Papers by AKINTOYE OLUYEMI AYORINDE, Univ. of Ife Dipl.Agric , BSc./MSc (Unical) PhD (Nigeria),PGD Missiology

Environment and Ecology Research 10(6): 738-748, , 2022
Anthropogenic activities on water sources have continued to attract the attention of scholars wor... more Anthropogenic activities on water sources have continued to attract the attention of scholars worldwide due to their increasing negative impacts on man, the economy, and its associated environmental consequences. The study examined the anthropogenic impacts on the water quality of the Kedong stream in Idomi, Yakurr, Nigeria. The participatory research method, field observation, and global positioning system (GPS) were used to generate data from the purposively sampled location. Samples were collected weekly during the rainy (May, June and July) and dry seasons (October, November, and December). The data collected were later compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) acceptable standard. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results of the independent t-test analysis statistics showed that the calculated t-values were pH (-5.137), DO (4.040), specific conductivity (-17.614), BOD (.559), NO3 (-5.561), NH4 (34.774), PO4 (-5.799), SO4 (-6.810), Fe (1.836), Zn (.545), Mn (-3.687), total coliform (2.811), and faecal Coliform (.242). These parameters differ from the critical because of the numerous human activities in the area. This implies that the water quality varies with the seasons and that anthropogenic activities have significantly impacted on water quality indicators of the Kedong stream in Yakurr local government area, Nigeria. Results revealed that the water quality of the Kedong stream has a significant difference from the World Health Organisation (WHO) permissible limit with the calculated t-value for pH (-6.277), DO (2.559), specific conductivity (-5.880), BOD (-1.627), NO3 (-91.929), NH4 (.444), PO4 (.663), SO4 (-326.976), Fe (.323), Zn (-179.722), Mn (-14.158), total coliform (2.319) and faecal coliform (2.517) were all different from the critical t-value of about 2.069 at the normal 0.05 level of significance with approximately 23 degrees of freedom. Therefore, the study revealed that the stream receives various inputs, including municipal, industrial, and agricultural pollutants, resulting in considerable changes in water quality. The study recommended improving the stream's physical state cost-effectively and ensuring a low pollutant to meet the requirements of the WHO standard. Again, rural people should be trained to treat contaminated water through boiling and filtering before it can be used for domestic purposes.

The paper focuses on mapping the risk and mitigation of flood occurrence in Calabar south area in... more The paper focuses on mapping the risk and mitigation of flood occurrence in Calabar south area in Cross River state of Nigeria. from the beginning of the channel to the end of the floodplain in Calabar south and the different other points were taken at different location of Calabar considering the terrain. in the terrain of the area. The analysis of data was carried out using the ArcGIS version 9.3 to digitally map the positions of the major drainage channels and mitigation maps were generated from the coordinates collected from the field as well as risk categorization and their areal extent in relation to the built environment. The result water is greater nearer the beach locations adjacent to the rivers and creeks and decreases towards the northern axis of the study area. This follows the configuration of the terrain. Very high risk areas are close and the wetlands which include Anantigha, Henhsaw town and Fishing Camps. More than 60 per cent of the built up area, are prone to flo...

Journal of environment and earth science, 2015
Precipitation incidence upon a place above threshold level of soils has the ability of initiati... more Precipitation incidence upon a place above threshold level of soils has the ability of initiating overland flow, surface runoff and erosion especially where there is a high intensity of land cover removal. Infiltration capacity of soils is a major determinant of soil behavioural response to water absorption during storm. This implies that deductions on soils susceptibility to surface erosion could be derived from infiltration records of regional land uses which this study attempted in Abini rural watershed of Cross River State, Nigeria. Thus, infiltration data were generated from experimental runs with the aid of infiltrometer designed by Hillel (1970). Equilibrium or steady state of water infiltrating into the soils of different land uses were established after 3 hours or 180 minutes, indicating the maximum limit soils could absorb water during storm. The threshold values of 3.6cm/hr -1 (fallow land), 0.6cm/hr -1 (wetland), 9.6cm/hr -1 (forest) were discovered. This suggests that...

Industrial growth in developing countries, often depend on the natural resources endowment, as we... more Industrial growth in developing countries, often depend on the natural resources endowment, as well as other factors including technology and power. Apart from petroleum resources, Nigeria also has abundant forest resources. Given also the eco-tourism potentials of tropical rain forests (TRFs), efforts toward their effective management, have in recent times reached an unprecedented proportion in Nigeria. Invariably, this great concern is based on the fact that TRFs (selvas) are also of very inestimable value, because of their complex ecosystems and distinctively high biodiversity. Their inestimable values in promoting sustainable livelihood, industrial raw materials availability, food security, medicine and health care researches, cannot be over emphasized, especially in the march towards poverty and hunger eradication, finding solutions to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs ) including HIV/AIDS, and more effective Malaria drugs. These potentials are interwoven with most of the sta...

Journal of environment and earth science, 2015
Environmental conservation involves the wise use of resources and their preservation from reckles... more Environmental conservation involves the wise use of resources and their preservation from reckless exploitation and wanton destruction. In contemporary Nigeria however, the ideals of conservation have failed to be properly integrated into the National development agenda. Widespread ignorance and low levels environmental awareness have been identified as prominent factors responsible for this despicable state of affairs. Since education remains the cure for ignorance, this paper therefore, aims at emphasizing the urgent imperative for the incorporation of environmental management education as a major component of an integrative framework for the conservation of Nigeria’s environment. The paper contends that effective environmental conservation may never be attained unless and until requisite skills are developed and sufficient awareness created nationally and locally through a robust programme of environmental management education. The paper recommends the adoption of environmental m...

Resources mobilization for community development by government at different tiers remain an arduo... more Resources mobilization for community development by government at different tiers remain an arduous task that require synergies with development parties as Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in all spheres of human endeavors .This paper investigates rural development strides recorded by Pandrilus - Primate Conservation (NGO) in host communities of Buanchor , Cross River state of Nigeria. Data for the study were generated through oral interviews and questionnaire instrument. A total of 416 copies of well filled questionnaire were retrieved, out of 500 copies administered in 8 communities, representing 83.2 per cent return rate. The study revealed that , Pandrilus spearheaded the provision of such amenities as rural roads , schools , health centre, including human capacity building, in the area of bee and snail keeping, rabbits husbandry and eco-guarding training of beneficiary indigenes of host communities. The boosting of the NGO’s revenue base through internally generated funds t...

Journal of environment and earth science, 2015
The parameters of sorptivity(S) and transmissivity (A) inherent in Philips (1957) infiltration eq... more The parameters of sorptivity(S) and transmissivity (A) inherent in Philips (1957) infiltration equation are often employed to explain the effects of capillary action and that of gravity as water moves from the surface down the soil profile. The model was derived from diffusion theory as a basis for evaluating water holding capacity of soils beyond which fluvial processes of overland flow, runoff and erosion might be initiated on a given landuse. The study area is prone to ecological risks of flooding, water logging and landslide which calls for a proper geotechnical investigation with the need to proffering mitigation measures of sustainable land management. Infiltration data were gotten from rainy and dry seasons measurement in the field to establish mean values used for computation. The result obtained from the differentiated equation of di/dt showed negative (0) values after a period of 50 minutes which continued till a time interval of 180 minutes (3hrs). The plot of di/dt again...

Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2013
The paper focuses on mapping the risk and mitigation of flood occurrence in Calabar south area in... more The paper focuses on mapping the risk and mitigation of flood occurrence in Calabar south area in Cross River state of Nigeria. from the beginning of the channel to the end of the floodplain in Calabar south and the different other points were taken at different location of Calabar considering the terrain. in the terrain of the area. The analysis of data was carried out using the ArcGIS version 9.3 to digitally map the positions of the major drainage channels and mitigation maps were generated from the coordinates collected from the field as well as risk categorization and their areal extent in relation to the built environment. The result water is greater nearer the beach locations adjacent to the rivers and creeks and decreases towards the northern axis of the study area. This follows the configuration of the terrain. Very high risk areas are close and the wetlands which include Anantigha, Henhsaw town and Fishing Camps. More than 60 per cent of the built up area, are prone to flood. Also most built structures align the flood plain and the inland water channels. Retention pond and reconstruction of drainage facilities were modelled and recommended in suitable areas to avert flood disaster.

Asian Review of Environmental and Earth Sciences, Aug 6, 2014
This article provides insight into the seasonal variation of infiltration rates of utisol soils, ... more This article provides insight into the seasonal variation of infiltration rates of utisol soils, under forest cover in Abini, Biase, Cross River State of Nigeria. The annual and seasonal amount of precipitation upon a place, and the soils capacity to absorb same, affects the degree and extent of the occurrence of ecological events, such as overland flow, runoff, erosion, flooding and landslide, quite inimical to land productivity. Thus the study investigated the response of forest soils to precipitation intake at different seasons, which is pertinent to landuse planning in both construction and agricultural industries. Data from the study were generated through field measurements of the infiltration rates of soils using a cylinder (flooding) inflitrometer designed by Hills [1] in two seasons of rainy (September-October) and dry (December-January) respectively, in rural watershed. The result showed seasonal changes in the equilibrium rates of infiltration form 9.6cm/hrt (rainy season) to 8.4 cm/hrt (dry season). This was indeed a hypothetical contrast from the expected ideal situation among infiltration experts, that infiltration values are supposed to soar in dry season than rainy season in the tropics. The factors of soil pore compaction and decline in the rates of biological activities accounted for this. Soil compaction reduces the rate of soil water loss through evaporation, enhances ground water conservation and stabilizes the soil structure for diverse benefits to man. Afforestation programme is hereby recommended to sustain the regional land ecosystem.
Global Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2008

Gombe Journal of Geography and Environmental Studies (GOJGES) Vol. 2 N0.2 Dec. 2021, e-ISSN: 2714-321X; p-ISSN: 2714-3201, 2021
This study assessed the effects of quarrying on vegetation characteristics in Akamkpa Local Gover... more This study assessed the effects of quarrying on vegetation characteristics in Akamkpa Local Government Area (LGA) of Cross River State. The Forest Inventory Method (FIM) was adopted for vegetation sampling. Three sampling sites were identified within areas quarried and abandoned for at least ten (10) years, as well as one control plot within the Cross River National Park (CRNP) were selected for this study; making a total of four sampled locations. For each of these sampled locations a quadrat of 30m x 30m was demarcated for enumeration and measurement of woody vegetation species. Results from the study revealed that quarrying activities have impacted a large area of forest land in the study area; for instance, quarried site I at Old Netim covered the largest area of 0.135133km 2 (13.5 hectares) with a depth of 30.2m. The structural and floristic components of vegetation species in the quarried sites indicate great alterations, consisting of relatively few trees and shrubs, characterized by small girth (diameter at breast height), basal cover and crown cover compared to the same plant species found in the control plot. For instance, within the quarried plots, Musanga cecropiodes species recorded a height of 3.50m, crown cover of 0.30m, basal cover of 0.33m and girth of 0.41m in quadrat I and in quadrat II, it recorded a height of 2.38m, crown cover of 0.32m, basal cover of 0.24m and a girth of 0.20m. However, in the control plot, the same plant recorded a height of 17.00m, crown cover of 4.11m, basal area 2.43m and girth of 2.22m. On a whole, the mean height of observed vegetation species varied from 3.27m, 3.43m, 4.23m and 12.39 in quadrats I, II, III (quarried sites) &IV (control) respectively. Mean girth size (DBH) of the species ranged from 0.33m-0.36m within the quarried sites and 1.17m in the control site. The findings suggest that vegetation species found within the abandoned quarried sites were basically woody species at different regenerative stages, yet to attain maturity. The need for reforestation immediately after quarrying activities is recommended to protect and preserve the environment from degradation and as well guard against loss of biodiversity in the area.

Journal of environment and earth science, 2015
The main purpose of this study was to identify the implication of poor drainage on socio-economic... more The main purpose of this study was to identify the implication of poor drainage on socio-economic activities in Aba North Local Government Area (L.G.A). The objectives of the study include the identification of the causes and types of flooding in the study area; assessment of the effect of flooding on duration of trips for occupational purposes; determination of the effect of flooding on residential household properties and structures; execution of a Geographical Information System (GIS) based flood risk analysis (FRA) of the study area; and provision of solutions to identified problem from the study. Relevant information was gathered from the literature review related to the study. The survey research method was also adopted. A total of 313 copies of the questionnaire were randomly distributed to respondents in 4 out of 9 communities for primary data collection. Also 41 willing to participate traders were monitored for trips duration to business premises from home on flood an...

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2016
The main purpose of this study is to identify the socioeconomic implications of recurrent floodin... more The main purpose of this study is to identify the socioeconomic implications of recurrent flooding on women development in southern Ijaw Local Government Area. Generally, flooding may result in socioeconomic , ecological and health problems. This study assumes that on flood days the movement of customers and sellers tends to be hindered, thus resulting in the retardation of transactions and the reduction of daily income earned. The study compared the situation of female traders with that of male traders. Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire. A total of 83 questionnaires were randomly distributed to members of four communities, which were selected through stratified random sampling procedures. Also 33 randomly selected women and men respectively, engaged in marketing activities from open and locked-up shops, were sampled to observe the level of their personal income (in Naira), from customers patronage during 3 flood days and 3 non-flood days. Other data and information were obtained through Key Informants Interview (KII), and observations. Hypotheses I and II were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical model. Null hypothesis I (H0), which states that "There is no statistically significant difference in the income earned by men and women traders from marketing activities on flood days and non-flood days in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, Bayelsa State", is accepted (F-value: 3.8723939, P-value: 2.494E−05), whereas null hypothesis II (H0), which states that "There is no statistically significant difference in the income earned by women traders from marketing activities on flood and non-flood days in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, is rejected (F-value: 2.524902, P-value: 0.030069). Thus while there is no significant difference in the earnings of male O. A. Akintoye et al. 34 and female traders on flood and non-flood days, there are significant differences in sales earning among women traders on those days. Factors affecting trading income on flood and non-flood days include accessibility to business premises by customers, ability of male marketers to afford noneasily flooded business premises; and women traders with limited resources often have less suitably drained premises. Reduced total household income can detrimentally affect food affordability, availability, household nutrition, family health and wellbeing. Recommendations highlighting the roles of communities, government and stakeholders in flood management are proffered.

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2016
Notably, the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) project is the pioneer Liquefied Natural Gas (L... more Notably, the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) project is the pioneer Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant in Nigeria, aimed at both the diversification of the petroleum industry and utilization of the vastly flared natural gas resources of the nation. However, large scale energy projects have been known to generate both positive and/or negative impacts. Environmental Management Plans (EMP) have often been the compendium of information on approved mitigations, which normally include activities that could maximize the benefits of the host communities, and it's not unusual for the Community Development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CDCSR) department of such an organization to be saddled with these contributions. But the activities of Nigeria LNG Ltd.'s CSR department have often been the source of criticism, as well as aspiration for improvement by host communities and other stake holders. This article thus aims to present a comprehensive compendium of NLNG's CDCSR activities, up to the year 2010, and also highlight the level of satisfaction of the immediate and distant host communities against the level of performance of other donors in the area. Also the arrays of negative socioeconomic consequences of the Nigeria LNG Ltd.'s activities were identified based on community perception. The results generally showed that comparatively, NLNG project has made more innovative positive socioeconomic and health contributions to its areas of operation than the three tiers of government and other donors (including SPDC and Mobil Producing Nigeria). Surprisingly, agitations against Nigeria LNG Ltd.'s activities have not overshadowed its community development provisions, which have been of major assistance in several communities. There is however a dire need to review several aspects of Nigeria LNG Ltd.'s O. A. Akintoye et al. 64 CDCSR activities, especially in the fulfilment of documented promises, as well as in project conception and community participation, for better completed projects acceptance by indigenous host communities. Conflict management strategies also need to be improved, while the dissatisfaction over benefits in New Finima needs to be urgently addressed.

Global Journal of Human Social Science Research, Mar 27, 2012
In recent times the problem of environmental degradation of urban areas in Nigeria has reached an... more In recent times the problem of environmental degradation of urban areas in Nigeria has reached an unprecedented proportion. This phenomenon which is prevalent in both residential and industrial areas is caused by increased population growth, unsustainable use of resources, rapid industrialization, unemployment, income inadequacies as well as inefficient or non-existing waste management strategies. This study examines the contributions of poverty as a reflection of income inadequacies and disparity to the availability of waste disposal facilities and its role in environmental degradation in Calabar urban area. The research objectives are achieved though the identification of the disparity in household income distribution. An assessment of the quality and quantity of waste disposal facilities available to housing units is made using primary and secondary data. The findings reveal a wide pattern of disparity in household income and waste disposal facilities. It is observed that the high density residential areas of Calabar South Local Government are not well served in waste management facilities resulting in environment degradation. The medium and low density residential areas within the municipality are better served resulting in proper waste management. The opinion of residents within the urban area is that government should be solely responsible for waste management.

Journal of Biology Agriculture and Healthcare, 2013
This study applied geo-information technique in mapping the incidence of malaria in Calabar South... more This study applied geo-information technique in mapping the incidence of malaria in Calabar South Local Government Area of Nigeria. Consequently, the research identified the potential bre establishing a relationship between residential distance, frequency of malaria incidence and the breeding location of the vector by creating a malaria risk map. The Global Positioning System (GPS) was used in collecting rea location and other environmental variables, while an open information, aimed at achieving other study objectives. A total of 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, through stratified and simple random sampling technique. Arc GIS 9.3 software was used in analyzing geo-information parameters, The result of the study indicated that the closer the distance to the identified breeding point, the higher the incidence of malaria and the farthe there is a relationship between distance from mosquito breeding points and malaria incidence in the study area. Thus, this has resulted in observed high level of malaria incidences among resi points. Due to the high incidence, there is invariably higher loss in occupational man especially among infants from the malaria disease. It is recommended that more researches shoul with the aim of further finding more effective solutions.

IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2014
Adopting the influence of situation approach, this study aims to unravel the reasons, why despite... more Adopting the influence of situation approach, this study aims to unravel the reasons, why despite the large amount of funds expended by the Federal Government of Nigeria on the construction and provision of relatively modern facilities, the Calabar Sea Port has remained grossly underutilized. The analyses were very revealing, For instance the calabar port is located along a river, and is in fact a River Port. Thus there is the dire need for frequent dredging of the channel, and the use of pilot boats. Calabar Sea Port utilization is influenced by multidimensional factors, which sometimes can't be adequately controlledby port management. The negative situations of the calabar seaport also include its non-linkage to North Eastern Nigeria, by railway, a benefit enjoyed by Portharcourt and Lagos Sea portsas regards their own hinterlands ;the poor connectivity of Calabar, to the Aba-Ikot Ekpene-Calabar road (linking Aba, Onitsha, Uyo , Asaba and Benin industrial areas) and the Ikom-Calabar road (linking the NorthEastern Nigeria area).Overhead metal barricades at the Ikom bridge hinders the movement of very high vehicles; the immediate hinterland of the port is also characterized by the lowest level of industrial activities, as well as some of the least paid civil servants in the country, resulting in low consumption levels ,in the distant hinterland area of North Eastern Nigeria , there are deep rooted religious and political imbroglios , the outcome of which are low productivity and large scale emigration; the Calabar Free Trade Zone (CFTZ) and Export Processing Zone (CEPZ)presently lack significant trickle-down effects for regional economic prosperity ; port piracy and encroachment by Portharcourt and surprisingly Lagos Sea Ports, have resulted in loss of patronage, even from Southeastern areas of Nigeria, and to an extent from Akwa Ibom state , invariably due to poor road connectivity and more rigorous scrutiny of imports. Along the Nigerian coastline, Calabar is not a thoroughfare to any English speaking country, or nation, with which Nigeria does much international trade. The suggested designation of Calabar sea port for large scale agricultural produce export, including, Cassava chips and pellets, will separate it from the neck-breaking competitions, with other Nigerian sea ports. It is expected to culminate, in the improvement of the level of sea port utilization and regional employment situations, while assisting in the diversification of national economy

IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2014
The distinctive species richness of the Tropical Rain Forest (TRFs) gives it a very high ecologic... more The distinctive species richness of the Tropical Rain Forest (TRFs) gives it a very high ecological importance. The TRFs also have economic and functional importance, which are of international and local dimensions. Cross River State (CRS) presently has about 40 percent of the remaining threatened TRFs of Nigeria. These forests harbor the largest remnant of comparably unlogged TRFs in the country. The areas covered by the forests are also homes to several rural and indigenous people. At least 75 percent of the total populations of the state live in rural areas. Cross River state is also renowned, worldwide for its ecotourism potentials. The ecotourism industry depends largely on the TRFs, in which species endemic to CRS can be found. Given the present threats posed by several old and emerging factors, this document is fashioned to present a description and compendium of the various forest resources of Cross River state of Nigeria. The major areas of focus include highlights of the forest types. Also considered were economic plants, including timber and nontimber forest products (NTFPs) as well as animal species found in the forests of Cross River state. The article also identifies the various threats to the Forests of Cross River State. In order to solve identified problems , recommendations proffered include need for provision of adequate funds by government, individuals and nongovernmental organizations aimed at better forest management ; employment of more and better trained forestry personnel ; and more efforts on planting of indigenous species to boost biodiversity was advocated.

This study assessed the extent of clay deposits in soil pores of different landuses arising from ... more This study assessed the extent of clay deposits in soil pores of different landuses arising from the sweeping action of surface erosion in rural watershed of Biase, Cross River State of Nigeria. The accumulation of clay particles in soil layer has the potential of lowering the infiltration rate of soils with threats on overland flow, water logging, erosion and general decline in regional land productivity. The clay based equation, developed by William, Jones and Dyke (1984) was used to evaluates soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) as a measure of the relationship between the effects of clay deposits in soil layers and soil permeability during storm. Soil samples were taken at depths of between 0-30cm across landuses for laboratory analysis to establish percentage deposits of clay. The values of infiltration data were also used in the estimation process. The result showed the Ksat values of 4.9 and 0.96 (fallowland), 2.4 and 0.89 (floodplain) and 9.0 and 1.3 (forest). This indicate moderate deposits of clay colloidal materials in soil layers at the moment though not devoid of future threat especially in rural landuse practices replete with crude farming practices (slash and burn agriculture). Sustainable land management should be evolved to avert this threat.
Papers by AKINTOYE OLUYEMI AYORINDE, Univ. of Ife Dipl.Agric , BSc./MSc (Unical) PhD (Nigeria),PGD Missiology