Matteo Pasetti
Matteo Pasetti is Associate Professor at the DAR - Department of the Arts, University of Bologna.
He is the author, among other publications, of Tra classe e nazione. Rappresentazioni e organizzazione del movimento nazional-sindacalista, 1918-1922 (Carocci, Roma 2008), Storia dei fascismi in Europa (Archetipolibri, Bologna 2009), and L'Europa corporativa. Una storia transnazionale tra le due guerre mondiali (Bononia University Press, Bologna 2016). He is the editor of Progetti corporativi tra le due guerre mondiali (Carocci, Roma 2006), Tra due crisi. Urbanizzazione, mutamenti sociali e cultura di massa tra gli anni Trenta e gli anni Settanta (Archetipolibri, Bologna 2013), and 1943. Guerra e società (Viella, Roma 2015).
He's member of editorial boards of "Storicamente", "E-Review", "Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea", and "Locus".
He is the author, among other publications, of Tra classe e nazione. Rappresentazioni e organizzazione del movimento nazional-sindacalista, 1918-1922 (Carocci, Roma 2008), Storia dei fascismi in Europa (Archetipolibri, Bologna 2009), and L'Europa corporativa. Una storia transnazionale tra le due guerre mondiali (Bononia University Press, Bologna 2016). He is the editor of Progetti corporativi tra le due guerre mondiali (Carocci, Roma 2006), Tra due crisi. Urbanizzazione, mutamenti sociali e cultura di massa tra gli anni Trenta e gli anni Settanta (Archetipolibri, Bologna 2013), and 1943. Guerra e società (Viella, Roma 2015).
He's member of editorial boards of "Storicamente", "E-Review", "Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea", and "Locus".
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Books by Matteo Pasetti
In the European political culture of the 20th century, the interwar period saw also the revival of corporatism as a possible solution to certain crucial problems of the modern mass society: the diffusion of trade unions and class conflicts; the economic development and the technocratic management of the production system; the crisis of the liberal democracy and the threat of the communist revolution. Since Mussolini’s rise to power, intellectual circles and political forces from different nationalities and ideological inspiration began to look carefully at the corporatist fascist laboratory, which ushered in a new system of representation of the interests and discipline of labor relations. During the second half of the Twenties, Fascist Italy became the birthplace of a new model of corporatism, that influenced both the political, juridical and economic debate, and similar legislative experiments implemented by other regimes. On the basis of an extensive European literature, the book focuses on the transnational circulation of this model, examining its development and describing the outcomes, in order to place the Fascist experience in the historical context which was characterized by a general trend towards increasing institutionalization of the relationship between economy, society and state.
La storia raccontata in questo libro è allora innanzitutto la storia di un’esperienza europea, una delle più tragiche del XX secolo. Si compone così un quadro delle complesse dinamiche sociali, culturali, economiche e politiche che determinarono successi e sconfitte della sfida lanciata dal fascismo, nelle sue molteplici manifestazioni nazionali, all’incipiente processo di democratizzazione dei paesi europei.
Il volume, basato sui più aggiornati orientamenti della storiografia internazionale, integra il profilo storico con un’accurata selezione di documenti ed un ampio percorso tra le interpretazioni più significative del fascismo in Italia e in Europa.
Books (Edited) by Matteo Pasetti
In questo volume numerosi studiosi analizzano eventi e figure di quella pagina di storia per comprendere non solo la nascita e lo sviluppo della guerra partigiana, ma più in generale la stessa storia del fascismo e della fase di impianto della democrazia repubblicana e del sistema dei partiti nell'Italia postbellica.
Il risultato è una nuova elaborazione dei risultati delle ricerche sinora condotte, per suggerire indirizzi di indagine inediti e offrire qualche chiave in più per comprendere il nostro presente.
(Selected) Articles and Chapters by Matteo Pasetti
This article extends the chronological focus on the 1940s and in particular on the immediate post-war period, bringing elements of reflection on the heritage of the European corporatist laboratory of the 1930s. The aim is to highlight, on the one hand, the withdrawal of all the projects to transform the social and political order into a corporatist system, and on the other, some legacies of the experiences implemented in the previous decades.
Abstract: In the Thirties, the theme of the Empire gained centrality in the Fascist project. Into the debate on the colonial rule, certain intellectuals introduced the myth of corporatism, outlining a new institutional system: the “corporatist colonialism”. According to this perspective, the colonial space represented the most suitable context in order to create a socio-economic cooperation among all the producers. Moreover, a corporatist policy had to legitimize the Fascist Empire as a new colonial model, different from the other European empires. The article deals with this project, which has been underestimated by scholars.
In the European political culture of the 20th century, the interwar period saw also the revival of corporatism as a possible solution to certain crucial problems of the modern mass society: the diffusion of trade unions and class conflicts; the economic development and the technocratic management of the production system; the crisis of the liberal democracy and the threat of the communist revolution. Since Mussolini’s rise to power, intellectual circles and political forces from different nationalities and ideological inspiration began to look carefully at the corporatist fascist laboratory, which ushered in a new system of representation of the interests and discipline of labor relations. During the second half of the Twenties, Fascist Italy became the birthplace of a new model of corporatism, that influenced both the political, juridical and economic debate, and similar legislative experiments implemented by other regimes. On the basis of an extensive European literature, the book focuses on the transnational circulation of this model, examining its development and describing the outcomes, in order to place the Fascist experience in the historical context which was characterized by a general trend towards increasing institutionalization of the relationship between economy, society and state.
La storia raccontata in questo libro è allora innanzitutto la storia di un’esperienza europea, una delle più tragiche del XX secolo. Si compone così un quadro delle complesse dinamiche sociali, culturali, economiche e politiche che determinarono successi e sconfitte della sfida lanciata dal fascismo, nelle sue molteplici manifestazioni nazionali, all’incipiente processo di democratizzazione dei paesi europei.
Il volume, basato sui più aggiornati orientamenti della storiografia internazionale, integra il profilo storico con un’accurata selezione di documenti ed un ampio percorso tra le interpretazioni più significative del fascismo in Italia e in Europa.
In questo volume numerosi studiosi analizzano eventi e figure di quella pagina di storia per comprendere non solo la nascita e lo sviluppo della guerra partigiana, ma più in generale la stessa storia del fascismo e della fase di impianto della democrazia repubblicana e del sistema dei partiti nell'Italia postbellica.
Il risultato è una nuova elaborazione dei risultati delle ricerche sinora condotte, per suggerire indirizzi di indagine inediti e offrire qualche chiave in più per comprendere il nostro presente.
This article extends the chronological focus on the 1940s and in particular on the immediate post-war period, bringing elements of reflection on the heritage of the European corporatist laboratory of the 1930s. The aim is to highlight, on the one hand, the withdrawal of all the projects to transform the social and political order into a corporatist system, and on the other, some legacies of the experiences implemented in the previous decades.
Abstract: In the Thirties, the theme of the Empire gained centrality in the Fascist project. Into the debate on the colonial rule, certain intellectuals introduced the myth of corporatism, outlining a new institutional system: the “corporatist colonialism”. According to this perspective, the colonial space represented the most suitable context in order to create a socio-economic cooperation among all the producers. Moreover, a corporatist policy had to legitimize the Fascist Empire as a new colonial model, different from the other European empires. The article deals with this project, which has been underestimated by scholars.