University of Cagliari
Scienze chimiche e geologiche
In eastern Sardinia, the first Jurassic sedimentary cycle (Bajocian-Kimmeridgian) develops in response to the opening of the Alpine Tethys Ocean. Starting during the Bajocian (Middle Jurassic), over a horst-and-graben system initially... more
In eastern Sardinia, the first Jurassic sedimentary cycle (Bajocian-Kimmeridgian) develops in response to the opening of the Alpine Tethys Ocean. Starting during the Bajocian (Middle Jurassic), over a horst-and-graben system initially drowning to the northeast, at first siliciclastic sediments take place, related to continental to transitional environments. In time, they are gradually followed by marine carbonate, assigned to inner to outer ramp deposits. Afterwards, the latter, in their turn, become shallow; they are newly covered with an inner ramp lithofacies. The Kimmeridgian-Tithonian unconformity ends the cycle. Therefore, this sedimentary cycle as a whole can be interpreted as a transgressive-regressive megasequence linked to tectono-eustatic factors. All the pertaining stratigraphic units have been included within the 'Baunei Group', newly described. A comparison with the neighbouring areas, with particular regards to the Jurassic series of the Corsica, has been made, attempting to improve the reconstruction of this part of the Tethyan Ocean Western margin. To cite this article: L.G. Costamagna et al., C. R. Geoscience 339 (2007). # 2007 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The most representative Late Pleistocene ("Tyrrhenian") outcrop in Sardinia (San Giovanni di Sinis) was re-visited based on detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis supported by U-series dating of fossil corals. The... more
The most representative Late Pleistocene ("Tyrrhenian") outcrop in Sardinia (San Giovanni di Sinis) was re-visited based on detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical analysis supported by U-series dating of fossil corals. The stratigraphy shows shorefaceebackshore sandstones overlying an erosional surface cut on vertebrate-bearing layers. Facies analysis and sequence-stratigraphic approaches suggest "eustatic" changes during the overall depositional interval of the marine sequence. Disconformities distinguish two coastal units suggesting a lateral shifts of the depositional environments driven by millennial-scale frequency sea level fluctuations, never exceeding a maximum height þ1 to þ3 m and by a subsequent rise to þ5 O þ5.5 m asl.
Orrù P. et al., Geomorphological evolution of Cagliari coastal plain-continental scelf system to late Pleistocene-Holocene transition, correlations with stable Mediterranean sites. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) We report the evolutionary... more
Orrù P. et al., Geomorphological evolution of Cagliari coastal plain-continental scelf system to late Pleistocene-Holocene transition, correlations with stable Mediterranean sites. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) We report the evolutionary model of the coastal plain of Cagliari and the continental relatively late Pleistocene Holocene, highlighting the strong linkages with similar coastal areas to its tectonic stability of the Mediterranean. RIASSUNTO: Orrù P. et al., Evoluzione geomorfologica del sistema piana costiera-piattaforma continentale di Cagliari al passaggio Pleistocene superiore-Olocene, correlazioni con siti stabili Mediterranei. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) Viene presentato il modello evolutivo della piana costiera di Cagliari e della piattaforma continentale antistante relativamente alla finestra temporale Pleistocene superiore – Olocene; ponendo in rilievo le forti correlazioni con altre aree costiere a relativa stabilità tettonica del Mediterraneo.
During the lowstand sea-level phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a large part of the current Mediterranean continental shelf emerged. Erosional and depositional processes shaped the coastal strips, while inland areas were affected... more
During the lowstand sea-level phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a large part of the current Mediterranean continental shelf emerged. Erosional and depositional processes shaped the coastal strips, while inland areas were affected by aeolian and fluvial processes. Evidence of both the lowstand phase and the subsequent phases of eustatic sea level rise can be observed on the continental shelf of Sardinia (Italy), including submerged palaeo-shorelines and landforms, and indicators of relict coastal palaeo-environments. This paper shows the results of a high-resolution survey on the continental shelf off San Pietro Island (southwestern Sardinia). Multisensor and multiscale data—obtained by means of seismic sparker, sub-bottom profiler chirp, multibeam, side scan sonar, diving, and uncrewed aerial vehicles—made it possible to reconstruct the morphological features shaped during the LGM at depths between 125 and 135 m. In particular, tectonic controlled palaeo-cliffs affected by la...
The paper presents a detailed experimental and theoretical study of the four mixed nickel−bisdithiolene complexes [Ni(Pr i 2 pipdt)(dmit)] (1b, Pr i 2 pipdt ) 1,4-diisopropyl-piperazine-3,2-dithione; dmit )... more
The paper presents a detailed experimental and theoretical study of the four mixed nickel−bisdithiolene complexes [Ni(Pr i 2 pipdt)(dmit)] (1b, Pr i 2 pipdt ) 1,4-diisopropyl-piperazine-3,2-dithione; dmit ) 1,3-dithiolo-2-tione-4,5-dithiolato), [Ni(R 2 pipdt)(mnt)] (2b′′, R ) 2-ethylhexyl; mnt ) maleonitriledithiolato), [Ni(Pr i 2 timdt)(dmit)] (3b, Pr i 2 timdt ) 1,3diisopropyl-imidazoline-2,4,5-trithione), and [Ni(Pr i 2 timdt)(mnt)] (4b), and their models. All the complexes, with common (C 2 S 2 )Ni(C 2 S 2 ) core and two different terminal groups, are uncharged and square-planar coordinated. Previous measurements of the first molecular hyperpolarizability indicated that some of the species are potential NLO chromophores due to the π-delocalized character of two frontier levels (HOMO and LUMO) which is asymmetrically perturbed by the combination of one push (R 2 pipdt, R 2 timdt) with one pull ligand (dmit and mnt). The X-ray structure of complex 1b is presented and its geometry is compared with those available in the literature for the four types of complexes under study. The results of electrochemical and spectroscopic measurements (oxidation and reduction potentials, IR, dipole moment, molecular absorptivities, etc.) indicate rather different responses between the pairs of complexes 1−2 and 3−4. Hence, DFT calculations on the model compounds 1a−4a, where hydrogen atoms replace the alkyl groups of R 2 pipdt and R 2 timdt, have been carried out to correlate geometries and electronic structures. Moreover, the first molecular hyperpolarizabilities have been calculated and their components have been analyzed with the simplest two-level approximation. The derived picture highlights the different roles of the two push and pull ligands, but also the peculiar perturbation of the π-electron density induced by the terminal CS 3 grouping of the ligand dmit. Okano, Y.; Kobayashi, H.; Suzuki, W.; Kobayashi, A. Science 2001, 291, 285. (2) Coomber, A. T.; Beljonne, D.; Friend, R. H.; Brédas, J. K.; Charlton, A.; Robertson, N.; Underhill, A. E.; Kurmoo, M.; Day, P.
We describe here an innovative method for Pd-dissolution using the reagent N,N9-dimethylperhydrodiazepine-2,3-dithione diiodine adduct which, being safe and powerful, is appealing for practical applications: remarkably almost quantitative... more
We describe here an innovative method for Pd-dissolution using the reagent N,N9-dimethylperhydrodiazepine-2,3-dithione diiodine adduct which, being safe and powerful, is appealing for practical applications: remarkably almost quantitative Pdrecovery from model spent three-way catalysts has been obtained, showing that the effectiveness of the method is maintained when palladium is contained in a complex system such as a car catalyst, a ceramic material which has undergone severe thermal stress.
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Complex System, Legislation, Thermal Stress, CHEMICAL SCIENCES
The novel paramagnetic and chiral anion [Fe(C 5 O 5 ) 3 ] 32 has been combined with the organic donor BEDT-TTF (= ET = bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene) to yield the first chiralityinduced a phase and a paramagnetic metal.
The synthesis and structural characterization of the neutral gadolinium tetrakis-type complex with 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinolato (H5,7ClQ) ligands, [Gd(5,7ClQ) 2 (H5,7ClQ) 2 Cl], is reported. The Gd III ion is epta coordinated to one... more
The synthesis and structural characterization of the neutral gadolinium tetrakis-type complex with 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinolato (H5,7ClQ) ligands, [Gd(5,7ClQ) 2 (H5,7ClQ) 2 Cl], is reported. The Gd III ion is epta coordinated to one chloride ion and to four ligands: two N,O-chelated monoanions and two as zwitterionic ( + NH and O -) monodentate oxygen donors. Electronic and vibrational spectra provide suitable markers to distinguish the presence of deprotonated and protonated ligands. The magnetic behaviour of this compound was in-
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic, Magnetic Properties
Two hybrid molecular materials showing a combination of magnetic and conducting properties, the charge-transfer (ET) 2 [Fe(tdas) 2 ] (1) and (ET)Ni(tdas) 2 (2), (ET=bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene; M=Fe, Ni;... more
Two hybrid molecular materials showing a combination of magnetic and conducting properties, the charge-transfer (ET) 2 [Fe(tdas) 2 ] (1) and (ET)Ni(tdas) 2 (2), (ET=bis(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene; M=Fe, Ni; tdas=1,2,5-thiadiazole-3,4-dithiolate) salts, are characterized by vibrational (IR and Raman) and UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopies. These studies have proved to be effective and diagnostic tools in identifying the oxidation state (partial or integer) and the packing pattern (dimers or segregated stacks) of the ET donor only, since no ν(C=C) group vibration sensitive to the charge of M(tdas) 2 complexes has been observed. This is ascribed to the extensive electron-delocalization inside the tdas ring in agreement with semiempirical extended Huckel calculations, indicating also that the AO's of the terminal S-atom give a high contribution to the HOMO and favour the occurrence of three-dimensional intermolecular interactions along the molecular longitudinal axis. These findings are consistent with structural results.
Experimental and theoretical results on the novel [Pd(Me 2 pipdt)(dmit)] complex (1) based on the push Me 2 pipdt (1,4-dimethyl-piperazine-3,2-dithione) and pull dmit (1,3-dithiolo-2-thione-4,5-dithiolato), show that an unbalanced... more
Experimental and theoretical results on the novel [Pd(Me 2 pipdt)(dmit)] complex (1) based on the push Me 2 pipdt (1,4-dimethyl-piperazine-3,2-dithione) and pull dmit (1,3-dithiolo-2-thione-4,5-dithiolato), show that an unbalanced electron distribution at the dithiolene core occurs. The presence of a solvatochromic absorption at low energy, shifted to higher frequency when compared to the corresponding nickel case, points out that these complexes are potential second-order non-linear chromophores, whose properties are tunable with the metal.
- by Paola Deplano and +2
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- Inorganic Chemistry, X Rays, Low Energy Buildngs, Nickel
We report the first combined optical and structural investigation of the water free Er-quinolinolate complex, an organo-lanthanide system of interest for 1.5-µm telecom applications. Structural data demonstrate that the complex has a... more
We report the first combined optical and structural investigation of the water free Er-quinolinolate complex, an organo-lanthanide system of interest for 1.5-µm telecom applications. Structural data demonstrate that the complex has a trinuclear structure (Er 3 Q 9 ) which provides the Er metals with an octa-coordination by the organic ligand and prevents solvent and water molecules from entering the lanthanide coordination sphere. The results of the structural analysis allow us to infer that the strong Er luminescence quenching exhibited by the Er 3 Q 9 complex is due uniquely to resonant energy transfer to the aromatic C−H vibrations of the ligand, providing the correct tools to design more efficient emitters.
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Chemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic
A B S T R A C T : T w o n e w i s o s t r u c t u r a l m o l e c u l a r m e t a l s ( B D H -TTP) 6 [M III (C 5 O 5 ) 3 ]·CH 2 Cl 2 (BDH-TTP = 2,5-bis(1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidene)-1,3,4,6tetrathiapentalene, where M = Fe (1) and Ga... more
A B S T R A C T : T w o n e w i s o s t r u c t u r a l m o l e c u l a r m e t a l s ( B D H -TTP) 6 [M III (C 5 O 5 ) 3 ]·CH 2 Cl 2 (BDH-TTP = 2,5-bis(1,3-dithiolan-2-ylidene)-1,3,4,6tetrathiapentalene, where M = Fe (1) and Ga (2))have been prepared and fully characterized. Compound 1 is a molecular conductor showing paramagnetic behavior, which is due to the presence of isolated [Fe(C 5 O 5 ) 3 ] 3− complexes with high-spin S = 5 / 2 Fe(III) metal ions. The conductivity originates from the BDH-TTP organic donors arranged in a κ-type molecular packing. At 4 kbar, compound 1 behaves as a metal down to ∼100 K, showing high conductivity (∼10 S cm −1 ) at room temperature. When applying a pressure higher than 7 kbar, the metal−insulator (M-I) transition is suppressed and the compound retains the metallic state down to low temperatures (2 K). For 1, ESR signals have been interpreted as being caused by the fine structure splitting of the high-spin (S = 5 / 2 ) state of Fe(III) in the distorted octahedral crystal field from the ligands. At 4 kbar, the isostructural compound 2 behaves as a metal down to ∼100 K, although it is noteworthy that the M-I transition is not suppressed, even at pressures of 15 kbar. For 2, only the signal assigned to delocalized π-electrons has been observed in the ESR measurements.
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Chemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Iron, Gallium
The reaction of the croconate dianion (C 5 O 5 ) 2− with a Fe(III) salt has led, unexpectedly, to the formation of the first example of a discrete Fe(II)−croconate complex without additional coligands, K 4 [Fe(C 5 O 5 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ](HC 5... more
The reaction of the croconate dianion (C 5 O 5 ) 2− with a Fe(III) salt has led, unexpectedly, to the formation of the first example of a discrete Fe(II)−croconate complex without additional coligands, K 4 [Fe(C 5 O 5 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ](HC 5 O 5 ) 2 ·4H 2 O (1). 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic P2 1 /c space group and presents discrete octahedral Fe(II) complexes coordinated by two chelating C 5 O 5 2− anions in the equatorial plane and two trans axial water molecules. The structure can be viewed as formed by alternating layers of trans-diaquabis(croconato)ferrate(II) complexes and layers containing the monoprotonated croconate anions, HC 5 O 5 − , and noncoordinated water molecules. Both kinds of layers are directly connected through a hydrogen bond between an oxygen atom of the coordinated dianion and the protonated oxygen atom of the noncoordinated croconate monoanion. A H-bond network is also formed between the coordinated water molecule and one oxygen atom of the coordinated croconate. This H-bond can be classified as strong−moderate being the O···O bond distance (2.771(2) Å) typical of moderate H-bonds and the O−H···O bond angle (174(3)°) typical of strong ones. This Hbond interaction leads to a quadratic regular layer where each [Fe(C 5 O 5 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ] 2− anion is connected to its four neighbors in the plane through four equivalent H-bonds. From the magnetic point of view, these connections lead to an S = 2 quadratic layer. The magnetic properties of 1 have been reproduced with a 2D square lattice model for S = 2 ions with g = 2.027(2) and J = 4.59(3) cm −1 . This model reproduces quite satisfactorily its magnetic properties but only above the maximum. A better fit is obtained by considering an additional antiferromagnetic weak interlayer coupling constant (j) through a molecular field approximation with g = 2.071(7), J = 2.94(7) cm −1 , and j = −0.045(2) cm −1 (the Hamiltonian is written as H = −JS i S j ). Although this second model might still be improved since there is also an extra contribution due to the presence of ZFS in the Fe(II) ions, it confirms the presence of weak ferromagnetic Fe−Fe interactions through H-bonds in compound 1 which represents one of the rare examples of ferromagnetic coupling via H-bonds.
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Chemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry
We investigate the quenching of the near infrared light emission in Er 3+ complexes induced by the resonant dipolar interaction between the rare-earth ion and high frequency vibrations of the organic ligand. The nonradiative decay rate of... more
We investigate the quenching of the near infrared light emission in Er 3+ complexes induced by the resonant dipolar interaction between the rare-earth ion and high frequency vibrations of the organic ligand. The nonradiative decay rate of the lanthanide ion is discussed in terms of a continuous medium approximation, which depends only on a few, easily accessible spectroscopic and structural data. The model accounts well for the available experimental results in Er 3+ complexes, and predicts an ϳ100% light emission quantum yield in fully halogenated systems.
- by Angela Serpe and +1
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- Engineering, Applied Physics, Near Infrared, High Frequency
The synthesis, X-ray structure, magnetic and transport properties of the compound Ni(dmf) [Ni(dsit) 2 ] 2 (dmf=dimethylformamide, dsit=1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-diselenolate) are described. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic... more
The synthesis, X-ray structure, magnetic and transport properties of the compound Ni(dmf) [Ni(dsit) 2 ] 2 (dmf=dimethylformamide, dsit=1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4,5-diselenolate) are described. This compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2 1 =c; with a=18.709(6), b=22.975(5), c=20.418(5) ( A, b=99.31(2)1 and Z=6; its structure consists of [Ni(dsit) 2 ] 2 2À dimers and isolated [Ni(dmf) 6 ] 2+ cations both centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric. The dimers are packed forming chains along the [101] direction with short Se?Se interdimer contacts. Additional interchains S?S contacts render this structure a three-dimensional character, never observed so far in other [Ni(dsit) 2 ] À salts. This compound exhibits semiconducting behavior with a room temperature conductivity (1 S cm À1 ) much higher than those reported for other salts of the [Ni(dsit) 2 ] À anion. Tight-binding band structure calculations were used to analyze the origin of the semiconducting properties of this salt. The magnetic susceptibility shows Curie behavior with C=1.25 emu K mol À1 , typical of isolated Ni(II) ions as expected for the octahedrally coordinated [Ni(dmf) 6 ] 2+ cations. # 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)
We report the synthesis, structure, and physical properties of (BEDT-TTF)[Ni(tdas)] [BEDT-TTF, or ET, is bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene; tdas is 1,2,5-thiadiazole-3,4-dithiolate], which is the first example of a salt containing... more
We report the synthesis, structure, and physical properties of (BEDT-TTF)[Ni(tdas)] [BEDT-TTF, or ET, is bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene; tdas is 1,2,5-thiadiazole-3,4-dithiolate], which is the first example of a salt containing monomeric [Ni(tdas)] monoanions. This salt, which crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2/c with a = 17.2324(6) , b = 13.2740(5) , c = 10.9467(4) , = 96.974(2){sup o}, and V = 2485.5(2) ³, forms a layered structure. One layer contains dimerized BEDT-TTF electron donor molecules and isolated [Ni(tdas)] monoanions, while the second layer contains chains of [Ni(tdas)] monoanions. Conductivity measurements show that (BEDT-TTF)[Ni(tdas)] has a semiconductor-to-semiconductor transition near 200 K, while magnetic measurements indicate that it is an S = 1/2 paramagnet with weak antiferromagnetic coupling. Reflectance spectra reveal bands in the near-infrared region (6.6 x 10³ and 10.6 x 10³ cm¹) which are typical of (BEDT-TTF){sup 2+} dimers. From these ...