Robert Langer
Robert Langer (M.A. Islamic Studies and Cultural Anthropology Univ. of Heidelberg 2000) is specialised in religious history and ethnography of the Muslim World. He received his Dr. phil. (2004) and his Habilitation with a venia legendi for “Islamwissenschaft” (2016) from the Philosophical Faculty of the Univ. of Heidelberg. From 2020 until 2022, he was deputy professor for the study of religions at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, where he has been full professor since September 2022. 2017-2022, he was Senior Research Fellow at the Orient-Institut Istanbul of the Max Weber Foundation (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) responsible for the research area “history of religions”. 2014-2017, he was Research Group Leader at the Department for the Study of Religions at the Univ. of Bayreuth working on diaspora Shia in Germany. 2003-2014, he worked on non-Sharia-oriented religious traditions in Islamicate contexts in the Collaborative Research Centre “Dynamics of Ritual” and at the Institute for Islamic Studies (Univ. of Heidelberg). Besides his dissertations Pīrān and Zeyāratgāh: Zoroastrian Shrines and Pilgrimage Centres in Modern Iran (Leuven et al. 2008) and Alevi Rituals in Transnational Contexts (Wiesbaden [forthc. 2023]) (both in German), he has published articles and edited volumes on Zoroastrianism, Alevism, Yezidism, diaspora Twelver Shiism, and ritual theory. He taught at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bern (Switzerland), Weingarten, and Bayreuth.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Michael Ursinus, Prof. Dr. Gregor Ahn, Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth, Prof. Dr. Michael Stausberg, Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Köpping (†), Prof. Dr. Raif Georges Khoury (†), Prof. Richard Burghardt, Ph. D. (†), and Prof. Dr. Anton Schall (†)
Phone: +49-176-20069244
Address: Prof. Dr. Robert Langer
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85577 Neubiberg
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Michael Ursinus, Prof. Dr. Gregor Ahn, Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth, Prof. Dr. Michael Stausberg, Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Köpping (†), Prof. Dr. Raif Georges Khoury (†), Prof. Richard Burghardt, Ph. D. (†), and Prof. Dr. Anton Schall (†)
Phone: +49-176-20069244
Address: Prof. Dr. Robert Langer
Universität der Bundeswehr München
Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Kulturwissenschaften
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39
D-85577 Neubiberg
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InterestsView All (38)
Monographs by Robert Langer
[Reviews: Iranian Studies 44.1 (2011): 141-145 (Rezania); Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105.2 (2010): 223–231 (Boedeker); Religion 41.1 (2011), 118–122 (Rose); Religiovedenie 3 (2011) 205–206 (Tessmann)].
Edited Books by Robert Langer
Edited Journal Issues by Robert Langer
Peer-Reviewed Articles by Robert Langer
EJTS, Thematic issue: “Contemporary Sufism and the Quest of Spirituality: Transgressing Borders, Transgressing Categories”. Ed. Beatrice Hendrich [Papers held at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES 2010, Barcelona, July 23rd 2010]
& Udo Simon.
Reprinted in: Maribel Fierro (ed.): Orthodoxy and Heresy in Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Vol. I. (Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies) London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, 201–212.
Academic Articles by Robert Langer
[Reviews: Iranian Studies 44.1 (2011): 141-145 (Rezania); Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105.2 (2010): 223–231 (Boedeker); Religion 41.1 (2011), 118–122 (Rose); Religiovedenie 3 (2011) 205–206 (Tessmann)].
EJTS, Thematic issue: “Contemporary Sufism and the Quest of Spirituality: Transgressing Borders, Transgressing Categories”. Ed. Beatrice Hendrich [Papers held at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES 2010, Barcelona, July 23rd 2010]
& Udo Simon.
Reprinted in: Maribel Fierro (ed.): Orthodoxy and Heresy in Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Vol. I. (Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies) London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, 201–212.
Erratum: Throughout "razilik", read "rızalık".
Langer, Robert 3 Photos printed: "Pir-e Herisht, one of the main desert-shrines in Iran", Fire-vase and incense sticks on the pillar (altar) inside a small shrine in Yazd", A field-shrine (The Shrine of the Forty Children) in Iran"