Papers by Martina Giannini

M. GIANNINI, Un approccio multidisciplinare per documentare e rappresentare il territorio della Versilia tra tarda antichità e alto medioevo, «Agri Centuriati», 17, 2020, pp. 59-68., 2020
This article wants to contribute to the researches concerning the settlement dynamics and topogra... more This article wants to contribute to the researches concerning the settlement dynamics and topographic characteristics of Versilia, a sub-region of north western Tuscany, in the period between the end of the classical world and the Middle Ages. The research has been conducted through the survey, geolocation, documentation, analysis and representation of the archaeological heritage located in the area, as well as through the interaction of the study of historical sources with the use of digital tools. The mapping and analysis of the sites, still frequented between the 3rd and the 7th century, made it possible to formulate a series of hypotheses about the settlement dynamics and the organization of the territory of Versilia during the period considered.

The research project VisualVersilia 3D aims at offering a new way to promote the territory and it... more The research project VisualVersilia 3D aims at offering a new way to promote the territory and its heritage by matching the traditional reading of the document and the potential use of modern communication technologies for the cultural tourism. Recently, the research on the use of new technologies applied to cultural heritage have turned their attention mainly to technologies to reconstruct and narrate the complexity of the territory and its heritage, including 3D scanning, 3D printing and augmented reality. Some museums and archaeological sites already exploit the potential of digital tools to preserve and spread their heritage but interactive services involving tourists in an immersive and more modern experience are still rare. The innovation of the project consists in the development of a methodology for documenting current and past historical ages and integrating their 3D visualizations with rendering capable of returning an immersive virtual reality for a successful enhancement of the heritage. The project implements the methodology in the archaeological complex of Massaciuccoli, one of the best preserved roman site of the Versilia Area (Tuscany, Italy). The activities of the project briefly consist in developing: 1. the virtual tour of the site in its current configuration on the basis of spherical images then enhanced by texts, graphics and audio guides in order to enable both an immersive and remote tourist experience; 2. 3D reconstruction of the evidences and buildings in their current condition for documentation and conservation purposes on the basis of a complete metric survey carried out through laser scanning; 3. 3D virtual reconstructions through the main historical periods on the basis of historical investigation and the analysis of data acquired.
stici e Orientali. In considerazione delle sue dimensioni e della sua complessità culturale il Di... more stici e Orientali. In considerazione delle sue dimensioni e della sua complessità culturale il Dipartimento si è articolato in Sezioni allo scopo di comunicare con maggiore completezza ed efficacia le molte attività di ricerca e di didattica che si svolgono al suo interno. Le Sezioni sono: 1) Archeologia; 2) Geografia; 3) Medievistica; 4) Scienze del Moderno. Storia, Istituzioni, Pensiero politico; 5) Storia antica; 6) Studi antropologici, orientali, storico-religiosi.

Martina Giannini, 2015
This study aims to reconstruct the dynamics of population that characterized and conditioned the ... more This study aims to reconstruct the dynamics of population that characterized and conditioned the Versilia’s land, after the arrival of Romans, through a comprehensive analysis of archaeological remains, about to the period from the II century B.C. to the IV century A.D. When the Romans defeated the Liguri Apuani (180 B.C.), they had full control of the territory, which organized in agricultural function through centuriation and land reclamation, and the construction of roads and waterways, useful for trade. Mansiones, small and medium-sized farms arose within the mesh of centuriation, usually along the boundaries of the lots assigned to settlers or near crossroads. Maybe there were also villas with luxurious equipment ornamental and thermae. The coastline, with its rural settlements and its necropolis, continued to be inhabited until late antiquity, even if since the end of II century A.D. began a period of crisis with the collapse of structures, temporary reuses and alluvial phenomena.
Martina Giannini, 2014
This study aims to reconstruct the events that have characterized the church of Sagra, its bell t... more This study aims to reconstruct the events that have characterized the church of Sagra, its bell tower and the area where They are since Roman times, through a documentary, archaeological and topographical research and a new reading of the structures still visible and 'invisible', which, however, is still a trace. The article offers two hypotheses about the origins of the monuments examined: on the place where in Roman times there was a small sacellum, during the early Middle Ages may have arisen a Christian building, dedicated to Santa Maria; the church of Sagra could be on the same place where there was a previous Roman villa, maybe equipped with a thermal system.

Martina Giannini, 2013
The aim of this research is to create a wide survey of the archaeological remains present in Vers... more The aim of this research is to create a wide survey of the archaeological remains present in Versilia and an employment analysis and transformation of the territory in the period from the prehistoric age to the arrival of the Romans. Versilia is a geographic region of north western Tuscany, bounded on the north by the mouth of Cinquale, east by the ridge of the Apuan Alps, south by Massaciuccoli Lake and on the west by the Mediterranean Sea.
Recent excavation works increased the available documentation and knowledge of the area examined, and they allowed to make several assumptions about the vocation and population dynamics in the area since ancient times. During the Middle Palaeolithic we might suppose that there were several settlements in caves and open-air stations, in the coastal area and in the caves even at high altitudes; the upper Paleolithic period, instead, seems to be characterized by a decrease of the settlements, located mainly in the valleys and at the base of the mountains, proving that the groups who frequented the caves of the interior, probably for hunting, had to have their homes in the coastal plain. The findings related to the Copper age refer to the mountain area. The many mineral resources concentrated in high Versilia could justify the frequentation of the Versilia side of the Apuan Alps already during Eneolithic. During the late Bronze age and Iron initial, therefore, probably occurred a search of more comfortable seats and near the plain, but still in the vicinity of the mineral deposits. With the beginning of the Iron age the communities seem to choose seats in the plains due to the positive effects of the proximity to the most direct ways of communication, by land and sea, and places of trade. The port activities of the end of the VIII century B.C., located in the lagoon area of Lake Massaciuccoli, show how the Etruscans in Versilia between the VII and V century B.C. preferred to establish their settlements along the coastal plain and at the mouth of the major rivers. The contrast between hilly and mountainous hinterland, with few settlements, and coastal plain, more populated, remained unchanged until the end of the IV century B.C., a time of important changes. Archaeological finds allow to place before the end of the IV century. B.C. the formation of a coherent system of Ligurian settlements on the mountain sector. A lot of findings show that the III century B.C. was, for the Ligurian communities of Garfagnana and Versilia, a relatively stable period, which favored the establishment of trade relations with Pisa, mediated by Etruscan villages of the Versilia coast. During the wars between the Romans and Ligurians (III-II century B.C.), there was a ropture between the Ligurians and Etruscans, with further consequences about the population of Versilia.

M. Giannini, 2017
The new era of designing in architecture and civil engineering applications lies in the Building ... more The new era of designing in architecture and civil engineering applications lies in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, based on a 3D geometric model including a 3D database. This is easier for new constructions whereas, when dealing with existing buildings, the creation of the BIM is based on the accurate knowledge of the as-built construction. Such a condition is allowed by a 3D survey, often carried out with laser scanning technology or modern photogrammetry, which are able to guarantee an adequate points cloud in terms of resolution and completeness by balancing both time consuming and costs with respect to the request of final accuracy. The BIM approach for existing buildings and even more for historical buildings is not yet a well known and deeply discussed process. There are still several choices to be addressed in the process from the survey to the model and critical issues to be discussed in the modeling step, particularly when dealing with unconventional elements such as deformed geometries or historical elements.
The paper describes a comprehensive workflow that goes through the survey and the modeling, allowing to focus on critical issues and key points to obtain a reliable BIM of an existing monument. The case study employed to illustrate the workflow is the Basilica of St. Stefano in Bologna (Italy), a large monumental complex with great religious, historical and architectural assets.

Martina Giannini, 2018
The research project “VisualVersilia 3D” aims at offering a new way to record and visualize the t... more The research project “VisualVersilia 3D” aims at offering a new way to record and visualize the territory and its heritage by matching the traditional reading of the document and the potential use of modern communication technologies. The purpose of the project is the definition of a methodology that can be applied to cultural realities, as well as to other types of content and context, to enhance the characteristic features of the territory and its heritage. The innovation of the project consists in the development of a procedure for documenting current and past historical ages and integrating their 3D visualizations with rendering, capable of returning an immersive virtual reality for a successful enhancement of the heritage. The research implements the methodology in the archaeological complex of Massaciuccoli (Massarosa, LU), one of the best preserved roman site of the Versilia area (Tuscany, Italy). The activities briefly consist in: 1. analysis of all kind of available sources; 2. metric three-dimensional survey by laser scanning technology addressed to the evidences and buildings of the complex; 3. laser scanning data processing; 4. realization of virtual 3D rendering related to Roman and current condition for documentation and conservation purposes; 5. creation of virtual tour of the site in its current configuration, on the basis of spherical images then enhanced by texts, and 3D models of the Roman age.

This article describes the methodologies and technologies developed during the realization of the... more This article describes the methodologies and technologies developed during the realization of the WebGIS (Geographic Information System), namely a multimedia guide able to map, survey, visualize the rich cultural, archaeological and landscape heritage of Versilia (northwestern Tuscany). It enables users to delve into different temporal settings and to contextualize the local cultural sites within the geographic space of their specific historical periods. The immersive experience is also achieved thanks to the realization of virtual tours and navigable 3D models of archaeological complexes concerning the past and current appearance. This WebGIS is a digital platform, soon available online, for viewing and managing data relative to the cultural sites of Versilia, through their localization on an interactive map with several thematic layers, divided into chronological sub-layers. The aim of the research project is to provide useful information for knowledge, protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the area.
eventuali esondazioni di entrambi i Wumi.
Books by Martina Giannini

Martina Giannini, 2012
I quesiti che stanno alla base di questo libro riguardano il periodo e il luogo in cui fu edifica... more I quesiti che stanno alla base di questo libro riguardano il periodo e il luogo in cui fu edificata la prima basilica episcopale paleocristiana di Pistoia. Tali quesiti fino ad ora irrisolti, sono stati affrontati dall’autore attraverso l’analisi e la comparazione delle fonti archeologiche, scritte e documentarie raccolte riguardo al tema in questione. Sono stati analizzati in particolare i risultati degli scavi avvenuti nel corso degli anni soprattutto in piazza del Duomo e negli edifici che la contestualizzano. L’autore ha inoltre allargato il suo campo d’indagine al contesto topografico in cui dovrebbe essere sorta la basilica episcopale paleocristiana. Grazie a queste ricerche ha così potuto formulare una serie di ipotesi ricostruttive circa la forma urbis di Pistoia dall’età tardo antica a quella altomedievale. Questo lavoro infine rappresenta un ulteriore contributo nel panorama degli studi che mirano ad una più completa e precisa ricostruzione della prima cristianizzazione della Toscana e dell’Italia centro settentrionale in genere.
Conference Presentations by Martina Giannini
Lo sviluppo dell’Information and Communication Technology e dei
sistemi computerizzati in genere ... more Lo sviluppo dell’Information and Communication Technology e dei
sistemi computerizzati in genere ha profondamente mutato il modo di
fare ricerca e studiare il patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico. Le ICT
consentono dunque di avere a disposizione dati sempre più precisi per
ricostruire la storia della presenza umana sul territorio e offrono inedite
possibilità di interagire ed entrare nelle civiltà del passato. Il Convegno
vuole essere occasione di dialogo tra discipline, mediante la
presentazione di casi di studio specifici aderenti al tema della
divulgazione e condivisione di risultati e dati, frutto di studi e
progetti di ricerche nell’ambito dei beni culturali e paesaggistici.
In un’epoca in cui aumentano le specializzazioni, infatti, è
auspicabile che le prospettive e le metodologie nell’ambito della
ricerca scientifica si incontrino.
Papers by Martina Giannini
Recent excavation works increased the available documentation and knowledge of the area examined, and they allowed to make several assumptions about the vocation and population dynamics in the area since ancient times. During the Middle Palaeolithic we might suppose that there were several settlements in caves and open-air stations, in the coastal area and in the caves even at high altitudes; the upper Paleolithic period, instead, seems to be characterized by a decrease of the settlements, located mainly in the valleys and at the base of the mountains, proving that the groups who frequented the caves of the interior, probably for hunting, had to have their homes in the coastal plain. The findings related to the Copper age refer to the mountain area. The many mineral resources concentrated in high Versilia could justify the frequentation of the Versilia side of the Apuan Alps already during Eneolithic. During the late Bronze age and Iron initial, therefore, probably occurred a search of more comfortable seats and near the plain, but still in the vicinity of the mineral deposits. With the beginning of the Iron age the communities seem to choose seats in the plains due to the positive effects of the proximity to the most direct ways of communication, by land and sea, and places of trade. The port activities of the end of the VIII century B.C., located in the lagoon area of Lake Massaciuccoli, show how the Etruscans in Versilia between the VII and V century B.C. preferred to establish their settlements along the coastal plain and at the mouth of the major rivers. The contrast between hilly and mountainous hinterland, with few settlements, and coastal plain, more populated, remained unchanged until the end of the IV century B.C., a time of important changes. Archaeological finds allow to place before the end of the IV century. B.C. the formation of a coherent system of Ligurian settlements on the mountain sector. A lot of findings show that the III century B.C. was, for the Ligurian communities of Garfagnana and Versilia, a relatively stable period, which favored the establishment of trade relations with Pisa, mediated by Etruscan villages of the Versilia coast. During the wars between the Romans and Ligurians (III-II century B.C.), there was a ropture between the Ligurians and Etruscans, with further consequences about the population of Versilia.
The paper describes a comprehensive workflow that goes through the survey and the modeling, allowing to focus on critical issues and key points to obtain a reliable BIM of an existing monument. The case study employed to illustrate the workflow is the Basilica of St. Stefano in Bologna (Italy), a large monumental complex with great religious, historical and architectural assets.
Books by Martina Giannini
Conference Presentations by Martina Giannini
sistemi computerizzati in genere ha profondamente mutato il modo di
fare ricerca e studiare il patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico. Le ICT
consentono dunque di avere a disposizione dati sempre più precisi per
ricostruire la storia della presenza umana sul territorio e offrono inedite
possibilità di interagire ed entrare nelle civiltà del passato. Il Convegno
vuole essere occasione di dialogo tra discipline, mediante la
presentazione di casi di studio specifici aderenti al tema della
divulgazione e condivisione di risultati e dati, frutto di studi e
progetti di ricerche nell’ambito dei beni culturali e paesaggistici.
In un’epoca in cui aumentano le specializzazioni, infatti, è
auspicabile che le prospettive e le metodologie nell’ambito della
ricerca scientifica si incontrino.
Recent excavation works increased the available documentation and knowledge of the area examined, and they allowed to make several assumptions about the vocation and population dynamics in the area since ancient times. During the Middle Palaeolithic we might suppose that there were several settlements in caves and open-air stations, in the coastal area and in the caves even at high altitudes; the upper Paleolithic period, instead, seems to be characterized by a decrease of the settlements, located mainly in the valleys and at the base of the mountains, proving that the groups who frequented the caves of the interior, probably for hunting, had to have their homes in the coastal plain. The findings related to the Copper age refer to the mountain area. The many mineral resources concentrated in high Versilia could justify the frequentation of the Versilia side of the Apuan Alps already during Eneolithic. During the late Bronze age and Iron initial, therefore, probably occurred a search of more comfortable seats and near the plain, but still in the vicinity of the mineral deposits. With the beginning of the Iron age the communities seem to choose seats in the plains due to the positive effects of the proximity to the most direct ways of communication, by land and sea, and places of trade. The port activities of the end of the VIII century B.C., located in the lagoon area of Lake Massaciuccoli, show how the Etruscans in Versilia between the VII and V century B.C. preferred to establish their settlements along the coastal plain and at the mouth of the major rivers. The contrast between hilly and mountainous hinterland, with few settlements, and coastal plain, more populated, remained unchanged until the end of the IV century B.C., a time of important changes. Archaeological finds allow to place before the end of the IV century. B.C. the formation of a coherent system of Ligurian settlements on the mountain sector. A lot of findings show that the III century B.C. was, for the Ligurian communities of Garfagnana and Versilia, a relatively stable period, which favored the establishment of trade relations with Pisa, mediated by Etruscan villages of the Versilia coast. During the wars between the Romans and Ligurians (III-II century B.C.), there was a ropture between the Ligurians and Etruscans, with further consequences about the population of Versilia.
The paper describes a comprehensive workflow that goes through the survey and the modeling, allowing to focus on critical issues and key points to obtain a reliable BIM of an existing monument. The case study employed to illustrate the workflow is the Basilica of St. Stefano in Bologna (Italy), a large monumental complex with great religious, historical and architectural assets.
sistemi computerizzati in genere ha profondamente mutato il modo di
fare ricerca e studiare il patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico. Le ICT
consentono dunque di avere a disposizione dati sempre più precisi per
ricostruire la storia della presenza umana sul territorio e offrono inedite
possibilità di interagire ed entrare nelle civiltà del passato. Il Convegno
vuole essere occasione di dialogo tra discipline, mediante la
presentazione di casi di studio specifici aderenti al tema della
divulgazione e condivisione di risultati e dati, frutto di studi e
progetti di ricerche nell’ambito dei beni culturali e paesaggistici.
In un’epoca in cui aumentano le specializzazioni, infatti, è
auspicabile che le prospettive e le metodologie nell’ambito della
ricerca scientifica si incontrino.