Prof. Demetris Vrontis
University of Nicosia, School of Business, Professor, Executive Dean at the University of Nicosia & President, EuroMed Research Business Institute, Editor-in-Chief, EuroMed Journal of Business
Professor Demetris Vrontis studied in the United Kingdom and obtained a BSc (Hons) in Business from Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, a PGCE (HE) from Manchester Metropolitan University, an MBA (with Distinction) from the University of Hull and a PhD in International Marketing from Manchester Metropolitan University Business School.
Professor Vrontis is a Fellow Member and certified Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and a Chartered Business and Chartered Marketing Consultant certified by the Chartered Association of Business Administrators, serving as a consultant and member of Boards of Directors to several international companies.
He is a Professor of Strategic Marketing, the Vice Rector for Faculty and Research at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. At the same time, he is a Visiting Professor and a Research Fellow and collaborates with various universities, research centres and organisations at an international level. Previously, Prof. Vrontis served as Head of the Marketing Department (2004-2005), as Associate Dean (2005-2006), Dean (2006-2012) of the School of Business and Executive Dean/Vice President (2012-2020) of Distance Learning Unit at the University of Nicosia.
He has widely published over 200 refereed journal articles, 60 chapters and cases in books/edited books and has presented papers to over 80 conferences around the globe. Professor Vrontis is also the author of 40 books in the areas of business management, marketing, human resource management, innovation and entrepreneurship, including 12 electronic books approved by and included in ISI Citation Index of Clarivate Analytics.
Academic journal publications, include among other, publications in the following prestigious and highly ranked journals: British Journal of Management; Human Resource Management (USA); The International Journal of Human Resource Management; Journal of Business Research; Journal of International Management; International Marketing Review; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; International Business Review; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Human Resource Management Review, European Business Review; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of Services Marketing; Journal of General Management; International Studies of Management and Organization; Management Decision; Employee Relations; Journal of Knowledge Management, Thunderbird International Business Review; Journal of Social Entrepreneurship; International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Process Management Journal; Journal of Marketing Communications; Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research; Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Technology Transfer; The Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal; Tourism Management Perspectives; Marketing Intelligence and Planning; Journal of Customer Behaviour; Journal of Product and Brand Management; Journal of Brand Management; Marketing Review; International Journal of Business Studies; the Global Business and Economics Review; Journal of Textile Institute; British Food Journal; World Review of Entrepreneurship; Management and Sustainable Development; Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship and many more.
Professor Vrontis is a Member of the Appeals (Secondary) Council of the Cyprus Advertising Regulation Organization that aims to regulate advertisements in all media in order to comply with the Code of Conduct of the International Chamber of Commerce. He is also an External Evaluator Expert for the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency (HQAA) and an External Evaluator Member for Academic Ranking Committee, evaluating Higher Education Academic Units and Academics in Greece.
Professor Vrontis is the Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business, the Associate Editor of the International Marketing Review and an editorial advisory board member in numerous academic and scientific marketing, management and business-related journals. He is furthermore the founder and President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI – http://emrbi.org) and the Chairman of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB), which aim to contribute to and share the understanding of different business environments and trends in the region through research, teaching and consulting. The two Research Networks have successfully organized international conferences since 2008 and the network includes hundreds of members (individuals, universities and organizations) from all over the world.
Further details about Professor Vrontis can be found at: http://unic.academia.edu/DemetrisVrontis and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Demetris_Vrontis
Phone: +35722842026
Address: 44 Makedonitissas Ave.,
POBox 24005
1700 Nicosia
Professor Vrontis is a Fellow Member and certified Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) and a Chartered Business and Chartered Marketing Consultant certified by the Chartered Association of Business Administrators, serving as a consultant and member of Boards of Directors to several international companies.
He is a Professor of Strategic Marketing, the Vice Rector for Faculty and Research at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. At the same time, he is a Visiting Professor and a Research Fellow and collaborates with various universities, research centres and organisations at an international level. Previously, Prof. Vrontis served as Head of the Marketing Department (2004-2005), as Associate Dean (2005-2006), Dean (2006-2012) of the School of Business and Executive Dean/Vice President (2012-2020) of Distance Learning Unit at the University of Nicosia.
He has widely published over 200 refereed journal articles, 60 chapters and cases in books/edited books and has presented papers to over 80 conferences around the globe. Professor Vrontis is also the author of 40 books in the areas of business management, marketing, human resource management, innovation and entrepreneurship, including 12 electronic books approved by and included in ISI Citation Index of Clarivate Analytics.
Academic journal publications, include among other, publications in the following prestigious and highly ranked journals: British Journal of Management; Human Resource Management (USA); The International Journal of Human Resource Management; Journal of Business Research; Journal of International Management; International Marketing Review; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; International Business Review; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Human Resource Management Review, European Business Review; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of Services Marketing; Journal of General Management; International Studies of Management and Organization; Management Decision; Employee Relations; Journal of Knowledge Management, Thunderbird International Business Review; Journal of Social Entrepreneurship; International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Process Management Journal; Journal of Marketing Communications; Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research; Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Technology Transfer; The Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal; Tourism Management Perspectives; Marketing Intelligence and Planning; Journal of Customer Behaviour; Journal of Product and Brand Management; Journal of Brand Management; Marketing Review; International Journal of Business Studies; the Global Business and Economics Review; Journal of Textile Institute; British Food Journal; World Review of Entrepreneurship; Management and Sustainable Development; Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship and many more.
Professor Vrontis is a Member of the Appeals (Secondary) Council of the Cyprus Advertising Regulation Organization that aims to regulate advertisements in all media in order to comply with the Code of Conduct of the International Chamber of Commerce. He is also an External Evaluator Expert for the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency (HQAA) and an External Evaluator Member for Academic Ranking Committee, evaluating Higher Education Academic Units and Academics in Greece.
Professor Vrontis is the Founding Editor and Editor in Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business, the Associate Editor of the International Marketing Review and an editorial advisory board member in numerous academic and scientific marketing, management and business-related journals. He is furthermore the founder and President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI – http://emrbi.org) and the Chairman of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB), which aim to contribute to and share the understanding of different business environments and trends in the region through research, teaching and consulting. The two Research Networks have successfully organized international conferences since 2008 and the network includes hundreds of members (individuals, universities and organizations) from all over the world.
Further details about Professor Vrontis can be found at: http://unic.academia.edu/DemetrisVrontis and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Demetris_Vrontis
Phone: +35722842026
Address: 44 Makedonitissas Ave.,
POBox 24005
1700 Nicosia
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Books by Prof. Demetris Vrontis
This book consists of various chapters which focus on the wider contexts of management innovation, entrepreneurship, and human resource management practices. Furthermore, the chapters are authored by scholars from all over the world to give the book a global perspective. Innovation is the foundation of economic growth and corporate prosperity. Entrepreneurship on the other hand provides all the necessary mobilization for this growth and prosperity. Human Resource Management practices safeguard internal relationship approaches, sustainability and efficiency. The book relies on subjects such as innovation, competitiveness, innovative business, human resource management practices, corporate entrepreneurship, management change, marketing, risk management, transnational innovation strategies and tactics, and innovative corporate practices.
We are currently experiencing a business era of turbulence and dynamic change – an era that inherently rejects conventionality and orthodox business theory to reward businesses embracing agility, reflex-style adaptability, innovation and creativity. This turbulence is, however, not a parenthesis or even a pattern, but the new reality in which each business must reinvent and redefine itself. This is a new reality of stakeholders that shift focus from the external to the internal, from the tangible to the intangible, and from fact to perception.
This book presents research and paradigms that transcend classical theory in order to examine how business practice is positively affected by these conditions. Across a multitude of sectors and organisational types, scholars of different business specialisations set the theoretical foundations of contemporary thinking and present their practical implementations.
Dr Demetris Vrontis is a Professor of Marketing, and Dean and Director at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Dr Vrontis is the Editor-in-Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business and the President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute. His prime research interests are in strategic marketing planning, branding, marketing communications and wine marketing, areas in which he has widely published and consulted.
Dr Alkis Thrassou is an Associate Professor at the School of Business at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. He holds a PhD from the University of Leeds, UK, and is a Chartered Marketer, a Chartered Builder and an EMRBI Research Fellow. He has published dozens of prominent scientific works and retains strong industry ties.
Papers by Prof. Demetris Vrontis
This book consists of various chapters which focus on the wider contexts of management innovation, entrepreneurship, and human resource management practices. Furthermore, the chapters are authored by scholars from all over the world to give the book a global perspective. Innovation is the foundation of economic growth and corporate prosperity. Entrepreneurship on the other hand provides all the necessary mobilization for this growth and prosperity. Human Resource Management practices safeguard internal relationship approaches, sustainability and efficiency. The book relies on subjects such as innovation, competitiveness, innovative business, human resource management practices, corporate entrepreneurship, management change, marketing, risk management, transnational innovation strategies and tactics, and innovative corporate practices.
We are currently experiencing a business era of turbulence and dynamic change – an era that inherently rejects conventionality and orthodox business theory to reward businesses embracing agility, reflex-style adaptability, innovation and creativity. This turbulence is, however, not a parenthesis or even a pattern, but the new reality in which each business must reinvent and redefine itself. This is a new reality of stakeholders that shift focus from the external to the internal, from the tangible to the intangible, and from fact to perception.
This book presents research and paradigms that transcend classical theory in order to examine how business practice is positively affected by these conditions. Across a multitude of sectors and organisational types, scholars of different business specialisations set the theoretical foundations of contemporary thinking and present their practical implementations.
Dr Demetris Vrontis is a Professor of Marketing, and Dean and Director at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Dr Vrontis is the Editor-in-Chief of the EuroMed Journal of Business and the President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute. His prime research interests are in strategic marketing planning, branding, marketing communications and wine marketing, areas in which he has widely published and consulted.
Dr Alkis Thrassou is an Associate Professor at the School of Business at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. He holds a PhD from the University of Leeds, UK, and is a Chartered Marketer, a Chartered Builder and an EMRBI Research Fellow. He has published dozens of prominent scientific works and retains strong industry ties.
marketplace (such as brand preference, re-purchase, and premium pricing); Stage V reflects the company gains in sales and profits and the last, Stage VI refers to financial value of the brand for shareholders. Analyzing data obtained from 1,330 fans of basketball clubs gave sufficient evidence to propose a “new” model that can be used to estimate the value scores of the brand’s equity status for each of the various stages in the model and provide the brand’s total brand equity status score.
parallel significant theoretical and executive insights and implications. The research findings and contribution are supportive of family firms’ potentialities, indicating that these organizations have an inherent disposition towards agile innovation, with multicultural management acting as the agent of equilibrium. Caution, however, is demanded in developing the proper value propositions and “softer” agility features that will not perturb the often-delicate balances and unique bundle of
features defining FBs. Methodologically, the research retains a scientifically founded exactitude, balancing the primary, the theoretical, and the conceptual countenances through a mixed inductive-deductive approach. The current article is conceptual and is based on a combination of narrative literature review, meta-synthesis literature review, and qualitative primary data (interviews).
indicating an inherent “genetic” disposition towards agile innovation. The research further underlines the need for a new agility framework for FBs, to bear into consideration their transformed (agile) innovation factors and the marketing realities of contemporary business, a task undertaken
by the second part of this study. Methodologically, the research retains a scientifically founded exactitude, balancing the primary, the theoretical, and the conceptual countenances through a mixed inductive-deductive approach. The current article is based on a narrative theoretical and quantitative primary data (survey) analyses. The research’s contribution relates to its uncovering of the true FBs’ innovation potentialities; its theoretical linkage to the subjects of agility, strategic marketing and
consumer behavior; and their conceptual incorporation into a unified framework (the “Agile Innovation Pendulum”) with explicit scholarly and executive implications.
Design/methodology/approach - A two-stage systematic review of the extant literature was conducted focusing on peer-reviewed journal articles published during a 28 year period - from 1987 to 2014.
Findings - A systematic analysis of thirty-two journal articles reveals that M&A research is a vibrant and rapidly growing stream of the broader marketing domain, and that it is contextually, methodologically and thematically diverse. The findings also highlight several literature trends and shortcomings, as well as the complex nature of the relationship between marketing and M&As .
Originality/value - On the basis of our review, we develop an ambitious research agenda that raises exciting new research questions for the scholar community and helps promote future theory development in marketing, strategy, and other related disciplines.
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Marketing; Systematic review
Article Classification: Literature review
by shifting consumer behavioural trends and the rise of new players (Third Region countries). An extensive theoretical research is initially performed, intending to examine the various aspects regarding wine consumer purchase behaviour. Subsequently, an empirical survey is performed, with the gathered data processed with both descriptive and multivariate statistical techniques. The empirical research evaluated the theoretically identified variables in the context of the new competitive conditions that characterise the wine-growing sector today. The research has identified five ‘macro-themes’ explaining the perception of the generic product ‘wine’; two different clusters of countries presenting homogeneities in terms of their consumers’ purchase attitudes; and three consumer-behaviour-defining elements implicitly linked to marketing and branding approaches. The research has identified trends which add to the comprehension of consumer behaviour and offer valuable guidance for the development and implementation of corresponding strategies in the wine business sector.