Papers by Maria Larionescu
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1991

This volume is a surprise-gift offered by the informal research and debate group coordinated by P... more This volume is a surprise-gift offered by the informal research and debate group coordinated by Professor Zoltán Rostás, dedicated to Sanda Golopenția. A prestigious researcher, she is the daughter of the well-known sociologist Anton Golopenția, member of the Bucharest Sociological School. The volume brings together fifty-one studies, pieces of research, archive notes, essays, letters, prose, poems, which the editors have gathered from valued members of the global academic community, with whom Sanda Golopenția has exchanged messages. In this comment I have chosen to focus on several of the diverse interests and passions of Sanda Golopenția (S.G.). She brought significant contributions to linguistics, ethnography, semiotics, theater, sociology, and social history, among others. Among these, I will discuss selected aspects that are highly relevant to the Sociological School of Bucharest and to the activity of her parents, Anton Golopenția and Ștefania Cristescu- Golopenția, as also hi...
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2004
The article focuses on four typical representations of the development of Romanian society: a) so... more The article focuses on four typical representations of the development of Romanian society: a) social development as a modernization process, crystallized in the project of 1848 Revolution, the neoliberal etatist Program and the theory of Neoiobagia; b) the social development as a support of the cultural identity, shared by populist and peasant projects; c) social development as a synthesis of modernization and cultural identity, shared by The Bucharest School of Sociology; d) social development as a modern institutional construction in the case of the delayed societies, expressed by C. Rădulescu-Motru in his logical postulate of identity.
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2005
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1992
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1994
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1994
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2003
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2004
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1992
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2017
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2003
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1992
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2017
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1994
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1992
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1992
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 1994
Sociologie Româneasca = Romanian Sociology, 2013
Papers by Maria Larionescu
de al treilea sector, de organizaţii nonprofit sau de economie socială, poartă
însemnele atributului „social”, cu funcţie de explicitare a sensului acestor
forme relativ noi de asociaţii umane şi a antreprenoriatului caracteristic lor.
Cercetătorii care s‑au aplecat asupra acestui nou sector de activitate au
identificat caracteristici specifice în trei direcţii fundamentale: caracterul
social al întreprinderilor economiei sociale, specificul social al antreprenoriatului
şi elaborarea unei definiţii operaţionale a economiei sociale
pentru scopuri de cercetare comparată.