Papers by Andrea Margutti

This essay proposes to examine the reasons of Latin America’s economic relative backwardness and ... more This essay proposes to examine the reasons of Latin America’s economic relative backwardness and its non-linear social and economic development trhrough history.
When Europeans occupied the territories nowadays known as Latin America, at first they achieved high economic performances thanks to the abundance of natural resources present in the New World, but on the long run they faced a period of slow progress, which ultimately placed them well under today’s developed countries.
That was due to a series of economic factors but, most importantly, to a set of political and institutional changes that affected negatively the growth of Latin American countries.
This essay also aims to explain the differences in development between North and South America, analysing the way in which coloniser nations -mainly the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal- managed their colonies. Furthermore, there is a major focus on the set of institutions settlers left behind them and the ones that were developed when the former colonies became indipendent, to show the strong tie between institutional settings and economic performances.
The topic of our project delves into a financial crisis in Russia, which struck the country in 20... more The topic of our project delves into a financial crisis in Russia, which struck the country in 2014 having the effects up to the present time. The main purpose of this project is to examine the causes of the Russian financial crisis together with the development of the state of affairs in the country. Apart from that, we will observe the consequences which the crisis had on the country, its economy, and the Russian citizens. Thus, our research question is “What were the causes and consequences of the Russian financial crisis of 2014?”.
From the warm and sunny NAples to the cloudy England and the mist and ice of Norway.

"Le più profonde esigenze del romanticismo trovarono una loro piena espressione nella critica let... more "Le più profonde esigenze del romanticismo trovarono una loro piena espressione nella critica letteraria di Francesco de Sanctis. In nessuno dei nostri scrittori il romanticismo operò così vigorosamente come in lui. Il suo nuovo modo di guardare e giudicare l'arte, e di intendere la storia della letteratura, trasferì nel campo della critica letteraria le ispirazioni individualistiche e l'ansia religiosa che animavano il romanticismo, e nello stesso tempo condusse ad una loro conclusione organica i dispersi princìpi delle tante poetiche romantiche. Ma mentre attuava un così radicale rinnovamento dello spirito stesso della nostra cultura, il de Sanctis salvò le migliori conquiste del pensiero critico del classicismo, ne raccolse e trasfigurò l'eredità più valida. Perciò la sua opera è una delle pietre miliari non soltanto nello svolgimento della critica letteraria, ma nella stessa storia del pensiero."
Drafts by Andrea Margutti
This paper will discuss the impact of the Lucas Critique on macroeconomic thought. It will analys... more This paper will discuss the impact of the Lucas Critique on macroeconomic thought. It will analyse how economic thought transitioned from a more aggregate Keynesian ideology to macroeconomic thinking with micro-foundations. We will discuss key everyday examples of the Lucas Critique and the classic application to the Phillips curve. We will also demonstrate Lucas' rational expectations model and his legacy.
Papers by Andrea Margutti
When Europeans occupied the territories nowadays known as Latin America, at first they achieved high economic performances thanks to the abundance of natural resources present in the New World, but on the long run they faced a period of slow progress, which ultimately placed them well under today’s developed countries.
That was due to a series of economic factors but, most importantly, to a set of political and institutional changes that affected negatively the growth of Latin American countries.
This essay also aims to explain the differences in development between North and South America, analysing the way in which coloniser nations -mainly the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal- managed their colonies. Furthermore, there is a major focus on the set of institutions settlers left behind them and the ones that were developed when the former colonies became indipendent, to show the strong tie between institutional settings and economic performances.
Drafts by Andrea Margutti
When Europeans occupied the territories nowadays known as Latin America, at first they achieved high economic performances thanks to the abundance of natural resources present in the New World, but on the long run they faced a period of slow progress, which ultimately placed them well under today’s developed countries.
That was due to a series of economic factors but, most importantly, to a set of political and institutional changes that affected negatively the growth of Latin American countries.
This essay also aims to explain the differences in development between North and South America, analysing the way in which coloniser nations -mainly the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Portugal- managed their colonies. Furthermore, there is a major focus on the set of institutions settlers left behind them and the ones that were developed when the former colonies became indipendent, to show the strong tie between institutional settings and economic performances.