Papers by Roberto Mavilia

The increasing interest of EU towards specific structures devoted to stimulate innovation as inno... more The increasing interest of EU towards specific structures devoted to stimulate innovation as innovation poles (IP) and science parks (SP) obliges to investigate their role in the overall economic context. The paper examines how performances and characteristics of innovation poles and science park affect various aspects of Italian regional economies at NUTS 2 level. Our main aim is to assess the importance of IP and SP in stimulating growth through innovation, as well as entrepreneurship in the area they are established. First, we test the strength of the relationship between poles activities and the performance of firms located in the same geographical region. Second, we investigate whether the presence and number of poles have an impact on both incentives to entrepreneurship and economic growth within their respective region. Finally, we shift our focus to each specific structure in order to test how their characteristics affect market performance of associated firms. Each of the t...

3rd International Scientific Conference ITEMA Recent Advances in Information Technology Tourism Economics Management and Agriculture, 2019
New technologies are playing a fundamental role in the postmodern era of globalization where inte... more New technologies are playing a fundamental role in the postmodern era of globalization where interpersonal interactions at the international level and the exchange of goods, services, information and capital are the basis of all activities. The agriculture sector is constantly facing numerous challenges including the steady growth of the population, climate change, the increasing number of catastrophes, the loss of biodiversity and the spread of parasites. New technology applications such as Blockchain, Internet of things (IoT), drones, Big Data and artificial intelligence can provide the various players in the agriculture value chain with new tools and key technologies to improve production and distribution processes. To demonstrate the importance of applying the Blockchain in the agriculture sector, the case of the AgriDigital platform will be examined. AgriDigital is a cloud-based raw materials management platform that has started the implementation of the Blockchain in agricultural supply chains.
International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management, 2018
Patents have been one of the main topics investigated in several fields of scientific literature.... more Patents have been one of the main topics investigated in several fields of scientific literature. Currently, data about patents is rapidly increasing, and the adoption of data mining and big-data-centred approaches to investigating them appears compulsory. Among these last approaches, social network analysis (SNA) is extremely promising. In this paper, we propose an SNA-based approach to extracting knowledge patterns about patent inventors and their collaborations. Our approach is extremely general and can be exploited to investigate patents of any country. It allows the analysis of some
Chinese Business Review, 2021
This paper presents a brief literature review of previous studies methodologies, models, and cont... more This paper presents a brief literature review of previous studies methodologies, models, and contexts in studying firms' upgrading in Global Value Chains (GVCs). The key context of this paper is set within Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Through the literature review, this paper offers to identify the opportunities of theoretical novelty and ways to elaborate on understanding firm dynamics in Global Value Chains in the context of 4IR. The approach based on Business Model (BM) innovations and new forms of organizing for business (such as platforms) is used to synthesize from previous research findings and build on to newer explanations of firms' entry, learning, and upgrading within GVCs.

Scientometrics, 2017
This paper proposes a new, alternative analysis of patent data in order to extract knowledge patt... more This paper proposes a new, alternative analysis of patent data in order to extract knowledge patterns from inventors' collaboration networks. Indeed, moving from a basic network analysis, we provide new developments to map and study co-inventorship. The goal of this research is to provide an overall understanding of the dynamics concerning knowledge flows in inventive activities. We show how the network of inventors is, on average, increasing in size: more and more inventors are contributing to technology innovations and they are more connected to each other. We also show to what extent inventors from different countries tend to cooperate with their local peers or internationally. Furthermore, an analysis of the clustering of inventors is carried out to show differences across countries in the structure of inventors' communities, with a particular focus on the dynamics of collaboration for power inventors (i.e. star inventors). Keywords Patents Á Knowledge pattern extraction Á Social network analysis Á Power inventors JEL Classification O31 Á O57 Á D21 Á F63 Á L14 Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (

Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2019
This paper empirically investigates how the inter-sectoral knowledge flows affect the internation... more This paper empirically investigates how the inter-sectoral knowledge flows affect the international competitiveness of industries, once controlling for both cost and other technological factors. Using patent data on 14 manufacturing industries in 16 OECD countries over the period 1995-2009, we apply a network-based approach to capture the effect of industries' position in the flows of technological knowledge across industries, which we label inter-sectoral knowledge space. We find that (i) centrality and local clustering in the inter-sectoral knowledge space positively affect the export market shares of an industry, (ii) such two effects are rather redundant and, (iii) national-level knowledge flows' impacts on international competitiveness are way stronger than international ones. Network measures of position in the knowledge space are found to be more relevant than standard technological indicators such as patent counts. Our results point to the importance of industries being well located in the stream of knowledge flows, rather than being innovative per-se, and offers an novel yet robust proxy to measure technological factors affecting trade performances. In addition, we find evidence of geographical boundaries of knowledge flows.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 2018
This paper contributes to the recent discussion concerning the interactions between China and Ger... more This paper contributes to the recent discussion concerning the interactions between China and Germany in the context of Industry 4.0, highlighting the most relevant innovation and trade trends and the policy implications of this collaboration. The qualitative analysis examines the features of the innovation systems in Germany and China and the strategies implemented to boost the innovation process. The quantitative analysis exploits trade, patent and publications data to identify trends related to China-Germany cooperation. The paper provides insights into the policy implications for both countries of Sino-German cooperation in relation to Industry 4.0.
Innovation and Development, 2016
ABSTRACT This paper investigates the persistence of innovative activities at firm level in Africa... more ABSTRACT This paper investigates the persistence of innovative activities at firm level in Africa. Assessing whether innovation is persistent or not is crucial in order to discriminate between different possible drivers of innovative processes and for guiding public policies aimed at promoting innovation. Using patent data, our aim is to capture some relevant features of innovative activities in the African region. Moreover, we look at the effect of international knowledge flows on the persistence of innovative activities. Employing a non-parametric approach based on transition probability matrices, we find some degree of persistence and a positive impact of knowledge flows from developed countries (OECD).
My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor, José Molero. Without his support and active participa... more My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor, José Molero. Without his support and active participation in the first step of the process, this thesis may never have been completed. Not only did he give generously of his time and expertise while I was studying in Spain, but he also remained involved when I returned to Italy. Thank you very much for your encouragement and understanding over these past years.

African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 2015
The contribution of this paper has both theoretical and policy relevance. It is one of the first ... more The contribution of this paper has both theoretical and policy relevance. It is one of the first exploratory studies of the Mediterranean system of innovation built on the concept of innovation systems. The paper provides a brief literature review and discussion of some data on innovation and research studies in the Mediterranean area. Our analysis suggests that a Mediterranean research and innovation community, capable of competing and integrating itself at a global level, still needs to be developed. Building successful knowledge networks across the region and a cooperative innovation system that could improve the competitiveness of the overall area have become important targets, since Mediterranean countries have to compete internationally. In this context, after exploring the situation of the area and the main theoretical approaches to the topic, this paper shows that the contribution of the European policies for the development of innovation networks in the Mediterranean moves toward a Mediterranean system of innovation.

ABSTRACT The book Design a Pattern of Sustainable Growth. Innovation, Education, Energy and Envir... more ABSTRACT The book Design a Pattern of Sustainable Growth. Innovation, Education, Energy and Environment edited by Daniele Schilirò is conceived with the aim of encouraging the exchange of new ideas concerning economic growth and to offer theoretical and empirical analysis, but also policy proposals for a new pattern of sustainable growth based on four key drivers such as innovation, education, energy and environment to overcome the critical factors that are hampering a sustainable development at the country level and at global level. The richness of content, the variety of opinions and the quality of the contributions included in the volume have made this goal possible. The book consists of 11 chapters divided in 3 parts: Part I: About Sustainability; Part II: Innovation and Growth; Part III: Education, Energy and Environment and Cooperation for the Growth. The authors that have contributed to the volume are: Lou Marinoff (Chp.1); Fernando Almeida, José Santos, José Monteiro (Chp.2); Massimiliano Ferrara, Francesco Lamperti, Roberto Mavilia (Chp.3); Stilianos Alexiadis (Chp.4); M. Ángeles Díaz-Mayans, Rosario Sánchez-Pérez (Chp.5); Maarten Arentsen (Chp.6); Lucie Krčmarská, Igor Černý, Michal Vaněk, Jana Magnusková, Kateřina Špakovská (Chp.7); Vasco Manuel Figueiredo Pereira, João José Matos Ferreira(Chp.8); Taha Chaiechi, Kevin Odulukwe Onwuka (Chp.9); Sidharta Chatterjee (Chp.10); David. Carfì, Daniele Schilirò (Chp.11).
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2013
This paper reviews the relationship between lags and cycles into classical structures of growth m... more This paper reviews the relationship between lags and cycles into classical structures of growth models (see Solow-Swan and Ramsey models). Some remarks and perspectives of research are determined.
The Economic and Political Aftermath of the Arab Spring, 2014

This first approach of a patent citation analysis on a multinational enterprise as STMicroelectro... more This first approach of a patent citation analysis on a multinational enterprise as STMicroelectronics is only an introduction to the final study that will seek to advance this debate through an empirical investigation based on the structure of 20 MNEs of 4 different sectors: Motor vehicles and parts, Semiconductors, Pharmaceuticals and Telecommunications. The research question is: Are knowledge spillovers of some subsidiary more geographically localized than the ones of the other subsidiaries of the same MNC? This study builds upon and is a subset of a larger data set constructed and maintained by CESPRI. We take advantage of a unique source of subsidiary level innovation data derived from European patent records. Data processing consisted mainly in a thorough work of cleaning and standardisation of rough information provided by the EPO. Important findings emerging from this study include a substantial amount of evidence that STM's Catania subsidiary assimilate localized spillovers of technical knowledge during the process of technological innovation. For managers, the most far reaching implication of this paper is the evidence it provides of the importance of location (and all that term implies) to the process by which firms generate new and valuable technical knowledge.
The innovation process is a fundamental source of economic growth and recent research in urban ec... more The innovation process is a fundamental source of economic growth and recent research in urban economics and economic geography suggests that geographical proximity between innovators may be important to technological innovation. Many authors also claim that the rise of a knowledge-based economy and changes in the organization of the innovation process have actually increased the value of such proximity to
Papers by Roberto Mavilia