Papers by Anca POPESCU
Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie (SMIM), 2003
Asaltul otoman la Dunărea de Jos, de la Severin la Chilia, din anul 1420, a arătat hotărîrea sult... more Asaltul otoman la Dunărea de Jos, de la Severin la Chilia, din anul 1420, a arătat hotărîrea sultanului Mehmed I de a pune stăpînire pe acest segment al fluviului. Ca urmare, cetăţile Giugiu, Turnu, Enisala s-au adăugat vechilor poziţii dunărene ale turcilor osmani, dobîndite de la ...
Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie (SMIM), 2005
The following ad supports maintaining our CEEOL service ... Anul 1540 şi problema "închi... more The following ad supports maintaining our CEEOL service ... Anul 1540 şi problema "închiderii" Mării Negre otomane ... «1540: the Turning Point of the Question of the Black Sea Enclosure by the Ottomans» ... Source: Studies and Materials of Medium History (Studii şi ...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the postmodern picturebook Princess Smartypants, written and ... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the postmodern picturebook Princess Smartypants, written and illustrated by Babette Cole, taking into account the relationship between the words and the images and the incongruities posed not only between the text and the images but also between this tale and other fairytales. Generic conventions, background knowledge and intertextuality are key aspects to identify and/or to solve the incongruities, which provoke irony and humor.
vol. In Honorem Professoris Ionel Cândea, Istros, Brăila, XX, pp. 529-545 (Romanian version)), 2014
The fiscal category of the ellici peasants was linked in the Ottoman Empire to the military insti... more The fiscal category of the ellici peasants was linked in the Ottoman Empire to the military institutions which operated under the eşküncü-yamak system, under which a group of ten to thirty persons subsidized a number of three to five soldiers serving in imperial campaigns. The system was similar to the military organization of the yürük and the müsellem, and also to that of the Balkan voynuk and Vlachs. The ellici are also documented for the region of Dobrudja in an unpublished Ottoman sultanic ordinance from the last quarter of the 16 th century.

„Studii ]i Materiale de Istorie Medie”, vol. XXXIII, 2015
The Ottoman chancery documents, ... more DOBRUDJA IN OTTOMAN TIMES:
The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and economic structures. This paper draws on toponymical, topographical and administrative information taken from eight Ottoman registers, all dating from the sixteenth century. The toponymy and the rural habitat are interpreted from a long-time perspective, assessing the continuity between the Ottoman and the pre-Ottoman structures. The Dobrudja case is also placed in the larger image of the dynamics of the Ottoman rural landscape. This article identifies both military and non-military Ottoman institutions in Dobrudja, such a vozar, derbendci, ellici, gümrükçi, müsellem, akıncı. Consequently, it proposes a comparative analysis between the Ottoman power structures and the previous, imperial, Byzantine ones. A chronological and cartographic inventory of the human settlements in Ottoman Dobrudja argues for a reconsideration of their synchronic and diachronic evolution.
The aim of this article is to re-open a discussion on an interesting aspect of Ottoman toponymy: ... more The aim of this article is to re-open a discussion on an interesting aspect of Ottoman toponymy: the documentary formulations of the "X also known as Y" type (in Turkish X nâmı diğer Y"). My observations are based on the oldest Ottoman register published so far with respect to the villages and market towns of the sancak of Silistria: the tax register no. 370 of the sancaks of Rumelia for the year 1530, published in Ankara by the Council of Ministers" General Directorate of State Archives (Başbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü) 1 . The issues outlined in the present study relate to the understanding of alterations in toponymy in
[Dobrogea in Romanian, Добруджа (transliterated Dobrudzha) in Bulgarian, Dobruca in Turkish, and ... more [Dobrogea in Romanian, Добруджа (transliterated Dobrudzha) in Bulgarian, Dobruca in Turkish, and Δοβρουτσά (transliterated Dovroutsá) in Greek.] In modern times, the name Dobrudja has referred to the territory between the Kilia arm of the Danube Delta to the north, the Black Sea to the east, maritime Danube (i.e. downstream of Silistria) to the west, and the rivers Beli Lom and Kamchiya (in the region of the Maritime Balkans) to the south. However, in mediaeval times, the name
En conclusion d'une contribution précédente portant sur l'organisation militaire territoriale de ... more En conclusion d'une contribution précédente portant sur l'organisation militaire territoriale de type derbend dans la zone du bas Danube, attestée par des édits de sultans ottomans (notamment pour les villages « derbend » de Prislava et de Karaharman), nous exprimions une attente légitime : « Pour l'instant, faute de précisions supplémentaires sur d'autres postes de derbendci sur le Danube en Dobroudja, force est d'attirer l'attention sur le toponyme Dervent. Cette survivance toponymique indique l'existence d'un poste de contrôle fluvial dès l'époque ottomane » 2 .
The place named Ester, in central Dobrudja (today Constanţa county, Romania), was recorded under ... more The place named Ester, in central Dobrudja (today Constanţa county, Romania), was recorded under the name Istrabağı in the diary of Sultan Süleymân's Moldavian campaign (1538). The German Turcologist Franz Babinger located Istrabağı at Histria, the well-known Greco-Roman city near the Black Sea coast and the most southern arm of the Danube. Sixteenth-century Ottoman documents show Ester to have been a derbend village. Its setting closer Histria seems to be confirmed by these new pieces of evidence, but the location at Pazarlı was probably the result of a later transfer of population.
Books by Anca POPESCU
Ege ve Balkan Araştırmaları Dergisi (EBAD/ JABS) by Anca POPESCU
Yayınlanan yazı ve çevirilerin her türlü sorumluluğu yazar(lar)ına aittir.
Papers by Anca POPESCU
The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and economic structures. This paper draws on toponymical, topographical and administrative information taken from eight Ottoman registers, all dating from the sixteenth century. The toponymy and the rural habitat are interpreted from a long-time perspective, assessing the continuity between the Ottoman and the pre-Ottoman structures. The Dobrudja case is also placed in the larger image of the dynamics of the Ottoman rural landscape. This article identifies both military and non-military Ottoman institutions in Dobrudja, such a vozar, derbendci, ellici, gümrükçi, müsellem, akıncı. Consequently, it proposes a comparative analysis between the Ottoman power structures and the previous, imperial, Byzantine ones. A chronological and cartographic inventory of the human settlements in Ottoman Dobrudja argues for a reconsideration of their synchronic and diachronic evolution.
Books by Anca POPESCU
Ege ve Balkan Araştırmaları Dergisi (EBAD/ JABS) by Anca POPESCU
The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and economic structures. This paper draws on toponymical, topographical and administrative information taken from eight Ottoman registers, all dating from the sixteenth century. The toponymy and the rural habitat are interpreted from a long-time perspective, assessing the continuity between the Ottoman and the pre-Ottoman structures. The Dobrudja case is also placed in the larger image of the dynamics of the Ottoman rural landscape. This article identifies both military and non-military Ottoman institutions in Dobrudja, such a vozar, derbendci, ellici, gümrükçi, müsellem, akıncı. Consequently, it proposes a comparative analysis between the Ottoman power structures and the previous, imperial, Byzantine ones. A chronological and cartographic inventory of the human settlements in Ottoman Dobrudja argues for a reconsideration of their synchronic and diachronic evolution.