Papers by Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei
Studi Medievali, 2024
In adeguamento alle norme internazionali la Rivista ha fatto proprio il sistema di accettazione d... more In adeguamento alle norme internazionali la Rivista ha fatto proprio il sistema di accettazione dei saggi attraverso il ricorso sistematico ai referee. I referee rimangono rigorosamente anonimi e sono scelti dalla Fondazione CISAM tra gli studiosi italiani e stranieri maggiormente competenti per i soggetti specifici degli articoli da esaminare. Manoscritti e libri per recensione alla Direzione-Redazione: Studi Medievali, palazzo Racani Arroni, via dell'Arringo-06049 Spoleto (Pg). [email protected] Abbonamenti e vendite alla Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, palazzo Racani Arroni, via dell'Arringo-06049 Spoleto (PG)
Historia et Ius, 2024
Grimoaldo’s few laws are usually considered a mere appendix to the
Edict of Rotari, not worthy of... more Grimoaldo’s few laws are usually considered a mere appendix to the
Edict of Rotari, not worthy of particular interest because they lack the innovative
capacity of Liutprand’s reforms. Historians have merely recognized in them a tendency to mitigate the previous approach, also by virtue of Christian influence. On closer examination, they show several points of interest on important issues such as thirty-year possession, servants’ tort, inheritance, and marriage. Grimoald’s statutes innovate the Edict without betraying tradition.
Forum Historiae Iuris, 2023
In 1914, Elias Avery Lowe published The Beneventan Script: A History of the South Italian Minuscu... more In 1914, Elias Avery Lowe published The Beneventan Script: A History of the South Italian Minuscule, a work that rethought palaeographic categories and shed light on a particular script that flourished in the Medieval Southern Italy. The proposal was destined to cross disciplinary boundaries, redefining an entire culture and its territory of reference. The link between this space and its political structure hinges on Lombard domination, but it shows to be very loose. The merit of the label provided by Lowe is precisely that it transcends too narrow boundaries and rigid chronologies. Alongside the minuscule, a 'beneventan' chant and painting was identified. The aim of this essay is to verify the applicability of the definition also in the legal sphere, broadening the view from legislation to practice from a pluralist perspective.
Historia et Ius, 2023
In the Late Middle Ages, the legal category of coitus illiciti began to take shape, acquiring pro... more In the Late Middle Ages, the legal category of coitus illiciti began to take shape, acquiring progressively greater criminal relevance. Apart from a fewfrag-mentary references in the Corpus iuris civilis, its origin must be identified in the field of Canon Law and Moral Theology. However, this article will attempt to problematise the traditional configuration of the Middle Ages as an age of repres-sion: the rules of a society are not limited to official law, and they can express themselves through highly differentiated practices.
ISLL Papers 2023 (Vol. 16), 2023
Usually, Law and Literature studies focus on the presence of legal elements in literary invention... more Usually, Law and Literature studies focus on the presence of legal elements in literary invention. In this contribution, we intend to reverse this perspective by taking the literary datum present in the legal work as the object of observation. Before legal positivism technicalised the discipline, jurists did not disdain spicing up their writings with elements taken from theatre, poetry and stories. Eliseo Danza, a famous jurist of viceregal Naples, reflected in his writings the antiquarian and anecdotal taste typical of his era. In De pugna doctorum, before distinguishing the actio de pauperie from crimen homicidii, he dwells on certain legends featuring dragons and basilisks.
Historia et Ius, 2022
In its multiple interpretations, utopia represents one of the most characteristic manifestations... more In its multiple interpretations, utopia represents one of the most characteristic manifestations of the Modern political thought. Developing indications from arecent book, this essay recognises within this literary genre the existence of two different strands and questions their persistent relevance.
Historia et Ius, 2021
This paper is focused on the conflict between the poet Dante Alighieri and the pope Bonifacius VI... more This paper is focused on the conflict between the poet Dante Alighieri and the pope Bonifacius VIII. We will investigate the ideals that devided them through the Poem but, above all, analyzing two extraordinary sources like the papal Unam Sanctam and the Dante's Monarchia.
Historia et Ius, 2021
«Realmente no había más que eso; los cristianos de los tiempos apostόlicos no tuvieron pleitos, n... more «Realmente no había más que eso; los cristianos de los tiempos apostόlicos no tuvieron pleitos, no iban a los tribunales (…) Obsérvese, señores, cόmo con la corrupciόn va creciendo el gobierno» J. Donoso Cortés, Discurso sobre la dictadura
La sessualità nel Basso Medioevo, 2021
La fama delle donne Pratiche femminili e società tra Medioevo ed Età moderna, 2021
viella libreria editrice via delle Alpi, 32 I-00198 ROMA tel. 06 84 17 758 fax 06 85 35 39 60 www... more viella libreria editrice via delle Alpi, 32 I-00198 ROMA tel. 06 84 17 758 fax 06 85 35 39 60 LA FAMA delle donne : pratiche femminili e società tra Medioevo ed Età moderna / a cura di Vincenzo Lagioia, Maria Pia Paoli e Rossella Rinaldi. -Roma : Viella, 2020. -348 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -(I libri di Viella ; 378) Indice dei nomi: p. [333]-348 ISBN 978-88-3313-492-5 1. Donna -Condizioni economiche e sociali -Storia -Sec.13-18 2. Donna -Posizione sociale -Storia -Sec.13-18 3. Donna -Concezione -Storia -Sec.13-18 I. Lagioia, Vincenzo II. Paoli, Maria Pia III. Rinaldi, Rossella 305.4209 (DDC 22.ed) Scheda bibliografica:
Historia et Ius, 2020
Connecting earth and heaven, the oath constitutes the keystone that ensures the Medieval legal or... more Connecting earth and heaven, the oath constitutes the keystone that ensures the Medieval legal order. In the Lombard Southern Italy, this arrangement experiences some significant deviations from the Edictum, evident in the judicial practice and in the evolution of the Statute law. Its central role is confirmed by the peace agreements and by the political and constitutional dynamics.
QUADERNI FIORENTINI per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 2019
Converte gladium tuum in locum suum. Omnes enim, qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt » Mt 26,... more Converte gladium tuum in locum suum. Omnes enim, qui acceperint gladium, gladio peribunt » Mt 26, 52 1. Τιµωρ α: la pena come vendetta. -2. Παρ δειγµα: la pena come esempio. -3. Κ λασις: la pena come medicina. -4. Eziologia della pena ed arbitrium. -5. Osservazioni conclusive.
Historia et Ius, 2019
Partecipating in the War of Smalcald, the Duke of Württemberg Ulrich runs into a conflict with Fe... more Partecipating in the War of Smalcald, the Duke of Württemberg Ulrich runs into a conflict with Ferdinand of Hapsburg, who charges him with felony and lese majesty. During the trial, many jurists are involved as counselors: the most famous ones are Alciatus and Socinus. Their legal consults investigate problems of Criminal and Feudal law, in order to assist the customer; but they have to persuade a particular judge, who had been the principal injured party of the War: Charles V. Legal arguments and political dynamics are interwined in this affair, that represents a good point of view to observe the conflict between universalism and State-building at the time of the Reformation.

Il presente lavoro costituisce una revisione dell'omonima tesi di laurea, discussa nel settembre ... more Il presente lavoro costituisce una revisione dell'omonima tesi di laurea, discussa nel settembre 2012 presso l'Università del Sannio. È dedicato a mio nonno Gustavo Adolfo, giurista appassionato di Storia longobarda. Sulla questione della fondazione del Ducato, ROTILI 2003, pp. 827-838; VON FALKENHAUSEN 1983, pp. 251-252. 2 PAOLO DIACONO, IV 18: "Morto Zottone, duca di Benevento, gli successe Arechi, mandato dal re Agilulfo (…) originario del Friuli". 3 Persino Arechi I -nominato da Agilulfo! -appare in alcuni momenti federato dell'Impero: BURGARELLA 2003, p. 191; 2012, p. 15. 4 ASCHERI 2005, p. 76. 5 A mo' di esempio, per le due posizioni storiografiche, cfr. ASCHERI 2005, p. 76. Nessun prologo attesta la presenza dei duchi beneventani, ma l'Editto era comunque applicato nel Mezzogiorno, come dimostrano carte notarili, precetti e placiti. Cfr. NOBILE MATTEI 2016, pp. 495-496. GUSTAVO ADOLFO NOBILE MATTEI 28 fede cattolica . 26 INDELLI 2010, p. 17. 27 INDELLI 2010, p. 17. 28 Già Arechi I, cui papa Gregorio Magno si rivolgeva con l'appellativo di "gloriosissimo GUSTAVO ADOLFO NOBILE MATTEI 93 ERCHEMPERTO, VIII. 94 ANONIMO SALERNITANO, XLIII. GUSTAVO ADOLFO NOBILE MATTEI 132
Tuve amor, y tengo honor. Vendetta e giustizia in un dramma di Calderón de la Barca SOMMARIO: 1. ... more Tuve amor, y tengo honor. Vendetta e giustizia in un dramma di Calderón de la Barca SOMMARIO: 1. Amore ed onore tra diritto e letteratura -2. I caratteri, le maschere -3. Il dramma dell'onore perduto -4. Lo specchio dell'onore.
in "Tra i Longobardi del Sud. Arechi II ed il Ducato di Benevento", a cura di M. Rotili, Padova 2017, pp.19-30
Omnes utriusque sexus studeant honeste vivere.
I Longobardi beneventani e lo jus gentium
Papers by Gustavo Adolfo Nobile Mattei
Edict of Rotari, not worthy of particular interest because they lack the innovative
capacity of Liutprand’s reforms. Historians have merely recognized in them a tendency to mitigate the previous approach, also by virtue of Christian influence. On closer examination, they show several points of interest on important issues such as thirty-year possession, servants’ tort, inheritance, and marriage. Grimoald’s statutes innovate the Edict without betraying tradition.
Edict of Rotari, not worthy of particular interest because they lack the innovative
capacity of Liutprand’s reforms. Historians have merely recognized in them a tendency to mitigate the previous approach, also by virtue of Christian influence. On closer examination, they show several points of interest on important issues such as thirty-year possession, servants’ tort, inheritance, and marriage. Grimoald’s statutes innovate the Edict without betraying tradition.