Papers by Elvira Cicognani
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Apr 22, 2018
Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing... more Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.

Lupus, Sep 28, 2016
Objectives: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease which can affect a... more Objectives: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease which can affect any organ in the body, reducing patients' health-related quality of life (HR-QOL). Psychosocial research on SLE is quite recent and is mostly based on qualitative and cross-sectional evidence. Some studies suggest that a protective role is played by perceived self-efficacy in the management of the disease, while a detrimental role is played by problematic social interactions. Methods: In a longitudinal study, we tested the independent contribution of self-efficacy and problematic social support, in predicting patients' HR-QOL after 11 months. An online questionnaire was completed by 162 participants with SLE, the second questionnaire after 11 months. Results: Controlling for corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine use, self-efficacy in the management of the disease at Time 1 showed a significant and positive effect on HR-QOL at Time 2, while problematic social support (denying/uninformed) showed a negative effect. Conclusions: HR-QOL of SLE patients is influenced by self-efficacy in the management of the disease and problematic support. Specific attention should be paid to the quality of patients' social relationships and their perceived efficacy in the management of the disease in focused interventions as in daily clinical practice.

Value in Health, May 1, 2015
To assess the characteristics of SLE patients currently experiencing flares in Europe. METHODS: A... more To assess the characteristics of SLE patients currently experiencing flares in Europe. METHODS: A multi-center retrospective medical chart review of adult (16-89 yrs) SLE patients was conducted in 1Q2014 among rheumatologists/internal medicine physicians in UK/France/Germany/Italy/Spain (5EU). Physicians were recruited from a geographically representative sample in each country. Approx. 5 consecutive eligible persistent active or relapse remitting SLE patients currently managed as part of usual care were identified within the study observation window. Physicians abstracted de-identified patient data on disease characteristics, lab values and treatment patterns. Patient disease status and humanistic burden was assessed by physician per clinical judgment & patient interaction. Patients experiencing a flare were identified for analysis. RESULTS: 135 SLE patients who were experiencing flares were included in the analysis
Sustainability, Nov 25, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

This dataset contains the underlying data of the following article published in the Journal Healt... more This dataset contains the underlying data of the following article published in the Journal Health Education & Behaviour: Prati, G., Mazzoni, D., Guarino A., Albanesi, C., Cicognani, E., (in press) Evaluation of an Active Citizenship Intervention Based on Youth-Led Participatory Action Research. Health Education & Behaviour. The dataset consists of pretest-posttest control group quantitative data collected in Italy within Work Package 9 of the research project CATCH EyoU (Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European YOUth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions). The sample consists of 69 Italian adolescents (35 in the intervention group; 34 in the control group) from 10th/11th grade between 15 and 17 years old who participated in two waves of data collection (Ntot cases= 94). They participated in the study on a voluntary basis and filled paper and online questionnaires, before and after the implementation of a Youth - Participatory Action Research (YPAR) in school. The data was used to evaluate the impact of YPAR in terms of European identification, social well-being, institutional trust, participation and political alienation. In particular, the following variables are included: age, group (intervention vs. control), gender, national or ethnical citizenship, SES status, European identification, political alienation, institutional trust, participation, social wellbeing and attitudes towards Europe. This data is made available for open access in compliance with H2020 Program regulation, following the guidelines stipulated by the Data Management Plan adopted by the CATCH-EyoU research project

European Union Politics, Jul 2, 2019
Cross-border mobility has long been seen as a mechanism to promote a collective political identit... more Cross-border mobility has long been seen as a mechanism to promote a collective political identity; however, the results of empirical studies on young people have been inconsistent. The present work extends previous research on the effect of cross-border mobility by considering the effect of cross-border friendships drawing on the intergroup contact theory of Allport as well as the common ingroup identity model of Gaertner and Dovidio. This longitudinal study examines the role of cross-border friendships in the development of a sense of transnational political community that transcends national boundaries, i.e. the European Union. The results rely on a two-wave sample of 1294 Italian adolescents and young adults. Cross-border friendships significantly predicted identification as European, attitudes toward the European Union, political beliefs about the European Union, trust in the European Union, (negatively) political alienation, and political participation at the European level and intention to vote at the next European Parliament elections, even after including baseline levels of outcomes as well as relevant socio-demographic factors (i.e. gender, age, majority/minority status, educational qualification, parents' education level, family income, and socioeconomic status) in the model.
Third International Conference on Community Psychology, 2010

Lo studio degli effetti della familiarit\ue0 con qualcuno con HIV/AIDS sui comportamenti preventi... more Lo studio degli effetti della familiarit\ue0 con qualcuno con HIV/AIDS sui comportamenti preventivi \ue8 divenuto progressivamente pi\uf9 importante, sebbene i risultati riportati in letteratura non siano sempre coerenti tra loro. Scopo del presente studio era di esaminare la relazione tra familiarit\ue0 con qualcuno con HIV/AIDS e intenzione di usare il preservativo in un campione rappresentativo della popolazione italiana adulta. Lo studio si \ue8 basato su una revisione della Teoria del Comportamento Pianificato (TCP) che proponeva come mediatori della relazione tra familiarit\ue0 con qualcuno con HIV/AIDS e intenzione di usare il preservativo, i predittori classici della TCP (percezione di controllo, norme soggettive e atteggiamento verso il preservativo) e la percezione del rischio. Sono stati analizzati i dati provenienti da un campione di 2018 interviste telefoniche nelle quali si chiedeva, oltre alla familiarit\ue0 con qualcuno con HIV/AIDS, le conoscenze sull\u2019AIDS, la percezione del rischio AIDS/HIV e l\u2019intenzione di utilizzare il preservativo. Le analisi di mediazione hanno mostrato che la conoscenza di qualcuno con HIV/AIDS influenza l\u2019intenzione di usare il preservativo solo attraverso la riduzione della percezione del rischio. La percezione di controllo sull\u2019uso del preservativo e l\u2019atteggiamento verso il preservativo, accanto alla percezione del rischio, sono i pi\uf9 importanti predittori dell\u2019intenzione di proteggersi indipendentemente dalla conoscenza di qualcuno con HIV/AIDS. I risultati rappresentano una ulteriore conferma empirica della TCP.The influence of knowing someone with HIV/AIDS on HIV preventive behaviors has become increasingly relevant in the literature, with controversial findings. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowing someone with HIV/AIDS and intention to use condoms in a representative sample of the Italian adult population. Drawing on a revision of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), risk perception, behavioral control regarding condom use, attitude toward condom and subjective norms were proposed as mediators of the relationship between knowledge of someone with HIV/AIDS and intention to use condoms. Data from 2018 telephone interviews were analyzed. Questions included socio-demographic information, knowing someone with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS knowledge, HIV/AIDS perceived risk and intention to use condoms. The results of mediation models showed that knowing someone with HIV/AIDS had an indirect effect on intention to use condoms only through HIV risk perception, reducing it. Behavioral control over condom use, attitude toward condoms and risk perception were confirmed as the main predictors of intention to use condoms, providing further empirical support to TPB
The purpose of the intervention was to stimulate young people’s interest and engagement in Europe... more The purpose of the intervention was to stimulate young people’s interest and engagement in European affairs in schools. The core pedagogical idea was to build with schools an opportunity to involve ...

Lupus, 2021
Background Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use is associated with less disease activity, flares, damage ... more Background Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) use is associated with less disease activity, flares, damage and improved survival in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). However, its effect on patient reported health outcomes (PROs) such as quality of life (QOL) is not known. Methods International data from Study on Outcomes of Lupus (SOUL) from 2,161 SLE patients were compared by HCQ use. Disease activity and damage were assessed using SELENA-SLEDAI and SLICC-ACR/SDI. QOL was evaluated using LupusPRO and Lupus Impact Tracker (LIT). Linear regression analyses were performed with LupusPRO summary scores health related HRQOL, non-health related NHRQOL and LIT as dependent and HCQ use as independent variable. Analyses were undertaken to test mediation of effects of HCQ use on QOL through disease activity. Results Mean age was 40.5 ± 12.8 years, 93% were women. Sixty-three (1363/2161) percent were on HCQ. On univariate analysis, HCQ use was associated with (a) better QOL (LupusPRO-HRQOL: β 6.19, 95...

Il presente volume raccoglie i lavori presentati durante il XII congresso di SIPCO, “Le comunita ... more Il presente volume raccoglie i lavori presentati durante il XII congresso di SIPCO, “Le comunita Imperfette”, tenutosi a Palermo dal 7 al 9 giugno. I lavori che compongono questo volume raccontano la vita delle comunita e come la psicologia di comunita possa favorire la costruzione del bene comune e una qualita di vita degna di essere vissuta. Agli stimolanti e densi contributi di Gioacchino Lavanco e di Piero Amerio, seguono le ricche sessioni dedicate alla cittadinanza, l’engagement e l’apprendimento attivo, al disagio e alla marginalita, alla promozione della salute, alle minoranze e all’integrazione sociale, ai metodi e agli strumenti per la ricerca e l’intervento e, infine, un focus su famiglia, servizi e comunita. Chiudono il volume il workshop dedicato allo sviluppo degli spin-off accademici per agire nella comunita e la tavola rotonda dedicato al rapporto tra welfare di comunita e riforma del terzo settore.

The European health psychologist, 2017
Background: Patient engagement is recognized as a crucial component of high-quality healthcare se... more Background: Patient engagement is recognized as a crucial component of high-quality healthcare services. Among rheumatic diseases, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) appears particularly challenging for the engagement of patients in their own care. According to the Patient Health Engagement (PHE) model, patient engagement is a dynamic phenomenon that proceeds through four experiential positions (blackout, arousal, adhesion, and eudaimonic project). The aim of the present study was to describe the engagement process from the point of view and the experiences of SLE patients. Methods: Ten in-depth interviews and four focus groups were conducted with an international sample of SLE patients from different European countries. Transcripts were analysed through thematic content analysis. Findings: Results showed that a fully engaged patient results from reframing emotional, cognitive, and behavioural dimensions. The advances along the process depends on how the patient succeeds in each pos...

Social Psychological Bulletin, 2021
A substantial amount of literature has revealed gender gaps in political participation. However, ... more A substantial amount of literature has revealed gender gaps in political participation. However, little is known about such gaps when using more comprehensive measures of civic and political participation including online participation. In the present study, we recruited a sample (n = 1792) of young people living in Italy. Controlling for age, majority/minority status, socioeconomic status, respondents’ educational attainment, and parents’ educational attainment, we found that female participants reported higher scores on online and civic participation, while male participants were more likely to report political and activist participation. The effect size for these gender differences was small. In addition, we did not find any gender differences in voting behavior in the last European parliamentary elections, national parliamentary elections, and local elections. These findings highlight the need to move toward a more comprehensive and detailed picture of gender gaps in political e...
Peace Psychology Book Series, 2019

The Journal of Early Adolescence, 2020
Psychological sense of community among early adolescents has been investigated using instruments ... more Psychological sense of community among early adolescents has been investigated using instruments developed for adolescents/adults or ad hoc scales. The aim was to contribute to the validation of a scale of Sense of Community in Early Adolescents (SoC-EA) using a 3-year longitudinal study. Participants were 576 Italian students attending middle schools. Participants filled out a questionnaire 3 times, in the second term of their first, second, and third middle school years. Results provided support for a five-factor model and both bifactor and exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) models had excellent fit. The SoC-EA can be scored according to each subscale or a total score. In addition, the SoC-EA demonstrated (a) longitudinal measurement invariance across the middle school years; (b) good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and test-retest correlation across the 3 years; and (c) adequate construct validity. Findings support the use of the SoC-EA to measure sens...

Journal of Community Psychology, 2019
Community coalitions or intersectoral partnerships have long been advocated for the promotion of ... more Community coalitions or intersectoral partnerships have long been advocated for the promotion of population health. In the present study, we assessed the quality of the functioning of health promotion partnerships created within a large community health promotion program implemented by the Emilia‐Romagna region located in the north‐east of Italy (2014–2016). In particular, we aimed to test the effectiveness of partnership working in strengthening participants' empowerment, sense of community and ultimately, the outcomes of a well‐functioning partnership, conceptualized as including perceived effectiveness of health promotion interventions developed by the partnership, trust in their implementation and personal commitment in health promotion in the future. Participants were 238 stakeholders (e.g., health professionals, representatives of local administrations, teachers, representative of community and volunteer organizations, and citizens) formally included in six partnerships le...

Journal of Community Psychology, 2018
Previous studies have demonstrated the role of students’ school sense of community (i.e., emotion... more Previous studies have demonstrated the role of students’ school sense of community (i.e., emotional connection and bonds with other students at school and sense of belonging to the school as a community) in predicting well‐being (presence of positive feelings and positive functioning in life). Specifically, these studies have found that individual sense of community in the school is associated with well‐being. However, individual sense of community in the school does not constitute a school‐level characteristic, and the influence of sense of community at the school level on students’ well‐being was not investigated. To address this gap in the literature, we conducted a study investigating the influence of sense of community at the school level on students’ well‐being, using multilevel analysis. Our sample comprised 1,800 students (age ranged from 11 to 20 years) from public lower and upper secondary schools in Italy. Results showed that higher sense of community scores at the school...
Papers by Elvira Cicognani