Papers by Claudio D'Aurizio
This paper follows some traces of a problem that often emerges in Jacques Derrida’s works: the
re... more This paper follows some traces of a problem that often emerges in Jacques Derrida’s works: the
relation between the devil and psychoanalysis. Many references to this connection appear in his texts,
even if they have not been explored by Derrida’s readers yet. The Post Card. From Socrates to Freud and
Beyond (1980) is the main text of this investigation, as this book introduces two conceptual figures that
often return in Derrida’s deconstruction. The first one is the step, which refers both to the devil’s limping
and to Freud’s speculation in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). The second one is the expression
“devil’s advocate”, used by Freud in the same text to present and justify his theoretical discoveries. This
article claims that both these figures hide a deep connection with Derrida’s conception of deconstruction.

This paper reconstructs some issues of Deleuze’s theory of institution as they are exposed in two... more This paper reconstructs some issues of Deleuze’s theory of institution as they are exposed in two early texts: Empiricism and subjectivity (1953) and Instincts and Institutions (1955). The problem of institution is there formulated for the first time through the reading of Hume. My purpose is to reconnect the idea of institution as an artifcial system of ‘means of satisfaction’ to its theoretical background (Canguilhem) and to its further developments. The three essential concepts that I employ to define the limits of this issue are: animality, as institution allows the understanding of both identities and differences between the human being and the animal; creativity, as, according to Deleuze, the institution is a positive model which is always created by the human being in order to satisfy his tendencies; law, as this conception is built in opposition to all theories which conceive law and limitation as the sources of the social field.
The critique of the concept of representation is a real leitmotiv within French philosophy of the... more The critique of the concept of representation is a real leitmotiv within French philosophy of the second half of the twentieth century. In this paper, I go through the declination that it assumes in Gilles Deleuze's philosophy, paying particular attention to some texts of the '60s where it is developed in reference to the works of Gottfried Leibniz, the criticism of Immanuel Kant, and the thought of the post-Kantian philosopher Salomon Maimon. Finally, I underline how this critique leads to the development of a non-Freudian conception of the unconscious.
Strutturalismo ed epistemologia nel Seminario XVI. Da un Altro all’altro di Jacques Lacan, 2019
Structuralism and Analytic Epistemology in Lacan’s From an
Other to the other.
Lacan’s Sixteenth ... more Structuralism and Analytic Epistemology in Lacan’s From an
Other to the other.
Lacan’s Sixteenth Seminar has a huge relevance both in the
development of his theory and in the contemporary editorial
situation of the publication of his seminars. This paper tries to
analyse some theoretical issues,
related to the concepts of structuralism and epistemology,
which emerge from the reading of this seminar.

D'Aurizio - La vertigine dell'indistinzione: la storia in Homo sacer, in Bertollini, A., D'Aurizio, C., Guadagni, G. (a cura di), Vita, istituzioni, forma-di-vita: a partire da Homo sacer di Agamben, in Palinsesti, vol. V, Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza 2019, pp. 63-84. D'Aurizio - La vertigine dell'indistinzione: la storia in Homo sacer, in Bertollini, A., D'Aurizio, C., Guadagni, G. (a cura di), Vita, istituzioni, forma-di-vita: a partire da Homo sacer di Agamben, in Palinsesti, vol. V, Pellegrini Editore, Cosenza 2019, pp. 63-84., 2019
I saggi pubblicati nel presente volume sono stati tutti sottoposti a procedure di valutazione, e ... more I saggi pubblicati nel presente volume sono stati tutti sottoposti a procedure di valutazione, e specificatamente di blind peer review per quanto riguarda la sezione "La scena dottorale" Il volume è stato pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università della Calabria Proprietà letteraria riservata © by Pellegrini Editore -Cosenza -Italy Stampato in Italia nel mese di febbraio 2019 per conto di Pellegrini Editore Via Camposano, 41 (ex via De Rada) -87100 Cosenza Tel. (0984) 795065 -Fax (0984) 792672
Control is one of the most challenging issues in contemporary politics. Our societies constantly ... more Control is one of the most challenging issues in contemporary politics. Our societies constantly face problems and themes that lie within it, i.e. the management of information and the role of communication. In this paper we will focus on Gilles Deleuze's theory which, developing some thesis from Michel Foucault's work, shows us the risks of a totally controlled society. In his characterization of the concept of creation we will identify the theoretical frame in which we suggest to formulate some reflexions about political language. Finally, we will try to show how Deleuze's intuitions can still deal with contemporary questions.

L'inconscio differenziale: un concetto firmato Deleuze, 2018
According to Gilles Deleuze, the philosophical activity consists in the
creation of concepts. He ... more According to Gilles Deleuze, the philosophical activity consists in the
creation of concepts. He tries to demonstrate this idea through a
continuous creation of concepts and expressions. Consequently, his
interest in psychoanalysis and in the unconscious brings him to
observe the latter through original and unedited perspectives. In this
paper we will examine the concept of “differential unconscious”,
developed starting from Leibniz’s philosophy, which is used to
interpret structuralism (How do we recognize structuralism?, 1967)
and to formulate the theoretical purpose of Difference and repetition (1968). Moreover, this conception of the unconscious will allow us to
connect the works of different authors seen by Deleuze as Leibnizean
disciples and to point out its complete expression reached in Anti-
Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).

Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno has reflected several times on the theme of art's language (or languag... more Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno has reflected several times on the theme of art's language (or languages) as a fundamental one. Within the Aesthetic Theory (1970), which is his most important text about aesthetics, it can be found many hints about it. In this paper, our aim is to reinterpret some of the central ideas of Adorno's aesthetic theory, paying specific attention to the role granted to the linguistic element. More specifically, the paradigm, which holds most of Adorno's considerations, ought to be seen as the one of a mute language spoke by the works of art. This thesis indeed seems to match with the claims of Adorno about the meaning of a negative aesthetic and with the critical function of art toward the social reality. We believe that this peculiarity goes along with Adorno's reflection since its beginning. Therefore, it should be considered as a particularly meaningful characteristic of his theory, which allows to understand to which extent the aesthetic experience could be contemplate as one of the last shelters of freedom within a " totally administered society " , as analysed by the philosopher. Eventually, we try to show how this idea should be traced back to the singular meaning of the word 'mimesis' in Adorno's thought. The constellation that gravitates around this concept may explain several aspects of the relation between art and language.
A short critical note on Deborah De Rosa's recent work titled "L'ordine discontinuo", about The o... more A short critical note on Deborah De Rosa's recent work titled "L'ordine discontinuo", about The order of things by Michel Foucault.
I saggi pubblicati nel presente volume sono stati tutti sottoposti a procedure di valutazione, e ... more I saggi pubblicati nel presente volume sono stati tutti sottoposti a procedure di valutazione, e specificatamente di blind peer review per quanto riguarda la sezione "La scena dottorale" Il volume è stato pubblicato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell'Università della Calabria Proprietà letteraria riservata © by Pellegrini Editore -Cosenza -Italy Stampato in Italia nel mese di settembre 2016 per conto di Pellegrini Editore Via Camposano, 41 (ex via De Rada) -87100 Cosenza Tel. (0984) 795065 -Fax (0984) 792672
First issue of "The Unconscious. Italian Journal of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis" focussing on t... more First issue of "The Unconscious. Italian Journal of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis" focussing on the "Philosophical unconscious".
Directors: Felice Cimatti & Fabrizio Palombi
Book Reviews by Claudio D'Aurizio
A short note about the book "Una filosofia della prassi. Organismi, arte e visione in Georges Can... more A short note about the book "Una filosofia della prassi. Organismi, arte e visione in Georges Canguilhem" by Emiliano Sfara.
A short review of a book recently published concerning Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic theory.
Papers by Claudio D'Aurizio
relation between the devil and psychoanalysis. Many references to this connection appear in his texts,
even if they have not been explored by Derrida’s readers yet. The Post Card. From Socrates to Freud and
Beyond (1980) is the main text of this investigation, as this book introduces two conceptual figures that
often return in Derrida’s deconstruction. The first one is the step, which refers both to the devil’s limping
and to Freud’s speculation in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). The second one is the expression
“devil’s advocate”, used by Freud in the same text to present and justify his theoretical discoveries. This
article claims that both these figures hide a deep connection with Derrida’s conception of deconstruction.
Other to the other.
Lacan’s Sixteenth Seminar has a huge relevance both in the
development of his theory and in the contemporary editorial
situation of the publication of his seminars. This paper tries to
analyse some theoretical issues,
related to the concepts of structuralism and epistemology,
which emerge from the reading of this seminar.
creation of concepts. He tries to demonstrate this idea through a
continuous creation of concepts and expressions. Consequently, his
interest in psychoanalysis and in the unconscious brings him to
observe the latter through original and unedited perspectives. In this
paper we will examine the concept of “differential unconscious”,
developed starting from Leibniz’s philosophy, which is used to
interpret structuralism (How do we recognize structuralism?, 1967)
and to formulate the theoretical purpose of Difference and repetition (1968). Moreover, this conception of the unconscious will allow us to
connect the works of different authors seen by Deleuze as Leibnizean
disciples and to point out its complete expression reached in Anti-
Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).
Directors: Felice Cimatti & Fabrizio Palombi
Book Reviews by Claudio D'Aurizio
relation between the devil and psychoanalysis. Many references to this connection appear in his texts,
even if they have not been explored by Derrida’s readers yet. The Post Card. From Socrates to Freud and
Beyond (1980) is the main text of this investigation, as this book introduces two conceptual figures that
often return in Derrida’s deconstruction. The first one is the step, which refers both to the devil’s limping
and to Freud’s speculation in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). The second one is the expression
“devil’s advocate”, used by Freud in the same text to present and justify his theoretical discoveries. This
article claims that both these figures hide a deep connection with Derrida’s conception of deconstruction.
Other to the other.
Lacan’s Sixteenth Seminar has a huge relevance both in the
development of his theory and in the contemporary editorial
situation of the publication of his seminars. This paper tries to
analyse some theoretical issues,
related to the concepts of structuralism and epistemology,
which emerge from the reading of this seminar.
creation of concepts. He tries to demonstrate this idea through a
continuous creation of concepts and expressions. Consequently, his
interest in psychoanalysis and in the unconscious brings him to
observe the latter through original and unedited perspectives. In this
paper we will examine the concept of “differential unconscious”,
developed starting from Leibniz’s philosophy, which is used to
interpret structuralism (How do we recognize structuralism?, 1967)
and to formulate the theoretical purpose of Difference and repetition (1968). Moreover, this conception of the unconscious will allow us to
connect the works of different authors seen by Deleuze as Leibnizean
disciples and to point out its complete expression reached in Anti-
Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980).
Directors: Felice Cimatti & Fabrizio Palombi