Mircea Dumitru
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Papers by Mircea Dumitru
Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Bucharest, Romania
14-17 July 2021
Plenary Symposium on Psychiatry and Philosophy
Symposium Title:
“‘The Return of the Repressed’: Why Psychiatry Needs – and Cannot Avoid – Philosophy”
If anyone thinks he can exclude philosophy and leave it aside as useless he will be eventually defeated by it in some obscure form or other.
– Karl Jaspers, General Psychopathology (1913)
Doina Cosman, President of the Congress: 2-5 minutes
Welcome & presentation of participants
Vincenzo Di Nicola, Chair 5 minutes
Title: “‘The Return of the Repressed’:
Why Freud’s Phrase Still Haunts Psychiatry and Philosophy”
Presentations: 15 minutes each x 5 75 minutes
(Suggested order and time allotment)
Mircea Dumitru
Title: “ ”
Bill (KWM) Fulford
Title: “Why Psychiatry Needs – and Should Actively Embrace – Philosophy”
Virgil Ciomoș
Title: “From Phenomenology to Psychoanalysis and Back: The Return of the Repressed in Schizophrenia”
Drozdstoj Stoyanov
Title: “Philosophy of Science and Psychiatry: Revisiting Methods and Taxonomy”
Vincenzo Di Nicola
Title: “Philosophy and Psychiatry from the Standpoint of the Event”
Discussant: Eliot Sorel 10 minutes
Audience questions/exchanges among participants:
Chaired by Di Nicola 25 minutes
Brief Abstract
This symposium convokes a distinguished international panel of psychiatrists and philosophers to discuss the proposition that psychiatry needs – and cannot avoid – philosophy. Philosopher Mircea Dumitru (University of Bucharest) addresses methodological issues raised by theoretical models of psychopathology, focusing on issues in philosophy of mind arising from the cognitive-behavioral model. This is counterbalanced by philosopher Virgil Ciomoș (Babeș-Bolyai University) who re-interprets schizophrenia from phenomenological and Lacanian psychoanalytic perspectives. Three psychiatrists deeply engaged in philosophy, Bill Fulford (Oxford University), Vincenzo Di Nicola (University of Montreal), and Drozdstoj Stoyanov (Medical University of Plovdiv) present positions that straddle analytic philosophy (Fulford, Stoyanov) and Continental philosophy (Di Nicola). Fulford reviews developments at Oxford, notably values-based practice, arguing that psychiatry should actively embrace philosophy. Stoyanov argues for an epistemological basis of psychiatry’s methodological crisis, while Di Nicola outlines the ontological roots of psychiatry’s crisis and calls for a new psychiatry based on the Event.
Keywords: Psychopathology, philosophy of mind, Lacanian post-phenomenology, values, translational research, epistemology, ontology, the Badiouan Event, evental psychiatry
Ciomoș, V. ed. (2020). Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, 1 and 2.
Di Nicola, V., and Stoyanov, D. (2021). Psychiatry in Crisis: At the Crossroads of Social Science, The Humanities, and Neuroscience. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
Dumitru, M., ed. (2020). Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality. Themes from Kit Fine. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Fulford, K.W.M., Thornton, T., and Graham, G., eds. (2006). The Oxford Textbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.