Ilaria Riccioni
Associate Professor of General Sociology (2023- Now)
Researcher of General Sociology (2007-2023)
President of the Research Committee 37 - Sociology of the Arts at the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Researcher of General Sociology (2007-2023)
President of the Research Committee 37 - Sociology of the Arts at the International Sociological Association (ISA)
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Books by Ilaria Riccioni
inquires the fundamental contribution that artistic and cultural forms bring
to social dynamics and how these can consolidate cohabitation and create
meaningfulness, in addition to fulfilling economic and regulatory needs.
As symbolic forms of collective social practices, artistic and cultural forms
weave the meaning of a territory, a context, and a people, but also of the
generations who traverse these same cultures.
These forms of meaning interact with the social imagery, mediate marginalization, transform barriers into bridges, and are the indispensable tools for any social coexistence and its continuous rethinking in everyday life.
The various epistemic approaches present here, refer to sociology, theatre
studies, cultural studies, psychology, economy of culture, and social statistics which observe theatre as a social phenomenon.
una lettera del 1916 a Sigismund Krausz, offrendo una motivazione al suo radicale cambiamento negli studi dall’economia alla sociologia: «principalmente io stimo che l’Economia da sola poco vale per dare
la spiegazione dei fatti concreti. Tale spiegazione si può avere solo aggiungendo le ricerche sociologiche», continua nella stessa lettera, quasi anticipando l’attuale bisogno di comprensione della società da più punti di vista disciplinari. Il libro ripercorre alcuni momenti cruciali dell’opera di Pareto sociologo, facendo rivivere lo scambio epistolare con Benedetto Croce, la questione dell’interdisciplinarità tra le scienze, la circolazione e formazione delle élites e le contraddizioni del concetto di democrazia in una società di massa analizzata da Roberto Michels, con il filo rosso della vis polemica di un classico della sociologia.
inquires the fundamental contribution that artistic and cultural forms bring
to social dynamics and how these can consolidate cohabitation and create
meaningfulness, in addition to fulfilling economic and regulatory needs.
As symbolic forms of collective social practices, artistic and cultural forms
weave the meaning of a territory, a context, and a people, but also of the
generations who traverse these same cultures.
These forms of meaning interact with the social imagery, mediate marginalization, transform barriers into bridges, and are the indispensable tools for any social coexistence and its continuous rethinking in everyday life.
The various epistemic approaches present here, refer to sociology, theatre
studies, cultural studies, psychology, economy of culture, and social statistics which observe theatre as a social phenomenon.
una lettera del 1916 a Sigismund Krausz, offrendo una motivazione al suo radicale cambiamento negli studi dall’economia alla sociologia: «principalmente io stimo che l’Economia da sola poco vale per dare
la spiegazione dei fatti concreti. Tale spiegazione si può avere solo aggiungendo le ricerche sociologiche», continua nella stessa lettera, quasi anticipando l’attuale bisogno di comprensione della società da più punti di vista disciplinari. Il libro ripercorre alcuni momenti cruciali dell’opera di Pareto sociologo, facendo rivivere lo scambio epistolare con Benedetto Croce, la questione dell’interdisciplinarità tra le scienze, la circolazione e formazione delle élites e le contraddizioni del concetto di democrazia in una società di massa analizzata da Roberto Michels, con il filo rosso della vis polemica di un classico della sociologia.
ISSN 2612-6125
country. It exists in the form of various social institutions and groups. It could
be a social club that involves the local people of a city or a village. It could be a
large association that combines smaller branches under one head committee,
as on the official website Rosrecon (https://xn--e1akjbcibh.xn--p1ai/). Recently,
since the start of the pandemic, virtual groups have become popular and have
connected people from different locations, often far from each other (http://
livinghistory.ru/forum/52-katalog-klubov/). These groups and clubs have the
traditional international structure of vocational organizations when people
with the same interests gather to reenact events from the past. The associa-
tions conventionally involve groups of adults, and children actively participate
with their older relatives. School students and youth are usually involved in
reenactment. This chapter discusses several points about historical reenact-
ment in Russian education as developed in the last decades. The first is the
nature and definition of historical reenactment in modern Russian education.
The second is the current state of the method in schools, its structure, and
the teacher’s role in the process of applying school content to the interactive
engagement. The third is a case study of a historic reenactment which took
place in a middle school, with a description of the stages of preparation and
execution, with illustrations, and a description of the aftermath of the lesson
for the students who participated in it.
pp 1-21
First Online:
13 November 2021
Globalization in the twenty-first century has contributed to immense changes in world society. Countries across the world are facing many similar issues, and one which is growing and will continue to do so is how diverse cultures with different identities rooted in different histories can live together and find a way to integrate their habits in order not only to tolerate one another but find a universal way to live together with different points of view but the same or similar aims. The intention of this paper is to reflect on a number of insights gained from empirical research on multicultural cohabitation, in particular, by observing the dynamics of relation and power in regions of minorities with three different official languages: Italian, German, and Ladin, in other words, the South Tyrol region, in the far north of Italy, which is frequently seen as a model of integration between different cultures. These three languages entail three different cultures and mentalities. This paper will deal with different issues emerging from multiculturalism and in due course present some insights for solutions to the typical problems of this contemporary cultural phenomenon.
Keywords: Multiculturalism - Cultural Coexistence - Community - Civil society - Cultural diversity - Identity
We invite all reflections of sociology of the arts in terms of the social meaning of artistic work, which is its possible social function both in terms of the reflexivity of social research and in terms of social theoretical perspectives, as well as the analysis of artistic manifestations.
Keywords · Power, Religion, Violence, Values.
How culture can impact social imaginary and what is its responsibility in constructing, and as well in consolidating, social reality and shared per- spectives is a crucial issue in our contemporary societies, in which media and digital communication often replace human relations or give them new shapes and meanings.
The aim of this first part of the essay is to go through the institution- alization of the use of arts and culture in social reflections of some classi- cal thinkers, such as Weber, Lukács, Adorno. As a matter of fact, socio- logical knowledge, as well as classical sociological thought, has always re- flected on culture and artistic expressions as crucial phenomena to under- stand social change, social needs as well as social issues. In other words, there can be no deep understanding of social reality without going through the images that a social reality is creating but also with which is influenc- ing its own contemporary public.
Keywords: Social theory, culture, arts, social understanding.
The discipline of sociology observes the intertwining of social dynamics and social tendencies in relation to institutional power. How this observation becomes social knowledge concerns different areas: from empirical methodologies to philosophical reflexivity that can orient the starting question. However, sociology is not only a descriptive kind of science, but also a critical one. Through hermeneutics and activity, as well as active observation, sociology fulfill its role among other sciences. My thesis here is that in order to keep up with this role, in order to be able to absolve this role also in contemporary society, sociology has to become again the study of large-scale historical processes and structures, starting from the historical context in which are situated also in a comparative way. Also, problematizing the social sciences paradigm to which sociology itself is referring to so to relate it to the big changes in politics and economy from the ‘70s up to now. This essay will try to develop a critical view towards sociological knowledge recurring to some modern sociologist of the American and European tradition.