Papers by Guglielmo Bagella
The Ancient History Bulletin , 2015
Abstract: This article aims to give a new reading to the concluding events in Plutarch’s Crassus ... more Abstract: This article aims to give a new reading to the concluding events in Plutarch’s Crassus by employing a broader comparison between the Nicias and the Crassus in order to distinguish the historical facts from the literary artifices adopted by Plutarch (which, according to the author, help illuminate the nature of his characters).
Through a combination of Plutarch studies, neo-parthiká and ars militaris, I will attempt to expand the discourse identified by Braund (i.e., the link between Plutarch and Dionysus, Crassus and Bacchus) and develop the method put forth by Zadirojniy (on the “symmetry of polarities” use of Euripides in the Crassus and Nicias).

Questo lavoro si prefissa come obbiettivo di dare una nuova lettura della figura di Marco Crasso ... more Questo lavoro si prefissa come obbiettivo di dare una nuova lettura della figura di Marco Crasso rispetto a quella proposta da A. Garzetti, basandosi sugli studi di B. A. Marshall e A. M. Ward, a cui sono stati aggiunti gli ultimi studi sui Parti, ed introducendo una nuova trattazione sulla metodologia compositiva adottata da Plutarco per la Vita di Crasso. Questo studio si propone pertanto di delineare in maniera più marcata quali fossero gli obbiettivi politici di Marco Crasso e vorrebbe portare a una riconsiderazione delle dinamiche che causarono la sua sconfitta a Carre.
This work, based on studies by B. A. Marshall and A. M. Ward, aims to give a new view on M. Crassus' figure different
from A. Garzetti's one, adding the latest studies about Parthians and integrating the methodology adopted by Plutarch in writing the Life of Crassus. The goal of this study is therefore to better outline what were Marcus Crassus' political aims and to bring a reconsideration on dynamics that produced his defeat at Carrhae.
cat.N.2.24, Oxford Ashmolean Museum.
Papers by Guglielmo Bagella
Through a combination of Plutarch studies, neo-parthiká and ars militaris, I will attempt to expand the discourse identified by Braund (i.e., the link between Plutarch and Dionysus, Crassus and Bacchus) and develop the method put forth by Zadirojniy (on the “symmetry of polarities” use of Euripides in the Crassus and Nicias).
This work, based on studies by B. A. Marshall and A. M. Ward, aims to give a new view on M. Crassus' figure different
from A. Garzetti's one, adding the latest studies about Parthians and integrating the methodology adopted by Plutarch in writing the Life of Crassus. The goal of this study is therefore to better outline what were Marcus Crassus' political aims and to bring a reconsideration on dynamics that produced his defeat at Carrhae.
Through a combination of Plutarch studies, neo-parthiká and ars militaris, I will attempt to expand the discourse identified by Braund (i.e., the link between Plutarch and Dionysus, Crassus and Bacchus) and develop the method put forth by Zadirojniy (on the “symmetry of polarities” use of Euripides in the Crassus and Nicias).
This work, based on studies by B. A. Marshall and A. M. Ward, aims to give a new view on M. Crassus' figure different
from A. Garzetti's one, adding the latest studies about Parthians and integrating the methodology adopted by Plutarch in writing the Life of Crassus. The goal of this study is therefore to better outline what were Marcus Crassus' political aims and to bring a reconsideration on dynamics that produced his defeat at Carrhae.