento che comportano una deriva del posizionamento in tempi abbastanza brevi, anche in funzione delle variazioni delle condizioni ambientali esterne, in particolare della temperatura. Le metodologie di calibrazione per gli accelerometri proposte in passato richiedono l'utilizzo di mezzi ed accuratezze non proporzionati ai costi delle strumentazioni MEMSs. Per questo motivo sono state proposte procedure più semplici nella loro realizzazione pratica, quali il multi-position calibration method e il modified multi-position calibration method, che consentono la calibrazione degli accelerometri disponendo questi in condizioni statiche secondo posizioni diverse e linearmente indipendenti tra loro, in modo da sviluppare un sistema di equazioni in numero sovrabbondante rispetto alle incognite costituite dai parametri di calibrazione, risolvibile con una metodologia ai minimi quadrati. Un'analoga metodologia è stata seguita nel presente lavoro per condurre la calibrazione dei giroscopi, sfruttando un piatto rotante a velocità controllata stroboscopicamente, e disponendo su detto piatto lo strumento inerziale secondo posizioni diverse in modo da creare un set di equazioni linearmente indipendente e sovrabbondante rispetto al numero delle incognite. Nel lavoro sono mostrati i risultati della sperimentazione e discusse alcune problematiche relative soprattutto alla modificazione del sistema di trasmissione dati dall'IMU al computer, quest'ultimo lavoro effettuato in collaborazione con il
Al fine di investigare i processi deformativi nell’area vulcanica attiva dell’isola d’Ischia, nel... more Al fine di investigare i processi deformativi nell’area vulcanica attiva dell’isola d’Ischia, nel 1996 è stata materializzata una rete GPS costituita da 20 vertici 3D. Qui tre differenti tecniche (Statica, Rapido-statica ed RTK Real-Time-Kinematics) sono state utilizzate per ottenere un primo set di coordinate nonché per effettuare un confronto tra le tre differenti metodologie. I dati GPS così ottenuti sono stati utilizzati anche come parte di un GIS (Geographical Information System). I risultati ed i confronti tra le diverse metodologie GPS vengono presentati e discussi

This work illustrates an educational project flow of an electronic system. This system is develop... more This work illustrates an educational project flow of an electronic system. This system is developed to support applications in which there are the need to measure motion parameters and transmit them to a remote unit for real-time teleprocessing. In order to be useful in many operative contexts, the system is flexible, compact, and lightweight. It integrates a tri-axial inertial sensors, a GPS module, a wireless transceiver and can drive a pocket camera. Data acquisition and packetization are handled in order to increase data throughput on radio bridge and to minimize power consumption. A trajectory reconstruction algorithm, implementing the Kalman-filter technique, allows to obtain real-time body tracking using only inertial sensors. Thanks to a graphical user interface it is possible to remotely control the system operations and to display the motion data. Following this detailed design procedure it is possible to reproduce this platform easily adapting it to your own aim.

The LEWIS (Landslides early warning integrated system) project is aimed at developing an integrat... more The LEWIS (Landslides early warning integrated system) project is aimed at developing an integrated, innovative and efficient solution in order to solve the risks caused by those landslides that can interfere with infrastructure. The research project was submitted for financial support in the framework of the Multi -regional Operational Programme 2007-13: Research and Competitiveness funded by the Ministry of Research (MIUR) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The final goal is to timely identify the potentially dangerous landslides and to activate the necessary safeguard measures in order to avoid and mitigate the consequences for the population, including information delivery. The approach to the problem corresponds to a "systemic logics" (Figure 1) where each developed component (monitoring arrays, telecommunication networks, scenario simulation models, data acquisition and processing centre, traffic control centres) foresees different interchangeab...
The surveillance of the Neapolitan volcanic area (Mt. Vesuvius, the Phlegrean Fields and the isla... more The surveillance of the Neapolitan volcanic area (Mt. Vesuvius, the Phlegrean Fields and the island of Ischia) represents the principal activity of the Osservatorio Vesuviano. Such an activity is carried out also through the study of ground deformations.

ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2012
ABSTRACT Three-dimensional methodologies as Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and digital photogra... more ABSTRACT Three-dimensional methodologies as Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and digital photogrammetry, are used to extract digital models of surfaces. In this paper, the two different approaches, integrated with classical topographic methodologies, were applied in the 3D survey of a portion of Phaistos Palace in Crete island. The archaeological site represents one of the most important document of the Minoan civilization. Leica HDS2500 Time of Flight laser scanner, Canon EOS 1 DS Mark II digital metric camera and Leica TC2003 total station were used. The aim is to evaluate if data with very different methodologies can be accurately co-registered, integrated and what are the limits of applicability. Results show the co-registration of data (average differences in the order of some centimetres) and a better capacity of laser scanning surfaces to describe the corrugated portions of the walls of Phaistos Palace.

Sensors, 2015
An integrated sensor for the measurement and monitoring of position and inclination, characterize... more An integrated sensor for the measurement and monitoring of position and inclination, characterized by low cost, small size and low weight, has been designed, realized and calibrated at the Geomatics Lab of the University of Calabria. The design of the prototype, devoted to the monitoring of landslides and structures, was aiming at realizing a fully automated monitoring instrument, able to send the data acquired periodically or upon request by a control center through a bidirectional transmission protocol. The sensor can be released with different accuracy and range of measurement, by choosing bubble vials with different characteristics. The instrument is provided with a computer, which can be programmed so as to independently perform the processing of the data collected by a single sensor or a by a sensor network, and to transmit, consequently, alert signals if the thresholds determined by the monitoring center are exceeded. The bidirectional transmission also allows the users to vary the set of the monitoring parameters (time of acquisition, duration of satellite acquisitions, thresholds for the observed data). In the paper, hardware and software of the sensor are described, along with the calibration, the results of laboratory tests and of the first in field acquisitions.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2013

2011 4th Annual Caneus Fly by Wireless Workshop, 2011
This paper reports the state of works in the development of a wireless, low-cost, inertialgeorefe... more This paper reports the state of works in the development of a wireless, low-cost, inertialgeoreferencial system, designed to evaluate the obtainable performance in aerial photogrammetry direct georeferencing applications. It integrates an advanced tri-axial inertial sensor with a GPS and a wireless module. A low-cost camera has been also interfaced. The information management is carried out by two 8bit microcontrollers; synchronization, data handling and communication between them and the functional blocks is managed in order to optimize the data transmission throughput. In building the prototype, particular effort has been spent to minimize size and weight and to increase battery autonomy. A PC interface, allowing for parameters control and data logging, completes the system. The reported preliminary testing results point out the system potentialities and let to foresee a wide field of applications.
Papers by Giuseppe Artese