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Information on the spatial ecology of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus fl avigularis) is important for developing management strategies to preserve it in its habitat. We radio-collared and monitored 60 jackrabbits from May 2006 to April... more
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    • Biological Sciences
he hare Tehuantepec isthmus is part of the history of the communities and Zapotec huaves the region and has a great ecological and evolutionary, but unfortunately is in danger of disappearing. Through colorful pictures and texts of swift... more
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The Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura oaxacana is a restricted species to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Southern Oaxaca, Mexico. This reptile is one of the less known iguanid species. We censustracked a population in the South of... more
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      DensityAbundanceRevista de Biología Tropical
The persistence of reptile populations in a specific location is influenced by individuals' capacity to regulate their body temperatures, among other factors. Anthropogenic climate change may pose a risk to the survival of ectothermic... more
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      ThermoregulationClimate ChangeAnimal BehaviorMexico
Oaxaca hosts one of the greatest biodiversity in México, occupying first place in avian diversity compared to other regions of the country. However, the area is undergoing serious problems such as high deforestation rates, soil erosion... more
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      Population DynamicsBiodiversityMexicoLakes
La primera fase del libro presenta diferentes enfoques que contribuyen a la formulación de marcos de análisis que integran a las ciencias naturales con las ciencias sociales. Durante su lectura se transita por construcciones... more
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2 y Mayra de La Paz-Cuevas 3 The biological knowledge, current distribution and conservation status of the species of jackrabbits (Lepus) in risk category distributed in islands of Baja California Sur, Mexico is very useful to take... more
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En México, las políticas públicas orientadas a la conservación de la biodiversidad han acentuado la problemática ambiental y social. La situación actual de peligro de extinción que enfrenta la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis) y... more
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La degradación y pérdida de hábitat ha puesto en peligro de desaparecer a cientos de especies en nuestro país. El estado de Guerrero no es la excepción. Dicha pérdida de hábitat se ve además exacerbada por las condiciones de marginación... more
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It has been documented that certain types of shade coffee plantations have both biodiversity levels similar to natural forest and high concentrations of wintering migratory bird species. These findings have triggered a campaign to promote... more
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In 1998, storms related to Hurricane Isis caused extensive gaps in the cloud forest of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico, where severe storms are infrequent. We examined how this disturbance affected bird species... more
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Studies have documented biodiversity losses due to intensification of coffee management (reduction in canopy richness and complexity). Nevertheless, questions remain regarding relative sensitivity of different taxa, habitat specialists,... more
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Municipal-level inventories of the avifauna and its application to conservation: the case of Zacapoaxtla, Puebla, Mexico. – Bird Inventories at the municipal-level could improve the selection of priority areas in conservation. Based on an... more
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It has been documented that certain types of shade coffee plantations have both biodiversity levels similar to natural forest and high concentrations of wintering migratory bird species. These findings have triggered a campaign to promote... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesAnimal Conservation
We assessed the patterns of diversity, richness, abundance, and dissimilarity in rodent and bat communities for four sites on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, Mexico, an important region given the enormous number of endemic... more
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      BiodiversityLandscapeSmall MammalsIsthmus of Tehuantepec
Sex allocation theory predicts that reproducing individuals will increase their fitness by facultatively adjusting their relative investment towards the rarer sex in response to population shifts in operational sex ratio (OSR). The... more
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      Sex ratioSex ChoiceFacultative Sex AllocationDeceit Pollination
In species with broad distribution, geographic variation could be associated to particular environmental factors that may affect plant reproduction. In dimorphic species, environmental factors may influence evolutionary processes... more
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This research was carried out in a degraded pasture at Selva Lacandona tropical rain forest in Chiapas, Mexico. During a whole year weeding and fertilization effects were assessed on the seedling performance of six native tree species... more
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      Ecological restorationWeed ControlFertilizationSeedling Performance