Papers by Riccardo Prandini

JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Background Childhood obesity prevention is a public health priority in industrialized countries. ... more Background Childhood obesity prevention is a public health priority in industrialized countries. The Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority has implemented a program involving primary and secondary prevention as well as the care of obese children. There are many health-promoting mobile apps, but few are targeted to children and very few are sponsored by public health agencies. Objective The goal of the research was to describe the process and tools adopted to cocreate a mobile app sponsored by the Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority to be installed in parents’ phones aimed at promoting child health and preventing obesity. Methods After stakeholder mapping, a consulting committee including relevant actors, stakeholders, and users was formed. Key persons for childhood obesity prevention were interviewed, focus groups with parents and pediatricians were conducted, and community reporting storytelling was collected. The results of these activities were presented to the consulting committ...
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2002
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 1999
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2006
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2001
Presentazione: This essay tries to understand modern political and legal culture by interpreting ... more Presentazione: This essay tries to understand modern political and legal culture by interpreting the meaning of the right to privacy in relationship with the liberal idea of the neutral State in American constitutional and federal jurisprudence. The authors understand the political ...
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2004
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2009
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2000
Salute E Societa, 2006
... di Riccardo Prandini ... Inoltre il mero giudizio cognitivo non possiede il metro di giudiz... more ... di Riccardo Prandini ... Inoltre il mero giudizio cognitivo non possiede il metro di giudizio valido per valutare ciò che sta accadendo, poiché gli manca proprio l'immagine completa dello stato ideale dell'umanità che non ha nessun reale riferimento empirico: manca l'esempio. ...
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 2007
Sociologia E Politiche Sociali, 1999

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 03906701 2014 997969, Feb 3, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper I present and summarize the theoretical proposals of four leading scholars... more ABSTRACT In this paper I present and summarize the theoretical proposals of four leading scholars of the so-called ‘relational sociology’. First of all I try to contextualize its emergence and developments in the increasingly globalized scientific system. From this particular (and international) point of view, relational sociology seems to develop through a peculiar scientific path opened and charted by well-identified actors and competitors, their invisible colleges, their global connections, cleavages, and coalitions. Whatever the structuring of this field, it accomplishes the criticism of classical individualistic and collectivistic sociological theories, a task strongly facilitated by the development of new methods and techniques of empirical research, and by the increasingly powerful computing capabilities. After this brief historical reconstruction, and following very strictly the contributions of the four scholars, I try to synthetize their theoretical designs, focusing the analysis on two scientific issues of great significance for the future of relational sociology: the specific ontology of ‘social relations’ and the methodologies used to observe it adequately. Finally, I wonder if we are facing a new sociological paradigm, already well structured and internationally established, or rather a ‘relational turn’ that probably will develop into a new ‘sociological field’ internally very differentiated and articulated.

International Review of Sociology
Across Europe, and particularly since the 2008 Financial Crisis, new demands for tailor-made serv... more Across Europe, and particularly since the 2008 Financial Crisis, new demands for tailor-made services came from different actors and perspectives: user-led organizations, intellectuals, policy makers, social workers, advocacy organizations, which call for a new way of programming, realizing and evaluating social policies. Personalization became a relevant part of the so called ‘welfare innovation narrative’, which concerns – to name but a few – English personalization agenda, Scottish self-directed support, Finnish education system, Norwegian cash-for-care policies. Even the European Commission is addressing new social services, reshaped through users’ capabilities. The aim of this paper is to critically explain, through a case study focused on the Sardinian disability policy, how social policy’s morphogenetic cycles influence the governance of personalized disability plans and, consequently, the possibility of their implementation.

Love is still a powerful "cultural imperative", in cases where society still wants to furnish sym... more Love is still a powerful "cultural imperative", in cases where society still wants to furnish symbols for "personalising" communication. There is a huge need for a cultivated semantics and for the capacity to learn. But, as once Luhmann said the points of orientation for the codification of love as a symbolic medium have shifted so radically that one can hardly tell whether and which topics of the semantics of love can be adopted and further employed. Is it really possible that semantic of love cannot condense shared and communicable meanings anymore? The glaring contradiction between a love that has been deflated and a love which is growingly requested as a symbol, calls for more radical thinking. Maybe the concept of "culture" where we are looking for answers is unsuitable: too coherent, recorded in a modern, excessively structured, stable encyclopaedia. Maybe we would be better advised to search, in a constantly open flux of communications, for the proliferation of micro-semantics and subcultures of love that are being updated all the time

L'insostenibile pesantezza dei paradigmi di welfare. Verso una euristica sperimentale e potenzial... more L'insostenibile pesantezza dei paradigmi di welfare. Verso una euristica sperimentale e potenzializzante. 1. Introduzione: dai paradigmi alle euristiche di policy Nel linguaggio filosofico, παράδειγμα (modello) è il termine utilizzato, da Platone, per designare le realtà ideali concepite come modelli delle contingenti realtà sensibili, e da Aristotele per indicare l'argomento, basato su un caso noto, a cui si ricorre per illustrare uno meno noto o del tutto ignoto. Un paradigma svolge quindi due funzioni: ridurre la complessità del reale, trasformandola in un "fatto" più semplice da "pensare e comunicare"; comparare realtà per osservarne somiglianze e differenze, quasi sempre con un orientamento prescrittivo basato sulla distinzione migliore/peggiore. Il termine è stato introdotto nella sociologia e nella filosofia della scienza per indicare quel complesso di regole metodologiche, modelli esplicativi, criteri di soluzione di problemi che caratterizza una comunità di scienziati in una fase determinata dell'evoluzione storica della loro disciplina. In questo saggio mi chiedo se comunicare attraverso "modelli"-in specifico relativi alle configurazioni di welfare-sia ancora utile; perché, e soprattutto per chi. La risposta, come si evince dal titolo, è scettica ma, in modo paradossale, avanza anch'essa una duplice proposta di patterning: 1) dal modelling al tailoring, cioè da una pratica di astrazione semplificante e decontestualizzata a una di specificazione adeguata al contesto; dal paradigma all'euristica, cioè da un modello prescrittivo di soluzione di problemi a uno ipotetico di scoperta di potenzialità. La differenza è che il tailoring delle policies e le sue euristiche, non pretendono affatto originare la solita palingenesi del retorico "cambio di paradigma" (che stranamente dovrebbe avvenire secondo le tempistiche di chi lo propone), bensì di prendere atto che gli "ingredienti" dei diversi paradigmi di welfare, si somigliano sempre di più (cercando di spiegare perché ciò accade) e che l'unica vera arte sta nel saperli "cucinare" con ricette adatti ai diversi contesti (che permangono nella loro diversità). Svolgerò questa tesi, osservando come l'approccio dell'Innovazione sociale (AIS), distingue se stesso (nella comunità scientifica e in quelle dei policy maker) differenziandosi dai due paradigmi moderni, quello keynesiano e quello del neo-liberismo (Hemerijck 2017a). Proprio le condizioni di diffusione dell'AIS-che si noti non si auto-presenta più come paradigma, ma come un "approccio", ci mostrano, paradossalmente, i motivi della ineffettualità dei paradigmi di politica sociale. E ci introducono in quello che mi pare essere l'unico modo reale di
Love is still a powerful "cultural imperative", in cases where society still wants to furnish sym... more Love is still a powerful "cultural imperative", in cases where society still wants to furnish symbols for "personalising" communication.
Papers by Riccardo Prandini