Monographs by Gabriel Biţună

The Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Morphosyntax of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic Dialect of Siirt, Tu... more The Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Morphosyntax of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic Dialect of Siirt, Turkey” is a continuation of my researches in regard with the study of Arabic dialects (from Tunisia, Iraq and southeastern Turkey), having the purpose of being a monograph of the Arabic dialect spoken in the city of Siirt.
The necessity of such a research comes due to the fact that the dialects in southeastern Turkey, referred to in scholar articles as “North-Mesopotamian” of the qǝltu type, have been studied to a lesser degree, while only a few monographs exist nowadays on this subject.
The thesis has been written on the theoretical framework of such monographs like the ones of: Socin (1904), Jastrow (1973; 1978; 1981), Sasse (1971), Talay (1999), Wittrich (2001), Grigore (2007) and Lahdo (2009), dedicated to some of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic dialects and of articles that tackle the same type of dialects. Moreover, this research is based on a corpus comprised of recordings achieved by me in the spoken Arabic of Siirt.
The corpus is comprised of the recordings employed by Jastrow (1981) and on the recordings that I have carried out following several visits in the area: Siirt (July-August 2013, August 2014, May 2016), in the Siirti communities in Istanbul (August 2013), other recordings employed in Bucharest (July 2015), as well as recordings selected from conversations carried out on social networking websites.
The proceedings of the 11th AIDA conference which took place on May 25-28 2015, in Bucharest, Rom... more The proceedings of the 11th AIDA conference which took place on May 25-28 2015, in Bucharest, Romania.
Papers by Gabriel Biţună

Romano-Arabica, 2021
This study is an investigative approach, highlighting some linguistic features, on the autob... more This study is an investigative approach, highlighting some linguistic features, on the autobiographical speech of a Pakistani worker, in a pidgin used in the Gulf countries, consisting of Arabic and Urdu elements, subsequently named Urdubic. The corpus we analyze for this study is the story of the aforementioned Pakistani worker, recounted in this variety of Pidgin Arabic. The morphosyntactic features identified in the text sample confirm that it is a language system developed as the result of contact with Arabic. However, it also shows that there are phonetic, lexical, as well as morphosyntactic features that have developed internally so that this pidgin could be successfully used by its speakers for the communication of not only their immediate needs, but also many more intricate concepts.
This study is an investigative approach, highlighting some linguistic features, on the autobiographical speech of a Pakistani worker, in a pidgin used in the Gulf countries, consisting of Arabic and Urdu elements (here Urdu is used as a reference, because, in addition to Urdu, elements appear in other languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent, such as Hindi, Punjabi, etc. This lingua franca has attracted the attention of many linguists - especially after 1990 - who have dedicated detailed studies to it, and from all of these, we have focused only on a few that were the starting point in our analysis: Smart(1990), Næss (2008), Al-Moaily (2013), Alghamdi (2014), Avram (2014), Bakir (2014),Abed (2018), Alshammari (2018). In the aforementioned studies, the names under which this pidgin is designated vary from Gulf Pidgin, Gulf Pidgin Arabic, Hindi Arabic, to Urdubic. The latter term, Urdubic, (composed by juxtaposing the syllable -bic from Arabic to the word Urdu, a plastic name anchored in the linguistic reality of that pidgin)was also picked up by us for the present study. Hussain et
alii (2020), based on Smart‘s (1990) study, present a definition of this
lingua franca used by immigrant workers in the Indian subcontinent in their daily
communication with Arab employers: ―This lingua franca is used by a constant
changing force of temporary immigrant workers in everyday communication with their Arab masters. The words constantly changing are significant and refer to the temporary stay of workers in the region. This constantly changing force includes doctors, engineers, teachers, laborers, technicians, drivers, waiters, maids, cooks, cleaners, sweepers, gardeners, salespersons, barbers, and others. Though this lingua franca came to the fore with the oil boom, the traces of its latent existence can be noticed even before the discovery of oil.‖ (Hussain et alii2020: 225). It was the previous statement "the words constantly changing" that gave us the idea to present a case study, therefore, a study focused on a concrete realization of this pidgin.
ROMANO-ARABICA XIX Curses and Profanity in the Languages and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa, 2019
This study aims to identify the swear words in the Spoken Arabic of Tunis, an Arabic variety of
N... more This study aims to identify the swear words in the Spoken Arabic of Tunis, an Arabic variety of
North Africa and classify them according to their origin (the denotative meanings behind them) or their usage
(they are pragmatically very versatile, because they can be utilized for different pragmatic reasons, including
negative politeness towards friends). This research is part of a bigger endeavor that aims to record and describe
a complete list of insults, curses and obscene language employed in the Spoken Arabic of Tunis, with a clear
pragmatic analysis of each category
An introductory study for Romano-Arabica XVII (2017): Fictional Beings in Middle East Cultures, f... more An introductory study for Romano-Arabica XVII (2017): Fictional Beings in Middle East Cultures, featuring the legend of Shahmeran (Turkey).
Arabic Varieties: Far and Wide. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of AIDA – Bucharest, 2015
This study focuses on analyzing the current evolution stage of the Spoken Arabic of Siirt. The an... more This study focuses on analyzing the current evolution stage of the Spoken Arabic of Siirt. The analysis will take
into account all applicable points of view regarding any traces that could indicate the progress (continuous development) or
the decay (halted development or continuous decline) of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic variety in question.
აღმოსავლეთმცოდნეობა Oriental Studies
This study consists of a research on the Spoken Arabic of Baghdad in its written form, as found i... more This study consists of a research on the Spoken Arabic of Baghdad in its written form, as found in the most used social networking websites, with a focus on the issues that arise when trying to write down some of the complex features of this oral form of speech, using the graphemes of Classical Arabic found on the Arabic computer keyboard.
Folia Orientalia VOL. LII — 2015
This study analyzes the conditional structures in the Spoken Arabic of Siirt, focusing on
a serie... more This study analyzes the conditional structures in the Spoken Arabic of Siirt, focusing on
a series of aspects such as the topic of the sentences in such syntactical structures, the
conditional markers, the verbal patterns and preverbal particles employed for introducing
the conditionals and a compositional analysis of the conditional clause, with focus on
the distinction between the real, open, generic, habitual and hypothetical conditionals,
among other known types of the structure under study.
Alf lahğa wa lahğa - Proceedings of the 9th Aida Conference, Mar 2014
The following study focuses on the ways that the Spoken Arabic of Baghdad has assimilated English... more The following study focuses on the ways that the Spoken Arabic of Baghdad has assimilated English words and integrated them in itself, following various morphological and phonetic patterns.
Romano - Arabica XIV ‘Āmmiyya and Fuṣḥā in Linguistics and Literature, Mar 2014
The following study focuses on the various layers of foreign words assimilated into the Spoken Ar... more The following study focuses on the various layers of foreign words assimilated into the Spoken Arabic of Siirt, Turkey. These words have undergone various phonetic shifts, so that they have become integrated in the said Arabic variety. The study concentrates on newly emerging consonants, due to loan-words, as well as on other phonetic shifting phenomena.
Romano - Arabica XIII, Jun 20, 2013
This paper aims to deliver a hopefully thorough lexical-semantic analysis of Spoken Arabic of Ira... more This paper aims to deliver a hopefully thorough lexical-semantic analysis of Spoken Arabic of Iraq specific lexemes, as they have been defined by the Iraqi speakers themselves, selected from a corpus recorded across the last year, with entries from the Internet (social networking sites, Q/A sites and forums).
Keywords: Baghdadi Arabic, Iraqi Arabic, Arabic Dialects, Mesopotamian, Etymology, Iraqi Social Networks.
Gilgamesh - 5/2012 - The Golden Issue: The 2nd Baghdad International Translation Conference 6-8th November 2012, Dec 2012
Keywords: Windows Xp, arabic, keyboard, cell, acronyms, wizard
ويندوز إيكسبي، ويندوز إكس بي با... more Keywords: Windows Xp, arabic, keyboard, cell, acronyms, wizard
ويندوز إيكسبي، ويندوز إكس بي بالعربية، لوحة المفاتيح مفتاح تعديل، ثبات المفاتيح،
خلية، معالج،أحرف، مركز التعليمات والدعم،
International Midyat Symposium (7th-9th October 2011) Papers. Ibrahim Özcoşar (ed.). Mardin: Mardin Sesi Gazetecilik ve Matbaacılık Ltd., Oct 2012
Romano - Arabica VIII-XI Islamic Space: Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, Dec 2011
Romano - Arabia XII - 55 Years of Arab Studies in Romania, Dec 2012
Bilim Düşünce ve Sanatta Cizre: Uluslararası Bilim Düşünce ve Sanatta Cizre Sempozyumu Bildirileri
The Place of Spoken Arabic of Cizre among Mesopotamian Arabic Dialects. In this paper, we shall p... more The Place of Spoken Arabic of Cizre among Mesopotamian Arabic Dialects. In this paper, we shall present our analysis of the Arabic spoken in Cizre, specially, and the Sirnak province, generally, comparing it with the other contemporary Mesopotamian dialects. We have in view, the Arabic dialects spoken in Mardin area, Siirt area, Urfa area, and in Irak and Eastern Syria. Our analysis is based on{ur own recordings and also on the books of Otto Jastrow, Bo Isakson, Shabo Talay, etc.
Paideia - Revista română de educație și cultură, Nov 2011
As we all know, the entire set of rules that govern the life of a muslim are based on the Quran a... more As we all know, the entire set of rules that govern the life of a muslim are based on the Quran and the hadeeth corpus (which represents statements regarding the prophet Muhammad's sayings and deeds). Sometimes, despite the uniqueness of these sources, not all their constitutive elements are unanimously accepted. Such is the case of the rhythmic movement, the dance that accompanies God's invocation, called dhikr.
AUCCOM Annals of the University of Craiova - Series Communication and Media, Year II, No. 1-2 (3-4), 2012, Dec 2012
This study aims to analyze the definitions of some Arabic - Islamic concepts, according to the en... more This study aims to analyze the definitions of some Arabic - Islamic concepts, according to the entries in the Romanian dictionaries, as well as highlighting the impact of these enunciations on the connection between both the Romanian and Arab cultures. Among these Arabic - Islamic concepts, we shall include ”Arab”, ”Muslim” and others, all of them being chosen for analysis not only due to their importance in the cultural area that they originate from, but also for the high frequency of their use in the press, literary texts and spoken Romanian.
Teaching Documents by Gabriel Biţună
Monographs by Gabriel Biţună
The necessity of such a research comes due to the fact that the dialects in southeastern Turkey, referred to in scholar articles as “North-Mesopotamian” of the qǝltu type, have been studied to a lesser degree, while only a few monographs exist nowadays on this subject.
The thesis has been written on the theoretical framework of such monographs like the ones of: Socin (1904), Jastrow (1973; 1978; 1981), Sasse (1971), Talay (1999), Wittrich (2001), Grigore (2007) and Lahdo (2009), dedicated to some of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic dialects and of articles that tackle the same type of dialects. Moreover, this research is based on a corpus comprised of recordings achieved by me in the spoken Arabic of Siirt.
The corpus is comprised of the recordings employed by Jastrow (1981) and on the recordings that I have carried out following several visits in the area: Siirt (July-August 2013, August 2014, May 2016), in the Siirti communities in Istanbul (August 2013), other recordings employed in Bucharest (July 2015), as well as recordings selected from conversations carried out on social networking websites.
Papers by Gabriel Biţună
This study is an investigative approach, highlighting some linguistic features, on the autobiographical speech of a Pakistani worker, in a pidgin used in the Gulf countries, consisting of Arabic and Urdu elements (here Urdu is used as a reference, because, in addition to Urdu, elements appear in other languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent, such as Hindi, Punjabi, etc. This lingua franca has attracted the attention of many linguists - especially after 1990 - who have dedicated detailed studies to it, and from all of these, we have focused only on a few that were the starting point in our analysis: Smart(1990), Næss (2008), Al-Moaily (2013), Alghamdi (2014), Avram (2014), Bakir (2014),Abed (2018), Alshammari (2018). In the aforementioned studies, the names under which this pidgin is designated vary from Gulf Pidgin, Gulf Pidgin Arabic, Hindi Arabic, to Urdubic. The latter term, Urdubic, (composed by juxtaposing the syllable -bic from Arabic to the word Urdu, a plastic name anchored in the linguistic reality of that pidgin)was also picked up by us for the present study. Hussain et
alii (2020), based on Smart‘s (1990) study, present a definition of this
lingua franca used by immigrant workers in the Indian subcontinent in their daily
communication with Arab employers: ―This lingua franca is used by a constant
changing force of temporary immigrant workers in everyday communication with their Arab masters. The words constantly changing are significant and refer to the temporary stay of workers in the region. This constantly changing force includes doctors, engineers, teachers, laborers, technicians, drivers, waiters, maids, cooks, cleaners, sweepers, gardeners, salespersons, barbers, and others. Though this lingua franca came to the fore with the oil boom, the traces of its latent existence can be noticed even before the discovery of oil.‖ (Hussain et alii2020: 225). It was the previous statement "the words constantly changing" that gave us the idea to present a case study, therefore, a study focused on a concrete realization of this pidgin.
North Africa and classify them according to their origin (the denotative meanings behind them) or their usage
(they are pragmatically very versatile, because they can be utilized for different pragmatic reasons, including
negative politeness towards friends). This research is part of a bigger endeavor that aims to record and describe
a complete list of insults, curses and obscene language employed in the Spoken Arabic of Tunis, with a clear
pragmatic analysis of each category
into account all applicable points of view regarding any traces that could indicate the progress (continuous development) or
the decay (halted development or continuous decline) of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic variety in question.
a series of aspects such as the topic of the sentences in such syntactical structures, the
conditional markers, the verbal patterns and preverbal particles employed for introducing
the conditionals and a compositional analysis of the conditional clause, with focus on
the distinction between the real, open, generic, habitual and hypothetical conditionals,
among other known types of the structure under study.
Keywords: Baghdadi Arabic, Iraqi Arabic, Arabic Dialects, Mesopotamian, Etymology, Iraqi Social Networks.
ويندوز إيكسبي، ويندوز إكس بي بالعربية، لوحة المفاتيح مفتاح تعديل، ثبات المفاتيح،
خلية، معالج،أحرف، مركز التعليمات والدعم،
Teaching Documents by Gabriel Biţună
The necessity of such a research comes due to the fact that the dialects in southeastern Turkey, referred to in scholar articles as “North-Mesopotamian” of the qǝltu type, have been studied to a lesser degree, while only a few monographs exist nowadays on this subject.
The thesis has been written on the theoretical framework of such monographs like the ones of: Socin (1904), Jastrow (1973; 1978; 1981), Sasse (1971), Talay (1999), Wittrich (2001), Grigore (2007) and Lahdo (2009), dedicated to some of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic dialects and of articles that tackle the same type of dialects. Moreover, this research is based on a corpus comprised of recordings achieved by me in the spoken Arabic of Siirt.
The corpus is comprised of the recordings employed by Jastrow (1981) and on the recordings that I have carried out following several visits in the area: Siirt (July-August 2013, August 2014, May 2016), in the Siirti communities in Istanbul (August 2013), other recordings employed in Bucharest (July 2015), as well as recordings selected from conversations carried out on social networking websites.
This study is an investigative approach, highlighting some linguistic features, on the autobiographical speech of a Pakistani worker, in a pidgin used in the Gulf countries, consisting of Arabic and Urdu elements (here Urdu is used as a reference, because, in addition to Urdu, elements appear in other languages spoken in the Indian subcontinent, such as Hindi, Punjabi, etc. This lingua franca has attracted the attention of many linguists - especially after 1990 - who have dedicated detailed studies to it, and from all of these, we have focused only on a few that were the starting point in our analysis: Smart(1990), Næss (2008), Al-Moaily (2013), Alghamdi (2014), Avram (2014), Bakir (2014),Abed (2018), Alshammari (2018). In the aforementioned studies, the names under which this pidgin is designated vary from Gulf Pidgin, Gulf Pidgin Arabic, Hindi Arabic, to Urdubic. The latter term, Urdubic, (composed by juxtaposing the syllable -bic from Arabic to the word Urdu, a plastic name anchored in the linguistic reality of that pidgin)was also picked up by us for the present study. Hussain et
alii (2020), based on Smart‘s (1990) study, present a definition of this
lingua franca used by immigrant workers in the Indian subcontinent in their daily
communication with Arab employers: ―This lingua franca is used by a constant
changing force of temporary immigrant workers in everyday communication with their Arab masters. The words constantly changing are significant and refer to the temporary stay of workers in the region. This constantly changing force includes doctors, engineers, teachers, laborers, technicians, drivers, waiters, maids, cooks, cleaners, sweepers, gardeners, salespersons, barbers, and others. Though this lingua franca came to the fore with the oil boom, the traces of its latent existence can be noticed even before the discovery of oil.‖ (Hussain et alii2020: 225). It was the previous statement "the words constantly changing" that gave us the idea to present a case study, therefore, a study focused on a concrete realization of this pidgin.
North Africa and classify them according to their origin (the denotative meanings behind them) or their usage
(they are pragmatically very versatile, because they can be utilized for different pragmatic reasons, including
negative politeness towards friends). This research is part of a bigger endeavor that aims to record and describe
a complete list of insults, curses and obscene language employed in the Spoken Arabic of Tunis, with a clear
pragmatic analysis of each category
into account all applicable points of view regarding any traces that could indicate the progress (continuous development) or
the decay (halted development or continuous decline) of the North-Mesopotamian Arabic variety in question.
a series of aspects such as the topic of the sentences in such syntactical structures, the
conditional markers, the verbal patterns and preverbal particles employed for introducing
the conditionals and a compositional analysis of the conditional clause, with focus on
the distinction between the real, open, generic, habitual and hypothetical conditionals,
among other known types of the structure under study.
Keywords: Baghdadi Arabic, Iraqi Arabic, Arabic Dialects, Mesopotamian, Etymology, Iraqi Social Networks.
ويندوز إيكسبي، ويندوز إكس بي بالعربية، لوحة المفاتيح مفتاح تعديل، ثبات المفاتيح،
خلية، معالج،أحرف، مركز التعليمات والدعم،
Proiectul ”Servicii integrate de asistenţă juridică şi socială pentru cetăţenii din state terţe” (2013-2014), faza a II-a.
Cartea cuprinde gramatica fundamentală a limbii române, explicată în limba arabă – morfologie și sintaxă – însoțită de multe exerciții care îl ajută pe cititor să o asimileze cu ușurință. În fruntea oricărei lecții este un text construit pe realitățile vieții de zi cu zi a românilor, cu concentrare asupra celor mai folosite expresii din diverse domenii.
يتضمن الكتاب هذا القواعد الأساسية للغة الرومانية وهي مشروحة باللغة العربية – في الصرف والنحو – تصحبها تمارين كثيرة تساعد القارئ في استيعابها بسهولة. وفي صدارة كل الدرس نص مبنى على وقائع حياة الرومانيين اليومية بالتركيز على التعابير الأكثر استعمالا في مجالات شتى.
This is a collection of poetry written in both Romanian and Arabic languages by the Romanian Arabist and Translator Gabriel Bițună.
Muhammad al-Sharkawi, History and Development of the Arabic Language, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 274 p. ISBN 978-1-138-82152-1
Necim Gül. 2013. Siirt Arapçasını Kurtarmak. Ankara: Sage Yayıncılık. pp. 166. ISBN: 9786054738878
Jairo Guerrero Parrado. 2015. El dialecto árabe hablado en la ciudad marroquí de Larache. Zaragoza : Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. pp. 344. ISBN: 978-84-16272-64-8